genius evil

Chapter 333 The Best Boyfriend Candidate

Chapter 333 The Best Boyfriend Candidate

It was a white Koenigsegg sports car.

The driver was a young man about 25 years old, with sunglasses covering his face, just by the slight curvature of his mouth, it is not difficult to see how stern and arrogant he is.

Koenigsegg drove into Yilan Middle School quickly, and stopped under the teaching building.

The man didn't intend to get out of the car at all, he picked up his mobile phone slowly, made a call and went out.

Five minutes later, a figure appeared, it was Tangyue.

The pretty figure attracts infinite reverie.

Seeing Tangyue approaching, the curvature of the young man's mouth changed unconsciously, and finally, a smile appeared.

The car door opened at this moment, and the young man stepped out with one foot and got out of the car quickly.

Stretching out his hands, the man made a gesture of waiting for Tangyue to throw himself into his arms.


To everyone's surprise, Tangyue, who had always been dignified and quiet, raised her foot and kicked the man's calf.


The man bared his teeth and took off his sunglasses, revealing an extremely aggrieved face.

"Why are you here?" Tangyue asked, ignoring the man.

"Of course I came to see you." The man said with a smile.


Tangyue kicked the man's calf again. This time it was really painful. The man squatted down and rubbed his leg in pain. The expression on his face was even more aggrieved.

"Tangyue, can you still talk properly?" the man said angrily.

"What do you think?" Tangyue said indifferently.

"I can, I can." The man changed his face in a second, with a smile on his face, leaned forward, and said, "Tang Yue, you haven't seen me for such a long time, don't you think so? me?"

"I don't want to." Tangyue shook her head.

"Impossible." The man's voice was more than an octave higher, as if it was a great sin for Tang Yue not to think about him.

"Tangyu, can you stop being so naive?" Tangyue reminded, as if she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Don't call me Tangyue, call me brother." Tangyu said dissatisfied.

"How do you want me to call you brother before I'm not sure whether you'll sell your sister again?" Tangyue sneered.

"I've never done this kind of thing before, you're framing me." Tangyue said loudly.

"Then please tell me where your car came from." Tangyue said indifferently, pointing at the Koenigsegg with her slender fingers.

"A gift from a friend." Tang Yu said with a smile.

"What friend?" Tang Yue asked.

"It's not my friend, it's your friend, and it's not for me, but for you. I'm just a driver today, and I'm just responsible for driving the car to you." Tang Yu said.

While speaking, Tang Yu took out a key from her pocket.

Tangyue didn't go to pick up the key. After hearing Tangyu's words, her face changed. When her face changed, Tangyue's eyes also changed.

If at the beginning, when she saw Tangyu, she looked at Tangyu with indifference, then at this moment, the way she looked at Tangyu was completely looking at a stranger!

"I'll give you the car key... If you don't want it right now, you can just lend it to me and drive it for a few days." Tang Yu said reluctantly.

"Did that person also come to Yilan City?" Tangyue asked.

"No." Tang Yu said, "Because he wants you to go back to Yanjing."

"I won't go back." Tangyue said coldly.

"The two-year period will soon pass, you know, you must go back." Tang Yu said.

Hearing the sound, Tangyue's face changed again, and then fell silent.

"I won't go back." About a minute later, Tangyue said firmly.

"Tangyue, if you don't go back, what will I do? What about our Tang family? How can you be so selfish?" Tangyu said displeased.

"If you think I'm selfish, then treat me as selfish." Tangyue said, leaving the words behind, turned around and left.

Seeing this, Tangyu strode forward, just wanting to hold Tangyue and prevent Tangyue from leaving. Who knows, just as Tangyu stretched out her hand, she was caught by a hand that suddenly stretched out .

Then, there was a muffled "click", and Tangyu's outstretched hand dislocated directly.


With another kick, Tangyu flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground, her pretty face was swollen from the blow.

Hearing the sound of Tangyu falling to the ground, Tangyue turned her head subconsciously, only to see an extremely tired face smiling.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Tangyue asked in surprise.

"Teacher Tang, don't be nervous, let me handle this matter." The person who came was Jiang Chen, and after receiving Mulanhua's call, he immediately rushed over from Wuminghupan.

While talking comforting Tangyue, Jiang Chen walked towards Tangyu.

Bending down, Jiang Chen grabbed Tangyu by the collar and lifted Tangyu up from the ground.

"You want to pick up Teacher Tang?" Jiang Chen asked.

"" Tangyu replied inexplicably, since when did he want to have sex with Tangyue, where did this come from.

"Oh, you won't admit it?" Jiang Chen smiled, picked up Tangyu, and pushed it hard, hitting the door of the Koenigsegg sports car.

"Do you think that if you drive a good car, you will have the capital to come to see Teacher Tang? I really don't understand why you don't flirt with girls to see what kind of virtue you are." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I really don't." Tang Yu was about to cry.

