genius evil

Chapter 349 You Are Forced

Chapter 349 You Are Forced
After catching that person, Jiang Chen casually threw him to the ground.

After the man was thrown on the ground, he got up and wanted to run. Jiang Chen unhurriedly kicked his buttocks, kicking the man to the ground, and fell to the ground with his face. Several bloodstains.

Under the pain, the man couldn't help but let out a scream, struggling to get up.

Jiang Chen would not give him another chance to stand up this time, he stepped on him and stomped him down.

"Who is he?" Jiang Yanyan asked suspiciously.

Jiang Chen said just now that if you don't believe me, you'll know if you ask him. Jiang Yanyan thought Jiang Chen asked her to ask someone. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would suddenly catch a person and kick and step on him.

"Chen Mu." Xu Anqi whispered, her expression was very strange.

"It's Chen Mu?" Hearing the sound, Jiang Yanyan looked over, and even though half of the guy's face was rubbed off by the concrete floor, she recognized him at a glance.

Chen Mu had never met Chen Mu himself before, but she had a good relationship with Xu Anqi, and Xu Anqi had a good relationship with the Chen family father and son before, so she mentioned the three brothers of the Chen family in front of her, and showed her the three brothers. photo.

At this time, Xu Anqi said that the person was Chen Mu, and Jiang Yanyan naturally recognized him.

"Jiang Chen, does this have anything to do with Chen Mu?" Xu Anqi frowned and asked.

"It's impossible that there is no relationship, it depends on what kind of relationship it is." Jiang Chen said casually.

"I don't understand." Jiang Yanyan said.

"I don't understand. I'll explain later. Let the ugly girl upstairs come down first. What if she jumps downstairs and hits someone? If she didn't hit anyone, but flowers and plants, that would have a very bad influence." " Jiang Chen said lazily.

"But how can we get Lu Yuan down?" Jiang Yanyan said that she was even more confused.

Jiang Chen didn't answer Jiang Yanyan's question, he pressed hard on Chen Mu's chest with his feet, and Chen Mu's face flushed red under the pain.

"Let that woman come down." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"It has nothing to do with me." Chen Mu said with difficulty.

"Maybe I can give you two choices. I will trample you to death right now, or I will also lift you up on the roof and push you down to death." Jiang Chen looked down at Chen Mu, his voice , there is no smoke at all.

"If I die, that woman will die too." Chen Mu said nervously.

Chen Mu couldn't understand that Jiang Chen was threatening him, but he couldn't help but accept Jiang Chen's threat. Of the four of them, father and son, three had already died.

Although Chen Fu, Chen Sen and Chen Lin didn't all die by Jiang Chen's hands, they all died because of Jiang Chen.

To kill another one of him, to Jiang Chen, it is completely a painless matter, no different from trampling an ant to death!

"Didn't you say that woman has nothing to do with you?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Yes, so what if it has something to do with me?" Chen Mu's voice was a little more stern, and he said sharply, "You can kill me, but that woman will definitely be buried with me."

"Do you think I would mind?" Jiang Chen looked at Chen Mu like an idiot.

"Does that woman have anything to do with me? Whether she dies or not is none of my business!" Jiang Chen then said again.

He just encountered injustice in his life and just did a good thing casually. Does it affect him if the good thing is done or not?

This Chen Mutian really wanted to blackmail him with Lu Yuan's life and death, in Jiang Chen's view, it was simply ridiculous.


Chen Mu choked.

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it." Jiang Chen lazily wasted time on Chen Mu.

Chen Mu sighed, and said, "Let go of me first, I'll call Lu Yuan."

Jiang Chen moved his foot away, Chen Mu took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed a number. After a while, Lu Yuan on the roof of the teaching building, holding a mobile phone in his hand, was answering the call while slowly left the rooftop.

One minute later, Jiang Chen took Chen Mu in one hand, separated from the crowd, and led Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan away.

Arriving at the bank of Weiming Lake, Jiang Chen casually threw Chen Mu on the ground.

Xu Anqi took a step forward, and said sadly and sadly, "Chen Mu, what did you do to Lu Yuan?"

Because of the similar age to Chen Mu, Xu Anqi had the best relationship with Chen Mu before, but Chen Mu forced a girl to jump off a building, which broke Xu Anqi's heart.

