genius evil

Chapter 329 You will definitely feel very exciting

Chapter 329 You Will Be Excited

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Lan Xiu woke up in a daze, and subconsciously raised her wrist to look at her watch.

After seeing clearly the number pointed by the hour hand, Lan Xiu's beautiful eyes suddenly opened, got up from the bed, and pushed Jiang Chen hard.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, wake up." Lan Xiu called anxiously.

Jiang Chen reached out with one hand, surrounded Lan Xiu, yawned, and said lazily, "Xiao Xiuxiu, don't make trouble, just sleep well."

"I didn't make trouble with you." Lan Xiu couldn't laugh or cry, she just pinched Jiang Chen with her hand, and said loudly: "I told you to call me in half an hour, you don't even look at what time it is."

"It's not dark yet." Jiang Chen said in a daze.

"It's getting dark." Lan Xiu rubbed her brows with her hand, feeling a headache.

What is it all about.

He obviously only planned to sleep for half an hour, so he got up and went to work again. Who knew that after sleeping for several hours, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

What if the news accidentally broke tomorrow--the beautiful deputy mayor skipped work and opened a room in the hotel, proclaiming ~ prostitution in the daytime?
God, the goosebumps on Lan Xiu's body are popping up, she doesn't even dare to think about it.

Hurriedly throwing off the quilt and getting up, Lan Xiu quickly put on clothes, underwear, stockings, trousers and jacket... Lan Xiu slandered while putting on, when did Jiang Chen strip her so clean?
"Xiao Xiuxiu, the way you put on your clothes is really pretty." Jiang Chen poked his head over with a smile, and said solemnly, "But I still like the way you don't wear clothes."

After Lan Xiu put on her stockings and high heels, she brushed her hair with her hands and said, "Jiang Chen, I'm leaving."

"Don't go, I suddenly made a decision, do you want to hear what it was?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What decision?" Lan Xiu asked puzzled.

"Let's go eat." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"Eat?" Lan Xiu was almost confused.

"Yes, it's just eating. Only when you're full can you work hard," Jiang Chen said.

"I have no appetite." Lan Xiu smiled wryly.

It's not that she doesn't want to eat with Jiang Chen, but that there are really too many things, how can she have the appetite and appetite to eat?

"Xiao Xiuxiu, this is your fault. How about this, I won't force you, I will just give you two choices, eat or I will eat you. In fact, I very much hope that you choose the latter." .” Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"I... I'm ready to eat." Lan Xiu had to compromise, she didn't want the clothes she put on so hard to be stripped off by Jiang Chen again.

Moreover, if the speed is faster, it only takes about 10 minutes to half an hour to eat.

But if Jiang Chen eats her, the time will be counted in hours... Is it one hour or two hours?Or she can't get out of the hotel today, and she won't be able to do so until tomorrow morning.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lan Xiu naturally chose to eat.

"That's how you behave." Jiang Chen chuckled, quickly got up and put on his clothes, took Lan Xiu's little hand and said, "I saw a nice restaurant next to this hotel when I drove here, let's go Let's eat there."

The restaurant is next to the hotel, after leaving the hotel, walk for 2 minutes.

Asked for a private room, Jiang Chen ordered a lot of dishes. After the food was served, Lan Xiu really lost her appetite, so she casually picked up the chopsticks and ate a few bites, then put them down.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you need to eat more. Haven't you noticed that your hungry chest has become smaller in the past two days?" Jiang Chen brought vegetables to Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu lowered her head and looked at her chest. She didn't feel that she was getting smaller.

"Jiang Chen, I really have no appetite." Lan Xiu said angrily.

"Is it about Hengxing Real Estate?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

Lan Xiu nodded and said, "You saw it when you were in the hospital just now. Those two villagers were injured by someone driving an excavator. They were almost killed."

"Oh, there is no explanation from Hengxing Real Estate?" Jiang Chen asked vaguely while eating.

"Confession?" Lan Xiu said helplessly, "This kind of thing is just bickering, and it's not easy to handle."

"Well, Xiao Xiuxiu, I suddenly made another decision, do you still want to hear it?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen angrily, but didn't speak.

"This is my decision. After dinner, we will go to Hengxing Real Estate Company and beat up their boss." Jiang Chen said.

"Don't mess around." Lan Xiu said hastily, she was really worried that Jiang Chen would beat him up in the past.

"This is not nonsense. That guy told Xiao Xiuxiu that you can't eat or sleep well for the past two days. If I don't beat him up, he can go to heaven." Jiang Chen didn't panic. said busy.

"Beating people won't solve the problem." Lan Xiu gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"It depends on how to fight. If I make a move, the problem will definitely be solved." Jiang Chen looked full of confidence.


Hengxing Real Estate Company is a company that has been newly opened for less than half a year.

Although the opening time was short, the momentum was huge. Within a few months, it took over several rather large projects, which seemed like a spoiler in the real estate industry.

Of course, it may be more appropriate to say it is a shit stick.

