genius evil

Chapter 325 I am also a stingy man

Chapter 325 I am also a stingy man


White House.

"Is there any news from Tian'er?" An old man with white hair and eyebrows, holding a teacup in his hand, looked at the middle-aged man sitting opposite and asked.

The eyebrows and eyes of the middle-aged man are about six or seven points similar to those in the daytime, but the nose and eyes are a little wider, so the whole person gives people a sense of power without anger.

This person is Bai Jingxuan, Bai Jingxuan's father.

Hearing the sound, Bai Jingxuan shook his head and said, "There is no news for the time being, and the phone can't be reached."

"Could there be some accident?" The old man asked with a frown.

"Accident?" Bai Jingxuan was slightly taken aback.

Will there be surprises?

Bai Jingxuan had never thought about any accidents before, even if the phone was disconnected during the day, he didn't think much about it, maybe there is no signal over there?Maybe the phone just broke during the day?

Bai Jingxuan thought that the situation was not serious enough to require him to speculate maliciously.

But at this moment, after being told by the old man, Bai Jingxuan suddenly realized that the situation seemed a bit unusual.

"Dad, I'll call and ask first." Bai Jingxuan said, picked up the mobile phone that was on the side, and dialed a number.

A few seconds later, when he heard the voice from the other end of the phone, Bai Jingxuan's expression was a little strange.

"Dad, something may have happened to Tian'er." Bai Jingxuan said in a deep voice.

"Alive? Or dead?" Mr. Bai asked slowly, pondering.

"I don't know, there is another piece of news that Jiang Chen has come to Tiannan City." Bai Jingxuan said coldly.

"Oh?" Old Man Bai was slightly surprised, and immediately said, "What is he doing in Tiannan City?"

"It seems that they are here for Sleeping Beauty, whether it is specifically so, I don't know yet." Bai Jingxuan said truthfully.

"Send someone to investigate." Mr. Bai said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Bai Jingxuan nodded, got up and left.


At noon the next day, Jiang Chen appeared in a restaurant. Not long after he sat down, a person rushed in from the outside. It was Zhou Ji.

"Jiang Shao." Zhou Ji who ran in greeted Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen casually threw the menu to him and said, "Let's order."

Zhou Ji took the menu, with a look of embarrassment, and said: "Jiang Shao, how can I let you treat me, I'll treat this meal."

"Then you're welcome." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Shao, if I tell you that I'm joking with you, do you believe it or not?" Zhou Ji said with a bitter face.

"There used to be a fellow who made such a joke with me. Guess what happened in the end?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Young Master Jiang, you must have broken that guy's neck, right?" Zhou Ji shrank his neck, and began to think, whether to treat Jiang Chen to a meal, or to have his neck broken by Jiang Chen, which is more important.

"Guess again." The smile on Jiang Chen's face grew stronger.

"No, can't I treat you?" Zhou Ji waved his hands again and again, quickly ordered a few dishes, and then said: "Jiang Shao, Han Ye just got out of the hospital these two days, and he asked me to take him to Yilan City, said that I want to thank you in person."

"Thank you or something, there is someone, help me find out where I can find him." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Shao, I'm not bragging. For things like looking for someone, you can just look for me. Who are you looking for?" Zhou Ji boasted shamelessly.

"Tang be careful." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Be careful, Tang?" Zhou Ji was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Young Master Jiang, what do you want him for?"

"It's not a big deal, I just want to tell him that I'm also a stingy man." Jiang Chen said lazily.


An hour later, at another restaurant, Jiang Chen met Tang Xiaoxin.

Seeing Jiang Chen, Tang Xiaoxin was quite astonished, but soon he understood that Jiang Chen should have come to find him specially, otherwise it would not have been such a coincidence to meet him here.

Moreover, he could tell that Jiang Chen definitely didn't come here to eat.

"Jiang Chen, are you looking for me?" Tang Xin stood up from his chair, looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"Last night, I heard people say that you are quite stingy." Jiang Chen said directly.

"Stingy?" Tang Xiaoxin shook his head, and said, "Jiang Chen, I just always repay kindness and revenge."

"It just so happens that I am also such a person." Jiang Chen smiled, raised his hand and slapped Jiang Chen on the face.

"You bastard, how dare you attack Young Master Tang."

"court death."


Several people who ate at the same table with Tang Xin saw Jiang Chen slap Tang Xin, and they were immediately filled with righteous indignation. Judging by their posture, they seemed to be tearing Jiang Chen apart every minute.

Tang Xiaoxin was a little confused. He knew that Jiang Chen would not be too polite to him. After all, Jiang Chen's attitude was evident from last night.

But Tang Xiaoxin never thought that Jiang Chen would be so rude, and just slap him in the face in front of everyone.

"Jiang Chen, do you know what you are doing." Touching his face with his hand, Tang Xin said angrily.


With an expressionless face, Jiang Chen slapped Tang Xinxin's face again.