"You still don't want to admit it, right?" Jiang Chen's face darkened, and he smashed Tangyu hard, hitting the sports car body, and said, "Are you willing to admit it now?"

"How do you want me to admit it?" Tang Yu was about to cry.

"It's really a dead duck, so I'll smash your car first." Jiang Chen threw Tangyu to the ground, saw a few bricks in the flower bed next to him, walked over to pick one up, and it was crackling. Facing the car, he smashed it wildly.

In less than 1 minute, several windows of the car were smashed, Jiang Chen seemed to want to smash it, and started to tear down the car door.

Under Jiang Chen's violent tugging, the two doors were abruptly removed, then the steering wheel, then the driving computer, and then the seats...

Jiang Chen spent about ten minutes until he smashed the Koenigsegg so badly that it couldn't be repaired even if it was sent to a repair shop, then he stopped.

"I think, you should be willing to admit it now, right?" Jiang Chen asked with a glance at Tangyu.

Tangyu was in a state of bewilderment, to be exact, he was frightened stupid by Jiang Chen's every move.

So crazy and so violent.

This is a Koenigsegg.

When this guy smashed the car, did you know the price of the car?

Even if he was sold, no, even if he was sold a thousand times or ten thousand times, it would still not be worth the money for this car.

And, do you want to be so violent?

You said smashing a few windows was fine, but it turned out that the whole car was almost dismantled into pieces. Is this something that humans can do?
Swallowing her saliva with difficulty, Tang Yu said, "Do you know how much you paid for the car you smashed?"

"Distressed?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"This car is not mine, but Tang Yue's." Tang Yu reminded.

But even so, Tang Yu still felt terribly distressed.

Even if it's a car given to Tangyue, he can borrow it to drive it, right?This time, there was nothing left.

"Besides, I'm really not Tangyue's suitor. My name is Tangyu, and I'm her brother." Tangyu said immediately.

"Teacher Tang, is what he said true?" Jiang Chen asked Tangyue.

"It's all fake." Tangyue said expressionlessly.

A car that is destined to be impossible to accept, a brother who repeatedly sells his sister for glory... The car is smashed and smashed, and Tang Yu is beaten when Jiang Chen beats him...

"You lied to me." Jiang Chen was very angry.

"I didn't lie to you, what I said is true." Tang Yu was a little anxious.

This guy is so violent, what if he is accidentally dismantled?
"Damn it, you still want to lie to me." Jiang Chen was very unhappy.

Does he look like a fool?
Or does he seem too naive and innocent?
This guy's lies were all exposed, and he even tried to lie to him.

Uncle couldn't bear this kind of thing, aunt couldn't bear it, and he, Jiang Chen, couldn't bear it even more.

So, Jiang Chen, who couldn't bear it, went forward and kicked Tangyu to the ground with one kick, and then kicked Tangyu flying out of the ground like kicking a ball.

"Get out!" Jiang Chen shouted in a low voice.

Tangyu didn't dare to take a breath, endured the pain, got up from the ground, hugged her injured hand, and walked away in a hurry.

"Boy, how dare you treat me like this, you're dead." Tangyu gritted her teeth and said harsh words, but she ran faster than a rabbit.

"Jiang Chen, I'm going to the office now." Tang Yue said, turning around to leave.

"Teacher Tang, do you still remember one thing?" Jiang Chen said as if he didn't hear Tang Yue's words.

"What's the matter?" Tangyue had to stop.

"It's the thing about Mr. Tang calling me a hooligan." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tangyue quickly remembered that it was that time when she invited Jiang Chen to eat in the cafeteria. Later, because Jiang Chen pointed out that she had suffered from insomnia for a year and a half, she thought Jiang Chen had evil intentions and called Jiang Chen a hooligan.

"Jiang Chen, do you have something to say to me?" Tangyue asked, she understood that Jiang Chen would not bring this up for no reason.

"Teacher Tang, you said the wrong thing, it should be, do you have something to say to me." Jiang Chen corrected.

"" Tangyue's eyes flickered.

"So, Teacher Tang, have you considered finding a boyfriend? A boyfriend who can protect you?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.

"Ah—" Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"Teacher Tang, obviously, you also understand that I am the best boyfriend candidate, right?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"No..." Tangyue blushed, she didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen directly, she sighed faintly, and said, "Jiang Chen, be more serious, stop talking nonsense."

"Does Teacher Tang not believe that I can protect you?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, don't get me wrong, it's just that there are some things you don't understand." Tangyue said bitterly.

"Teacher Tang, if you believed that I could protect you, then you wouldn't say such things. Besides, in fact, there are some problems, why do I need to understand them so clearly? I just need to know that I can solve them Just your troubles." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"You don't even know what it is, how to solve it?" Tangyue said helplessly.

"Solve it in my own way." Jiang Chen said casually.

Tangyue was stunned, inexplicably, she realized that the Jiang Chen in front of her was so familiar, yet so strange!
(End of this chapter)

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