genius evil

Chapter 324 A stingy guy

Chapter 324 A stingy guy
A tall, sunny-looking young man was standing in the living room downstairs, and Uncle Zhong was standing beside the young man, talking in a low voice.

Hearing Jiang Chen's voice, the young man raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen.

After a glance, the young man was slightly surprised, and immediately asked in confusion: "Jiang Chen, why are you here? When did you come to Tiannan City?"

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen asked unhappily.

This guy looks very strange, Jiang Chen can be sure that he does not know him.

Furthermore, so what if they knew each other?

He didn't come early or late, but he appeared at this time, shouting and shouting in a broken voice, without any sense of public morality, Jiang Chen didn't just go downstairs and kick him out, it was considered very polite.

"I'm Tang Xin." The young man introduced himself.

"I don't know." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Hasn't Tang Tian introduced me to you? I'm her brother." Tang Xin frowned.

"I don't know." Jiang Chen still said the same thing.

He has known Tang Tian for a long time. Tang Tian has never said that he has an older brother. This guy who came out of nowhere claims to be Tang Tian's older brother. Who knows if it is true or not?

So what if it's true?

Tang Tian never mentioned the existence of this person from the beginning to the end, presumably the relationship is very bad.

Can't this Tang Xinxin say that he is Tang Tian's brother, so he should call him uncle, right?
It's true that Jiang Chen likes to take advantage of him, but he doesn't have the habit of being taken advantage of by others!
"You don't believe me?" Tang Xiaoxin was a little unhappy.

"Whether you are or not, it doesn't matter to me, you can get out now." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and said like chasing flies.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't come to look for you." Tang Xin's expression darkened.

"I don't care who you are looking for, just get out. Uncle Zhong, if he doesn't get out, you can just throw him out." Jiang Chen looked impatient.

"Jiang Chen, you are going too far." Tang Xiaoxiao was very angry.

He didn't offend Jiang Chen, on the contrary, because of Tang Tian's relationship, it can be said that he has some relationship with Jiang Chen.

When Jiang Chen came to Tiannan City last time, he wanted to meet Jiang Chen, but he missed it because he was away from home.

This time, it was quite a coincidence to meet Jiang Chen at Sleeping Beauty's place. Tang Xiaoxin thought that he was very polite, and there was nothing rude about it, but Jiang Chen had gone too far.

"Uncle Zhong, do it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Shao, is this not good?" Although he was also dissatisfied with Tang Xinxin's behavior of yelling and shouting, if he really threw Tang Xinxin out, wouldn't he completely offend Tang Xinxin?

He has no objection to Jiang Chen being this villain. The question is, how can Jiang Chen let him do this?

Isn't that embarrassing him?
"Uncle Zhong, listen to Jiang Chen and throw him out." A gentle voice sounded, and Sleeping Beauty pushed open the bedroom door and walked out.

She has put on her clothes again, her hair looks a little messy, her face is no longer as pale as before, but a little more pink.

"Sleeping Beauty, I came here to see you." Tang Xinxin said loudly when he saw Sleeping Beauty.

Tang Xiaoxin felt that he had been wronged, annoyed and aggrieved.

Jiang Chen wanted to throw him out for no reason, but Sleeping Beauty actually signaled Uncle Zhong to do so, so why did he make people dislike him?

"No, how could Jiang Chen be with Sleeping Beauty? Besides, Jiang Chen came out of Sleeping Beauty's bedroom just now." Soon, Tang Xiaoxin realized that something was wrong.

Then, Tang Xiaoxin's heart skipped a beat, and he thought of a possibility.

Even if he is unwilling to admit it, there is no doubt that, judging from the current situation, that possibility is undoubtedly very high.

"Sleeping Beauty, Jiang Chen, you two?" Tang Xin asked.

Neither Sleeping Beauty nor Jiang Chen answered Tang Xinxin's question, because at this time, Uncle Zhong had already made a move.

Uncle Zhong grabbed Tang Xinxin and dragged him outside.

It wasn't until Tang Xin was dragged outside the gate that Uncle Zhong let go: "Young Master Tang, I'm sorry."

"What's the relationship between Sleeping Beauty and Jiang Chen?" Tang Xinxin said in a vicious voice.

"What's the matter, Young Master Tang, you don't have to worry about it. Let's go." Naturally, Uncle Zhong couldn't talk too much about this matter. After all, it was a private matter between Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty.

"Is Sleeping Beauty Jiang Chen's woman?" Tang Xinxin's expression turned extremely ugly.

"Young Master Tang, you have to understand that these things have nothing to do with you." Uncle Zhong said expressionlessly.

"It doesn't matter?" Tang Xin sneered.

Does it really matter?
He has been pursuing Sleeping Beauty for a long time. Even though many people are discouraged because of Sleeping Beauty's illness, he has never given up on his pursuit of Sleeping Beauty.

He thought that what he had done was pretty good, and he had never overstepped the rules, but Sleeping Beauty had a man, and that man was actually Jiang Chen.

You know, Jiang Chen is Tang Tian's man!

