genius evil

Chapter 316 Roll over and die

Chapter 316 Roll over and die
"Master Quan is dead!"

In a word, the phone was hung up. Tang Tian held the phone and stared for a while, then yelled cheerfully, jumped up from the sofa, her long white legs could catch people's eyes Akira flower.

"Shuang'er, Master Quan is dead." Tang Tian said happily to Shuang'er.

Shuang'er was startled, and immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Ah Jin died, and his subordinates frantically avenged him. What they relied on was Master Quan, the biggest backer... and now, this biggest backer has collapsed. Next, what will happen to the underground world of Yilan City? , it is easy to see!
"Shuang'er, hurry up and call that fellow Gong Xi, and ask him to spread the news of Master Quan's death. Tonight, I, the Bauhinia Society, will rule the world. I, Tang Tian, ​​will be the underworld queen of Yilan City from now on. From now on, don't call me Miss, but call me Your Lady the Empress." Tang Tian said happily.

The corner of Shuang'er's mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Miss."

"It's Her Majesty the Empress." Tang Tian corrected.

"Okay, Miss." Shuang'er nodded and asked, "Miss, why don't you call Gong Xi yourself?"

"Because I want to call Jiang Chen." Tang Tian said as a matter of course.

"Miss, you may be very tired tonight." Shuang'er kindly reminded.

"Didn't I call Jiang Chen to come over and have sex... No, Shuang'er, do I look like such a horny woman?" Tang Tian asked belatedly.

"Miss, I think you are." Shuang'er said seriously.

In front of Jiang Chen, Tang Tian was absolutely hungry and thirsty, dissatisfied with desires anytime and anywhere, this matter cannot be denied, and it cannot be denied, because this is an iron-like fact.

"No, no, no, I'm a pure girl, okay? Shuang'er, tell me, should I ask Jiang Chen to come over and have sex? Oh, is it a celebration?" Tang Tian asked pretendingly.

Shuang'er's head is full of black lines, don't turn your head away.

"Shuang'er, why don't you answer my question? If you don't answer, you are acquiescing, right? Then I called Jiang Chen." Tang Tian said with a smile.

While talking, he picked up his cell phone and dialed Jiang Chen's cell phone number.

After a while, Tang Tian said with a depressed face: "Damn Jiang Chen, he didn't answer my phone."

"Miss, you don't seem to get through." Shuang'er said speechlessly.

Tang Tian called Jiang Chen as soon as she wanted to, but she turned on the external voice, but the other side indicated that she was on the phone, which made Shuang'er's small face twitch, and she almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Anyway, I didn't answer my call." Tang Tian said angrily.

Then Tang Tian said again: "Shuang'er, have you called Gong Xi yet? No, then I'll call in person."

Tang Tian called Gong Xi, and immediately said, "Gong Xi, are you dead?"

Gong Xi was puzzled, wondering who would be answering the phone if I died, but still said respectfully, "Sister-in-law, I'm not dead yet."

"Hurry up if you're not dead, and kill a few more people. Besides, Master Quan is dead, spread the news." Tang Tian tossed a word to Gong Xi, and hung up the phone.


Jiang Chen's cell phone was in a call state. After he made a call to Tang Tian, ​​he made a second call. This call was to Tian Tian.

When he received Jiang Chen's call during the day, the corner of his mouth had a playful expression.

In the early days, in order to win Jiang Chen over, he left Jiang Chen a business card to call him when he was in trouble... He waited for a long time, and Jiang Chen never called him.

But tonight, Jiang Chen's phone call came in, which didn't make Bai Tian feel happy.

"Uncle Li, what do you think Jiang Chen is calling this for?" He didn't rush to answer the phone during the day, he picked up a cut cigar at hand, stuffed it into his mouth, lit a match slowly, and took a puff. After that, he asked slowly.

"Probably came to beg for mercy." Uncle Li sneered.

Jiang Chen slapped him a few times, but he always kept it in mind.

"Oh, if Jiang Chen really came to beg for mercy, should I let him go?" Tilting his head, he asked during the day.

"Bai Shao, there are some opportunities, if you miss it, you miss it." Uncle Li reminded.

Let Jiang Chen go?
Uncle Li sneered in his heart, even if Bai Tian deliberately let Jiang Chen go, then he would find a way to make Bai Tian dispel this idea.

"You're right. Opportunities are fleeting. There are no chances to come back in life." Bai Tian chuckled, picked up his phone and connected the call.


Jiang Chen was extremely impatient for this phone call, and when he spoke, his voice was extremely cold and severe.

"What can you do for me?" He exhaled a puff of smoke and said casually during the day.

"Is it related to you that the people from the Baishan Gate came to look for me?" Jiang Chen asked directly without making any excuses.

"So what?" Bai Tian said noncommittally.

"You just need to admit it." Jiang Chen smiled, and the words he said were without any fumes, "I'll give you one day, before this time tomorrow, roll in front of me and suffer your death."

"What did you say?" Startled, Bai Tian opened his mouth, and with a snap, the cigar in his mouth fell to the ground.

