genius evil

Chapter 330 From the 1st Floor to the 1st Floor

Chapter 330 From the First Floor to the Eleventh Floor




There were two sounds of broken bones.

The speed of Jiang Chen's shots was so fast, the time between the two steel rods falling down was less than a tenth of a second.

The two sounds of bone breaking sounded almost at the same time.

After two cracking sounds, there was a "plop", and the man with a shattered knee swayed and knelt down on the ground, screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

"Look, I said that I like people kneeling in front of me." Jiang Chen smiled without any fumes.




The rest of the people, seeing Jiang Chen's attack so sharply and killing one person in an instant, all started to clamor and commotion, grabbing the steel rods one by one, and rushing towards Jiang Chen.

Watching them charge forward one by one, Jiang Chen randomly pulled out one steel rod after another, and within ten seconds, all of them fell to the ground.

The wailing sounded one after another, and no one stood up anymore.

Jiang Chen glanced at the front desk.

The front desk shrunk in fright, and hurriedly hid behind the counter, never daring to raise his head again.

"Little Xiuxiu, come with me." Jiang Chen grabbed Lan Xiu's little hand, and pulled Lan Xiu towards the safety door at the stairs.

"Jiang Chen, if this continues, things will get out of hand." Lan Xiu sighed.

What Jiang Chen said was right, she did feel the excitement, can she not be stimulated?
Seeing Jiang Chen holding a steel rod in one hand, beating more than a dozen people to death with every gesture, without even the strength to resist, that domineering aura made her heart beat endlessly.

It wasn't that he didn't know that Jiang Chen was a bit capable, but after all, it was the first time he saw such a scene with his own eyes, and Lan Xiu was a little bit shocked while being stimulated.

But what Lan Xiu was more worried about was that Jiang Chen had beaten people to his heart's content, how should he deal with this matter later?

"It's already impossible to clean up, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

While talking, Jiang Chen casually pushed open the safety door and led Lan Xiu up the stairs.

At the stairway on the second floor, more than [-] people blocked there, blocking the way up.

"There are quite a lot of people." Jiang Chen jokingly smiled.

He held Lan Xiu's hand and walked straight up. The steel rod in his hand was shot at will. Every time he shot, one person would be knocked over and the opponent's fighting power would be crippled.

It's not about beating someone to death, it's just crippling the other person or lying in the hospital for a few months.

The speed of Jiang Chen's shots is not too fast, but every time he makes a shot, he will definitely not miss. After 2 minutes, he took Lan Xiu's hand and went up to the stairwell on the second floor.

This time, Jiang Chen also took about 2 minutes to go up to the third floor, then the fourth floor...the fifth floor...

sixth floor...

seventh floor...


ninth floor...


The number of people is meaningless to an existence of Jiang Chen's level.

Unless the number of the opponent's manpower has reached a terrifying level and they are directly crushed by the number of people, otherwise, no matter how many people there are, it will not be enough in Jiang Chen's eyes.

The result of trying to beat him up in vain was to be beaten up by him alone!

After reaching the fourth floor, Lan Xiu didn't pay attention to the fight between the two sides anymore, because she knew that the opponent was far from being Jiang Chen's opponent.

From the shock at the beginning, to the calm later, and finally, Lan Xiu basically ignored it.

Lan Xiu was silently counting the stairs, going up one level at a time, and then the two of them appeared on the tenth floor.

Alone, standing there.

Below the tenth floor, there are at least a few people, as many as twenty or so people, but on this tenth floor, there is only one person.

A young man stood there with a cigar in his mouth, sucking it hard, and occasionally exhaled a puff of thick smoke.

"Two ten minutes, I've been waiting for you here for twenty ten minutes." Seeing Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu appear, the young man took out his phone, checked the time, and said.

At the end, the young man looked at Lan Xiu and said, "Mayor Lan, when we were in the office just now, Mr. Yu and I were still talking about treating you to a light meal. I didn't expect you to come. This is not even the phone bill." Saved."

"Bring me to dinner?" Xiu frowned.

For some reason, Lan Xiu was deeply displeased when she saw this person's existence.

Perhaps it was because there were many people below the tenth floor, but there was only one person here, which made her feel that the situation was a bit unusual.

Or maybe it was the way this person spoke that made her feel unhappy.

"That's right, I just invite you to dinner. Since Mayor Lan is so free, he probably won't refuse." The young man said with a smile.

"Have you finished talking nonsense?" Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

This guy said he had waited for 10 minutes, Jiang Chen thought that this guy couldn't wait to seek death, but who knew, he waited for 10 minutes just to say these useless nonsense.

What's more, this guy wants to invite Lan Xiu to dinner, have you asked for his opinion?
If you really want to invite him, why not invite him to eat with you?

Of course, Jiang Chen would definitely refuse.

After all, he and Lan Xiu came here after dinner, didn't they?

"You think I'm talking nonsense, but I don't think I'm talking nonsense. Some things, I think, should be explained clearly." The young man said.

