genius evil

Chapter 332 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Death?

Chapter 332 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Death?

Because Lan Xiu had to go to work, Jiang Chen had to get up as early as Lan Xiu. After eating the loving breakfast cooked by Lan Xiu, Jiang Chen returned to Yilan Middle School at about nine o'clock in the morning.

A silver-gray Buick GL8 was parked at the gate of Yilan Middle School. Seeing the Elantra coming from a distance and driving into Yilan Middle School, the GL8 hurriedly started and drove in together.

The Elantra drove to the parking lot inside the school. After parking, the GL8 stopped at the same time, and the door was pushed open. A young man quickly got out of the car, walked towards the Elantra lightly, and tapped on the window glass again.

Jiang Chen put down the car window, and the young man looked at Jiang Chen with some embarrassment, and said, "Jiang Shao, Mr. Yu is here."

"It's fine for him to come, what are you doing here?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Shaoshang, please have a bite of food." The young man replied immediately.

"What can you do?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I can..." The young man said subconsciously that I could call, and then swallowed it back in a hurry.

It was true that he could fight, but compared to Jiang Chen, he was far behind.

There is still a dark stick mark on his head that hasn't faded away, and his legs are bruised up to his ankles, and walking is extremely strenuous.

Afterwards, when he recalled the process of fighting Jiang Chen, how could the young man not know that Jiang Chen said that he was merciful, otherwise he might just be a steel rod, and he would be dealt with directly.

In vain, he was still complacent. Compared with Jiang Chen, he really was nothing.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen looked at the young man amusedly.

"Jiang Shao, I can... I can help you run errands or something, and I promise to be on call for anything in the future." The young man said hastily.

"Sounds good." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Thank you Young Master Jiang for being willing to reward me with a bite of food." The young man expressed his opinion in a hurry as if he was afraid that Jiang Chen would refuse.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yuan...Yuan Yufeng."

After that, things become extremely simple.

Because Yu Yumin had been in a coma, Jiang Chen signed a document that Yuan Yufeng brought over, and Hengxing Real Estate Company became his company.

For the name, I will use the original name for the time being, mainly because Jiang Chen hasn't figured it out yet. As for the specific business, Yuan Yufeng will take care of it.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen appreciated Yuan Yufeng's cleverness.

The documents and the like had been prepared long ago, as if he had already expected what Jiang Chen wanted... For such a guy, at least he went to work, Jiang Chen had nothing to worry about.

Yuan Yufeng didn't stay long, and soon got into the GL8 and left, while Jiang Chen left the parking lot and wandered towards the shore of Weiming Lake.

A figure in black stood quietly by the lake, standing there motionless.

The wind blew, and the ripples on the lake moved layer by layer, but it still couldn't blow her expressionless face.

A face the size of a palm, small and delicate, with vigorous brows, although it is still charming, it has a little bit more of a feeling that strangers should not enter.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't feel that strangers should not enter. He came behind the figure in black, looked him up and down several times, touched his chin, smacked his mouth a few times and said, "Red clothes, I still don't think black is good enough. It suits you so well, why don't you try to change your dressing style and wear a red dress?"

"Why are you here now?" Hong Yi ignored Jiang Chen and said to himself.

"Did you hear what I said?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Did you hear what I said?" Hong Yi asked back.

"Understood." Jiang Chen nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and asked, "Then will you accept my suggestion?"

"No." Without thinking, Hong Yi just shook her head.

Obviously told him that what she hates the most is red, and it is even more impossible to wear red clothes. Why does this guy want to bring up this topic?Is he an idiot?
"Believe me, I'm doing it for your own good. After all, you don't have a boyfriend yet." Jiang Chen seemed to be thinking about Hong Yi.

"It has nothing to do with you." Hong Yi said coldly.

"It has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I'm not your boyfriend. The problem is that I have a bigger relationship with you, because, with you like this, you can't find a boyfriend at all." Jiang Chen was very worried.

"Shut up." Hong Yi was annoyed.

"Look at my handsome face." Jiang Chen pointed at his own face and said, "For the sake of my handsome face, you have to trust my aesthetics."

"Little boy." Hong Yi said disdainfully.

"Hey, how can you talk like that." Jiang Chen stared.

"Little boy." Hong Yi said again.

Jiang Chen smiled embarrassedly and said, "Thank you for the compliment."


Hong Yi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, was she praising someone?She was obviously swearing, okay? This guy can't understand people's words or something.

"I came to see you today because I want to remind you about something that happened during the day, and you went too far." Hong Yi simply pretended not to see Jiang Chen, pretending to be crazy, and said.

"Too much?" Jiang Chen blinked.

"Killing people, destroying corpses and destroying traces, what exactly do you want to do?" Hong Yi asked.

