genius evil

Chapter 340 Please go to a place

Chapter 340 Please go to a place

Twenty or ten minutes later, Jiang Chen appeared at the door of Class Three, Class Three, Senior Three by Shi Shiran.

"You looking for me?" Jiang Chen looked at the guy looking for him and said.

It was a guy about 1.7 meters tall, with a thick waist and thick legs, and rough and dark skin on his face, giving him a strong and strong feeling like a black bear.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Saber. To be precise, I am here to invite you to a place. Since you are here, follow me." The man said directly.

"Don't worry, I'm a good student, how can I skip class casually." Jiang Chen said leisurely, and then asked Tang Yue, "Teacher Tang, how long is this class?"

"Two 10 minutes." Tangyue replied without knowing why.

As for Jiang Chen saying that he is a good student and should not be absent from class casually, Tangyue just pretended she didn't hear it.

Not to mention other schools, just in Yilan Middle School, if Jiang Chen can be called a good student, then it is estimated that any other student can be rated as an excellent learning model.

"Two 10 minutes? That's enough." Jiang Chen nodded, walked into the classroom, took a test paper from the desk, and swayed towards his seat.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Tangyue couldn't help asking.

"Exam." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

Tangyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the saber frowned suddenly, and said displeasedly: "Jiang Chen, don't try to play tricks in front of me, I don't have time to waste with you."

"You've already been waiting for me for 10 minutes, so it's no big deal to wait another 10 minutes. Just wait, what's the matter, I'll talk about it after I finish the exam." Jiang Chen waved his hand impatiently. Sitting down on the seat, he took out a pen.

"Jiang Chen, I order you, follow me immediately." Saber ordered.

"Shut up." Jiang Chen was angry. "What are you talking about so loudly? Didn't you see that others are taking the exam? If you fail the exam, you will be responsible or what?"

"Jiang Chen, if you keep messing around, don't blame me for being rude." The saber couldn't hold back anymore.

"You're welcome?" Jiang Chen stood up abruptly, walked to the saber in a few steps, kicked the saber with one foot, and knocked the saber to the ground with one kick.

"I didn't say you're being rude, but you just told me that you're being rude, what kind of onion are you?" Jiang Chen pointed at the saber with one hand, and said menacingly.

Saber was dumbfounded.

He didn't understand what happened until he was kicked and knocked to the ground.

The speed of Jiang Chen's kick was so fast that he couldn't guard against it at all, but he was kicked by Jiang Chen.

"You're looking for death." Yi Gulu got up from the ground, his saber was furious, he was kicked over by a high school student, if word of this got out, where would he put his face?
As he spoke, the saber stretched out his hand and pointed at Jiang Chen's shoulder.

This Jiang Chen dared to touch him, he must let Jiang Chen suffer.


Just as the saber's hand was stretched out, Jiang Chen's hand was stretched out, as fast as lightning, the arm holding the saber was twisted, and the arm of one hand of the saber was directly removed.

Not to mention, after removing one arm of the saber, Jiang Chen swiftly removed the other arm of the saber.

"I call it just in case. In this way, you probably won't be able to do anything." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Both hands were removed, and the severe pain caused cold sweat to break out on Saber's forehead, and the veins on his forehead were exposed. His eyes were staring tightly, and the eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

Lifting one foot, the saber kicked towards Jiang Chen suddenly.

He can't do anything, but he still has feet!
"Damn it, why did I forget to take off your two legs?" Jiang Chen kicked over with one foot, kicking on the saber's knee, defusing the saber's attack, and muttered to himself angrily.

So, Jiang Chen, who was upset, didn't wait for the saber to kick out again, he took the lead in kicking the saber again and knocked it to the ground, taking off both legs of the saber.

"Now, I guess there is really no way to do it." Jiang Chen murmured.

Saber's hands and legs were all bent into strange arcs. He was limp on the ground, unable to move, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

Rao's willpower was astonishing, deep in his throat, he couldn't help but let out a low growl like a wolf's howl, especially in those eyes, which were like trapped beasts, shooting a frightening edge.

"It's too noisy, why don't you just shut your mouth." Jiang Chen was a little displeased, and a silver needle popped out, piercing the saber's throat, blocking the saber's voice.

"Teacher Tang, I'm sorry to disturb everyone's exam." Turning around, facing Tangyue, Jiang Chen looked extremely guilty.

"Jiang Chen, who is this person, and why did he bother you?" Tangyue said worriedly.

She had personally seen Jiang Chen kill someone. Compared to him, Jiang Chen's method of dealing with the saber was already mild. After all, he hadn't even seen blood.

"Oh, that's right, he owes me a large sum of money, and he probably wants to renege on the debt." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"No, he said he wanted to invite you to a certain place." How could Tangyue be fooled so easily.

"I must have found a big brother on the road to threaten me." Jiang Chen said angrily.

