genius evil

Chapter 345

Chapter 345 Pig-like teammates
After Jiang Chen left the hospital, he drove back to Yilan Middle School.

But Jiang Chen didn't go directly to the school, but went to Sister Lan's restaurant.

Just after eating, I saw Magnolia walking in from the outside.

"Jiang Shao, there is something wrong." Mulanhua said softly.

"Someone came to look for me again?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"There are six people in total, and I can't deal with them," Magnolia said.

"Take me to meet them." Jiang Chen said.

No need to think about it, Jiang Chen also knew that Qian Fugui must have sent someone again.

Instead of passively accepting the move, Jiang Chen simply chose to take the initiative. He didn't have the patience to play such a childish game with Qian Fugui.

Inside Yilan Middle School, there are six figures walking on the campus.

These six people were arranged by Tang Yu immediately after receiving Qian Fugui's order, and they were sent to Yilan City immediately.

Qian Fugui meant that it was enough to find four people, but Tang Yu added a little more material and found six people, just to make sure nothing would go wrong.

"Do you know Jiang Chen?" Among the six people, one of them saw a passing student and asked.


"Where is he, take me to him." The man said.

"I don't know where he is."


"Do you know Jiang Chen?"


"Do you know Jiang Chen?"


The six of them were walking towards the school, grabbing and asking people when they saw them.

Although Jiang Chen's name is not known to everyone in Yilan Middle School, about 80.00% of the teachers and students in the school have at least heard of Jiang Chen's name.

Many people said they knew Jiang Chen, but they couldn't find Jiang Chen.

There is no way, Jiang Chen has too few friends.

Moreover, even if they were Jiang Chen's friends, under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to know where Jiang Chen was.

"Do you know Jiang Chen?" Seeing a boy slowly walking over, the man asked again.

He was a little unbelieving. Since so many people knew Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen couldn't be found.

"I know you." Sure enough, the boy said.

"Do you know where he is now?" the man asked again.

"I know." The boy said with a smile.

"Okay." The man was overjoyed, it could be considered that he had met a student who knew where Jiang Chen was.

"Hurry up and take me to him." The man said immediately.

"I have something to do, very busy." The boy said reluctantly.

"Stop talking nonsense, take us to find someone, or I will be rude to you." The man said fiercely.


The boy raised his foot and kicked the talking guy to the ground.

"Is that what you mean when you say you're being rude to me?" The boy said with a smile after kicking him over.

The whole person was a little confused, he said that you should be polite, but before he had time to be polite, the boy was the first to be rude, and he seemed to be more difficult to provoke than him.

"Boy, you dare to do something to me, you are looking for death." The man said angrily.

"You're wrong, I didn't move my hands, I moved my feet." The boy kicked him again as he spoke, rolling the man out like a gourd.

"As for courting death? Don't you guys come here to seek death?" the boy said indifferently.

The man screamed in pain from being kicked by the boy, and said loudly: "Do it, do it, and teach this kid a lesson."

Those five people, who were a little dazed by the situation in front of them, rushed towards the boy quickly after hearing the sound, intending to subdue him.

But the attack was not too ruthless, they still wanted this boy to take them to find Jiang Chen, if they accidentally killed him, it would be bad.

However, that boy's attack was extremely ruthless.

The head-on was kicked one by one, and with each kick, one person was bound to be kicked to the ground.

A moment later, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves came out, and the six of them were all fooled by the boy's violent methods.

"Who are you?" One of them asked the boy with a sad face.

They haven't even seen Jiang Chen's face yet, even if they were knocked to the ground, what kind of thing is this?

"You are here to look for me, but you don't even know who I am?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"You are Jiang Chen." The man's voice suddenly rose.

No wonder, this boy is so rude!

He finally understood where the problem was.

"Which one of you has a rich mobile phone number?" Jiang Chen asked directly without talking nonsense.

"No." The six people looked at each other and said in unison.

"I give you ten seconds to find someone who can contact Qian Fugui, otherwise, you will stay in Yilan City forever." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Five seconds later, far away in the capital, Tang Yu's cell phone rang.

"Is everything done?" Tang Yu asked after answering the phone.

"Tangyu, it's quite neat to hear what you said, but unfortunately, my strike was too light." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Jiang Chen, is that you?" Even through the phone, even thousands of miles away, Tang Yu couldn't help but change her face when she heard Jiang Chen's voice.

"Welcome to Yilan City next time." Jiang Chen said with a grin.

"No." Tangyu said without thinking.

