genius evil

Chapter 344: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Chapter 344: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

In the hospital, Gong Xi, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked at a figure in astonishment, and walked into the ward from the outside.

"You are?" Gong Xi looked at the man, making sure he didn't know him, so he couldn't help asking very puzzled.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Tang Xiaoxin. Tang from Datang, Xiaoxin Xiaoxin." Tang Xinxin smiled with a personable demeanor.

"You know me?" Gong Xi asked again.

"I didn't know each other before, but now that we meet, we know each other." Tang Xiaoxin still smiled.

"Speak directly if you have something to say, and get out if you have nothing to say." Gong Xi was not in the mood to play word games with Tang Xin.

"Such a big anger is not conducive to the recovery of the injury." Tang Xiaoxiao was not dissatisfied with Gong Xi's attitude, and the smile on his face remained unchanged, and he said slowly, "Before I talk about things, I think it is necessary to introduce myself again. For a moment, I am from Tiannan City, to be more precise, I am from the Tang family in Tiannan City."

"The Tang Family in Tiannan City?" Gong Xi's face changed slightly.

"Tang Tian is my younger sister, and Jiang Chen is my brother-in-law." Tang Xinxin continued in a calm manner.

"What do you want from me?" Gong Xi asked after being silent for a while.

"I came to Yilan City this time because of the Bauhinia Society. Lord Tang intends to merge the Bauhinia Society into the Tang family and manage it under one roof. I don't know. Are you interested in helping me?" the goal of.

"Not interested." Without even thinking about it, Gong Xi refused directly.

"If you agree, I will authorize you to take care of all the affairs of the Bauhinia Association in Yilan City in the future." Tang Xinxin said as if he didn't hear Gong Xi's refusal.

"I refuse." There was a bit of coldness in Gong Xi's voice.

"Or refuse?" This time, it made Tang careful, and was a little surprised.

Wasn't the condition he promised generous enough?
In other words, his charisma is not as good as Jiang Chen's, and he promised such a generous benefit, but Gong Xi still refused.

"Gong Xi, I need a reason." Tang Xin was a little displeased.

"There's no reason, a refusal is a refusal." Gong Xi said forcefully.

"I really can't figure it out, is that Jiang Chen so worthy of your pursuit? Don't forget, how did you get the three knives and six holes in your body." Tang Xiaoxin said coldly.

"I did it myself." Gong Xi said.

"Are you an idiot?" Tang Xin was a little annoyed.

Of course he knew that Gong Xi had pierced it himself, but was he asking this question?

Even if he did it himself, he should blame and resent Jiang Chen. Why is this guy so stuck in his head that he can't turn around?
"You are wrong. I refused because I am not an idiot. On the contrary, you are an idiot." Gong Xi said mockingly.

"What do you mean?" Tang carefully frowned.

"If you are not an idiot, why would you want to win me over to betray Jiang Shao? What are you if you are not an idiot? Don't say that you are from the Tang family in Tiannan City. No matter how old you are, doing such a thing is a dead end One!" Gong Xi mocked endlessly.

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you?" Tang Xin's face was ugly.

"Xiaoxin Tang, believe it or not, I'll kill you?" Almost as soon as Tang Xinxin's words fell, a lazy voice sounded in the ward.

Following the sound, Tang carefully looked over.

After a glance, Tang Xinxin's face changed suddenly, and he lost his voice: "Jiang Chen?"

Tang Xin was a little panicked, what's going on, why did Jiang Chen come to the hospital?

"Are you surprised to see me? Or, are you scared?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Jiang Chen, long time no see." Tang Xin said with a face twitching.

"It's not too long, just two or three days away... Well, you haven't answered my question yet." Jiang Chen reminded unhurriedly.

"I don't understand what your question means." Tang Xin said.

Even if he is really an idiot, it is impossible for him to be stupid enough to answer Jiang Chen's question.

Is it a letter to answer, or a non-belief answer?
Answering the letter, wouldn't that mean showing weakness in front of Jiang Chen?
If you don't believe the answer, then if Jiang Chen is insane and kills him in order to prove his answer is wrong, then he will die too unjustly.

"You don't need to understand, you just need to answer." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"I—" Tang carefully squirmed his throat.

After saying this word, Tang Xiaoxin's pupils suddenly shrank. He glanced at Gong Xi who was lying on the hospital bed in shock, and then his eyes fell heavily on Jiang Chen. He said in a low voice: " Jiang Chen, it's really a coincidence that you came here."

"Are you answering my question?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"What I want to say is that you already knew that I would come to Gong Xi, right? In other words, this is just a trick between you and Gong Xi to lure me into the bait?" Tang Said carefully.

As he spoke, Tang Xinxin's expression gradually became ferocious.

"Three knives and six holes, such a big handwriting, really thinks highly of me Tang Xin." Tang Xin clenched his teeth tightly.

