genius evil

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
"Master, it's messed up outside now." A figure in black stood behind Master Quan and said softly.

Master Quan nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

Then, Master Quan picked up the teapot, filled the cups of the two people sitting across from him with tea, and said respectfully, "You two, please drink tea."

The two people sitting opposite Master Quan, one old and one young, were both wearing white robes, and their appearance looked a little weird.

But to Lord Quan, the most weird thing was the methods of these two people.

Just this afternoon, when these two people appeared in front of him and ordered him to do something for them in a domineering tone, Master Quan's first reaction was anger.

Who is he?
No. 1 in the underground world of Yilan City, with a louder tone, it is not an exaggeration to claim to be the underground emperor of Yilan City.

But these two guys who came out of nowhere actually asked him to do something in an orderly tone. How could Master Quan bear it, and he drew his gun and wanted to kill these two people.

After Master Quan took out the gun, what happened next is destined to be unforgettable for Master Quan for the rest of his life.

Because, he had just drawn out the gun, before he could pull the trigger, a knife appeared in front of him, the blade flashed past, and the empty sleeve of his right hand fell to the ground.

The knife came out faster than he could pull the trigger.

Master Quan believed that if the knife had been cut on his neck, he probably didn't even have a chance to draw a gun, so his body would be in a different place.

Such two people cannot be treated carelessly by Master Quan, especially after these two people moved out of the identity of the Bai family in Tiannan City, Master Quan dared not neglect them even more.

It must be known that even though his master Quan was doing well in Yilan City, compared to the Bai family, the first family in Tiannan City, that is undoubtedly the difference between an ant and an elephant.

If the Bai family doesn't move him, it's enough. If they move his words, they just stretch out their fingers, and they will crush him to death.

"The Bauhinia Society, when will the results come out?" asked the young white-robed man.

"If nothing else happens, tonight, the Bauhinia Society will cease to exist." Master Quan said cautiously.

"Oh, what if there is an accident?" The young man in white robe asked with a faint smile.

"Unless...unless Jiang Chen intervenes, otherwise, there will be no accident." Master Quan said hastily.

What these two people told him to do was to destroy the Bauhinia Society.

On the surface, the Bauhinia Society belongs to Tang Tian, ​​but Master Quan knows very clearly that it can be regarded as Jiang Chen’s in fact. If there is no Jiang Chen, just Tang Tian and a Shuang’er, it’s just a small fight, and it’s hard to make a big deal .

The extermination of the Bauhinia Society started with Ah Jin's death, and it can even be said that it was Ah Jin's death that ignited the fight between the two sides!

Master Quan would not regret killing Ah Jin at all.

Jiang Chen forced him several times, and Ah Jin flinched several times, how could Master Quan fail to see that Ah Jin was rebellious?

What I have to say is that the degree of coincidence of several things this time makes Master Quan feel a little unbelievable.

Qiu Shaojie was stabbed by a pig butcher, and the conflict arose. He just took advantage of the situation and found someone to kill Ah Jin. As expected, all the people under Ah Jin went crazy. .

Naturally, it was still difficult for Ajin's people to deal with the Bauhinia Society, and Master Quan secretly arranged his own people to fish in troubled waters.

So this time, on the surface, it was Ah Jin's subordinates who wanted to avenge Ah Jin, but in fact, Master Quan was fighting against the Bauhinia Society with all his strength.

"Jiang Chen?" Hearing the sound, the young white-robed man gave a disdainful smile, and said, "It's just a dying person, so nothing to worry about."

"What do you mean?" Master Quan was taken aback for a moment.

"Otherwise, what do you think we are doing in Yilan City?" The young white-robed man sneered and said, "A mere Bauhinia Society that doesn't have a reputation is not qualified to let us come to Yilan City."

"They are here to kill Jiang Chen." Master Quan's heart moved quietly, and then Master Quan's heart was full of fire.

If the Bauhinia will be wiped out, and these two people really killed Jiang Chen, wouldn't he be able to cover the sky with one hand in the future?
"Jiang Chen doesn't intervene. If he dares to intervene, he doesn't have to wait for tomorrow. Tonight is his death day." The indifferent, young white-robed man said again.

"You two, do you have enmity with Jiang Chen?" Master Quan asked curiously.

"It's just killing one person, do you need a reason?" The young white-robed man asked in displeasure.

Master Quan choked up his words, and smiled apologetically, "I'm talking too much."

"In any case, Bauhinia must disappear after tonight, otherwise, you will die." With a cold snort, the young man in white robe said coldly.

"I don't quite understand something." Just as the young man in white robe finished speaking, a voice rang out in the living room.

"What do you mean?" the young man in white robe said impatiently.

"What I don't understand is that it's fine if you want to kill me, why do you want to destroy the Bauhinia Society?" the voice asked leisurely.