"Jiang Chen!"

Tang Xin's face was distorted, and his voice changed.


Jiang Chen slapped Tang Xinxin's face for the third time.

"That's the third slap, shouldn't it be enough?" Tang Xin said grimly.

"Original enough, but I think you are not happy, what should I do?" Jiang Chen said indifferently, the fourth slap was slapped on Tang Xinxin's face, and Tang Xinxin's feet staggered. Almost fell to the ground.

"Give me a hand!"

Tang Xiaoxiao was furious. Who is he? The Tang family has too few people. It can be said that there are definitely not many people who dare not give him face in Tiannan City.

Not to mention, being slapped in the face.

If he doesn't trouble others, others should be thankful.

But Jiang Chen slapped him four times in a row, which made Tang Xin feel like he was going to explode.


These two words are the adjectives Sleeping Beauty gave Tang Xin.

The description is extremely precise and clear, Tang Xiaoxin is just a stingy man, not because he said that he will retaliate with kindness and revenge, but that flaws must be repaid!

The few people who ate at the table with Tang Xinxin, seeing Tang Xinxin being beaten so badly, had already geared up and were eager to try. When they heard Tang Xinxin's order, those who grabbed the wine bottle grabbed the wine bottle, and those who moved the chair moved the chair. All of them greeted Jiang Chen at once.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he grabbed a chair casually, and smashed it on the head of a guy, and then, Jiang Chen kicked the other guy flying out.

He picked up a wine bottle with his left hand, and popped it on the head of an unlucky guy. Then he picked up a vegetable plate and smashed it in the face of a guy.

In less than five seconds, the people who followed Tang Xiaoxin all fell to the ground, howling like ghosts and wolves.

"Jiang Chen, you really can fight." Tang Xin stared at Jiang Chen viciously.

"It's not that I can fight, it's that your people are too useless." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

The so-called being able to fight against such guys is just a joke in Jiang Chen's eyes. If it wasn't for his displeasure, he probably wouldn't even be interested in doing it.

"Next, what do you want to beat me up again?" Tang said cautiously.

"I think this suggestion of yours is very good." Jiang Chen looked like he was doing good, and he moved his feet, appearing in front of Tang Xinxin, and slapped Tang Xinxin's face for the fifth time.

And then the sixth...the seventh...the eighth...

At the beginning, Tang Xiaoxin was still counting in his heart how many slaps Jiang Chen had slapped him, and in the future, he must double the slaps.

But soon, Tang Xiaoxin couldn't count anymore. There was no way, Jiang Chen's shot was too heavy, and he greeted his face desperately.

Tang Xin's face was so hot and painful that he didn't need to look in the mirror. Tang Xin knew that his face must be swollen like a pig's head, so he couldn't see it.

But Jiang Chen didn't intend to stop at all, he didn't stop slapping until Tang Xiaoxin slapped his nose and mouth with blood.

"Do you know that what I hate the most is someone stabbing me in the back?" Jiang Chen said, kicking Tang Xinxin to the ground.

One kick followed another, kicking Tang Xinxin like a rolling gourd, rolling over and over on the ground, screams like killing a pig, rang out in the box endlessly.

"Jiang Chen, why are you retaliating against me just because I made a phone call?" Tang Xiaoxin hated to death.

"That's right, it's because you made a phone call. From the looks of it, you actually know what's wrong with you." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

Is that a phone thing?
That was a good thing that ruined him.

If this bastard hadn't destroyed it twice, Sleeping Beauty would have been eaten by him long ago.

Tang Xin's phone call was equivalent to making the duck in his mouth fly away abruptly. How could Jiang Chen not be annoyed by this?
If this guy had a more correct attitude, and would have offered a toast to make amends immediately when he approached the door, for Tang Tian's sake, Jiang Chen wouldn't have made things difficult for him too much.

"Jiang Chen, I, Tang Xin, have been killed today. If you have the guts, kill me, otherwise I will make your life worse than death." Tang Xin screamed in pain, and said loudly.

"You think I dare not kill you?" Jiang Chen stepped on Tang Xinxin's body, stared at Tang Xinxin, and laughed out loud.

For some reason, Jiang Chen's smile made Tang Xiaoxin's hair stand on end, so much so that his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Jiang Chen, just because I made a phone call, you beat me up like this, and even murdered me, do you think this is justified?" Gritting his teeth, Tang Xin said.

"So, this proves that I am also a stingy man." Jiang Chen grinned and said with a light smile.

Tang Xin was a little dazed. He felt that Jiang Chen was wrong, but also felt that Jiang Chen was right.

That's right, Jiang Chen is a stingy guy, a stingy guy who couldn't be more stingy, and his bloody misery is the best proof.

However, Tang Xiaoxin suddenly wanted to cry a little. He felt that Jiang Chen was not being stingy, but a little perverted!

(End of this chapter)

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