genius evil

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

"That's right, Mr. Qian asked me to invite you to the capital, he wants to see you." Panting heavily, Saber said vaguely.

"Your ability to endure is not bad. You used to be a soldier. Hearing your name, tsk tsk, a sword in the army, how can you be reduced to being a running dog for others." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

Saber blushed, not knowing whether it was anger or embarrassment.

"If Qian Fugui wants to see me, let him come to Yilan City by himself. In addition, from now on, including Qian Fugui, all of you, whoever appears in front of Teacher Tang, don't blame me, Jiang Chen, for being ruthless." Jiang Chen Dust said coldly.

"I will convey this to Qian Shao after I return to Beijing," Saber said.

"You don't have to wait until you return to Beijing, just call here." Jiang Chen kicked the saber, connected the right hand of the saber, and said.

Saber was a little bit taken aback. He wasn't very sure whether Jiang Chen knew about Qian Fugui's identity, but since Jiang Chen knew about Qian Fugui, it was very likely that he had heard of him.

Knowing Qian Fugui's identity, Jiang Chen is still so openly provocative, where does his confidence come from?

Saber couldn't figure it out, but Jiang Chen asked him to make this call, and Saber would naturally not refuse.

Taking out his mobile phone from his pocket, Saber dialed Qian Fugui's number.

"There is little money, there is something to do." Saber said.

"Speak directly." Qian Fugui said lazily.

"I'm in Yilan Middle School now, and I met Jiang Chen." Saber said.

"Why, he doesn't want to come to the capital with you to meet me?" Qian Fugui said indifferently.

"Yes." Saber nodded.

"Are you an idiot? In this kind of thing, is it possible that you have to pay attention to what you want? You won't threaten him and kidnap him?" Qian Fugui said angrily.

"Qian Shao, it's not what you think." Saber smiled wryly, and said, "It's because I can't take Jiang Chen to the capital at all. He asked me to bring a word to Qian Shao. If you want to see him, you can personally Come to Yilan City."

"What a big tone." Qian Fugui was angry.

What is his identity?
What is Jiang Chen's identity?
Want him to go to Yilan City to meet Jiang Chen in person?
What is Jiang Chen?
Saber had no choice but to explain what happened to him in detail.

"Trash." Qian Fugui cursed angrily, and hung up the phone directly.

"Okay, you can get out now." Seeing Saber put away his phone, Jiang Chen said.

The right hand of the saber rested on the shoulder of the left hand, twisted it forcefully, forcibly connected the left hand, then connected the feet with great effort, and limped away from Weiming Lake.

"He's a good man, but unfortunately he doesn't behave like a man." Jiang Chen expressed his regret, and when he closed his eyes, he lay down on the grass and fell asleep.

"Qian Shao, did something unexpected happen?" Tang Yu asked far away in the capital, in a courtyard.

"Go, find me two people, no, find four, and make sure to bring Jiang Chen to the capital." Qian Fugui said impatiently.

He felt that it was overkill to send a saber to Yilan City to "invite" Jiang Chen. Who would have thought that a saber would be such a waste, but according to saber himself, Jiang Chen had both hands and legs removed.

And what Jiang Chen asked Saber to convey to him made Qian Fugui very angry. He didn't believe it anymore. He was a dignified young man of the Qian family, and he couldn't even deal with a mere high school student.

"Okay, I'll arrange this matter." Tang Yu nodded.

"Remember, if Jiang Chen doesn't cooperate, just break his hands and legs, and have someone carry him to me." Qian Fugui said in a gloomy manner.

"I don't have much money, would it be bad to do this?" Tang Yu asked.

"Not good?" Qian Fugui sneered, "Then add another one and break his third leg. I'll see how he will act like a jerk in the future. Hurry up and arrange it, don't waste my time."

"Okay." Tang Yu nodded reluctantly.

On the surface Tangyu was reluctant, but in fact she was happy in her heart.

When hearing Qian Fugui say that he sent sabers to Yilan City, Tangyu was a little worried that the whole thing was too easy, but now it is better, the sabers failed, and Jiang Chen succeeded in angering Qian Fugui.

And after Jiang Chen angered Qian Fugui, the consequences were self-evident, and Tangyu felt a little pity for Jiang Chen at this moment.

If it is possible to break limbs, with the current level of medical treatment, it is still possible to accept it, but if the third leg is broken, Jiang Chen will be completely crippled.

Tangyu left the courtyard very soon. In fact, Qian Fugui didn't need to urge her at all. Since Qian Fugui gave such an order, Tangyu would definitely handle it quickly and effectively.

Jiang Chen didn't sleep on the grass for a long time, but the sound of footsteps came from the cobblestone path.

Facing the wind, Tangyue approached Jiang Chen and sat down beside Jiang Chen.