"It seems that Gong Xi still has a good sense of people. You really are an idiot." Jiang Chen said contemptuously.


"Where did you get your confidence, so confident that you thought I would spend so much effort designing you?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Isn't it?" Tang Xiaoxin's head was full of black lines.

Judging from all the signs, Tang Xiaoxin is at least 90.00% sure that he has answered the crux of the problem. Otherwise, why would Jiang Chen appear?
But what does Jiang Chen mean by these words?
Could it be that in this whole thing, there are secrets that he doesn't know about?

If so, what is the secret?
Tang Xiaoxin couldn't figure it out for the time being, but he also knew that he was still too reckless, and the result of his recklessness was that it might be difficult to get out today!

"Of course not. In fact, I just came to see you. I just heard the news that you came to the hospital to see Gong Xi, so I came to see Gong Xi by the way." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen didn't lie, it was true.

He is also a human being, not a god, let alone someone who can pinch and count, everything is just a coincidence, but he artificially increased the chance of a coincidence.

And Tang Xiaoxin, at this moment, has become a typical example of not dying if he doesn't die. If he wants to blame, he can only blame Tang Xiaoxin for being unlucky, and it was so forced into his hands.

You know, after receiving Tang Tianxiong's phone call and understanding the ins and outs, Jiang Chen was still thinking about why he should make Tang careful.

This is a good time, Tang Xiaoxin took the initiative to send it to his door, and he didn't even need to find a reason.

"I don't believe it." Tang Xin said angrily.

"No one wants you to believe it." Jiang Chen said with a look of indifference.

While talking, Jiang Chen walked towards the bedside.

"Jiang Shao." Gong Xi greeted Jiang Chen respectfully and cautiously, a layer of cold sweat unconsciously overflowed his back.

Gong Xi didn't know how much Jiang Chen had heard of the conversation between him and Tang Xiaoxin.

He had already angered Jiang Chen because of that brother Xiong's matter, if he caused Jiang Chen to distrust him again, he probably would die soon.

"Don't talk." Jiang Chen waved his hand and tore off the quilt on Gong Xi.

The quilt was torn apart, Jiang Chen's right hand trembled, and a silver needle in his hand pierced Gong Xi's body with a dazzling momentum.

After more than twenty stitches in a row, Jiang Chen took back the silver needle and ordered, "Get up, get out of bed and walk."

Gong Xi was puzzled.

But since Jiang Chen said so, Gong Xi obeyed and climbed down from the bed.

Three knives and six holes pierced the flesh. The pain can be imagined. Gong Xi is well aware of his injury. If he doesn't recuperate in the hospital for ten days and a half months, he won't even be able to get out of bed.

But when his feet hit the ground, Gong Xi was stunned.

The pain he imagined did not appear, as if the wounds on his body healed all at once.

"Don't be too happy, in your current situation, you can walk, but strenuous exercise is courting death." Jiang Chen reminded with curled lips.

"Yes, yes!" Gong Xi hurriedly replied, very excited.

"Jiang Shao, do you need me to do something?" Then, Gong Xi said.

Jiang Chen smiled. The reason why he saved Gong Xi's life in the first place was because of Gong Xi's cleverness. This guy, I have to say, apart from being slightly lacking in handling ability, he is quite a Qualified followers.

"Three swords and six holes." Jiang Chen slowly spit out these four words.

"Three knives and six holes?" Gong Xi muttered to himself, his eyes fell on Tang Xinxin involuntarily.

"Jiang Chen, you want to use three knives and six holes on me?" Tang Xin's face was pale, and he looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

Jiang Chen ignored Tang Xinxin, and lazily said: "Remember, don't kill him. After finishing the matter, let someone send him back to Tiannan City."

"Yes." Gong Xi nodded.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure you want to do this?" Tang Xin was shocked and angry.

"Are you forcing me to do it now?" Jiang Chen was a little displeased. He said that, so he was quite sure.

It's just three stabs and six holes, and it didn't directly kill him.

"No, you are the one forcing me to do it." Tang Xinxin had an extra pistol in his hand, aiming the muzzle at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Shao, be careful." Seeing the gun in Tang Xin's hand, Gong Xi hurriedly called out.

"An idiot is an idiot." Jiang Chen was a little helpless, and didn't watch him make any moves. Tang Xin's gun was in his hand.

Casually, throwing the gun to Gong Xi, Jiang Chen said, "I've changed my mind."

"I really changed my mind, because I am very angry now. Originally, I never thought of killing you, but you just wanted to kill me, so I can only send you to die...Gong Xi, don't Forgot, send his body back to Tiannan City." Jiang Chen appeared outside the ward as he spoke.

Gong Xi held a gun in his hand and looked at Tang Xiaoxin with pity.

This idiot, in front of Jiang Chen, can only be played with. He dared to go against Jiang Chen with his IQ. He really deserved his death!

(End of this chapter)

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