genius evil

Chapter 334 Done all the things that should be done

Chapter 334 Done all the things that should be done

After all, Tangyue didn't talk to Jiang Chen too much. Maybe she didn't know what to say, or maybe she didn't want to say anything at all. She just stared at Jiang Chen in a daze for a while, before Tangyue walked into the teaching building.

Shrugging, Jiang Chen had an innocent face.

"Teacher Tang, you really can't trust me." Jiang Chen murmured.

Five minutes later, Jiang Chen appeared at the gate of Yilan Middle School, where a dilapidated van was parked.

Magnolia was sitting in the driving seat, and another guy was tied up and thrown on the back seat.

That guy's hands and feet were bound, even his mouth was sealed with tape, who else could it be except Tang Yu.

Jiang Chen opened the door to get in the car, he was delighted to see such a scene.

"I said, what's going on here?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Jiang Shao." Mulanhua greeted Jiang Chen, and then said with disgust, "This guy talks too much, I can only find a way to make him quiet."

"Good job, but not pretty enough." Jiang Chen smiled and said lazily, "Actually, there are many ways to shut him up. Why waste tape? You can stuff his crotch with stinky socks. Mouth, if it doesn't work, you can cut off his tongue with a knife."

"Jiang Shao, I think your suggestion is good." Mulan said.

She wasn't very clear whether Jiang Chen's words were serious or joking.

But if Jiang Chen really planned to stuff Tangyu's mouth with a stinky sock, or directly cut off Tangyu's tongue, she would be more than happy to do that.


When Tangyu first saw Jiang Chen getting into the car, she was a little happy. After all, Jiang Chen and Tangyue knew each other, so they couldn't cooperate with outsiders to kidnap him.

When she heard Mulanhua call Jiang Chen Young Master Jiang, Tang Yu's heart immediately became half cold, because it clearly showed that Jiang Chen and Mulanhua were in the same group.

Hearing Jiang Chen say that he was going to stuff his mouth with a stinky sock and cut off his tongue, Tang Yu's heart was completely chilled, and she couldn't stop trembling with fright.

Tangyu felt that she was still too naive, how could he pin his hopes on a lunatic, wouldn't that be asking for trouble?
"This only shows that I am more talented than you when I do bad things, so I have nothing to be proud of." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

He said he had nothing to be proud of, but he actually had a sullen expression on his face.

Magnolia smiled lightly, and with a movement of her right hand, a dagger appeared in her hand, a cold light flickered in front of Tangyu's eyes, and Tangyu's eyeballs were about to bulge out of their sockets.


Shocked, Tangyu pulled her throat and screamed loudly.

After the sound, Tangyu felt that something was wrong, his mouth was sealed with tape, and he couldn't scream at all.

After that, Tangyu felt something was wrong again, because he heard his own screaming.

"Shut up." Magnolia said coldly.


After realizing that she could make a sound, Tangyu yelled again.

"If you dare to make a little noise again, I don't mind cutting off your tongue at all." Mulan said displeased.


Tang Yu hurriedly closed her mouth, looking at her appearance, she wished she could sew her own mouth up with a needle.

"Jiang Shao, should I get out of the car?" Mulan asked.

She cut the tape with a dagger, and naturally understood that Jiang Chen had something to say to Tang Yu when he came, but she didn't know if it was convenient for her to hear those words.

"Who will drive after you get out of the car?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Let's drive on the road, I'll chat with this guy casually."

"Okay, I'll talk to you." Tang Yu said hastily.

"What should we talk about?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm really Tangyue's elder brother." Tangyu said.


Raising his hand, Jiang Chen slapped Tangyu on the face, and said dissatisfied: "It seems that you really don't know how to chat at all."

"Then what do you want to talk about?" Tang Yu asked with a sad face.

"For example, what are you doing in Yilan City?" Jiang Chen said.

"I'm here to give Tangyue a car. You saw that car just now. Someone entrusted me to give it to Tangyue." Tangyu didn't dare to hide it, and said truthfully, he didn't want to be slapped by Jiang Chen again.

"Who is it that asked you to deliver the car to Teacher Tang?" Jiang Chen continued to ask.

"Have you heard of the four small families in the capital?" This time, Tang Yu didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Jiang Chen said angrily, and slapped him again.

"Then have you heard it or haven't you?" Tang Yu felt that she was so innocent, could she still talk properly, it was obviously Jiang Chen who wanted to talk to him.

"Of course I haven't heard of it." Jiang Chen said casually.

He has heard of the four major families in the capital, namely Zhou, Wu and King Zheng. As for the four small families, what are they?
"The four small families in the capital are the Zhao family, the Qian family, the Sun family, and the Li family in the capital. The four families of Zhao, Qian, Sun, and Li are second only to the four major families of Zhou, Wu, and King Zheng because of their status in the capital. So they were collectively called the Four Small Families." Tang Yu explained in detail.

"Oh, the person who gave the car to Teacher Tang is from these four small families?" Jiang Chen asked interestingly.

