genius evil

Chapter 327 Father and Son Break Up

Chapter 327 Father and Son Break Up
At around ten o'clock in the morning, a black Elantra appeared at No. 1 People's Hospital in Yilan City. Jiang Chen got out of the car and went directly to the ward where Qiu Shaojie was located according to the address Tang Tian gave him.

"Jiang Shao, why are you here?" Qiu Shaojie, who was lying on the bed, saw Jiang Chen walking in from the outside, and hurriedly lifted the quilt to get up to greet him.

Jiang Chen walked over, stopped him, and said with a smile, "You don't need to get up, I'll come over to see you, how is your recovery?"

"In two days, I will be discharged from the hospital." Qiu Shaojie said happily.

"I heard that something happened to your Qiu family?" Jiang Chen asked without saying anything.

"Something happened." Qiu Shaojie didn't hide anything, nodded, and said again: "But young master Jiang, don't worry, I can handle it well."

"Then you handle it yourself." Jiang Chen said lightly.

If Qiu Shaojie asked him to help, Jiang Chen would naturally not refuse this favor, but since Qiu Shaojie wanted to handle it himself, Jiang Chen would not forcefully intervene.

For Qiu Shaojie, Jiang Chen has always been looking forward to it. He has vision and courage. The only thing he lacks is his wrist. Perhaps after this incident, Qiu Shaojie can grow a lot.

While talking, Qiu Huaishan came in from the outside carrying a bag of fruit.

Seeing Jiang Chen here in amazement, Qiu Huaishan greeted him, "Young Master Jiang, when did you come, you didn't even say hello in advance."

"Too polite, I'm not a big shot." Jiang Chen looked at Qiu Huaishan and said with a smile.

Qiu Huaishan's attitude was very enthusiastic and a little humble, but the smile on his face was neither thick nor light, just right, which inevitably made Jiang Chen quite amused.

Although, this was the first time he saw Qiu Huaishan.

But Jiang Chen felt that some people didn't need to meet too many times, just once was enough to leave a deep impression on them.

Qiu Huaishan undoubtedly belongs to this kind of person!

"Jiang Shao was joking, have you had breakfast yet? How about we go have a cup of morning tea together? It's nice to have a tea restaurant nearby." Qiu Huaishan kindly invited.

"No need, you are busy if you have something to do, I'll leave first." Jiang Chen waved his hand, rejected Qiu Huaishan's invitation, and walked outside the ward.

Qiu Huaishan hurried up a few steps and watched Jiang Chen get on the elevator before returning to the ward.

"Shaojie, do you want to eat fruit? Shall I wash some?" Qiu Huaishan asked.

"Just had breakfast." Qiu Shaojie shook his head.

Qiu Huaishan didn't go to wash the fruit either, he moved a chair, sat down beside the bed, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Young Master Jiang, come here, should I tell you something?"

"What's the matter?" Qiu Shaojie asked suspiciously.

When Jiang Chen arrived, he said a few words before and after, and then Qiu Huaishan came and didn't say anything, but seeing Qiu Huaishan's hesitant attitude, Qiu Shaojie was puzzled and curious at the same time.

"That is, the matter of Shaowei and Tan Xia." Qiu Huaishan said, sighing softly, not sure if it was distress, regret, or annoyance.

Cai went on to say: "The two of them left Yilan City, took away a lot of money, and went to Europe."

"It doesn't matter about the money, as long as he doesn't appear in front of me again." Qiu Shaojie said coldly.

He was stabbed for no reason, maybe it had nothing to do with Qiu Shaowei, but if Qiu Shaowei hadn't invited a pig-killer to teach him a lesson?How could he be stabbed by a pig killer?

Just like what he himself said, there is a grievance and a debtor. No matter how the debt is calculated, it will eventually be settled on Qiu Shaowei's head.

Qiu Shaojie was still thinking that when he was discharged from the hospital, he would go to find Qiu Shaowei, but he did not expect that Qiu Huaishan would bring him such news.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Shaojie was also slightly disappointed.

But at the same time of disappointment, Qiu Shaojie was also a little excited. After all, Qiu Huaishan handed over the Qiu family to him, and the biggest resistance was Tan Xia and Qiu Shaowei's mother and son.

Now that the mother and son have left Yilan City, the resistance is like disappearing, and no one will block them anymore.

"It really doesn't matter about money." Qiu Huaishan nodded, then smiled and said: "Now, your ears and mine are finally clean."

"Yes." Qiu Shaojie was full of emotion.

"By the way, Shaojie, have you ever thought about where to go to university?" Qiu Huaishan then asked.

"Let's just stay in Tiannan City, Tiannan University is pretty good." Qiu Shaojie had already made up his mind.

Qiu Shaojie was recommended to another university in the province because of his sports expertise, but he has always liked Tiannan University, so he gave up the recommended quota.

And in the future, it is even more impossible for Qiu Shaojie to leave Jiangnan Province because he has to take care of the Qiu family's affairs. Tiannan University can be said to be the best choice.

"Tiannan University is not bad. Certain majors are among the best in China. It's just that Shaojie, as a man, has to take a long-term view. The world is so big, so you don't want to go out and take a look?" Qiu Huaishan said in a deep voice. .

