genius evil

Chapter 328 Abducted by the boy

Chapter 328 Abducted by the boy
"Wonderful, really wonderful." Jiang Chen clapped his hands while talking with a smile.

"Jiang Shao, haven't you left?" Qiu Shaojie asked in confusion.

"Oh, I did leave just now. I just casually looked around in this hospital to see if there are any beautiful nurses. Who knew that I was transferred here again. Who knew that I overheard a wonderful show." Jiang Chen Said lazily.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Qiu Shaojie just laughed.

Qiu Shaojie laughed, and Qiu Huaishan also laughed.

Unlike Qiu Shaojie who smiled brightly, Qiu Huaishan smiled embarrassingly and bitterly.

"The good show is over, I really want to leave this time." Jiang Chen said leisurely, leaving these words behind, he really left.

Qiu Huaishan turned his head and exchanged glances with Qiu Shaojie, the two looked at each other in blank dismay.

One gaze flickered, and the other gaze was frank.

"Shaojie, do you know why Young Master Jiang left and returned?" Qiu Huaishan asked hoarsely.

"I know." Qiu Shaojie said with a light smile.

"I know too." Qiu Huaishan had a sour look on his face.

How can you not know?
It's unreliable to let Jiang Chen take what he said so foolishly, but no matter whether it's Qiu Huaishan or Qiu Shaojie, they both know it well.

Jiang Chen was giving Qiu Shaojie a head. He didn't need to say anything or do anything, just standing there casually was enough to affect everything.

"It's gone, it's gone." Qiu Huaishan said in his heart, unable to tell what it was like.

All kinds of calculations, if you knew that there would be a future, why bother to plan so hard?

Whether it's hate or anger, it's all in vain.

Qiu Huaishan let out a long sigh and left the ward.

Watching Qiu Huaishan leave, there was no resentment or regret in Qiu Shaojie's eyes, his eyes were firm.

"Jiang Shao, thank you." Qiu Shaojie said in his heart as he clenched his fists tightly with his hands under the quilt.


Jiang Chen had just taken the elevator downstairs when he saw a large group of people rushing in from the medical hall on the first floor.

To be specific, those people did not rush in, but came in backwards, with long guns and short cannons in their hands, aiming at a woman who came in from the outside surrounded by several people.

The woman was wearing a slightly darker uniform, perhaps because of the color of the clothes, her pretty and delicate face was a little more dignified invisibly.

The slender legs were wrapped in flesh-colored silk stockings, and the black high-heeled shoes stepped on the ground, making a slight tapping sound. It was different from ordinary women walking, which gave people a softer feeling, but this woman is Extremely capable.

But this will not destroy her own feminine beauty in the slightest. On the contrary, this capable temperament makes her have a charm that ordinary women cannot possess.

The scene was chaotic, but not noisy. Under the long guns and short guns, the spotlight flickered wildly, capturing the woman's figure one by one.

Naturally, such a battle immediately attracted the attention of the medical staff in the hospital and the families of the patients.

"Recently, the Hengxing Real Estate demolition and injury case has caused a lot of noise. May I ask Mayor Lan's opinion on this matter?"

"Mayor Lan, are you here to visit the injured villager? I don't know how the city government will handle this matter?"


The woman called Mayor Lan is Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu obviously didn't intend to answer the reporters' questions, she walked straight forward, her strong aura made the reporters retreat again and again until there was no way to retreat.

Lan Xiu walked to the edge of the elevator, stopped, turned sideways, and said softly: "This is a hospital, I hope you don't disturb the order. As for your answers, I will find time to hold a special press conference." .”

The secretary, Shen Lili, had already pressed the elevator button at this time, and when the elevator door opened, she dragged Lan Xiu into it.

And at the moment when the elevator door was about to close, a figure flashed into the elevator.

"Who are you, who let you in." Shen Lili stared at the guy who flashed into the elevator with wide eyes, and said angrily.

"I didn't come to look for you." The guy said with a playful smile.

"Of course you didn't come to see me. I said that you reporters are endless. Mayor Lan said that he would hold a press conference. Can't you make Mayor Lan a little bit cleaner?" Shen Lili said angrily.

"No." The guy shook his head and said.

"You—" Shen Lili choked angrily.

That guy smiled indifferently, watching Lan Xiu laughing non-stop, his cynical face looked like a flower was about to burst out of laughter.

Naturally, this smile, in Shen Lili's eyes, was extremely hateful.

Shen Lili couldn't help being a little worried, this guy, maybe he wants to do something wrong to Lan Xiu, right?
No, even if she sacrifices herself, she must protect Mayor Lan's personal safety, and she must not let Mayor Lan be taken advantage of.

Thinking of this in her heart, Shen Lili took a step forward, stopped in front of Lan Xiu, and turned to that guy angrily.

The guy stretched out his hand and pushed Shen Lili away, and then said, "Xiao Xiuxiu, have a smile."

