genius evil

Chapter 346 Because I'm Your Woman

Chapter 346 Because I'm Your Woman
In the central area of ​​Yilan City, in the presidential suite of a luxury hotel.

Sleeping Beauty sat quietly on the white carpet in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, raised her slender and white neck, and turned her white and clean face to the sun.She narrowed her eyes slightly, bathing in the warm sunshine to her heart's content.

The face is pure and elegant, no makeup powder is applied, the fresh and tender skin is still flawless, as smooth as jade.

This is a natural stunner, exquisite and flawless, impeccable, and maybe even God thinks she is too perfect, and can't help but leave some regrets on her body.

The warm sunlight shone in through the floor-to-ceiling windows and shone on her face, making Sleeping Beauty feel that every cell in her body was alive and beating.

This is vitality!

The long-lost feeling of being alive.

very nice.

A week later, Sleeping Beauty arrived in Yilan City as promised.

However, Sleeping Beauty didn't go to find Jiang Chen, but stayed in this hotel after arriving in Yilan City.

This is because Sleeping Beauty knows that when she decides to be Jiang Chen's woman, she no longer needs to take the initiative, no longer needs to be sharp, and Jiang Chen will be more active than her.

This may be Sleeping Beauty's last resort, an insignificant little trick, to maintain her reserve.

Sleeping Beauty didn't know very well whether Jiang Chen could see her intentions in this regard, but even if he could, Sleeping Beauty wouldn't mind at all.

When footsteps sounded behind her, Sleeping Beauty didn't turn her head, she just smiled and said, "Jiang Chen, you're here."

"Sleeping Beauty is here, why don't I come." A lazy voice sounded, and Jiang Chen casually sat down beside Sleeping Beauty.

Squinting his eyes and looking out the window, Jiang Chen said, "The sun is nice."

"Yeah." Sleeping Beauty nodded.

In her previous life, most of the day was plunged into darkness.

Although Jiang Chen has not cured all her illnesses yet, the Sleeping Beauty has already seen the dawn of hope, and she is gradually trying to discover the beauty around her.

"He's even nicer." Jiang Chen said again.

Sleeping Beauty then turned her head, glanced at Jiang Chen, and said, "You're talking about me?"

"Yeah, of course, I'm pretty good too, if you don't believe me, take a closer look at me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Sleeping Beauty also smiled, and said, "A lot of things have happened around you in the past few days."

"People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong." Jiang Chen said lightly, not only in the past few days, the things around him have never been less.

"Chen Fu is dead." Sleeping Beauty said.

"Tang killed it carefully." Jiang Chen replied.

"Be careful, Tang is dead." Sleeping Beauty said again.

"I let someone kill me." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"People from the Qian family in the capital are looking for trouble for you. The matter is related to the Tang family. Specifically, it is related to a woman." Sleeping Beauty said again.

"Well, there is no time to die this time." Jiang Chen replied embarrassingly.

"Qian Fugui, as far as I know, likes to buy everything with money the most. Money is the worst thing he has. But any problem that money can solve is not a problem for him. Killing a person or buying someone A person is all about money, it’s just the difference between having more money or less money. But money is just a number, he doesn’t care whether there is more money or less money, what he wants is to be happy for himself, for happiness, he will Do something incredible." Sleeping Beauty said slowly.

While talking, Sleeping Beauty glanced at Jiang Chen, and then said: "Among the four small families in the capital, each family is in a different field. The Zhao family's focus is on politics, the Sun family's focus is on the military department, and the Li family's focus is on the military department. The center of gravity is in the police world, and only the Qian family is the most special. In the business world, it seems weak, but in fact, it has an extremely close relationship with every party. The interests of one family are closely related to the interests of the other three families. This is also the reason why the Qian family can rank second among the four small families."

"Having said so much, it's like not saying anything." Jiang Chen stretched out one hand, wrapped Sleeping Beauty into his arms, and said, "Sleeping Beauty, you just need to say that you care about me very much. Stupid, turn slowly, if you don't understand the main point of what you said, wouldn't you be blind for nothing?"

Sleeping Beauty didn't struggle either, and snuggled into Jiang Chen's embrace.

Perhaps because she felt Jiang Chen's embrace was very comfortable, her soft body moved slightly and found a more comfortable position.

"I just find it very strange. When I was in Tiannan City, I never heard of a person like you..." Sleeping Beauty said.

"Sleeping Beauty, do you mean that I have no sense of existence?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

He is such a popular man, even in Yilan City, he should be well-known in Tiannan City, it is unreasonable that Sleeping Beauty has never heard of his name.

Taking a charming look at Jiang Chen, Sleeping Beauty said, "After I knew about your existence, I realized that there can be so many troubles around one person."

"Sleeping Beauty, do you mean that I am very good at spreading hatred?" Jiang Chen was even more dissatisfied.