Tangyue was speechless.

She knew that Jiang Chen must be talking nonsense, but since Jiang Chen said so, Tangyue knew that even if she asked again, it would be difficult to ask anything.

So I had to say: "Then you take this person away, don't disturb everyone's exam."

"Teacher Tang, I also want to take the exam." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Are you really planning to take the exam?" Tangyue was a little surprised, she thought Jiang Chen was joking.

"Of course it's true. Teacher Tang, it's not like you don't know that I love studying the most. As for this guy, let him lie here and treat it as a mental exercise for everyone." Jiang Chen said with a smile He spoke and ran back to his seat.

Tangyue also had no choice but to let Jiang Chen mess around, but naturally he couldn't really let the saber lie on the corridor, it would be bad if it killed someone, so he called the principal. The security came and sent the person to the school's infirmary first.

After Jiang Chen took a pen to write his name on the test paper, he began to answer the questions seriously. On the contrary, it was because of the conflict between Jiang Chen and Saber that the other students were uneasy, especially Jiang Yanyan. He lost all thought of answering the question, and glanced at Jiang Chen from the corner of his eye.

If it wasn't for the exam, Jiang Yanyan couldn't bear it long ago and would have run to Jiang Chen and asked Jiang Chen what was going on.

But after the exam, Jiang Yanyan didn't have a chance to ask Jiang Chen. As soon as the exam bell rang, Jiang Chen threw away the pen in his hand and left the classroom.

"Damn it, I'm so mad." Jiang Yanyan was very annoyed.

Tangyue asked Xu Anqi to help collect the test papers. Xu Anqi collected the test papers from the back row. After a while, she got Jiang Chen's test papers in her hand.

"An Qi, that guy Jiang Chen didn't do a single question?" Jiang Yanyan asked.

"I did." Xu Anqi replied.

"Then it must have been multiple-choice questions, filled in randomly." Taking advantage of Jiang Chen's absence, Jiang Yanyan taunted her.

Xu Anqi smiled lightly, and said, "I've done the multiple-choice questions, and I've done every question."


Jiang Yanyan opened her mouth wide, and walked over to read Jiang Chen's test paper with Xu Anqi, and then Jiang Yanyan found sadly that she failed to beat Jiang Chen, but was seriously hurt by Jiang Chen.

The time for one class was too short, she didn't have time to do a few questions at all, Jiang Chen actually finished all of them in such a short period of time, and let people live.

"This is a test paper with full marks." Xu Anqi said softly.

After the test papers were collected, Tangyue took out Jiang Chen's test papers. There were originally 10 minutes left for Jiang Chen, but because Jiang Chen beat the saber, a few minutes were wasted, and only 15 minutes were left. look.

The topic was written by Tangyue herself, referring to the previous years' college entrance examination topics. It is not difficult, but the knowledge points cover a wide range. Therefore, if you want to complete all the topics in the mock exam for a class, it is simply a matter of time. No time to think about the topic.

Tangyue posed the questions herself, and she knew whether the answers were right or wrong just by looking at the test paper.

"Full marks." Tangyue said in her heart.

She didn't feel happy or anything. Tangyue always thought Jiang Chen was a genius. She thought so before, and she thought so even more now.

However, Jiang Chen didn't have the heart to study at all, and this was not something that wouldn't stop Tangyue from having a headache.

This time, it took Jiang Chen 15 minutes to give her a test paper with full marks, which made Tangyue even more headache.


Infirmary of Yilan Middle School.

The two school doctors looked at the saber lying on the hospital bed with big eyes and small eyes, and looked at each other, not knowing where to start.

"Has the man's hands and feet been broken?" asked one of the school doctors.

"It was removed by someone." Another school doctor said.

"Who did it? It's too cruel. How can we treat it?" the school doctor complained.

"Yeah, it can't be cured. Why don't you send it to the hospital outside? I feel pain even looking at it." Another school doctor shuddered.

When Jiang Chen swaggered into the school infirmary, he heard the voices of two school doctors discussing. With a smile, Jiang Chen walked over, grabbed the saber on the hospital bed, and walked outside.

"Where are you taking him?" the school doctor asked.

"Didn't you two say that there is no rule of law? Of course you dig a hole and bury him." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Buried?" The school doctor was startled, and hurriedly said: "This person is not dead, how can he be buried? It is against the law to bury a living person."

"He's not dead now, but he won't know for sure in a while. Maybe he will die in a while. It shouldn't be against the law to bury the dead." Jiang Chen replied unhurriedly. Holding a saber in one hand, he left the school infirmary, leaving the two school doctors covered in cold sweat.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen appeared by the Weiming Lake, casually threw the saber on the grass, reached out and pulled out the silver needle from the saber's throat, Jiang Chen said flatly, "If I guessed right, it's money." Fugui sent you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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