Lan Xiu's pretty face was tense, but after being tensed for such a long time, it was obvious that she couldn't hold it tight anymore. Following Jiang Chen's words, a sweet chuckle burst out.


Shen Lili exclaimed, with a ghostly expression on her face.

What's happening here?
This stinky hooligan molested Mayor Lan and made Mayor Lan smile, but Mayor Lan actually smiled for real, and he smiled so beautifully.She is a woman, seeing Lan Xiu smiling like this, her heart is almost moved.

But you know, because of the Hengxing real estate demolition and wounding case, Lan Xiu has been serious and serious in the past two days, how could she be laughed at by this family?

Could it be because this guy's face is very white?
That's right, the man who got into the elevator had a white face, a good height, and even better looks. If he didn't have such an abominable smile, he would definitely be the type with natural and pollution-free looks.

In other words, this is the typical appearance of a boy who eats soft rice.

"Why are you here?" Just as Shen Lili was thinking wildly, Lan Xiu asked.

"I'll wait for you here." That guy was naturally Jiang Chen, but he didn't expect such a coincidence to meet Lan Xiu in the hospital.

But Jiang Chen naturally couldn't say that he came to the hospital for other things. Women, sometimes they should be coaxed, and they should confess with good words, even if they clearly know that it is a lie, but they just like to hear it, don't they?
"I still have a lot of things to deal with today, so I have time to call you?" Lan Xiu said, in front of Shen Lili, she couldn't be too enthusiastic and proactive.

However, Jiang Chen's appearance gave Lan Xiu a small surprise, and made her feel much calmer.

"Well, I just happen to be fine today." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Don't make trouble." Lan Xiu gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"I will definitely obey Mayor Lan's orders." Jiang Chen looked honest.

"Slick tongue." Shen Lili snorted softly.

It doesn't matter that this guy has a pretty face, but he is so deceptive. It seems that Mayor Lan is about to be deceived, which makes Shen Lili worried.

The elevator went up to the seventh floor, the door opened, Shen Lili led the way, leading Lan Xiu and Jiang Chen into a ward.

There were two people lying in the ward, their bodies were tightly wrapped in gauze, like mummies, seeing Lan Xiu's appearance, the two people were both surprised and excited.

"Mayor Lan, you must make the decision for us." As he spoke, he struggled to get up from the bed, wishing he could kneel down to Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu hurriedly asked Shen Lili to stop them, said a few words, comforted them, and left the ward without staying too long.

During this period, Jiang Chen stood beside Lan Xiu like a transparent person, without saying a word.

The three got off the elevator and were surrounded by long guns and short guns. It took a few minutes before they got out of the hospital gate and got into the car parked outside.

However, Lan Xiu didn't get into that official car, but got into Jiang Chen's Elantra.

Shen Lili watched Lan Xiu get into Jiang Chen's car with her own eyes, and she was about to be in a mess. She really wanted to stop Lan Xiu, but she didn't dare.

"Is this abducted by the little boy?" Shen Lili's girlish heart was about to be split in two.

Lan Xiu looked very tired, she didn't speak after getting in the car, she squinted her eyes and leaned on the seat to take a rest.

Jiang Chen drove on the road, and a few minutes later, the car stopped in front of a hotel.

"Jiang Chen..." Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen angrily, she was so tired now, yet Jiang Chen even took her to the hotel to open a room.

Is this man so impatient?
She didn't think about her feelings at all!
"It's a bit far from Jingyuan Villa, so you can sleep here first." Jiang Chen laughed.

"You said to open a room for me to sleep in?" Lan Xiu was stunned for a while.

"Otherwise? Of course, if you don't want to sleep, I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

A few minutes later, after entering the hotel room, the door was closed, Lan Xiu's face was still a little weird.

Open a room to sleep?
When did Jiang Chen become so considerate?

Is it really sleeping?

It wasn't until she lay down on the bed, relaxed all over, and fell into a light sleep, that Lan Xiu realized that it turned out that she was really asked to sleep.

"Jiang Chen, I sleep for half an hour, you wake me up in half an hour." Lan Xiu reminded.

"No problem, go to sleep." Jiang Chen nodded, quickly took off his clothes, and climbed onto the bed.

"What are you doing in bed?" Lan Xiu asked in astonishment.

"Naturally to sleep with you." Jiang Chen hugged Lan Xiu with one hand, and quickly peeled off Lan Xiu's clothes with the other hand.

The big hand patted Lan Xiu's buttocks, feeling the greasy touch, Jiang Chen smiled lightly; "Okay, don't be in a daze, hurry up and sleep."

Lan Xiu was both funny and moved. Sure enough, even if this man is gentle, it's not something ordinary women can afford.

She really wanted to say sorry to Jiang Chen, tell Jiang Chen that she had misunderstood him, but she was in a daze, the words were held in her heart and she couldn't say it, she just snuggled into Jiang Chen's arms and fell asleep...

(End of this chapter)

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