"Whispering, talking nonsense, like a bitch, what I hate most is your kind of sissy." Jiang Chen cursed in a low voice, and directly slapped him with a stick.

"Bitch?" The young man was taken aback.

Does he look like a bitch?

Obviously he looks very masculine, okay?
On the other hand, Jiang Chen, with such fair skin on his face, a typical boyish face, how could he have the nerve to call him a sissy?
Seeing Jiang Chen draw a steel rod, the young man raised his foot and kicked Jiang Chen's wrist.


The steel rod in Jiang Chen's hand hit the soles of the young man's feet.

The young man's complexion changed suddenly, and he staggered back two steps.

"Do you know what your own situation is now? In short, you just can't pretend to be coercive, you've become a fool." Jiang Chen smiled, and pulled a steel rod over again.


The young man resisted with his feet again.




So, Jiang Chen dazzled with a steel stick in his hand, and slapped the young man's soles one by one.


The soles of the shoes under the young man's feet were broken, and he staggered, almost falling to the ground.

As soon as his feet landed, the young man felt his thighs cramp, and the soles of his feet were even more painful. No need to look, he knew that Jiang Chen must have swollen him.

This made the young man a little regretful. He knew that he should have worn a pair of shoes with thicker soles, or he should have taken a steel rod.

"Your socks are too ugly." Jiang Chen was so disgusted, he pulled out the steel rod again and hit the young man's head.

"So fast!"

The young man was shocked.

Judging from Jiang Chen's attack, he knew that Jiang Chen's strength was good, but he didn't expect Jiang Chen's speed to be so fast.

Seeing Jiang Chen's steel rod being pulled towards his head, the young man tilted his neck and hurriedly tried to dodge, but even though his reaction was fast enough, it was still a bit slower than Jiang Chen's speed.


There was an intimate contact between the steel rod and the head, and the young man's head sank and he fell to the ground.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, let's go." Without even looking at the young man, Jiang Chen dragged Lan Xiu to continue walking up.

Tens of seconds later, the two appeared in an office.

Yu Yumin was sitting there with a cigar in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand. The muzzle of the pistol was aimed at Jiang Chen who came in from outside the door.

"From the first floor to the eleventh floor, you beat all my people, you are really good at it." Staring at Jiang Chen closely, Yu Yumin said darkly.

"Actually, I'm not very good at fighting, it's just that your people are too useless." Jiang Chen said lightly.

At this time, Jiang Chen seemed to have just seen the gun in Yu Yumin's hand, and said in surprise: "What are you doing with a gun, this is against the law, you are a regular company, and you cannot do illegal things. "

Lan Xiu also saw the gun in Yu Yumin's hand early in the morning, which made her face very ugly.

"Yu Yumin, put down the gun in your hand, are you really a real estate company here? I think it's a dark den." Lan Xiu said angrily.

"If it's an underworld, then I, Yu Yumin, would be the leader of that underworld, right?" Yu Yumin grinned, pointed at Jiang Chen with a gun, and said, "Mayor Lan, if I'm not mistaken, you The one next to him is the biggest underworld boss."

"Jiang Chen?" Hearing this, Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, it really is you." Yu Yumin's tone became a little more angry, and he said, "I also said that there is someone in Yilan City who has such a great ability. But I, Hengxing Real Estate, will meet you in the Bauhinia Club If well water doesn’t violate river water, isn’t it too much?”

"This matter has nothing to do with the Bauhinia Society." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Oh, then you are here for Mayor Lan? I don't know, when did Mayor Lan have such a close relationship with you." Yu Yumin said sarcastically.

Having said that, Yu Yumin couldn't help being a little envious.

He also wanted to invite Lan Xiu to dinner, and by the way, he tried it out. Jiang Chen was good, and he directly dealt with Lan Xiu. Seeing the two holding hands and showing their love to the end, Yu Yumin was completely taken aback. Show off a face.

"It's not too late to know now." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"If I had known this earlier, I would not have added trouble to Mayor Lan's work." Yu Yumin said truthfully.

Hengxing Real Estate does not interfere with the Bauhinia Society, but this is also because it cannot offend the Bauhinia Society at all.

Since the death of Master Quan and A Jin, the Bauhinia will swallow up most of the power of Master Quan. How dare you provoke a mere Hengxing Real Estate?

Not to mention, there is Jiang Chen who exists like a monster!

Ordinary people may not know about Jiang Chen's name, but how could he not know about an existence like him who can eat both black and white?

"Then you can put down the gun in your hand now." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I won't let go of this gun for the time being. You can use it as a bargaining chip in my negotiations with you." Yu Yumin said.

Jiang Chen was displeased. A silver needle popped out and stuck on Yu Yumin's wrist. He walked over and took a gun from Yu Yumin's hand. The muzzle of the gun was placed on Yu Yumin's forehead. He said blankly, "I'm sorry, but you have no bargaining chips now."

(End of this chapter)

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