genius evil

Chapter 331 A Very Great Experiment

Chapter 331 A Very Great Experiment

Yu Yumin looked at the silver needle on his right wrist, and then at the gun pointed at his head, his face turned pale with shock.

"Jiang Chen, don't shoot." Lan Xiu hurriedly reminded Jiang Chen pointing a gun at Yu Yumin's head.

Fearing that Jiang Chen's forehead would get hot and he would shoot Yu Yumin to death.

If this person dies, things will really get out of hand.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I'm a good citizen. I've won the rewards for being brave enough to do it several times. How could I do such a thing as murder. Besides, I don't even know how to shoot a gun." Jiang Chen had a look on his face innocent.

While talking, Jiang Chen casually played with the gun in his hand, "click", the safety catch was pulled away by him.

Hearing that voice, cold sweat broke out on Yu Yumin's forehead, and his body trembled.

"Don't move, don't move." Yu Yumin said nervously.

He didn't know if Jiang Chen really didn't know how to shoot. If he really couldn't, and accidentally fired a gun and gave him a bullet, he would die too unjustly.

"What are you doing so nervous? Your nervousness made me nervous too." Jiang Chen complained.

"I'm not nervous." Yu Yumin said with a sad face.

"It's good not to be nervous." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, and said to Lan Xiu: "Xiao Xiuxiu, what did I say downstairs just now? Did I tell him to roll downstairs to see you?" I?"

"En." Lan Xiu nodded.

Although she didn't know what Jiang Chen was going to do, she would not try to tear Jiang Chen down.

"The elevator is out of power. If you want to roll down, you can only roll down the stairs. Eleven floors, so high, really makes me very curious. Will someone die?" Jiang Chen looked longing.

Yu Yumin's face turned blue.

What does Jiang Chen mean by this?
Let him roll down the stairs floor by floor?
In that case, he was dead.

Both left and right are dead, it is better to kill him with one shot by Jiang Chen, and die more quickly.

Jiang Chen didn't care what Yu Yumin was thinking, looked at him sideways and asked, "You must be very curious too, next, let's do a small experiment, it will definitely be a very great experiment." experimental."

After finishing speaking, it didn't mean Yu Min answered. Jiang Chen grabbed Yu Yu Min's back collar with one hand, lifted him up, and walked outside the office.

Walking to the direction of the stairs, Jiang Chen let go, kicked Yu Yumin to the ground with one kick, and kicked Yu Yumin like a rolling gourd, rolling down the stairs with another kick.

"Jiang Chen, you are killing people." Seeing this, Lan Xiu gasped.

"Kill someone? Maybe, he can only pray that his life is big enough." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"No, no." Lan Xiu said in a panic.

"Little Xiuxiu, I don't know if you have thought about a question." Jiang Chen said, "When so many of them rushed in and surrounded the two of us, if I were not their opponent by accident, the two of us What will happen?"

"In that case, maybe I will be maimed by others, maybe I will kneel and crawl out amidst their ridicule and ridicule, or maybe I will die here. What are you going to do now?" Jiang Chen continued.

Jiang Chen's style of dealing with people has always been simple and rough.

When others treat him well, he treats others well.

If others reason with him, he is more reasonable than anyone else.

In the same way, when others are unreasonable, he will be unreasonable than anyone else.

Rough to the point of heinous!

"A person like Yu Yumin, on the surface, runs a real estate company, but in fact he is doing something outrageous. I don't care about his life, I'm worried about you." Lan Xiu said in a daze.

"This should be called a fall." Jiang Chen said with a slight smile.

Lan Xiu was extremely speechless, no wonder this guy didn't shoot Jiang Chen. Could it be that he had such an idea a long time ago?

Yu Yumin is like a rolling gourd, rolling down from floor to floor, at the beginning he can still let out howls of ghosts and wolves, but after rolling down a few floors, there is only air coming out and no air coming in , That is, I don't even have the strength to scream.

Jiang Chen held Lan Xiu's hand and walked slowly down the stairs step by step. If Yu Yumin's appearance wasn't too disturbing, the two looked like a couple taking a leisurely stroll.

On the third floor, Yu Yumin couldn't roll anymore, lying on the spiral staircase, unable to move.

His face was bruised and swollen from the blow, with snot, tears, and blood running across his face, making his face look like a ghost drawing. There were obviously several depressions on his chest, and he didn't know how many ribs were broken. One arm and one leg were crooked and broken in several joints.

"Not dead." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

After laughing, Jiang Chen walked over and pierced Yu Yumin's body with a silver needle, stimulating Yu Yumin's five sense organs and six senses.

"Tomorrow morning, you can find me, whether you crawl over it or be carried over by someone, in short, if I don't see you, I will directly turn you into a dead person. Believe me, besides making your life worse than death, I am better at how to turn you into a dead person." In a low voice, Jiang Chen whispered a few words in Yu Yumin's ear.

