genius evil

Chapter 347 I'm Really So Handsome

Chapter 347 I'm Really So Handsome
"Jiang Chen, why are you eating here? I haven't seen you in the cafeteria for several days."

In the cafeteria of Yilan Middle School, Jiang Chen was eating wildly with a large bowl of food, when he saw Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan walking over hand in hand, Jiang Yanyan greeted him loudly as if he had discovered something strange.

"Hungry." Jiang Chen said vaguely.

"I must have done something bad, otherwise how could I be so hungry." Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen and said in an extremely firm tone.

"Didn't do bad things, went to do good things." Jiang Chen stuffed a piece of braised pork into his mouth, feeling that the dishes cooked by the school chef today were far from the standard.

This braised pork, the lean meat is too thick, the fat meat is too greasy, when the fat meat and lean meat are eaten together, it is too thick and greasy, it is really a bit difficult to eat, but it is still a good habit of not being picky eaters, so-so swallowing and swallowing Into the stomach, but his face became a little uncomfortable.

"Only you can do good things? If I were an idiot, I would believe your words." Jiang Yanyan snorted softly and asked Xu Anqi, "An Qi, Jiang Chen said he went to do good things, do you believe what he said?"

Xu Anqi chuckled and said, "I don't believe it."

Xu Anqi could smell that there was a faint scent of powder on Jiang Chen's body.

The fragrance might not be too sensitive to some other women, but it happened that Xu Anqi had used such a perfume before, and felt that the smell was not suitable for her, so she just didn't use it again.

That perfume is called Opium, which means opium.

Opium is one of the most expensive perfumes in the world, beyond the reach of ordinary women.

From this point, it can be seen that the woman who left the smell of perfume on Jiang Chen's body is definitely not an ordinary woman.

Of course, what Xu Anqi cares about is not the price of the perfume, but the meaning of the perfume itself.

Opium, another meaning, means that after a man smells the fragrance, he can't stop it like smoking opium. This is a very typical perfume that young mature women love.

Unlike Chanel No. 5, which has become a street fragrance, women who use this perfume have their own unique tastes and hobbies.

For example, Anqi Xu, although she also likes the smell of Chanel, she never uses it. She prefers the girly fragrance of Lancome series.

This was why Jiang Chen didn't believe that Jiang Chen had done something good. It was very possible that Jiang Chen had gone on a date with a woman who used Opium.

"I really did something good." Jiang Chen argued.

He also wanted to do bad things, but the problem was that he didn't succeed. He was just giving Sleeping Beauty needles. Responsibly fell asleep.

So, if he wanted to do something bad, he could only do one good thing outright... Well, treating his own woman's disease can also be regarded as saving lives, so of course it is a good thing.

Jiang Chen started arguing, it was a well-founded, straightforward person who didn't know that Xu Anqi had already arrested him.

"What good did you do?" Xu Anqi asked with narrowed eyes and a smile.

"Uh..." Jiang Chen looked at Xu Anqi, blinked his eyes, and finally discovered something.

"When I was crossing the road today, I saw a woman fall on the zebra crossing, so I went over to help her." Jiang Chen opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"That woman doesn't drive by herself?" Xu Anqi asked again.

"Don't drive." Jiang Chen said, in his impression, he had never seen Sleeping Beauty drive a car, and Uncle Zhong was her driver.

"That's right." Xu Anqi nodded and stopped talking.

"What is it?" Jiang Chen was a little apprehensive.

Xu Anqi had always seldom talked, but Jiang Chen never doubted her EQ and IQ for this clever girl.

Judging from Xu Anqi's performance like this, Jiang Chen knew that he definitely had something to show for himself, but he didn't know where he was.

And Xu Anqi didn't explain what she meant, it made Jiang Chen's heart scratch like a cat, and it was so itchy.

If you want to catch a traitor, you can catch a traitor. Anyway, if you don't catch a traitor in bed, with Jiang Chen's thick-skinned level, there will be no embarrassment at all.

But to put it bluntly, it's different, so he can improve next time, right?
This is only half of what he said, and he will stop talking if he wants to say it. If he shows the same tricks next time, it will be fatal.

"An Qi, why are you so naive, so you believe Jiang Chen's words?" Jiang Yanyan bluffed.

Jiang Chen didn't even have the intention to make up a reason. He just made up his mouth and made it up without any technical content. She heard it was full of loopholes as soon as she heard it, but Xu Anqi asked the woman Jiang Chen helped to drive in a serious manner. What is it all about.

Even for women in love, the ratio of IQ is in a straight line of decline, but Xu Anqi's IQ should not drop so exaggeratedly, right?

This IQ made her feel very anxious.

"I don't believe it." Xu Anqi smiled slightly.

"Hee hee, I knew Jiang Chen couldn't fool you." Jiang Yanyan laughed happily.

"Jiang Chen, the reason you made up is too bad, let's make it up again." At the end, Jiang Yanyan said to Jiang Chen.

