genius evil

Chapter 348 Do You Have a Boyfriend

Chapter 348 Do You Have a Boyfriend
"Someone is going to jump off the building?"

Hearing that voice, Jiang Yanyan immediately became extremely excited. She didn't even eat, pulled Xu Anqi to get up, and said anxiously: "Anqi, hurry up, let's go and have a look."

"Someone is going to jump off the building and you're so excited?" Jiang Chen was full of black lines.

"Yes." Jiang Yanyan took it for granted, she said: "It must be some guy who can't stand the pressure of the college entrance examination and doesn't want to live anymore."

"Shouldn't this be the death of the rabbit and the fox's grief?" Jiang Chen was puzzled, and really couldn't understand the logic in Jiang Yanyan's words.

We are all grasshoppers on the same rope. In the future, we will be crowded on the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination, and we will be life and death opponents. No one is necessarily better than the other.

It should be a matter of heart and soul!
"That's right, but isn't there you? With you here, that guy will never die if he jumps ten or eight times, let alone jumping off the building once." Jiang Yanyan said quickly.

"None of my business." Jiang Chen was speechless.

"You're going to save people, do you think it's none of your business?" Jiang Yanyan said confidently.

The last time, Cao Fang wanted to jump off the building because of a mistake in the exam, but she was told by Jiang Chen that she was a nonsense, and finally gave up. This time, Jiang Chen happened to be there, and Jiang Yanyan naturally be excited.

"I haven't finished my meal yet," Jiang Chen said.

Just now I was too busy talking, I didn't even have time to eat a few mouthfuls of this meal, my stomach was not full yet.

"Don't eat, Jiang Chen, let's go there." Xu Anqi said.

"Go." Jiang Chen stood up.

"Looking for sex." Jiang Yanyan expressed her dissatisfaction. She asked Jiang Chen to save someone. Jiang Chen refused to go. When Xu Anqi spoke, Jiang Chen got up and was like a fool.

"Who?" Jiang Chen looked around, trying to find out who Jiang Yanyan was talking about.

"I'm lazy to talk to you." Jiang Yanyan smiled sweetly, and dragged Xu Anqi to the outside of the cafeteria, while Jiang Chen followed the second daughter leisurely.

I don't know if the teaching building is a feng shui place for jumping off the building. The person who wanted to jump off the building this time also chose the roof of the teaching building.

Similarly, the one who jumped off the building was also a girl.

The news spread quickly, and it was the lunch break time. After a while, a large group of people crowded together under the teaching building, both teachers and students.

The students watched the excitement, while the teachers were all anxious.

Because of the last time Cao Fang jumped off the building, the door leading to the roof of the teaching building was obviously locked with a big iron lock, in order to prevent the same accident from happening next time.

Who would have thought that someone would appear on the roof of the teaching building when the iron gate was locked, and it looked like they had picked the lock. How much determination would it take to do such a thing?
The teachers thought that the situation of jumping off the building this time was much more severe than Cao Fang's last time, maybe they were really going to jump off the building, how could they not be impatient.

"That girl looks familiar, she seems to be called Lu Yuan, right?"

"Yes, it's called Lu Yuan."

"Lu Yuan, a girl with a very cheerful personality, why would she want to jump off a building?"


Knowing or not knowing the classmate named Lu Yuan on the top of the building, everyone was talking about it, and they were all puzzled, not sure what went wrong.

"Lu Yuan, come down quickly, the wind is strong on the roof."

A classmate in Lu Yuan's class said loudly.

"Yeah, come down quickly, don't accidentally fall down." Someone urged loudly again.

Then, the head teacher of Lu Yuan's class also joined the shouting team.

"Student Lu Yuan, you can tell me about anything. If I can't solve it, there is still school. You are still young, so don't overthink it."


The teachers and students downstairs shouted together, while Lu Yuan stood expressionlessly on the edge of the roof without saying a word.

It's just that he kept looking downstairs, not sure if he was looking for someone.

"Jiang Chen, hurry up, don't dawdle." Behind the crowd, Jiang Yanyan kept urging Jiang Chen.

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen walking too slowly, she must have dragged Xu Anqi to choose a good place. This is standing behind the crowd, it's too far away, I can't see clearly.

"It's just jumping off a building, there's nothing to see, isn't it the same if it's faster or slower?" Jiang Chen spoke slowly, and walked forward following the tough Jiang Yanyan.

After a lot of effort, they finally appeared at the forefront of the crowd. Naturally, Jiang Chen was largely responsible for this.

When everyone saw Jiang Chen appearing, they knew they couldn't offend him, so they could only give way one after another.

Thus, Jiang Chen finally saw clearly Lu Yuan on the rooftop.

"Jiang Chen, don't look, hurry up and talk." Jiang Yanyan couldn't help urging again.

"What?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Whatever you say, just don't let her jump off." Jiang Yanyan said.

"It seems that there is nothing to say." Jiang Chen touched his chin.

"Jiang Chen, the teacher and the students are very anxious. Besides, the college entrance examination will be coming soon. This Lu Yuan is a student in the third class of senior high school, so the influence will be very bad." Xu Anqi reminded in Jiang Chen's ear.