It was almost seven o'clock, and it was completely dark outside.

The street lights came on, the car lights flashed, Jiang Chen drove the car, took Lan Xiu, and headed for Jingyuan Villa.

"Jiang Chen, you want Yu Yumin to see you tomorrow, what's the matter?" Lan Xiu asked wonderingly.

"After beating someone, I can't just push the matter to you to deal with the aftermath. I will solve all the troubles together." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

Glancing at Lan Xiu, Jiang Chen continued: "That Yu Yumin, didn't you say that I am the biggest underworld leader in Yilan City? How should I put it, in order to be worthy of this status, I have to take advantage of him no matter what That's it, isn't it?"

"You want Hengxing Real Estate Company?" Lan Xiu understood.

"I heard that the real estate industry is quite profitable." Jiang Chen didn't answer Lan Xiu's question.

"What's the difference between this and a robber?" Lan Xiu said angrily.

"The only difference between me and a robber is that I know how to steal my heart besides stealing money." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Lan Xiu's face was flushed, and she pretended to be displeased and said: "You will send me to the door in a while, and I will walk in by myself."

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said with a dignified expression, "That Yu Yumin was bullied so badly by us today, what if the dog jumps over the wall and sends someone to trouble you, what should I do? I will personally protect your personal safety."

"No need." Lan Xiu was very annoyed.

This guy just has a way to say everything in a high-sounding manner, and he doesn't know whether to say that he is eloquent or that his IQ and EQ are too high.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I can listen to you on other matters, but on this matter, you must listen to me, there is no need to discuss." Jiang Chen was serious.

Lan Xiu was helpless.

She didn't really want to drive Jiang Chen away, but Jiang Chen didn't shy away from her at all when he did this kind of thing, which made her feel a little weird and a little bit at a loss.

After all, she and Jiang Chen took different paths, no matter whether Jiang Chen really planned to go underworld or not, her identity was extremely sensitive anyway.

Thinking about it this way, it gave Lan Xiu a headache for no reason.

Elantra drove into Jingyuan Villa, Jiang Chen fulfilled his duties and personally escorted Lan Xiu into the room all the way.

Lan Xiu went upstairs to take a shower first, while Jiang Chen got into the kitchen and fiddled with the coffee machine to make coffee.

When Lan Xiu finished her bath and came downstairs wrapped in her nightgown, Jiang Chen had just finished making the coffee.

Two cups of coffee, one with sugar and one without sugar.

Jiang Chen handed Lan Xiu the coffee with sugar, and drank the unsweetened coffee himself.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, do you think this scene is a bit familiar?" Jiang Chen asked casually while drinking coffee.

Lan Xiu bowed her head slightly, and when she heard Jiang Chen's words, she suddenly raised her head, her eyes flickering.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, finished the coffee in two or three gulps, got up and walked upstairs, and said while walking: "I'm going to take a shower, I'll wait for you upstairs."

Lan Xiu bowed her head again, sweet and shy at the same time.

No wonder this guy went to make coffee. It turned out that the coffee was regarded as a signal of some kind of hint, and what I have to say is that this kind of hint is just right, hazy and beautiful.

She drank the coffee one mouthful at a time, and after finishing a cup of coffee, Lan Xiu got up and walked upstairs slowly.

She walked to the door of the bedroom, and just about to reach out to push the door, the door suddenly opened, a hand stretched out from inside, and pulled her in, and the nightgown on her body fell to the ground.



In the darkness, a large black bag was thrown out of a van.

After throwing the things out of the car, the van didn't stop for a moment and left quickly.

There was a human-shaped thing in the black bag, curled up on the ground and struggled. It took about twenty minutes before the bag was barely kicked open, and a blood-stained figure came out from inside.

It was a person, from top to bottom, except for a pair of eyes, there was almost no complete piece of flesh and blood in other places.

Even on its body, pus was found in many places, exuding a strong stench.

Next to his ear, there was the sound of tires rubbing against the ground when the car was driving at high speed. The man listened carefully for a while before he could tell that this was a highway, and he had been left on the side of the highway.

There is no road sign, so it is not clear where this place is.

The man worked hard, grasping the ground with both hands, and crawled hard towards the curb, across the grass, over the barbed wire fence, he crawled and crawled, and it took him an unknown amount of time until he finally reached the highway.

Staggering, he stood on the highway, stretched his arms, and screamed like a ghost with a voice like a broken gong!

After several adventures, he finally stopped a car, and a female driver in a car let him sit in the back seat of the car.

"Excuse me, where are you going?" The female driver asked in shock, and began to wonder if it was a wrong decision for her to let this man into the car.

"Yi...Yilan City..." The man mumbled an address, tilted his neck, and fell into a coma!
(End of this chapter)

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