genius evil

Chapter 343

Chapter 343
Fear instantly filled Brother Xiong's heart. At this moment, Brother Xiong wanted to crawl to Jiang Chen and kneel down to beg for mercy, but he was in so much pain that he couldn't even move.

Brother Jiang, Jiang Chen!
If he had known that the young man in front of him was Jiang Chen, even if he had lent him a hundred courage, he would not have dared to act excessively in the slightest, and would definitely be respectful and offer him up like a living Bodhisattva.

Brother Xiong felt regretful in his heart, why was he blinded by lard, and couldn't see Mount Tai?
The most terrible thing was that when he was in front of Jiang Chen, he kept saying what Brother Jiang would do to him, but he didn't know that Jiang Chen was standing in front of him.

The nonsensical words in his mouth fell into Jiang Chen's eyes, and all of them became great jokes.

Of course, from Jiang Chen's point of view, it's a joke. To Brother Xiong himself, everything he does and every word he says is like a reminder, and he may be killed at any time. Little life.

In such a situation, how can Brother Xiong not be afraid?
"Jiang Chen, it's my fault. It's because I shouldn't be interested in sex. It's because I shouldn't have eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai." Stumbling, Brother Xiong said in panic.

"Seeing the color?"

Hearing the sound, the pimple man was slightly taken aback, and immediately understood why Jiang Chen's words were so angry.

Daringly, this damned bastard actually got Tangyue's idea.

Is that a woman he can make up his mind about?
This damn bastard is getting impatient, and he doesn't want to be buried with this idiot.

Walking over, the acne-prone man just stepped on Brother Xiong and said, "Brother Jiang, what do you say about how to deal with this matter, I, Gong Xi, will handle this matter as you like, no matter what."

"My side has already dealt with it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Brother Jiang, I will take care of it." Gong Xi nodded repeatedly.

Thinking that Jiang Chen ruined Brother Xiong's life~gen~zi with one kick, the method was considered very kind, probably because Tangyue was here.

But Jiang Chen can be merciful, but it doesn't mean that he can also be merciful.

He had already made up his mind that he didn't intend to let Brother Xiong see the sun tomorrow.

"How will you deal with it?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

Gong Xi was stunned again, and then his heart twitched suddenly.

Gong Hee is no idiot.

He couldn't understand it any better. When Jiang Chen asked him how he would deal with it, it wasn't just as simple as dealing with Brother Xiong, because he himself had an inescapable responsibility for this matter.

"Brother Jiang, I will give you an explanation." Gong Xi bowed deeply to Jiang Chen, waved his hand, and motioned for the person who brought them to take Brother Xiong and the three of them with him, and quickly left the restaurant.

"Teacher Tang, let's go too." Jiang Chen said to Tangyue with a smile.

Tangyue nodded, followed Jiang Chen out of the restaurant, and got into the car parked outside.

"Teacher Tang, do you have anything to ask me?" Jiang Chen turned his head and asked Tangyue as he started the car on the road.

"No." Tangyue said softly.

"Why?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Why?" Tangyue blinked and asked mischievously.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "Teacher Tang, I like to keep this state."

"Don't talk nonsense." Tangyue was very annoyed.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I really like it." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Tangyue's face turned red all of a sudden!

Tang carefully hung up the phone in his hand, picked up the cigarette at hand, brought it to his mouth, took a strong puff, and exhaled a puff of thick smoke.

"Gong Xi?" Tang Xin walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel room and muttered to himself.

When Chen Fu mentioned that when he bought people around Jiang Chen, Tang Xiaoxiao was not indifferent.

But there is one thing that Tang Xiaoxin knows very well. It is no secret that he came to Yilan City this time, and it will not be a secret who he met after he came to Yilan City.

Therefore, after meeting Chen Fu, no matter what Chen Fu said or did, he would definitely die.

He definitely wanted to kill Chen Fu. He went to meet Chen Fu for the purpose of killing Chen Fu.

Killing Chen Fu was because of the grudge between Chen Fu and Jiang Chen.

Killing Chen Fu was to show Jiang Chen his favor, and then let Jiang Chen reduce his guard against him.

For this reason, Tang Xin deliberately left Chunxiao behind, in order to let Jiang Chen know what he did after he came to Yilan City through Chunxiao.

The means are not clever, even a little too deliberate.

But what Tang Xiaoxin wants is this deliberation, the more deliberate, the more he can achieve the effect he wants.

What happened in any restaurant, Tang Xinxin received the news that Brother Xiong ran into Jiang Chen, and Gong Xi suffered a lot. From Tang Xinxin's point of view, it seemed as if he wanted to sleep, and someone happened to bring a pillow .

Among the two people Chen Fu mentioned to buy, one of them was Gong Xi.

Chen Fu thought it was easier to buy Gong Xi, and Tang Xiaoxin agreed with this point, but he was very particular about how to buy and when to buy.

Needless to say, he didn't wait long for such an opportunity.

"Gong Xi." Tang Xiaoxin murmured again, with a smile on the corner of his mouth that grew stronger and stronger.


