genius evil

Chapter 326 Can't You Be A Little More Active?

Chapter 326 Can't You Be A Little More Active?
At the intersection of the entering expressway from Tiannan City to Yilan City, a black Elantra just appeared on the ramp of the toll booth, and a little farther away, a red Ferrari, the door of the driving position was pushed open, Tang Tian Get out of the car.

As soon as the Elantra got out of the toll booth, Jiang Chen in the car saw the red Ferrari and then Tang Tian.

After seeing it, Jiang Chen had no choice but to give a wry smile, this woman is really jealous.

After Jiang Chen tidied up Tang Xinxin for a meal at noon, he didn't waste much time. Even when he drove back to Yilan City, no one said hello.

But since Tang Tian was waiting here, it was obvious that Tang Tian knew about his every move in Tiannan City after Tang Xin's phone call last night.

"Jiang Chen." Tang Tian shouted loudly.

Jiang Chen stepped on the brake, and before the car stopped, Tang Tian ran over, opened the door and got into the passenger seat, staring at Jiang Chen with his eyes wide open like two light bulbs.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Jiang Chen was a little nervous.

"Jiang Chen, I found that you are getting more and more handsome, do you think it is because beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" Tang Tian said softly.

"No." Jiang Chen categorically denied it, and said, "I am getting more and more handsome, this is an undeniable fact."

"Oh, I think it's fine for you to be as handsome as you are now. If you continue to be handsome, I won't be able to stand it... No, I can't stand it now." Tang Tian yelled, and threw herself into Jiang Chen's arms, her mouth was Sticking it tightly, the soft little tongue nimbly pried open Jiang Chen's lips, stirring them messily.

The soft fragrance was in his arms, but Jiang Chen didn't dare to move.

Jiang Chen was a little dazed, because something was wrong.

Didn't Tang Tian get jealous last night when she received Tang Xiaoxin's complaint call, and came to the highway intersection to block him?How could he act like a nympho?
Even if he knows that he has become more handsome, his charm will also increase correspondingly, but it will not be possible to make Tang Tian become a nympho unconditionally, right?

"Jiang Chen, you're a dead man, I'm already so proactive, can't you be a little more proactive?" Tang Tian's tongue was stirring in Jiang Chen's mouth for a long time, but she couldn't get it. Jiang Chen's response, desire and dissatisfaction, was almost written on his face.

"Uh, aren't you angry?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"I'm kissing you, you actually asked me if I'm angry?" Tang Tian raised her eyebrows, she was really about to be angry.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen put one arm around Tang Tian's slender waist, the other around Tang Tian's head, and kissed her viciously.

What should a man do when a woman is about to get angry?
Not much to do, just a deep, passionate kiss is enough.

Jiang Chen is doing this now.

Anyway, Tang Tian is a nympho, wishing she could eat him, so just let her eat it, and when Tang Tian eats to her heart's content, she won't be angry, right?


A full 2 ​​minutes later, Tang Tian, ​​who was about to suffocate, pushed Jiang Chen away, with a contented look on her face, her tender face was so red that it was about to drip water.

"Satisfied?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"It's not so easy to be satisfied, you have to pay the public food later, okay?" Tang Tian pouted.

"My public food has always been saved." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Tang Tian rolled her eyes, expressing that only ghosts believe in you. She waved her big hand and directed, "Drive."

Jiang Chen stepped on the accelerator and drove on the road. The Ferrari was driven by Shuang'er, following behind, one in front and one behind, heading towards the center of Yilan City.

"Jiang Chen, I got the news that you beat up that Tang Xin, you beat him very badly, didn't you?" Tang Tian asked suddenly.

"Well, it was just a random lesson." Jiang Chen opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"What? How can you be so casual? You should give him a serious lesson, and it's best to make him unable to take care of himself for the rest of his life." Tang Tian said loudly, furious.

"Isn't he your brother?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

Although, because Tang Tian had never mentioned Tang Xiaoxin, Jiang Chen faintly sensed that the relationship between the two should not be very good.

But, it's not very good, and it's not so bad, right?
To ask him to beat Tang Xinxin so hard that he can't take care of himself for the rest of his life, how much hatred would it take to do that kind of thing?
As a result, Jiang Chen realized that his methods were too gentle.

"Brother?" Tang Tian sneered, and said disdainfully: "He is some kind of brother, but he is just a adopted son picked up by my father. Relying on my identity as the Tang family, he behaved mischievously. I don't know the heights of heaven and earth. It's pleasing to the eye."

"Actually, he's just a little stingy." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Hmph, I don't care about these things. Anyway, if he reported on my man, it's his fault." Tang Tian said angrily.

He said again: "Don't think that I don't know what his plan is, anyway, he just doesn't like me."

Jiang Chen has black lines all over his head, why is this logic a bit strange?

But when she heard it, Tang Tian laughed nervously, and said, "Jiang Chen, I found that I really admire you a little bit. I didn't expect that Sleeping Beauty was all conquered by you."