The office building of Hengxing Real Estate is located in the center of Yilan City. When the company entered the real estate industry in Yilan City, it spent a huge sum of money to buy an eleven-story high-rise building, which can be described as a big deal.

The eleventh floor of the company, the general manager's office.

There are two people sitting on the sofa smoking a cigar, a young man and a middle-aged man.

"I heard that Lan Xiu went to the hospital to visit the injured villager today." The middle-aged man said after exhaling a puff of smoke.

This middle-aged man is Yu Yumin, and he is the general manager of Hengxin Real Estate.

The young man laughed a few times when he heard the sound, and said, "Does Mr. Yu have any ideas?"

"Idea?" Yu Yumin glanced at the young man and said, "I want to treat Mayor Lan to a light meal, it shouldn't be a special idea."

"However, Mr. Yu, that Mayor Lan is really a special woman. I haven't dealt with her before. I just glanced at her from a distance, and I was almost fascinated." The young man said lewdly. .

"Really? This makes me a little curious about the charm of Mayor Lan." Yu Yumin said with a half-smile.

"Mr. Yu, didn't you say that you want to invite Mayor Lan to dinner? I think it's better to hit the sun another day, just today." The young man reminded.

"Alright." After pondering for a while, Yu Yumin nodded, and picked up a business card and a mobile phone on the table, which were obviously Lan Xiu's business card.

Yu Yumin was about to make a call, but before he could dial the number, the phone on the desk rang.

Yu Yumin had no choice but to put down the phone and pick up the phone.

"Mr. Yu, someone is looking for you outside." The call came from the front desk, and the voice came to Yu Min's ears.

"Who?" Yu Yumin asked casually.

"Two people, a man and a woman, they didn't report their names," said the front desk.

"Tell them I'm not here." Yu Yumin said with a frown.

Want to see him without even daring to say his name?

Who is Yu Yumin now, can he see any cats and dogs?

"But--" the receptionist hesitated for a moment, and said, "Mr. Yu, that man is telling you to go downstairs and see him."

"Let me go downstairs to see him? Are you sure you're right?" Yu Yumin was instantly angry.

"Mr. Yu, that's what that man said, you see?" the front desk asked cautiously.

"It's interesting. I have been in Yilan City for more than half a year, but no one has ever been so arrogant in front of Yu Yumin. How about it, tell him that as long as he can come upstairs, I will meet him." Yu Yumin turned pale and hung up the phone.

"Mr. Yu, what happened?" Seeing that Yu Yumin's face was not very good-looking, the young man asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just an unknown thing." Yu Yumin said dismissively.

Hengxing Real Estate Company, in the lobby on the first floor, a man and a woman stood there.

Seeing the receptionist hang up the phone, the man smiled and said, "Xiao Xiuxiu, it seems that someone doesn't welcome the two of us very much."

"You were fooling around." Lan Xiu said depressingly.

What did this guy say was bad, but he asked that Yu Yumin to come down to meet him. This wording was a bit too rude. After all, Yu Yumin was also the boss of a real estate company, would he come down?
"Xiao Xiuxiu, how can I call it a fool, they are the real fool." Jiang Chen smiled, pointing his finger in the direction of the elevator, and said: "See, the elevator is out of power."

Lan Xiu looked in the direction Jiang Chen was pointing at, and saw that the indicator light had dimmed. It was clear that the power was really cut off, so she couldn't help being a little surprised.

Even if Yu Yumin didn't want to see them, he wouldn't play such a trick, would he?What happened to the elevator power failure?

"Yu Yumin probably won't see us anymore." Lan Xiu reminded.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, since I'm here, I must see him." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Accompanied by Jiang Chen's voice, footsteps sounded impressively. From outside, more than a dozen people rushed in. Each of the dozen people was holding steel rods in their hands, looking fierce.

After rushing in, among the dozen or so people, one of them pointed the steel rod in Jiang Chen's hand and said, "Boy, you told President Yu to roll down to see you."

"That's right, it's me." Jiang Chen admitted directly.

"Very well, I'm a bit courageous. Mr. Yu said that as long as you can go upstairs, Mr. Yu will see you." The man said loudly.

"Do you mean to let me climb the stairs?" Jiang Chen looked a little unhappy.

"Or, you can also kneel down and climb out of the gate from here." The man laughed loudly.

"I don't like things like kneeling, but I really like other people kneeling in front of me." Jiang Chen spoke slowly, and then asked Lan Xiu, "Xiao Xiuxiu, do you still want to see me?" Do you remember, what was the most exciting thing you did growing up?"

"I don't remember." Lan Xiu said blankly, this is the situation, why Jiang Chen asked this question.

"It's okay if you don't remember, but I'm sure what happened today, Xiao Xiuxiu, you will definitely feel very excited." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

As the voice fell, Jiang Chen moved his feet, and appeared in front of the talking guy who was pointing at him with a steel rod. man's knee!
(End of this chapter)

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