"The person who came to look for you was sent by Qian Fugui, right?" Tangyue asked.

"Money and wealth?"

When hearing this name, Jiang Chen opened his eyes as if he heard a big joke, and laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" Tangyue asked inexplicably.

"Teacher Tang, don't you think it's funny? You almost killed me from laughing." Jiang Chen looked as if tears were about to flow from his laughter.

"It's not funny." Tangyue said distressedly.

"How can it not be funny? It's obviously very funny. Qian Fugui, tsk tsk, how can someone take such a name in this modern society? Vulgar, insane." Jiang Chen said with a big laugh.

"Jiang Chen, stop pretending." Tang Yue pushed Jiang Chen angrily.

"I'm not pretending, it's really funny." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, I know. You already know some things, so you don't have to play dumb in front of me." Tangyue said quietly.

"But, if I don't pretend to be stupid, what should I do?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"You..." Tangyue was stunned for a moment, a little speechless.

"You should not be involved in these matters." After a while, Tangyue whispered.

"And then, after the two-year period is up, you go back to the capital and destroy yourself?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No." Tangyue shook her head.

"Two years is a time limit I gave myself, and it is also a time limit for the Tang family. If there is a transitional period of two years, and the Tang family is still unable to support A Dou, I will do my best." Immediately afterwards, Tangyue said.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen looked at Tangyue slightly astonished, but he didn't expect Tangyue to say such a thing.

"In fact, I know very well that during the two years since I left the capital, I have never left the sight of Tang's family and Qian Fugui. It's not that I can't, but that I didn't do that, because once I'm out of their sight completely, Then Qian Fugui will definitely anger the Tang family." Tangyue said again.

"It's great." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

"It's not great, it can only be called stupid." Tangyue smiled wryly.

Tangyue is very clear about the role she plays in the relationship between Qian Fugui and the Tang family. In the past, she also had reason to believe that she was great.

But this time, Tangyu's arrival broke her heart.

She cares about everyone, but who ever cares about her?

No, none at all.

With Tangyu alone, one can observe the attitudes of the Tang family up and down.

The family may be thinking about what kind of benefits they will get after selling her to Qian Fugui, and how many benefits they can get.

"Teacher Tang, I really think this is great." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"The two-year period is coming. After you finish the college entrance examination, I will leave Yilan City. I will leave the country and go to a place where no one can find me." Tangyue said.

"Since you have never been out of their sight from the very beginning, it will be impossible to do it now and in the future." Jiang Chen reminded.

"It's up to people." Tang Yue said firmly.

"It still can't be done, at least, I will definitely not let you out of my sight." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, don't joke around." Tangyue blushed.

"Teacher Tang, I'm not joking with you." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"You're just joking." Tangyue said with flickering eyes.

Jiang Chen smiled, and didn't dwell on this topic, instead he said, "Then let's talk about something that is not a joke. What is the current situation? Qian Fugui is staring at you, the Tang family is staring at you, you Apart from going back to the capital obediently, you can't go anywhere at all, if you don't believe me, you can pick up your mobile phone and make a call now."

"What's the call?" Tangyue asked.

"Book a plane ticket to go abroad and choose a place at random." Jiang Chen said casually.

Tangyue hesitated for a moment, took out her mobile phone, and dialed the booking number. After 2 minutes, the phone hung up, and Tangyue's face turned pale.

"Teacher Tang, you should understand now what kind of situation you are in." Jiang Chen said.

"Understood." Tangyue murmured.

This phone call was Tangyue's last hope for herself. After the phone call, her hope was completely shattered, and Tangyue's heart was as cold as death.

If at this point, she still can't understand, then she is the biggest fool in the world.

The so-called greatness has become a big joke after all!

"What should I do?" Tangyue whispered softly, she didn't know whether she was speaking for Jiang Chen or herself.

"Just like what I said yesterday, just let me handle it." Jiang Chen said.

"No, you can't." Tangyue said hastily.

"I can." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"You're really bad." Tangyue became even more anxious.

As soon as Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, he pulled Tangyue into his arms, turned over, pressed Tangyue on his body, and said fiercely: "Teacher Tang, you are really going to make me mad, you are a man, why not?" Can you?"

Jiang Chen's sudden action startled Tangyue, and when she heard Jiang Chen's words, Tangyue blushed again, realizing that what she said in a hurry was too easy to cause ambiguity.

"That's not what I meant." Tangyue mumbled.

"Then what do you mean, Teacher Tang?" Jiang Chen asked angrily.

"Anyway, it's not what you think." Tangyue blushed.

"Teacher Tang, what am I thinking? How can your thoughts be so impure?" Jiang Chen turned over and lay down on the grass next to Tangyue's body, and said, "Teacher Tang, your old Tell me honestly, am I okay or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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