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, and he said, "Don't, don't admire me."

"Don't interrupt, I really admire you. When that Sleeping Beauty first came to Tiannan City a few years ago, she was amazing. I don't know how many people were fascinated by him to death, but no one has ever been favored by her. , who would have thought that in the end it was you who came out on top."

"Shouldn't you be jealous and angry about this kind of thing?" Jiang Chen couldn't help reminding.

"Of course I'm jealous, of course I'm angry, but jealousy is jealousy, I should be praised, you know, you, Jiang Chen, are my Tang Tian's man, and my Tang Tian's man, of course, should be the best." Tang Tian was confident. Said.

Jiang Chen wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with his hand, it was too tough.

Tang Tian's words made Jiang Chen feel that if he failed to push Sleeping Beauty down, he would simply be sorry for Tang Tian's high hopes for him.

"Uh, then what did you mean by what you said on the phone last night?" Jiang Chen had to say.

"What else could be going on? Of course, I said it to Sleeping Beauty on purpose. I want her to understand that I, Tang Tian, ​​are the eldest wife. If she wants to be your woman, she can only have two or three bedrooms at most. Don't even try to challenge my eldest wife." The status of the house." Tang Tian said loudly.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen almost kowtowed to death on the steering wheel.

"Jiang Chen, what is your reaction?" Tang Tian glanced at Jiang Chen, quite dissatisfied with Jiang Chen's attitude.

"Oh, I feel that happiness comes too fast, and my mood is so difficult to calm down." Jiang Chen said honestly.

But after returning to Guilan Garden Villa, Jiang Chen realized that he was too naive.

No matter how nice and moving a woman's words are, they can only listen to them. Whoever takes them seriously is the biggest fool in the world.

Seeing Tang Tian scratching and biting, looking as if he wanted to squeeze him to death, how could Jiang Chen not understand that Tang Tian was superficially generous, but in reality she was really jealous and angry.

Naturally, in the end, the one who was drained was Tang Tian.

Jiang Chen and Tang Tian were hugging Tianhudi on the big bed in the villa, while the Bai family far away in Tiannan City was already in chaos at this moment.

Dead by day.

No body was found.

However, no body was found, which does not mean that there was no death during the day.

Time has passed for so long, if Bai Tian hadn't died, he would have returned to Bai's house a long time ago.

But there was no news at all during the day. The Bai family tried their best to search for the daytime in Tiannan City and Yilan City, but there was no news at all.

During the day, they were supposed to go to Yilan City to kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't die, he went to Tiannan City swaggeringly, and returned to Yilan City swaggeringly, this can only show that Bai Tian suffered a crushing defeat.

"Dad, we must avenge this revenge." Bai Jingxuan said viciously.

He has only one son, Tiantian, who has invested all his resources and energy in cultivating him, and Baitian has never let him down.

However, Bai Jingxuan couldn't accept that Bai Jingxuan just disappeared like this during the day.

"Revenge? How do you get revenge?" Almost Bai Jingxuan's voice fell, and a middle-aged man with a pale face said.

"Naturally, Jiang Chen was killed." Bai Jingxuan gritted his teeth and said.

"Even the Baishan Gate has nothing to do with Jiang Chen. How can they kill Jiang Chen? Who will kill Jiang Chen?" The middle-aged man with a white face and beardless said in a strange tone.

"Bai Jingtong, what do you mean by that?" Bai Jingxuan was angry.

"Brother, don't be angry. I have no other intentions. I just think that you are too irrational now, brother." Bai Jingtong said leisurely.

Bai Jingtong is Bai Jingxuan's brother, but because he only has two daughters under his knees and no son, he has always been overwhelmed by Bai Jingxuan, even during that day, he didn't give him much face.

The death of Bai Jingxuan made Bai Jingxuan angry, but what Bai Jingtong thought of was his own interests.

"Bai Jingtong, Tian'er is dead, even if you are happy from the bottom of your heart, don't you think it's too early?" Bai Jingxuan said angrily.

"Brother, I'm a straightforward person. If you want to pour dirty water on me, I definitely don't agree." Bai Jingtong said calmly.

He would never admit that he was happy, at least, he would not foolishly admit it in front of Bai Jingxuan.

"Stop arguing." Mr. Bai waved his hand, interrupting the conversation between the two of them.

At the end, his gaze swept across the two of them, and Old Master Bai said in a deep voice, "Whether Tian'er was killed by Jiang Chen or had any accidents, in a word, if you are alive, you must see people, and if you die, you must see corpses. In addition, Contact Baishan Gate urgently."

"I'll do it now." Bai Jingxuan stared at Bai Jingtong fiercely, and left quickly.

"I'll go too." Bai Jingtong didn't care, and also got up to leave.

Watching the two sons leave, old man Bai's eyes flickered slightly, and then he sighed helplessly.

"The Bai family is in danger!" The Adam's apple trembled, and the old man Bai said softly in a voice that only he could hear.

(End of this chapter)

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