genius evil

Chapter 317 A Superficial Man Who Only Likes Beautiful Women

Chapter 317 A Superficial Man Who Only Likes Beautiful Women
in the morning.

The wind blows, and the blue waves are rippling in the Weiming Lake.

Jiang Chen lay on the grass and fell asleep with his hands behind his head.

Occasionally someone passed by, and they just took a look at it from a distance and then quickly walked away... On that day, Jiang Chen threw several guys into the lake in one breath. He was notorious, and everyone in Yilan Middle School knew about it. In Yilan Middle School, in addition to the teacher who cannot be messed with, there is another existence that is even more difficult to mess with than the teacher.

This existence is Jiang Chen!

A guy who has nothing to do all day long, other people are in class, and he is here to bask in the sun and sleep.

A figure was walking on the cobblestone path by the lake.

She walked very slowly, admiring the scenery by the lake while walking, she didn't care at all when the wind messed up her hair. Fly all over the sky!
It's just that the wind messed up the hair, but messed up other people's hearts.

A few minutes later, she saw a figure lying on the grass, walking over slowly without stopping.

"You're here." Jiang Chen said with a mutter.

"You knew I would come?" she asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but you are here." Jiang Chen said casually.

The seemingly inexplicable words made the corner of her mouth hold a touching smile, that smile was like melting ice and snow, like spring flowers blooming, and it was so beautiful.

She said: "The scenery here is very good, especially the place you chose. The willows hang low and the view is wide. The water is picturesque from close up, and the sky and water meet in the distance, which is pleasing to the eye."

"Your angle is wrong." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Oh?" She looked at Jiang Chen.

"The scenery here is actually very ordinary when you stand up, but you will see the real beauty when you lie down and look at it. Do you want to try it?" Jiang Chen laughed, his voice full of bewilderment.

"Can I take this as your invitation?" She said without being pretentious. She lay down beside Jiang Chen, and followed Jiang Chen's example, using her hands as pillows behind her head.

However, she didn't try to lie down and look at the scenery of Weiming Lake, and closed her eyes bit by bit.

"I spend most of my 24 hours a day sleeping, and the rest of the time, I'm getting ready for sleep... For me, sleeping is like a homework that must be done every day. Homework After the arrangement is completed, I must complete it on time and according to the quantity.”

"Sleep is rest and enjoyment for others. I don't know when I have regarded it as a nightmare in my life. The nightmare is like a shackle, suffocating me."

She was talking, and when she got to this point, she paused slightly and sighed softly.

"For the first time, I realized that lying down can be so easy and relaxing. Jiang Chen, on this matter, I want to thank you." She said solemnly.

"You feel relaxed, you feel relaxed, probably because the scenery here is really good, or maybe, you have never done such a thing before." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Maybe you're right." After a short silence, she said.

"Have you figured it out?" Suddenly, Jiang Chen said.

"I didn't figure it out." She shook her head.

"Then you shouldn't come, you know, I won't welcome you." Jiang Chen said a little unhappy.

"I didn't figure it out, I came anyway because I was afraid of death," she said.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen stretched out a hand, grabbed her arm, and pulled her into his embrace.

She was lying on Jiang Chen's body, her blue hair was hanging down, falling on Jiang Chen's face, the scattered blue hair could not cover her glamorous eyes.

The fair neck was lifted up, presenting a slightly labored angle, trying to maintain the distance between the two breaths, in a condescending manner, she just looked at him like that.

Just watching, he was not angry because of Jiang Chen's rude behavior, nor was he annoyed because of the ambiguous close contact with Jiang Chen's body.

Her bright eyes seemed to contain thousands of different emotions, but it seemed that there was no emotion at all.

She looked at Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen also looked at her.

What Jiang Chen looked at was her eyes, not a passionate woman, but had a pair of passionate eyes, or she was originally a passionate woman, but was tortured by the ruthless reality into a ruthless person.

"Sleeping Beauty, you have said the wrong thing. You are not afraid of death, but you are afraid that I will not die." Jiang Chen said slightly jokingly.

"If you die, I will die," she said.

"You're wrong again. I'm dead, but you may not die. Of course, if you want to be buried for me, I will definitely not stop you." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"This joke is not funny at all." Sleeping Beauty said blankly.

"To be honest, the joke you made with me is really not funny." Jiang Chen reached out to grab Sleeping Beauty's chin, and gently exerted force.

The tender skin, which seemed to be puddled with a pinch, changed color at Jiang Chen's fingertips, leaving a few light red streaks on the white and greasy skin.

But Jiang Chen didn't let go out of pity, but pinched harder, making the red mark deeper.

"It hurts!" Sleeping Beauty angrily.

"Know pain, know anger?" Jiang Chen smiled, loosened his fingers, and said, "Do you understand that you are gambling? If I don't die, you will lose nothing."