"Huh?" Looking up, the young white-robed man followed the sound, only to realize that it was not Master Quan who asked him the question, but a young man.

"Jiang Chen!"

At this time, Master Quan also saw the young man, his eyes flickered slightly, and he reminded him.

"So you are Jiang Chen." The young man in white robe looked at Jiang Chen like that, and suddenly became sharper.

"You are here to kill me, yet you don't even know who I am, are you an idiot?" Jiang Chen swore, and walked into the living room swaggeringly.

"I'm just a little surprised that you will come here. It seems that you can't wait to find death." The young white-robed man said mockingly.

"It seems that you are really an idiot. As for why I came here, don't you know?" Jiang Chen looked at the young white-robed man with pity and said.

Then, without waiting for the young white-robed man to reply, Jiang Chen said again: "Well, you haven't answered my question yet, hurry up, don't babble."

"Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like that, you're courting death." The young white-robed man slapped the table and stood up.

"Looking at you two sneaking around, with your unscrupulous and unreliable faces, who else could it be besides the idiots of Baishanmen?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

Jiang Chen came to find Master Quan, and it must be said that the appearance of these two guys somewhat surprised Jiang Chen.

Of course, it wouldn't be too much of a surprise, after all, Jiang Chen already knew that the people from the Baishan Gate would come to Yilan City to kill him.

What surprised Jiang Chen was, how did the people from Baishanmen get involved with Master Quan, and did such a big thing!
"Oh, you actually know that we are from the Baishan Gate." The young white-robed man looked at Jiang Chen with a look of inquiry, and the implication was an indirect acknowledgment that they did. The people of Baishan Gate.

"This doesn't seem to be a very remarkable thing." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"But it's enough to surprise me. It seems that you know a lot about the Bai family. It's a pity that you are too stupid. Now that you know the relationship between the Bai family and our Baishan Gate, you dare to provoke me!" The young man in white robe , said slowly.

"You made a mistake. I didn't provoke the Bai family, but the Bai family provoked me." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

How could this guy just open his mouth and talk nonsense?
It's not like he's full and has nothing to do, so what's the point of provoking the Bai family?
If it wasn't for that day, when he appeared in front of him with a face full of self-consciousness, who would know what the Bai family is?
"What does it matter? Whether the Bai family provokes you or you provoke the Bai family, it's a dead end anyway." The young white-robed man said nonchalantly.

"Oh, then, before I die, can you answer me why you want to destroy the Bauhinia Society?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.


Perhaps Jiang Chen's style of painting changed too quickly, making it difficult for people to adapt. The young man in white robe looked at Jiang Chen like that, and it became a bit weird.

"Naturally because of profit." The old man in white robe who had been silent all this time said.

He looked at Jiang Chen, as if he thought Jiang Chen was quite interesting, and with a slight smile on his face, he continued, "The Bauhinia Society exists because of you, and you are going to die, so what is the need for the Bauhinia Society to exist?" ? Simply let me take over the underground world of Yilan City at the Baishan Gate."

"I understand." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Then, just answer one more question for me, have you two figured out how to die?" Jiang Chen asked again solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, I will definitely give you a very miserable death." The young white-robed man said through gritted teeth.

"It turns out that you need a miserable death. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not unsatisfactory, how about you?" Jiang Chen looked at the white-robed old man and said.

"You are very confident." The old man in white robe said in a deep voice.

"It's not a matter of self-confidence, but a matter of me having to kill you two." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

These two guys are here to kill him. If he doesn't want to die, he can only send them to die. It has nothing to do with self-confidence.

Of course, Jiang Chen still has a little confidence in his own killing methods.

"You still want to kill the two of us in a whimsical way, and die to me." The young man in white robe shook his hand, took a long knife at hand, and slashed at Jiang Chen with one blow.

"You are the one who died!" With a slash, Jiang Chen advanced instead of retreating. With a single movement of his feet, he appeared in front of the young white-robed man, raised his hand, and slapped him on the top of his head.

"Be careful." The old man in white robe shouted in a low voice, and at the same time, there was an extra knife in his hand.

The sword is like the wind, and it cuts Jiang Chen straight.


Jiang Chen's slap slapped the young white-robed man's celestial cover, and the sound it made was as if it was slapped on a crisp watermelon.

After a slap, Jiang Chen's feet moved again, and he moved sideways for a few steps, barely avoiding the knife of the white-robed old man.

Even so, the clothes on Jiang Chen's back were still cut by a sharp blade, the clothes were torn, and the exposed skin had blood oozing faintly!
"Good saber technique." Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

The white-robed old man was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect Jiang Chen to slap the young white-robed man to death so quickly.

"Jiang Chen, you deserve to die." Anger burst out from the depths of his throat, and the old man in white robe made a hideous sound...

(End of this chapter)

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