"Are you asking me this question for yourself, or are you here on behalf of the local group?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Hong Yi's question, but asked.

"Naturally, it is the representative land group." Hong Yi said indifferently.

What is the relationship between her and Jiang Chen?She wouldn't care about Jiang Chen's life or death. It could even be said that it would be better if Jiang Chen was dead.

"Since you are here on behalf of the local group, then this matter is really worth talking about." Jiang Chen said in a serious tone, "The people from Baishanmen want to kill me, so your group doesn't care about this matter?"

Hong Yi stared at Jiang Chen dumbfounded, and couldn't help reminding, "Are you sure you said the right thing?"

"The people from Baishan Gate wanted to kill me, but I was killed instead... Could it be that because of this, I said something wrong? Or should I be killed by them?" Jiang Chen asked angrily.

"Of course I didn't mean that." Hong Yi shook her head.

"It's fine if it doesn't mean that. Then, you can answer my question now. The local team doesn't care about this matter?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I can't control it," Hong Yi said.

"Then there's nothing to talk about." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Jiang Chen, what I want to talk to you is not about this matter." Hong Yi said, "What I want to talk about is about you killing Bai Tian."

"What's there to talk about? I can kill a hundred of his self-righteous trash." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"Ancient martial arts practitioners are not allowed to shoot at will, don't you even understand this?" Hong Yi said angrily.

"It's still the same problem. If I don't kill him, he will kill me... How about you call the police and arrest me and lock me up." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You are committing a crime. Even if you are arrested and put in prison, you will be responsible for it." Hong Yi said bitterly, why does it take so much effort to talk to this guy every time?

"That's right, I did bring the blame on myself, but why didn't anyone call the police? Why is that?" Jiang Chen wondered.

"Because there is no conclusive evidence." Hong Yi said displeased.

"You are wrong. The real reason is that some people don't want to arrest me. They just want me to die." Jiang Chen corrected Hong Yi's words.

Hong Yi was stunned.

"Look, reality is so cruel." Jiang Chen said.

"The Bai family, how will you deal with it?" Hong Yi didn't get entangled with Jiang Chen, and asked instead.

"Then we have to see if they have anything to do with killing me during the daytime, and what kind of attitude they will have after the daytime death." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Missing during the day, his death will soon be confirmed, and the Bai family naturally cannot let it go." Hong Yi said in a condensed voice.

"I never said that if Tiantian died, this matter will be let go." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"It's not good for you if you make a big fuss." Hong Yi frowned.

"You have to understand that I am fighting for my own interests." Jiang Chen looked at Hongyi and said.

Hong Yi was dumbfounded.

Was Jiang Chen wrong?


Not only is it true, the truth is exactly what Jiang Chen said.

"Once there is a problem during the day, it means that the potential balance has been broken. The local group will not sit idly by. The ancient martial arts alliance and the Tian group will be alarmed. If that happens, you will be in more trouble than now." Hong Yi said.

"After all, I'm still protecting the interests of others, and what I'm doing is protecting my own interests. If there's any trouble, then it's trouble." Jiang Chen sneered.

No matter what kind of social rules and order it is, breaking through the appearance to see the essence is still inseparable from the four words of the law of the jungle.

If he wants to be incompetent, he will be killed by Bai Tian and the people of Baishan Gate, even if he dies, he will die in vain.

On the contrary, he fights back, which is to disrupt order and disturb the balance.

The truth has been said thousands of times, but Jiang Chen always scoffed at it. This trick was left over by him long ago.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Hong Yi said angrily.

"Are you caring about me?" Jiang Chen looked at Hongyi in surprise.

The red-clothed face turned slightly red, and said angrily, "Jiang Chen, can you be a little more serious?"

After a short pause, Hongyi continued: "I came here on behalf of the local team this time, and what I want is your attitude, and then my local team will come forward to mediate this matter for you."

"The premise is that I join the ground group." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Yes, the premise is that you join the ground group." Hongyi didn't deny it.

"I can now answer your question just now, I am very afraid of death." Jiang Chen smiled without any fumes, "But if there is a chance, when you meet certain people, please help me Also ask them, are they afraid of death?"

"You—" Hong Yi felt powerless, it was nothing more than playing the piano with a cow, did this guy have a problem with the ground team or what happened?Why is it always a muscle?
If he has an opinion, he can say it directly, although the group will not make any changes according to his personal wishes at all.

"Is the talk over? If it's over, you can go back and report back now." Jiang Chen yawned and lay down on the grass lazily.

Seeing this, Hong Yi was so angry that he almost couldn't help kicking Jiang Chen's feet. After all, he controlled himself, stomped his feet, and left.

Just when Hongyi left Weiming Lake, at the school gate of Yilan Middle School, a car drove slowly past the school gate and entered Yilan Middle School...

(End of this chapter)

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