Under the four major families, there are four small families.

The Big Four or the Four Smalls, on the surface, are just a simple name, but it represents the rules of strength and weakness. Jiang Chen is still somewhat interested in this.

"To be more specific, it's from the Qian family." Tang Yu nodded, and then said, "I came here this time to give Qian Fugui a car to Tangyue. Originally, Qian Fugui wanted to come by himself, but because he and Tangyue There was an agreement between them, that's why they called me over."

"Qian Fugui?" The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

Money, rich, expensive!

As for the name, vulgarity is elegance.

The surname is Qian, and the first name is Fugui.

If the name is taken apart, it is very meaningful, and when combined, it gives people an atmosphere full of nouveau riche.

Of course, it can be imagined from this that the Qian family is probably the one with the most money among the four small families.

Tangyu didn't think there was anything wrong with the name, he said, "It's Qianfugui."

"You said there was an agreement between Qian Fugui and Teacher Tang? What agreement?" Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice.

"This agreement started two years ago. At that time, for some reason, a crisis broke out in the Tang family. It was Qian Fugui's injection of [-] billion that brought the Tang family back to life. And the reason why Qian Fugui was like that His goal is Tangyue." Tangyu said.

"Later, Teacher Tang left Yanjing and came to Yilan City?" Jiang Chen added.

"Tangyue came to Yilan City. On the surface, no one knows about it, but in fact, it is not a secret at all. Not only my Tang family, but even the money and wealth are very clear." Tang Yu said.

"Go ahead." Jiang Chen urged.

"When Tangyue left the capital, she put forward a condition, that is, to give her two years. After two years, she will return to the capital and marry Qian Fugui."

Frowning, Jiang Chen said, "If I'm not mistaken, Teacher Tang doesn't want to go back."

"That's right, Tangyue doesn't want to go back, but the reason why Qian Fugui gave Tangyue two years, one prerequisite is that in these two years, whether Tangyue thinks it through or not, she has to go back, she has to I want to marry him. Our Tang family owes money to Fugui, and this kindness must be repaid." Tang Yu said seriously.


Crisp slaps sounded, and Jiang Chen slapped Tang Yu's face again.

This slap was extra heavy, and Tang Yu's face, which was already a bit horrible, was almost unreadable following Jiang Chen's slap.

"Why did you hit me again?" Tang Yu said aggrievedly, obviously what she said was good, why did Jiang Chen hit someone at every turn?
"You don't understand why I beat you?" Jiang Chen sneered, and said word by word: "Your Tang family wants to repay your kindness, which is very good, and it is an act of loyalty that is appreciated, but repaying your kindness is repaying your kindness, and the rest of the Tang family Are they all dead? Why should a woman repay her kindness?"

"Because Qian Fugui is interested in Tangyue." Tangyu argued.

He felt that he wanted to repay the favor, but the problem was that Qian Fugui was a man, so he couldn't repay the favor even if he wanted to.

"Because... so... this is you, the logic of your Tang family? Self-righteous and correct logic?" Jiang Chen's face was very cold, "Or maybe, in the eyes of your Tang family, Tangyue's sacrifice is not considered at all. Not a sacrifice."

"Anyway, sacrificing her alone will bring happiness to your whole family, but don't you feel ashamed that it is shameless to exchange a woman for what you call glory and wealth?"

The more Jiang Chen talked, the colder his face became, and the more he spoke, the more angry he became, so Jiang Chen, who was in anger, opened the knife on both sides of Tangyu's cheeks, and directly knocked Tangyu unconscious.

But of course Jiang Chen wouldn't let Tangyu pass out just like that. A silver needle pierced Tangyu's body, instantly waking her up.

"Can you stop beating me?" Tangyu's cheeks on both sides were bulging like two steamed buns, and her teeth were almost knocked out by Jiang Chen.

"I can't." Jiang Chen scratched his ears and slapped it directly.

"I'm almost unable to speak." Tang Yu, with a bruised nose and swollen face, said vaguely.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes... I have a question. I just want to know why you care about Tangyue so much. Could it be that you like her?" Tangyu asked.

"Is this a problem?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"This question is very important. I think that if you like Tangyue and Tangyue doesn't know, you must let her know as soon as possible. If Tangyue knows that you like her, it would be great. The two-year period will Come on, there is not much time left for you, hurry up and do all the things you should do." Tang Yu advised.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen looked at Tangyu slightly surprised.
He didn't know what was going on, but at this moment, Jiang Chen felt that Tang Yu wasn't so hateful anymore.

"Actually, the relationship between Teacher Tang and I is very pure." Jiang Chen said coyly.

"There is no such thing as a pure relationship between a man and a woman. I believe in you, there must be a way to make the relationship between you two no longer pure." Tang Yu said solemnly.


Jiang Chen raised his hand suddenly, and slapped Tangyu on the face. Not surprisingly, Tangyu was slapped for the second time and passed out!

(End of this chapter)

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