Is he the kind of man who likes to pull hatred?He always puts kindness first, okay? What he hates the most is fighting and killing. How comfortable is it for everyone to sit down, drink tea and pick up girls?

"I'm not a woman willing to be lonely." Sleeping Beauty didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but said.

Having said that, with a faint sigh, the Sleeping Beauty subconsciously pressed her soft body against Jiang Chen's body even more tightly.

"I went to Tiannan City back then to treat illnesses, but unfortunately a famous doctor who lived in seclusion in Tiannan City had passed away... I didn't want to die, I spent a lot of money and tried many methods, but I just didn't want to die... While dying, I still have a lot of things to do... But I can't do anything, because I can only wait to die until I meet you, do you understand?" Sleeping Beauty said with a sigh.

"I understand a little, but I also don't understand." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

A flower, when it fails to bloom beautifully in time, is absolutely unwilling to wither.

Sleeping Beauty said that she is not willing to be lonely, and that's probably what she means.

What is the cruelest thing in the world?
Naturally, a stunningly beautiful and enchanting woman will die in fragrance!
But what Jiang Chen didn't quite understand was, what did Sleeping Beauty mean when she said such words?

It seems that something is not right, is there such a confession?
This is more like gratitude or gratitude, but does Jiang Chen need this?

"I want to live." Sleeping Beauty said, "For many people, a very common thing, but for me, it is a luxury. In order to live, I can do anything."

"Including being my woman." Jiang Chen frowned, the more he heard it, the more uncomfortable it became.

"I don't want to lie to you," Sleeping Beauty whispered.

"You said you can do anything, for example?" Jiang Chen asked patiently.

"For example, I will let myself fall in love with you." Sleeping Beauty said seriously.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, then ecstatically.

What is it like?
It was as if he was walking on the road, and suddenly a big pie fell from the sky and hit him on the head, it was his favorite stuffed pork and cabbage.

In the past, he used a strong attitude and forced posture to ask Sleeping Beauty to be his woman and fall in love with him.

When Sleeping Beauty said such words, it meant that Sleeping Beauty's heart was opening to him.

It's not as simple as getting the body of the Sleeping Beauty. Even in Tiannan City a few days ago, the two of them shared the same bed, and the psychological changes of the Sleeping Beauty did not reach this level.

What really changed Sleeping Beauty's mentality was this week.

During the blank time of a week, Sleeping Beauty's body changed, and her psychology changed accordingly.

"This kind of thing is really not something that everyone can do, at least I definitely can't do it, I really admire your courage." Jiang Chen looked like a good-looking man who got cheap.

Sleeping Beauty complained, and said, "I can do anything, except sacrifice myself, don't misunderstand that I am a casual woman."

"How come, I just happen to be not a casual man, we two are a natural pair, a match made in heaven, and God is also very beautiful, what does this mean, it means that the two of us are together, it is God's will, it is made in heaven, no one should If you want to separate the two of us, I can't, and you can't." Jiang Chen said in a rambling voice.

Sleeping Beauty felt a deep sense of shame.

She just said that she would let herself fall in love with Jiang Chen. The current state is far from falling in love. At best, she has a good impression and neither rejects nor resists.

But the meaning of Jiang Chen's words seemed to be that she had fallen in love with him so deeply that she couldn't help herself. Isn't this man afraid that no matter how hard she tried, she wouldn't be able to fall in love with him?

Where does self-confidence come from?

Um, no, Jiang Chen doesn't need others to give him his self-confidence, he is the kind of man who is so self-confident.

Just like back then, when he let her be his woman, she thought it was ridiculous, and even if it wasn't for her own illness, she might have killed Jiang Chen, how could Jiang Chen be allowed to blaspheme?

And now?

Could it be that she is falling step by step?
So Sleeping Beauty felt even more ashamed.

"Let's start healing." Sleeping Beauty changed the subject.

"Okay, let's take off your clothes." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

Sleeping Beauty nodded lightly, and left Jiang Chen's embrace. She didn't evade, just like that, untied her clothes in front of Jiang Chen.

The clothes fell from the slippery shoulders to the ground, and the sun's rays suddenly seemed to become more dazzling, making Jiang Chen dizzy for a while...

"Sleeping Beauty, you have become more generous." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

"Because I am your woman." Sleeping Beauty smiled.

A woman's appearance is pleasing to herself, whether it's well-dressed or heavy makeup, in short, it's all to please the man she loves... Her body belongs to him, and maybe her heart will also belong to him in the future.

Since everything is his, why not just be generous?

"I like your generosity." Jiang Chen got up, hugged Sleeping Beauty by the waist, and walked towards the big bed.

As a woman, Sleeping Beauty took the initiative like this, but as a man, he must be more active...

(End of this chapter)

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