"I won't admit it." Sleeping Beauty shook her head.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, anyway, you and I know it well." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Then when will you start treating me?" Sleeping Beauty looked into Jiang Chen's eyes and asked.

"Don't be so anxious, wait until the grievances between me and the Bai family and that Baishan gate are resolved, and then I will treat you slowly." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The timing of the Sleeping Beauty's appearance was so coincidental, it was so coincidental that Jiang Chen couldn't think much about it.

He had just killed two people from Baishanmen, and broke with the Bai family. Sleeping Beauty appeared in Yilan City, and the only thing he was worried about was that he would die at the hands of Baishanmen.

Sleeping Beauty said she was afraid of death, and it was true.

After all, if she wasn't afraid of death, she wouldn't have appeared.

But while she was afraid of death, she was undoubtedly more afraid that he would not die. If he did not die, Sleeping Beauty would become his woman.Such a result may not be what Sleeping Beauty is willing to bear.

In this way, Jiang Chen had a little appreciation for this woman's scheming and foresight. Such an opportunity was really well grasped and utilized too well.

Sleeping Beauty still looked into Jiang Chen's eyes, as if she wanted to see Jiang Chen through Jiang Chen's eyes.

She doesn't hide her purpose, and she never admits her purpose. Jiang Chen can see that it's Jiang Chen's ability.

But Jiang Chen's last words made her feel uneasy.

"Is my illness bothersome?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

"It's not that your illness is troublesome, it's just that you are too troublesome." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

Sleeping Beauty smiled wryly, and said, "Don't you worry about Baishanmen's revenge at all? With your current ability, in my opinion, it is impossible to fight against Baishanmen."

"Of course I am worried about this issue, but now, there is one more person who is worried for me." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

Sleeping Beauty was silent, she knew that the person Jiang Chen was talking about was her.

That's right, since Jiang Chen said that after settling the grievances with Baishanmen, she was treating her illness, so she had to worry about Jiang Chen's safety.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen died, and she herself would not be far from death.

It can be said that Sleeping Beauty has pinned all her hopes of living on Jiang Chen. I don't have much confidence in how my medical skills are, and even that confidence is estimated to be less than ten percent.

But she couldn't give up.

The increase of the reward from one hundred million to one billion did not result in a satisfactory response, but instead pushed Sleeping Beauty to the brink of despair.

She was spending money to buy her own life, and when she couldn't buy it no matter how much money she spent, she could only pin her hopes on Jiang Chen, even if such hopes were still illusory.

"I want you to treat me as soon as possible, preferably today." Xiumei frowned, Sleeping Beauty said.

"Twisted melons are not sweet." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"You are forcing me." Sleeping Beauty sulked.

"Why, you became angry from embarrassment, and you plan to kill me with your own hands before the people from Baishan Gate kill me?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Sleeping Beauty was taken aback for a moment, then sighed, and said, "Actually, you should understand that I will seriously consider any condition other than me being your woman."

"Then you should have understood earlier that this is the only condition I have." Jiang Chen replied with a grin.

"What do you like about me?" Sleeping Beauty was full of resentment. If Uncle Zhong was here and saw Sleeping Beauty like this, he would be so shocked that his jaw would drop to the ground.

A calm woman who has been tormented by illness for many years, her mind is not insufferable. It is not difficult to see that she is really urgent when she says such words.

"Well, I'm sorry I can't answer you this question, what if I tell you and you change it?" Jiang Chen hesitated and said.

"I just want to understand this. What do you like about me? My beauty? My money? In fact, I never think that you are such a superficial man. There must be a reason that I don't know." Sleeping Beauty ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense and said seriously.

Regarding this issue, Sleeping Beauty has always been suspicious afterwards, but she couldn't figure it out anyway, so at this moment, she simply confronted Jiang Chen.

"Actually, I'm just a superficial man." Jiang Chen smiled, and slowly stroked Sleeping Beauty's smooth face, and said, "I'm a superficial man who only likes beautiful women. If you are an ugly woman If you don't, I swear, I won't even look at you more."

"You are not." Sleeping Beauty said angrily.

"I am." Jiang Chen was also a little angry. What kind of nobleness and integrity are words that have nothing to do with him.

He already likes beautiful women. He has been emphasizing his taste in this aspect all the time. Why doesn't this woman believe it?
"I know you're not." Sleeping Beauty suddenly smiled, her facial features were as vivid as a flower blooming, "If you really just covet my beauty, why didn't I take the initiative to find you, why didn't you go to me. "

"Maybe I'm a very shy man." Jiang Chen opened his mouth and said nonsense.

"You're guilty." Sleeping Beauty smiled sweeter and more charmingly.

But soon, Sleeping Beauty couldn't smile anymore, because her rosy lips were suddenly blocked by Jiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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