"If you think you have too much time, I'll give you half a day. Remember, if you don't come, I don't mind at all. I'll go directly to Tiannan City." Jiang Chen said coldly .

"Those two people from Baishan Gate, what did you do to them?" Baishan was no fool, and soon realized that something was wrong.

It would be fine if Jiang Chen called him to beg for mercy, but it was actually to threaten him, which made Bai Tian feel bad.

"It's okay, it's just slaughtered." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You killed them?" Tian Tian couldn't control his voice and yelled.

The strength of that white-robed old man was known during the day. Gu Wu's cultivation base of the fourth floor of Houtian was only one step away from breaking through to the fifth floor of Houtian, which was better than that of Uncle Li. Jiang Chen killed him, which made him unbelievable.

Uncle Li next to him, when he heard Bai Tian's words, his expression changed suddenly, his eyes bulged, and it was obviously difficult to accept such a result.

"Jiang Chen, aren't you afraid of being retaliated by Baishanmen?" Panting heavily, Baishan asked again.

"You think the Baishan Gate can protect you? Can it protect the Bai family?" Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

"Say it again, if I don't see you appearing in front of me before this point tomorrow, you will die, and the Bai family will be destroyed." Jiang Chen hung up the phone after he left the next sentence.

"I'm dead? The Bai family is destroyed?" Holding the phone, his face was cloudy and uncertain during the day.


A naked threat!

This level of nakedness caused palpitations during the day, and even a layer of cold sweat oozed from the back, soaking the clothes.

Under normal circumstances, whenever he sweated a little, he would definitely take a shower as soon as possible during the day, but now, he didn't even notice that his back was sweating, and he just grabbed the phone, holding it tighter and tighter.

Finally, the phone couldn't bear the force in his hand, twisted and deformed, and fell apart.


Raising his hand during the day, he smashed a pile of mobile phone parts viciously to the ground.

"Damn it, Jiang Chen, you should die." With red eyes and red ears, he cursed angrily during the day.

"Young Master Bai, what happened?" Uncle Li hurriedly asked, he didn't know exactly what Jiang Chen and Bai Tian said on the phone.

But looking at Bai Tian's reaction, it's not difficult for Uncle Li to guess that it would definitely not be a good word.

"He asked me to take the initiative to go to Yilan City to die. If I don't go, my Bai family will be destroyed." Bai Tian said panting.

"What a big tone, is Jiang Chen crazy?" Uncle Li was furious.

"Is it loud?" Bai Tian smiled wryly.

The Bai family, the first family in Tiannan City; during the day, the number one eldest child in Tiannan City!

In the past, he was the only one who threatened others during the day. When had he been threatened, let alone threatened to die.

But what seemed impossible on the surface, now actually happened.

Moreover, it seemed that Jiang Chen was crazy, but Tiantian knew that this time, he had stabbed a beetle's nest!
"Uncle Li, call the Baishan Gate and ask them to send someone over, Jiang Chen must die." Bai Tian said sharply.

"Young Master Bai, I'm worried that the Baishan Gate won't be able to deal with Jiang Chen." Uncle Li said helplessly.

"What do you mean? Could it be that Jiang Chen is so powerful?" Asked in astonishment during the day.

"Young Master Bai, among the two people who went to kill Jiang Chen this time, one of them was only one step away from the cultivation level of Gu Wu's Houtian fifth level, and in the Baishan Gate, except for the sect master, the rest of the people had the highest cultivation level. But only the cultivation of the fifth floor of the day after tomorrow. And the sect master is walking alone in the outer cloud, but we can't get in touch for the time being. When we get in touch in the future, in terms of time, it will be too late." Uncle Li reminded with a wry smile.

The master of the Baishan Gate is the seventh-level cultivation base of Houtian. It is said that he has been practicing outside in order to challenge the cultivation base of the eighth-level Houtian.

In terms of the strength of the head of the Baishan Gate, if he did it himself, killing Jiang Chen would be as easy as killing a chicken. However, in the Baishan Gate now, the highest cultivation level is only the cultivation base of the fifth floor of Houtian.

Uncle Li doesn't have much confidence in killing Jiang Chen with such a cultivation base.

"Call first." Said anxiously during the day.

"Young Master Bai, there is one more thing. When the Baishanmen formed an alliance with our Bai family, they promised to help my Bai family three times unconditionally. Now, with the addition of this time, Young Master Bai, you invited them to kill Jiang Chen. The three opportunities have been used up. If you do, it will cost you a lot of money." Uncle Li said.

"No matter how high the price is, is it possible that it is more important than my life in the daytime? Even if I give them all of my Bai family's property, so what?" Bai Tian roared.

The person Jiang Chen threatened was him. Of course Uncle Li was relaxed, but he didn't want to die at all. In order to live, he would not hesitate to pay no matter how high the price was!

"Yes." Uncle Li lowered his head slightly, took out his cell phone and started making calls.During the day, he also took out his mobile phone to call his father and grandfather.

This night, the Bai family is destined to have no peace.

(End of this chapter)

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