"How to make it up?" Jiang Chen had an innocent face.

"Let's say you were walking on the street, and suddenly a beautiful woman threw herself into your arms, and then the two of you went to a hotel to open a room and do bad things, that's why you're so hungry...Of course, this kind of thing, In the eyes of An Qi and I, it is a bad thing, but for you, it can be regarded as a good thing, after all, it solved the needs of that woman in a certain way, right?" Jiang Yanyan said jokingly.

"A certain need, what kind of need?" Jiang Chen became even more innocent, as if he couldn't understand what Jiang Yanyan was saying.

"I'm going to die." Jiang Yanyan blushed, and Xu Anqi also looked shy.

"Is it okay to speak clearly? If you don't make it clear, how do I know what the needs are?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"As you said yourself, I was walking on the street, and a beautiful woman threw herself into my arms. If you think about it carefully, there are many possibilities, right? For example, that woman sprained her foot, for example, that woman Being hunted down by bad guys... And after I send her to the hotel, there are many possibilities, for example, I opened a room for her to rest and then left, or..."

"Another example?" Before Jiang Chen finished speaking, Jiang Yanyan asked gossip.

Xu Anqi also looked at Jiang Chen at this time, waiting for Jiang Chen to finish speaking.

"For another example, I also entered the room, and then I called the waiter to deliver a deck of poker, and played a game with that woman ~ Landlord." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Can it be more reliable?" Jiang Yanyan felt very disappointed.

Originally, I thought I could hear some glamorous and exciting content, even if Jiang Chen made it up randomly, but that was in line with the logic of the story development.

Jiang Chen actually said to open a room in a hotel to fight a landlord, can this script go on like this?

"This is of course a very reliable possibility. Forget what I just said? I said that the woman was being hunted down by bad guys. It turned out that she was a bad gambler who owed a huge debt and was found by a loan shark. Got it. You have to know that a woman who is addicted to gambling can do anything." Jiang Chen said eloquently.

"Okay, you've got the story back, but don't forget, there is a premise for what I said. The person who throws herself into my arms is a beautiful woman. Even if she is a bad gambler, she is still a beautiful woman." A gambler... Just imagine a hotel room, a big bed, a woman sitting there, exhaling like blue, how ambiguous and exciting the atmosphere is, I don't believe that you can really play with others... Landlord " Jiang Yanyan deliberately prolonged the tone of the last three words.

Jiang Chen didn't need to imagine at all, because when he stayed in the same hotel room with the Sleeping Beauty today, there was such an atmosphere, just a little recollection was enough to make it charming.

"I must solemnly declare that I am an upright man." Jiang Chen said.

"So, when I really encounter the situation you mentioned, I usually refuse it with righteous words." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"What if the situation is unusual?" Jiang Yanyan asked persistently.

This hole was dug by Jiang Chen, she didn't believe that Jiang Chen wouldn't jump down.

"If the situation is unusual, it's definitely not that woman's fault, it must be my fault, and I want to repent." Jiang Chen said.

"You mean, if the situation is unusual, you must be able to control and control yourself, right?" Smacking her lips, Jiang Yanyan made an addition to Jiang Chen's words.

Then, Jiang Yanyan said to Xu Anqi: "Anqi, listen, this rascal is really unreliable."

"You are wrong. I said I want to repent. The reason is that I am too handsome. It is not my fault that I am too handsome, but it is my fault to be so handsome that people commit crimes." Jiang Chen explained.

"Uh——" Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan stared wide-eyed, so what happened.

"What does this reaction mean? If I'm not handsome, how could a beautiful woman throw herself into my arms? How could she be willing to be taken to a hotel by me to open a room? And how could she seduce me in front of me What? So, after all, this is all caused by my being too handsome, because of this, I must repent, I didn't mean to be so handsome." Jiang Chen had a guilty look on his face.

"An Qi, are you okay? I feel like vomiting." The corners of Jiang Yanyan's mouth twitched.

Xu Anqi giggled coquettishly, gave Jiang Chen a coquettish look, and said, "I'll take someone out."

"No, I'm really handsome, okay?" Jiang Chen said pretendingly.

"Okay, okay, you are the most handsome, An Qi and I both know it, let's change the topic." Jiang Yanyan couldn't stand Jiang Chen's virtue any minute.

"The next topic is when that woman couldn't stand the temptation of my handsomeness and threw me on the big hotel bed..." Jiang Chen said.

"Next topic." Xu Anqi couldn't listen anymore. It was obviously a non-existent thing, how could it come out of Jiang Chen's mouth as if it really happened?
"Next topic... oh, that woman took off my clothes, and then she took off her own clothes..." Jiang Chen said.

"Stop talking." The two girls said in unison, the two of them were inexperienced and couldn't bear Jiang Chen's dirty jokes.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and was about to joke a little more, when he heard someone shouting in the cafeteria, "Everyone, go and see, someone is going to jump off the building!"

(End of this chapter)

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