Qiu Shaojie froze for a moment, and asked, "Dad, what do you mean?"

"It's like this. I have a friend in the Provincial Department of Education who said that there is a way to get an exchange quota from a famous American school. I asked for that quota for you. I mean, you will go to the United States to study in the future. University." Qiu Huaishan said.

"I never thought about going to the United States." Qiu Shaojie said with a frown.

It has to be said that this news came too suddenly, and Qiu Huaishan had never mentioned it to him beforehand.Even, according to Qiu Huaishan, he got the quota!

"Shaojie, don't get excited. I haven't thought about it before, but you can think about it now. My suggestion is that I still want you to go to the United States. After all, you understand the domestic environment." Qiu Huaishan signaled Qiu Shaojie not to get excited, and calm down. Said slowly.

"I think the country is pretty good." Qiu Shaojie argued.

"Very good?" Qiu Huaishan sneered, and said, "I won't talk about anything else, but this time, if it wasn't for your luck, you might have died. If this happened again, what should you do?"

"What about the Qiu family? How should we deal with it?" Qiu Shaojie said in a muffled voice after being silent for a while.

"The Qiu family, I will take full control of it for the time being, and I will hand it over to you when you come back from graduation." Qiu Huaishan obviously had a plan in advance.

"In this way, it's not bad, but you've had to work hard in the past few years." Qiu Shaojie didn't know why, but suddenly smiled.

"Shaojie, what you said made me very happy. What I did before was right or wrong. Some people always took it for granted and never considered my feelings." Qiu Huaishan said calmly .

"Maybe they are right." Qiu Shaojie looked into Qiu Huaishan's eyes and said.

"Shaojie, you..." Qiu Huaishan was so surprised that he almost jumped out of the chair when he was shocked by Qiu Shaojie's words.

"Dad, if I'm not mistaken, you arranged for Tan Xia and Qiu Shaowei to leave Yilan City. They didn't steal money from the company, but you gave them a large sum of money." Qiu Shaojie said silently.

"How could I do such a thing?" Qiu Huaishan was furious.

"I know you won't admit it, but it doesn't matter." Qiu Shaojie's expression was very indifferent, and he continued: "But one thing you can't deny is that from the time you said that you would hand over the Qiu family to me, the whole thing After the matter, it's just a game, right? Your ultimate goal is to control the Qiu family in the true sense."

"If you want to control the Qiu family, the resistance does not come from me, but from Tan Xia. Tan Xia is arrogant, and because of the appearance of my illegitimate child, she is dissatisfied with you in every possible way. This is the biggest resistance. You want to take her away!" Kick it away, but you don't have that ability at all, so you thought of using me."

"What am I? I'm just an illegitimate child who can see the light. If it weren't for Young Master Jiang, I would be an insignificant person in anyone's eyes. But because of Young Master Jiang, everything is different, Tan Xia Not afraid of you, but she is afraid of Young Master Jiang."

"I was injured this time, and Tan Xia was worried about being retaliated, so she had to leave. This move was exactly what you wanted, so you arranged for their mother and son to leave, and you gave them a sum of money. At this point, you just need to get me away again." , your game is perfect, am I right?"

Qiu Shaojie talked for a long time, every word was heart-wrenching.

Qiu Huaishan's face turned blue and purple, cloudy and sunny, he murmured, "Shaojie, you misunderstood me."

"There is no misunderstanding!" Qiu Shaojie waved his hand vigorously and said in a deep voice.

"Shaojie, you really misunderstood me." Qiu Huaishan said unwillingly.

"Dad, have you forgotten? I was taught and cultivated by you alone." Qiu Shaojie said mockingly.

"This—" On Qiu Huaishan's forehead, cold sweat broke out.

"To be exact, I'm just a pawn you cultivated. No wonder you didn't say a word when I asked you why you took me back to Qiu's house. Now, I finally understand. It's not you. Ken said, you can't say it at all." Qiu Shaojie murmured.

How ironic, how ridiculous!
The so-called kinship, in the face of interests, has become a big joke!

"You just misunderstood, it's not what you think." Qiu Huaishan gritted his teeth and said, guilty.

He knew earlier that this son was very smart, far superior to Qiu Shaowei, but he never expected that Qiu Shaojie would be so smart.

In a few words, from the clues, he guessed the cause and effect of the whole thing thoroughly, but it is absolutely impossible for Qiu Huaishan to admit it!
"I said, there is no misunderstanding." Qiu Shaojie said coldly, the hypocritical mask has been exposed by himself, why bother to put on an air?
"I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Qiu Huaishan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, got up, and walked outside.

"Dad, maybe this is the last time I will call you dad." Qiu Shaojie stopped Qiu Huaishan with a loud voice.

"There is one thing, I have to remind you, since you said that the Qiu family will be taken care of by me, then the Qiu family is my Qiu Shaojie's Qiu family, maybe you understand what I mean?" Qiu Shaojie said expressionlessly.

Qiu Huaishan staggered at his feet and almost fell to the ground. His face was pale, and it seemed that he had aged more than ten years in a very short period of time.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

At this moment, there was the sound of clapping, and it rang out!

(End of this chapter)

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