He would not pay attention to Tang Tian's matter, but Jiang Chen actually robbed him of a woman, this point cannot be forgiven no matter what.

"Jiang Chen really has a great charm. Not to mention my younger sister Tang Tian, ​​even Sleeping Beauty, who has eyes above her head, is very fond of Jiang Chen." Tang Xiaoxin said eccentrically.

"Young Master Tang, these words are not what you should say." Uncle Zhong said coldly.

"Okay, I won't say much." Tang carefully turned his head, glanced into the villa, tidied his clothes, and left.

"As far as I know, that Tang Xiaoxin is indeed Tang Tian's brother." Sleeping Beauty said in the second floor corridor of the villa.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "So what?"

"It's not that bad, but I heard that Tang is careful about this person, he is a bit stingy." Sleeping Beauty reminded.

"Sleeping Beauty, why do I feel that you are taking pleasure in other's misfortune?" Jiang Chen said strangely.

"I haven't." Sleeping Beauty shook her head.

"You promise." Jiang Chen said.

"I promise." Sleeping Beauty chuckled.

"Okay, I trust you, now we can continue what we didn't finish just now." Jiang Chen said, pulling Sleeping Beauty into the bedroom.

Sleeping Beauty was extremely shy, thinking that maybe this guy was so angry and wanted to throw Tang Xin out because of Tang Xin's arrival and inadvertently spoiling his good deed?
Otherwise, Tang Xinxin would declare his family name, and he would not look at the face of the monk but the face of the Buddha. Jiang Chen should give Tang Xinxin some face because of emotion and reason.Even if you don't give face, it won't turn your face, it's still very inexplicable.

Jiang Chen pulled Sleeping Beauty onto the bed, and said solemnly: "Okay, we can start."

"Can you do it next time?" Sleeping Beauty asked anxiously.

Earlier, she was caught off guard by Jiang Chen, not because she didn't want to refuse, but because she didn't have the chance to refuse Jiang Chen at all.

"Of course we will have a next time, and there will be a next time, um... there will be many times." Jiang Chen said vaguely, and pushed Sleeping Beauty onto the bed.

Sleeping Beauty is both tender and helpless, but, it seems that some things are not so difficult after taking one step forward, and then taking another step forward.

The same is true for the relationship between her and Jiang Chen. After sleeping in the same bed for a night, she can accept Jiang Chen's intimacy as long as it is not excessive.

After Jiang Chen kissed her, her acceptance gradually relaxed as Jiang Chen approached.

Sleeping Beauty understands that if things go on like this, she may inevitably fall into the trap, but she can't prevent this from happening.

Jiang Chen was really good at undressing people's clothes. He stripped Sleeping Beauty into a naked lamb in two or three strokes, and then he quickly took off his clothes.

"Jiang Chen, your cell phone is ringing." Sleeping Beauty grabbed the quilt and wrapped herself up, not daring to look at Jiang Chen. When she heard Jiang Chen's cell phone ringing, she reminded her.

"I didn't hear it." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid, and in the posture of a hungry sheep pounced on a tiger, he pounced on Sleeping Beauty, and kissed Sleeping Beauty's red lips familiarly.

2 minute later.

Jiang Chen climbed off Sleeping Beauty with a look of anger, and took out his mobile phone from the pocket of his trousers that had been thrown on the ground.

"Jiang Chen, where are you now?" As soon as the phone was connected, Tang Tian's voice came over.

"Oh, I was just about to go to bed." Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, why did this woman call at this time?

"Sleep? Of course I know you're going to sleep. In order to pick up girls, you actually ran from Yilan City to Tiannan City. It's going to drive me to death." Tang Tian was furious.

"Hey, who told you that I was picking up girls?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

Ganqing Tang Tian made this call to investigate the post, but this time is too coincidental.

"Tang Xiaoxin told me, he said he had seen you." Tang Tian's voice was a little smug, as if she saw through Jiang Chen's flirting with girls, how amazing it was.

Jiang Chen was stunned, Sleeping Beauty was right, that guy was really a stingy guy.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Tian overbearingly and arrogantly declared his sovereignty over Jiang Chen's body, and warned him firmly that he must pay the rations immediately after returning, only to hang up the phone.

"Miss Tang, Tang Tian's phone number?" Sleeping Beauty sat on the bedside, looking at Jiang Chen with a smile.

"You must be gloating now, right?" Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"Do you want to continue?" Sleeping Beauty didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked.

"Sleeping Beauty, have you ever heard a saying that if you play with fire, you will set yourself on fire." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"I've heard of it, but I know better, you must not be in the mood to play with fire now, are you?" Sleeping Beauty said leisurely.

By this time, Sleeping Beauty was a little thankful that Tang carefully appeared.

If Tang was not careful, she must have been wiped out by Jiang Chen.

Although, before that, be careful with that Tang, she doesn't like how she looks.

"Playing with fire or something is too ugly. I just suddenly felt that our relationship is advancing too fast. We need to slow down the pace and cultivate a little more interest." Jiang Chen said very seriously.


Sleeping Beauty smiled sweetly, as bright as a peach blossom!

(End of this chapter)

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