Watching the excitement is watching the excitement, but neither Jiang Yanyan nor Xu Anqi are willing to see such excitement.

Some words are light, but human life is at stake, and everyone is dignified.

"Well, then I'll just say a few words casually." Jiang Chen said reluctantly.

Coughing lightly, clearing his throat, Jiang Chen said, "That ugly girl on the roof, can you hear what I'm saying? I'm not here to persuade you not to jump off the building, I'm just curious, and I have a question I want to ask Ask you, you must satisfy my curiosity, otherwise I will be very sorry if you jump off the building and die."

"Jiang Chen!"

Xu Anqi teased Jiang Chen, although he was letting Jiang Chen talk casually, but what were they talking about.

A group of students and teachers followed Jiang Chen's words, part of their attention shifted from Lu Yuan's body to Jiang Chen's body, and then they recognized who he was.

No way, this guy is too famous in Yilan Middle School.

"Don't worry, I just spoke." Jiang Chen was very relaxed, and then said to Lu Yuan, "This question is very simple, you just need to answer me, yes or no... Do you have a boyfriend?"


The crowd was in an uproar!

In the beginning, some people paid attention to Jiang Chen, but now, as soon as Jiang Chen asked this question, everyone's attention fell on Jiang Chen.

"What's going on with this Jiang Chen, why did he ask Lu Yuan such a question under such circumstances?"

"I heard that Jiang Chen is very lustful. I guess it's because Lu Yuan is pretty. Do you want to date someone?"

"Picking up girls? Damn, I've heard that this thing is a wonderful flower, but do you want to be so strange?"

"The more weird it is, the easier it is to find a good girl!"


There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and everyone was in a mess.

Lu Yuan is about to die, but Jiang Chen still wants to pick on her. Who is this? No matter how shameless he is, he must have a bottom line.
Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan heard everyone's discussion, the two girls were both angry and ashamed, their necks drooped, and they really wanted to pretend that they didn't know Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Lu Yuan's gaze no longer wandered left and right, as if attracted by Jiang Chen's words, her gaze fell on Jiang Chen's body as if fixed.

"Why do you ask me this question?" Lu Yuan finally spoke for the first time, but she didn't answer Jiang Chen's unusual question.

"I've said it all, I'm curious." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"No." Lu Yuan said.

"Wow, Lu Yuan said she doesn't have a boyfriend."

"Yeah, what does this mean? Is it possible to accept Jiang Chen's confession?"

"You idiot, Jiang Chen hasn't confessed yet."

"What I mean is, if Jiang Chen confesses, Lu Yuan might accept it, and then he probably won't die."

"Fuck, is it so easy to pick up girls? I would have gone if I had known earlier, buddy, I have been secretly in love with Lu Yuan for a long time."


"You're lying." Jiang Chen suddenly said loudly.

All the voices of discussion were suppressed by Jiang Chen's voice. The three words "you lied" were clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

"You obviously have a boyfriend, how can you say you don't have one? Isn't that a lie?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

"I don't have one." Lu Yuan also said loudly.

"Then why did you jump off the building?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"I can jump if I want, is it up to you?" Lu Yuan said.

"You lied again." Jiang Chen spoke louder.

Everyone had black lines all over their heads, no one could keep up with Jiang Chen's rhythm, and Lu Yuan who was on the stage that day was obviously a little dazed.

"I'm not lying." Lu Yuan argued.

"You are lying, do you want to deny that, in fact, you jumped off the building for me?" Jiang Chen said calmly.


The crowd was in an uproar again, and the pot exploded.

Did Lu Yuan jump off the building because of Jiang Chen?
True or false, what is the relationship between the two of them?
In other words, it was Jiang Chen who had always abandoned Lu Yuan, so Lu Yuan wanted to jump off the building, and she deliberately wanted to show Jiang Chen!

It's too hot, okay?
"" Lu Yuan was startled.

"Don't you, me. Although you jumped off the building because of me, I definitely despise you. Don't think I'm responsible for you." Jiang Chen frowned.

"I didn't make you responsible." Lu Yuan was about to cry to Jiang Chen.

"Oh, I'm actually somewhat responsible. After all, if it wasn't for me, why would you jump off the building?" Jiang Chen said again.

"Jiang Chen, can you speak clearly, are you responsible or not?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't stand listening, and said incessantly.

Why didn't she know when Jiang Chen got Lu Yuan in his hands.

But Jiang Chen's vision and taste are too bad, not to mention that she looks much prettier than Lu Yuan, and her body is much more explosive than Lu Yuan's. Jiang Chen's taste in picking up girls has seriously declined.

"I'm just saying casually, there are so many ugly women in this world, if all of them threaten me with jumping off a building, then I won't be exhausted?" Jiang Chen said.

"You start in chaos and end up abandoning!" Jiang Yanyan scolded.

"I am innocent." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Then why did they jump off the building for you?" Jiang Yanyan asked.

He jumped off the building because of him, and Jiang Chen dared to say that he was innocent, so how could he not be innocent?

"I'm really innocent. If you don't believe me, you can find out by asking him." Jiang Chen said, and while speaking, Jiang Chen separated from the crowd and rushed forward. Soon, Jiang Chen grabbed a person in his hand. ...

(End of this chapter)

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