Just as Jiang Chen sent Tangyue back to school, Tang Tian's phone call came in.

"Jiang Chen, what's going on with that Gong Xi, why did you get yourself into the hospital?" Tang Tian asked loudly as soon as the call was connected.

"Oh, what's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Three knives and six holes." Tang Tian said.

"It's interesting." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I mean, just because you went to pick up girls, I almost lost a general under my command. Who do you want me to reason with?" Tang Tian slandered endlessly.

From Tang Tian's understanding, what happened in the casual restaurant was very simple, it was purely a murder caused by picking up girls.

"Xiao Tiantian, you don't need to reason with anyone, just talk to me. You know, I've always been very reasonable." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Don't talk sweet words in front of me, I'm not so easy to deceive." Tang Tian rolled her eyes.

"Do I have sweet words?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"Jiang Chen--" Tang Tian dragged out her voice and gritted her teeth.

"Let's forget about this matter for the time being. By the way, let the people below give me some peace of mind. Otherwise, next time, it won't be as simple as three knives and six holes." Jiang Chen changed the topic Said.

"It's just to make some extra money, do you need to be so serious?" Tang Tian asked slanderously.

"I need absolute obedience, anyone, absolute obedience." Jiang Chen said without color.

He doesn't need everyone to be honest, that's unrealistic, but if he dares to play tricks behind his back, it must be a dead end.

Brother Xiong's matter is a lesson.

Another point is that although this matter is only a trivial matter, through this matter, Jiang Chen feels that the Bauhinia will develop too fast, causing many people's hearts to swell rapidly.

Perhaps Tang Tian didn't think there was anything wrong with this, but Jiang Chen knew very well that if things went on like this, the Bauhinia Society would definitely be a mess inside.

To join the gangsters, you must have the consciousness of gangsters. If you can’t tell what money you can get and what money you can’t get, then sooner or later you will kill yourself.

"Hmph, it's because someone disturbed you to pick up girls." Tang Tian said with a whimper.

"This is also one of the reasons." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Jiang Chen, why did you just admit it so directly? You're still shameless." Tang Tian yelled, and before Jiang Chen could reply, she just hung up the call.

"Shuang'er, tell me to go down and ask the people below to be more honest." Tang Tian said to Shuang'er while pinching the phone.

Tang Tian still felt that Jiang Chen's words made sense.

Obey, absolutely obey.

In modern society, the so-called loyalty is no longer the priority, and gangsters also need to keep pace with the times.

You can turn a blind eye to other things, that's fine, but when it comes to principles, you must be absolutely obedient, otherwise you can only erase them.

The Tang family can be regarded as a family of underworld. Tang Tian grew up in this kind of environment, and it can be said that she has been fascinated by it. She is too clear about what she should do at this time.

"Okay." Shuang'er nodded.

"Also, prepare some photos of Jiang Chen." Tang Tian thought for a while and said.

"Miss, what are you doing preparing for Master's photo?" Shuang'er asked suspiciously.

"Send it, let those guys open their eyes and take a closer look. I don't want this kind of thing to happen again." Tang Tian said angrily.

The most important thing is that Tang Tian felt that Jiang Chen picked up girls, and she followed behind to wipe his ass, which was too embarrassing.

"Okay." Shuang'er could only nod again.

"Also, Shuang'er, have you noticed that my current situation is a bit dangerous?" Tang Tian raised her neck, looked at Shuang'er and said.

"What's wrong?" Shuang'er couldn't understand what Tang Tian was saying.

"Oh, that's what it means. Jiang Chen went to pick up girls everywhere and didn't give me any face. Do you think I'm too attractive?" Tang Tian said with a twist.

"No." Shuang'er said.

"Well, I don't think so either. I am so beautiful and have such a good figure...err..." As she spoke, Tang Tian looked down at her chest and said, "My figure is getting better and better. That just means I'm getting more and more attractive."

The corner of Shuang'er's mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Miss, what exactly do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is, have you ever thought about developing a teacher-student relationship with Jiang Chen?" Tang Tian asked.

"Ah—" Shuang'er was almost startled by Tang Tian's words.

"You must have thought about it, right?" Tang Tian looked at Shuang'er suspiciously.

"" Shuang'er was so ashamed and annoyed that she didn't.

"Duplicity, hum." Tang Tian pulled Shuang'er over and whispered in Shuang'er's ear. She didn't know what she said, but seeing Shuang'er's face, she let out little by little. The red hair was hot, and in the end, it looked as if it was covered with a red cloth.

"Shuang'er, what do you think of my suggestion?" Tang Tian asked, blinking her eyes, shaking Shuang'er's hand.

Shuang'er didn't answer Tang Tian's question, shook off Tang Tian's hand, and ran upstairs like a frightened little rabbit.

"Jiang Chen, don't you like picking up girls? Then I'll give them to you, and see how you fool around in the future." Tang Tian said with a smile, very smug for her genius-like conception!
(End of this chapter)

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