He didn't have the tendency to be abused, so he wasn't so stupid to take the initiative to send Jiang Chen to abuse him.

Moreover, last time if it was justifiable to say that the saber was planted in Jiang Chen's hands alone, this time, just to be on the safe side, he found six people to go there.

The six people, each of them had extraordinary skills, but none of them could do anything against Jiang Chen.

As far as his body, which has been hollowed out by wine and lust, is tortured by Jiang Chen, if one is not good, his life will be over.

"So, do you want me to go to the capital to find you?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, you are simply deceiving people too much. Let me tell you, these things have nothing to do with me. It is Qian Shao who is looking for trouble for you. It really has nothing to do with me." Tang Yu was startled and frightened.

Although the possibility of Jiang Chen flying to the capital to trouble him is very small.

But what if?
In case Jiang Chen really went crazy and insisted on torturing him, there would be no room for reasoning.

"I didn't even mention Qian Fugui, so you sold him on your own initiative. What a teammate like a pig, give Qian Fugui the phone." Jiang Chen ordered.

"Wait a while," Tang Yu said.

Tangyu didn't answer the phone in front of Qian Fugui, otherwise, he would never have dared to say those words just now, otherwise, wouldn't he have offended Qian Fugui to death.

"Jiang Chen, what do you want from me?" After a while, the phone was in Qian Fugui's hands.

"You are Qian Fugui, right? I have a question that I have wanted to ask you for a long time. You must answer me honestly." Jiang Chen said.

"About Tangyue?" Qian Fugui said indifferently.

"No, it's about you. Answer me honestly. Are you an idiot?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"This is your problem?" Qian Fugui was furious.

He is the kind of existence who has a natural sense of superiority in IQ since he was a child, but Jiang Chen asked him if he was an idiot in such a serious manner, how could he not be angry with money and wealth!
"If you're not an idiot? Why can't you understand people's language? Did I tell you that if you want to see me, you should come to Yilan City." Jiang Chen asked angrily.

"As you wish, I will go to Yilan City." Qian Fugui said.

Fail once, fail twice.

What is the reason for the failure? Qian Fugui is lazy to investigate.

But there are only three things, and Qian Fugui absolutely does not allow a third failure.

Even without Jiang Chen's provocation, after this failure, Qian Fugui still had plans to go to Yilan City.

Qian Fugui was very curious about what was so different about Jiang Chen, a high school senior.

"Just now I said that Tangyu is welcome to come to Yilan City, and now I want to add that you are welcome to come to Yilan City too." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I hope you can still laugh when I pass by." Qian Fugui mocked.

"I heard that your Qian family is very rich, right?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Qian Fugui's question, but said.

"That's right." Qian Fugui said noncommittally.

There is nothing to hide, and there is nothing to hide, Qian Fugui replied with incomparable confidence.

"Then when you come to Yilan City, you have to bring a little more money. If the money is too little, I will definitely not do it." Jiang Chen reminded.

"What, you want to blackmail me?" Qian Fugui was immediately delighted.

Even Qian Fugui couldn't help thinking, Jiang Chen asked him if he was an idiot, maybe Jiang Chen was the real idiot.

Even if you really want to blackmail him, why don't you just say it like this?

"You are mistaken, I am a decent person, how could I do blackmail, I just want to treat you, but if I do the treatment, the consultation fee is relatively high, so I need you to bring more money. "Jiang Chen said calmly.

"You are sick." Qian Fugui scolded.

"I didn't lie to you, you are really sick, idiot is also a kind of disease, and this kind of disease is not so easy to cure." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Shut up." Qian Fugui couldn't take it any longer, and wanted to ask someone to buy a plane ticket and fly to Yilan City to have a live pk with Jiang Chen.

"Well, before you shut up, I have one more question. Just now Tangyu told me on the phone that you are the one who asked someone to trouble me and has nothing to do with him. Is this true?" Jiang Chen chuckled lightly. , After finishing speaking, he just hung up the phone.


Staring at Tangyu, Qian Fugui's face suddenly darkened to the bottom.

"Qian Shao, what happened?" Tang Yu said anxiously.


Raising his hand, Qian Fugui slapped Tangyu fiercely on the face, and said in a vicious voice: "You trash, I think you have lived very comfortably during this time."

"" Tang Yu covered her face with her hands and said inexplicably.

He thought to himself that even if Qian Fugui was wronged by Jiang Chen, what would it be like to vent on him?

Even if he looks like a bully, he doesn't act like that.


Raising his hand, another slap was slapped in front of Tangyu, and Qian Fugui scolded, "Get lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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