genius evil

Chapter 315 I know how to kill better than you

Chapter 315 I know how to kill better than you

"Damn it?" Jiang Chen smiled, "If you put this on you, it's not true at all. You really deserve to be damned."

Jiang Chen didn't show much anger, but that didn't mean Jiang Chen wasn't angry!
Winning him over during the day is not enough to suppress him, but not enough to suppress him is to wipe him out, and from the act of destroying the Bauhinia Society, the Bai family is tantamount to wiping out his influence in Yilan City!
Whether it is the Bai Family or the Baishan Gate, Jiang Chen cannot be tolerated, so how can Jiang Chen tolerate them?
The so-called damn, from a different standpoint, wouldn't they also deserve to die in Jiang Chen's heart?

"Go to hell with me." The old man in white robe drew out his knife, and slashed horizontally in anger, wishing he could split Jiang Chen in half with one knife.

The seemingly messy sword technique due to anger is actually a hidden mystery, the sword is like a rainbow, opening and closing.

Naturally, in terms of Jiang Chen's knowledge, such a little mystery is really too childish.

To put it bluntly, this is simply playing big swords in front of Guan Gong!

Following the trajectory of the blade, Jiang Chen moved his feet quickly, and with a twist of his figure, he was already approaching the white-robed old man. He clenched his fist and punched the yellow dragon directly at the white-robed old man's chest.


The white-robed old man retracted the saber, and slashed at Jiang Chen's right hand.

Jiang Chen shrank his wrist, turned his fist into a palm, and slapped it under the blade.


A crisp tremor sounded, piercing the eardrums.

"Jiang Chen, you are really good. No wonder even Lao Li accidentally fell for your tricks. But I want to see if you can escape me a few times." The white-robed old man said gloomyly.

"You talk a lot of nonsense." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You—" the white-robed old man was almost breathless in anger.

Did he talk a lot of crap?

It's obviously Jiang Chen, from the moment he appeared, he chattered endlessly, talking nonsense, like a chatterbox, how could this guy have the nerve to say that he talks a lot of nonsense?
Shameless?Can't it be a little bit lower?
"Can you stop talking?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied, with an extremely disgusted expression on his face.


The old man in white robe roared angrily, so mad with hatred that his lungs were about to be blown off by Jiang Chen.

"Boy, your death is not a pity." The white-robed old man screamed sharply. The long knife in his hand was as fast as lightning, and he brought a sharp edge and slashed at Jiang Chen.

The old man in white robe swore that after Jiang Chen died, he would definitely chop Jiang Chen into eight pieces, no, it would be 16 yuan, otherwise it would not be enough to relieve his hatred.

"I said stop talking, why are you talking so much nonsense, can you kill people happily?" Jiang Chen spoke slowly.

The speaking speed was very slow, but when Jiang Chen started to move, he used the free step, but the speed was extremely fast.

It was almost as if the old man in white robe had just struck a knife, when Jiang Chen's fist appeared right under the nose of the old man in white robe.

"What an astonishing speed." The old man in white robe was taken aback, and instinctively stepped back.

But even though the white-robed old man's reaction was fast enough, compared to Jiang Chen's speed, it was still too slow.


Jiang Chen punched the bridge of the nose of the white-robed old man, and the white-robed old man immediately had a nosebleed.

After one punch, Jiang Chen punched again, and this punch still hit the bridge of the nose of the white-robed old man.


Accompanied by the sound of punches and the slight sound of bone shattering, the face of the white-robed old man was deformed, the entire bridge of the nose collapsed in, and his old face was covered with blood!

The old man in white robe looked crazy, he never thought that he would suffer such a big loss, Jiang Chen shot too fast, really too fast.

Obviously the strength is not as good as him, but the speed greatly makes up for Jiang Chen's disadvantage. The knife in his hand is like a decoration under Jiang Chen's speed. To Jiang Chen, it is a little threat nothing.


Two fists came out, and hit the temples on both sides of the white-robed old man. The white-robed old man swayed, staggered and fell backwards, holding the knife in his hand, barely supporting his body from falling.

The temples on both sides seemed to be smashed by two big hammers. The white-robed old man was dizzy and his consciousness was in chaos.And there was blood seeping from the ears on both sides!
"How did this happen? Why—" the white-robed old man muttered to himself vaguely.

Even if Jiang Chen was faster than him, how could he lose so badly?

"There's no reason, it's worthless to put it bluntly, it's just that I know how to kill people better than you." Jiang Chen said lazily, curling his lips.

"Know how to kill better than me?" The old man in white robe was stunned.

Jiang Chen said he knew how to kill better than him?
It wasn't that he didn't believe Jiang Chen's words, but how could he believe Jiang Chen's words?
Jiang Chen was only so old, he was only around, and he was still a high school student. Even if he had killed a few people for some reason, how could it be said that he knew how to kill better than him.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me, so I'm in a pretty good mood today, so I'll give you a little test." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Before the words fell, Jiang Chen made another shot, which was also the last time.

