genius evil

Chapter 342 Li Kui meets Li Gui

Chapter 342 Li Kui meets Li Gui

At around 05:30 in the afternoon, a black Elantra drove slowly out of Yilan Middle School.

Jiang Chen was driving the car with a faint smile on his face, while Tang Yue's face was flushed charmingly.

"Teacher Tang, have you figured it out, where to eat?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Whatever." Tangyue said in a low voice.

"Then let's go eat hot pot?" Jiang Chen suggested.

"Hot pot is easy to get angry." Tangyue said.

"How about eating Western food?" Jiang Chen suggested again.

"I don't really want to eat Western food." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, what are we going to eat?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Whatever." Tangyue still whispered.

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, and for a long time, this woman had a grudge.

Tangyue giggled coquettishly, and said, "Jiang Chen, don't you have many ways to deceive people?"

"No." Jiang Chen felt that he was innocent.

"Is this difficult for you?" Tangyue expressed dissatisfaction.

"How could it be?" Jiang Chen said loudly.

"Then what are we going to eat?" Tangyue asked briskly.

"As... as you please." Jiang Chen said nana.

"You are not allowed to learn how to speak from me." Tangyue coquettishly annoyed.

She didn't intend to embarrass Jiang Chen on purpose, who made Jiang Chen feel ashamed about the question of whether he could do it or not just now, and it was just right now to embarrass Jiang Chen a little bit, let Jiang Chen experience the feeling she had just now.

"Teacher Tang, I didn't learn how to speak from you, so let's go eat whatever we want." Jiang Chen said.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of a restaurant. When Tangyue saw the signboard of the restaurant, she laughed.


This restaurant has a very distinctive name, it's called Casual.

"Teacher Tang, I didn't lie to you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's really embarrassing how you found such a place." Looking at Jiang Chen's smile as if offering a treasure, Tangyue said speechlessly.

"Teacher Tang, don't worry about how I found this place. Anyway, I must satisfy you. Go, go in." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to hold Tangyue's hand as he spoke.

Tangyue hastily withdrew her hand, but still caught Jiang Chen squarely.

"Let go." Tangyue said in a low voice.

It's not far from Yilan Middle School, what if the teachers and students of the school saw it?

What Tangyue didn't know was that what she was worried about was being bumped into by outsiders, but deep down in her heart, she was no longer so resistant to intimate contact with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen pretended not to hear, and dragged Tang Yue inside.

Tangyue struggled a little, but couldn't break free, so she could only let Jiang Chen hold her by her little hand, lowered her head slightly, not daring to look up at anyone.

Although the name of the restaurant is Casual, the food is rather special. It took about an hour, and after dinner, Jiang Chen beckoned the waiter to come and pay the bill.

"Sir, the total consumption this time is 7000 yuan." The waiter walked over with the bill and said.

"Is it that expensive?" Jiang Chen laughed when he heard it.

"It's just so expensive." The waiter was talking to Jiang Chen, and he kept glancing at Tangyue from the corner of his eyes.

"Can you give me a discount?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Sir, I'm sorry, we don't offer any discounts," the waiter said.

"It means, there's nothing to talk about, right?" Jiang Chen shrugged, stood up, took Tangyue's hand and walked outside.

"What's the matter, do you want to eat the overlord's meal?" Just two steps away, a burly man in black led two people to stop Jiang Chen and Tangyue's way. The burly man in black looked at Jiang Chen, teasing Said.

"I didn't think about it at first, but now I think about it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Boy, I think you are impatient, and you dare to eat the overlord's meal on Brother Xiong's territory." Behind the strong man in black, a guy said viciously.

"Brother Xiong, this guy dares to come to your place for dinner even if he doesn't have money, so he must be taught a good lesson." Another guy also shouted.

"My brother Xiong has always been a reasonable person, and you don't do things like hands and feet. Boy, since you have no money, you shouldn't come to my restaurant for dinner. Do you think this is the reason?" Brother Xiong said slowly Said.

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"You don't have any money in your pocket, so I won't embarrass you. How about this, you put your female companion on my side, and you go find a way to raise money. When you have enough money, come and redeem your female companion." Go, do you think it will work?" Brother Xiong said kindly.

"Okay, old mother." Jiang Chen kicked over with one kick, sending Brother Xiong flying backwards.

"Damn it, you actually dare to hit Brother Xiong." When the two saw Jiang Chen making a move, they each did it and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, just kicked those two guys at random, and sent them flying.

"Boy, you are doomed. You dare to hit someone without mentioning eating the king's meal here. Do you know who my brother Xiong is messing with?" The brother Xiong struggled to get up and asked sternly.