With a punch, the heart of the white-robed old man was violently blasted, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from the white-robed old man's mouth in an instant.

Blood sprayed like rain, and the body of the white-robed old man was impacted by Jiang Chen's punch, like a cannonball, flew backwards, and fell heavily to the ground without a sound.

"Ancient martial arts cultivators do have some extraordinary features, but it's a pity that your speed is too slow, and it's even more a pity that your saber skills are nothing to show for." Looking at the white-robed old man's body, Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

Jiang Chen had fought against a hedgehog with a third-level cultivation in Houtian. The young man in white robes was almost at the same level of cultivation as the hedgehog, and the old man in white robes, from Jiang Chen's point of view, was almost at the fifth level of acquired days. At least a strong man who is infinitely close to the fifth level of acquired cultivation.

But a high cultivation level does not mean a strong combat power. In a battle, everything changes rapidly. Jiang Chen's cultivation level is indeed not high, but his vision is so high, his combat experience is so rich, and his killing methods are so good. The fierceness... These are things that the white-robed old man can't catch up with in his whole life.

The old man in white robe thought that his death was too unjust, but in Jiang Chen's view, such a result was nothing more than a matter of course.

Of course, this time he was able to kill the white-robed old man, but Jiang Chen would not be so arrogant as to think that with his cultivation of the third level of Body Tempering, he could sweep the ancient martial arts cultivation of the fourth and even the fifth level of the acquired body. By.

There will always be some people whose combat effectiveness cannot be evaluated simply by their cultivation base. There are such evildoers in the cultivation world, and there may be such evildoers among ancient martial arts practitioners!

After saying that, Jiang Chen turned his gaze and landed on Master Quan.

It seemed like a long time had passed since Jiang Chen killed two people in a row, but the whole process took less than 2 minutes.

In 2 minutes, the two men in white robes died, and Master Quan's heart also fell to the bottom.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Master Quan said shyly, his eyes flickering.

"Kill you." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"No, you can't kill me. I killed Ah Jin, so it can be said that I avenged you." Master Quan said hastily.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen frowned.

Then Master Quan said quickly: "Jiang Chen, do you remember that you once met a sniper, maybe you don't know, that sniper was A Jin who asked to kill you."

Jiang Chen smiled.

He has always been skeptical about this matter. After all, the timing of the sniper named Dongbao's appearance was too coincidental, and the messenger behind the scenes pointed directly at A Jin.

However, because there was no evidence, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to attack A Jin, but he did not expect that this matter could be confirmed from Master Quan's mouth.

"If that's the case, it seems that I should thank you." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Jiang Chen's smile made Master Quan's scalp tingle, and Master Quan said, "Jiang Chen, I don't need you to thank me, as long as you don't kill me, that's enough."

"Not killing you, this one reason is not enough. Besides, you seem to have forgotten one thing." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"What's the matter?" Master Quan asked puzzled.

"The Meng family was silenced." Jiang Chen looked at Master Quan and said.

The Meng family was silenced overnight, because of the conflict between him and the Meng family, the suspicion could not be cleared. After entering the detention room, the Song family was first mobilized to take action, and then the ground group was alarmed. Jiang Chen has always been in this matter. Keep it all in mind.

Some accounts are not counted, but the time has not come!
"This matter was also done by A Jin." With his eyebrows twitching, Master Quan said in a hurry.

"That guy Ah Jin really did a lot of bad things." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Chen, to tell you the truth, that Ah Jin was rebellious and wanted to replace me in Yilan City. The reason why I killed him this time is also a big reason." Master Quan said Said with a sincere face.

"An unfaithful person deserves to die." Jiang Chen nodded.

Seeing Jiang Chen's nodding action, Master Quan heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Jiang Chen would not believe his words. As long as Jiang Chen believed, then Jiang Chen would have no reason to kill him.

Only in that way, he could recover his life from Jiang Chen's hands.

"Unfortunately, I don't believe a single word of your words." Jiang Chen said again after changing the subject.

"You—" Master Quan stared at Jiang Chen dumbfounded.

"Killing, sometimes, there is no need for a reason, even if everything you say is true, so what?" Jiang Chen said mockingly.

"No!" Master Quan yelled, in his left hand, there was an extra pistol, and the dark muzzle was aimed at Jiang Chen.

"Actually, I lied to you." Jiang Chen smiled teasingly, "If you are not guilty, you can be justified, so now, you can really die."

With a flick of his wrist, a silver needle flew out of Jiang Chen's palm, and sank silently into Master Quan's heart.


Master Quan spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground with a bang.

Without even looking at Master Quan's body, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and called Tang Tian: "Master Quan is dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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