"Follow?" Jiang Chen was really curious about this question.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang Chen, do you know? I'm warning you, you'd better be honest, leave your girlfriend behind, and get out, otherwise, we Brother Jiang will definitely let you live or die." .” That Brother Xiong said gloomyly.

"You said your eldest brother is Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

Hearing this, Tangyue also looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment. If she hadn't known, Jiang Chen wouldn't have played such a boring little trick. She almost wondered if Jiang Chen had tricked someone else into acting in front of her.

"That's right, it's Brother Jiang, boy, you're afraid." Brother Xiong said proudly.

"Okay, let's treat your elder brother as Jiang Chen, but since I didn't offend him, why does he want me to live instead of die?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Idiots, we are Brother Jiang's people, and we represent Brother Jiang's face. If you hit us, it's like hitting Brother Jiang in the face. How could Brother Jiang let you go?" Brother Xiong said dismissively.

"You said you represent Jiang Chen's face, does Jiang Chen know about this?" Jiang Chen was even more puzzled.

He didn't know about it at all.

Besides, this guy dare to say that it represents his face. When did his Jiang Chen's face become so worthless? Any kitten or dog can represent it?

"Of course Brother Jiang knows, boy, I said why are you talking so much nonsense, why don't you hurry up and leave your girlfriend and get out." Brother Xiong said impatiently.

"Teacher Tang, he said Jiang Chen knew it, but do you think I know it?" Jiang Chen felt innocent.

"I don't know." Tangyue said seriously.

"Then what do you think I should do well?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Whatever." Tangyue said, as if it had become her mantra.

Tangyue said casually, which meant that she was really a little angry.

Originally, she was a little curious. This restaurant is called casual. Since the food tastes good and the consumption is not too expensive, how come there are no customers when it comes to meals.

When the bill came, Tangyue suddenly realized that she dared to bury the foreshadowing here.

Tangyue wouldn't be so angry if it was just a matter of sky-high menu prices.

What really made her angry was this Brother Xiong, who kept saying that he wanted to keep her. Looking at Brother Xiong's lewd and evil eyes on her, how could Tangyue not understand what would happen once she stayed? thing.

Don't talk about killing customers, but also deceive people!
No matter how docile Tangyue's character is, it is absolutely unbearable, not to mention, Tangyue is not a docile character at all.

"I'll listen to Teacher Tang, so just be casual." Jiang Chen nodded.

So, Jiang Chen casually kicked Brother Xiong's body again, knocking Brother Xiong to the ground, and then stepped on Brother Xiong's third leg as if walking in a garden.

As for the other two, Jiang Chen certainly wouldn't let them go, and broke their third legs one after another.

"Teacher Tang, is this okay?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Yes." Tangyue said coldly.

In terms of the words and deeds of Brother Xiong and the others, I'm afraid they have done a lot of things that hurt nature and reason, so it is naturally impossible for Tangyue to overflow with sympathy.

"Ah, boy, you are really doomed this time, even if I am the king of heaven, I will not be able to protect you." Brother Xiong hugged his crotch with both hands, roaring hysterically in pain.

"Heavenly King and I can't keep me? It seems that Brother Jiang you're talking about is very powerful, why don't you hurry up and call someone?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Call, call quickly." Brother Xiong howled immediately.

After making a call, a few minutes later, I saw a van stop at the entrance of the hotel. As soon as the van stopped, the door opened, and several figures got out of the car and ran towards the hotel.

"Old Bear, what's going on?" A pimple-faced guy walking in the front asked loudly.


Facing that guy, Jiang Chen just kicked and kicked straight to the ground.

"court death!"

"Give it to me, use up this guy."


The few people who came into the restaurant with the guy full of pimples were furious when they saw this.

"Shut up." The pimple man yelled, hurriedly got up from the ground, walked in front of Jiang Chen in fear, bent down, and said respectfully: "Brother Jiang, why are you here. "

"Why, is it possible that this is not possible, and I still have to explain to you?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"No...not...Brother Jiang, listen to my explanation." The acne-prone man was sweating profusely and couldn't even speak.

"Oh, then explain it." Jiang Chen said casually.

"I...I..." The cold sweat on the pimple man's face became bigger. He bent over and almost fell to his knees in front of Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang, I was wrong about this matter, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation." The acne-prone man said with cold sweat.

"Brother Jiang?"

And when they saw the pimple man's fearful appearance, everyone, including Brother Xiong, was stunned.

Brother Jiang?

Jiang Chen?

Especially that brother Xiong, after realizing this, his heart almost jumped out of his throat!
(End of this chapter)

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