"It's nothing, it's just that I caught her and asked her to cooperate in a play." Chen Mu said lightly, without any trace of guilt.

"This play is too ugly." Jiang Chen took the words and said lazily.

"Ugly?" Chen Mu sneered, looked at Jiang Chen gloomyly and said, "I just didn't expect that you would find me so soon."

"This can only show one thing, and that is that you are too stupid." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"If you think so, then consider me stupid." Chen Mu said indifferently.

"It's not that I want to think so, but that you are quite stupid in the first place. Everyone in your Chen family is a born idiot." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

"Jiang Chen, don't go too far." Chen Mu was furious.

"I'm sorry, I've always been famous for being too pushy, too much, and you told me not to go too far, how could I do it." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Chen, you can be proud, but I can assure you, you can't be so proud all the time, you will soon be unlucky." Chen Mu said viciously.

"Soon, how fast?" Jiang Chen was a little curious.

Chen Mu remained silent and did not answer Jiang Chen's question.

Jiang Chen didn't wait for Chen Mu to speak, he just took a step forward, reached out his hand, and tore off Chen Mu's coat.

After the jacket was torn off, one could clearly see that there was a time bomb tied to Chen Mu's body.

The time bomb~ the bomb has entered the countdown stage, and there are still more than three minutes.

"More than three minutes, less than four minutes, it's really fast." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

Chen Mu's expression changed drastically in an instant. He never expected that Jiang Chen would find that there was a time bomb on his body.

One must know that he was already prepared to be tortured by Jiang Chen. When the time came, no matter how happy Jiang Chen was allowed to laugh, he would definitely be buried with him.

But Jiang Chen, unexpectedly saw through his little trick easily.

"Jiang Chen, what exactly is he going to do?" Xu Anqi said in a panic.

She had never seen a bomb before, but that didn't hinder her. She could see that Chen Mu was strapped to a timed bomb, and the bomb was about to explode soon.

"He wants to kill me." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Kill you?" Xu Anqi was taken aback.

"Jiang Chen, you said he was going to kill you, so why not let Lu Yuan jump off the building? " Jiang Yanyan asked in bewilderment.

In the end, I felt something was wrong, so I hurriedly poohed twice, and said, "Jiang Chen, I didn't mean it, I'm not cursing you."

"It doesn't matter if it's intentional, my life is very high, and it's not so easy to die." Jiang Chen smiled.

Then, Jiang Chen explained: "As for the reason why Lu Yuan jumped off the building, didn't the idiot just say that? It was to let Lu Yuan cooperate with him in a play."

"You mean, he deliberately used Lu Yuan to create chaos?" Xu Anqi said thoughtfully.

"That's what it means." Jiang Chen nodded.

Seeing Jiang Chen nodding his head, Xu Anqi's face suddenly changed drastically, and the eyes that looked at Chen Mu like that were full of anger and disbelief.

"An Qi, what's the problem with this? This Chen Mu just caused Lu Yuan to create chaos, and he didn't do anything to Lu Yuan." Jiang Yanyan said puzzled.

"Lu Yuan was going to jump off the building, which attracted countless teachers and students to watch. Jiang Chen, you and I are all on the crowd. When the time for the bomb explodes, and the bomb explodes, there will be a lot of casualties." Xu Anqi said silently.

If Chen Mu held a grudge against Jiang Chen, Xu Anqi could understand, after all, it was because of Jiang Chen's existence that the conspiracy of the Chen family and his son failed.

But it's fine for Chen Mu to deal with Jiang Chen, but in order to deal with Jiang Chen, he wanted to kill so many innocent people.

You know, with so many onlookers, once the bomb explodes, there will definitely be countless casualties.

Moreover, when the chaotic scene formed, Jiang Chen would probably die in the explosion. How could Xu Anqi not feel angry about this?
After being told by Xu Anqi, Xu Anqi, who was belatedly aware of it, finally understood Chen Mu's intentions.

After realizing it, she immediately took a deep breath, her small face turned pale, and even her body trembled uncontrollably.

"I almost died." Jiang Yanyan said to herself in her heart, thinking about the scene caused by the explosion of the bomb, Jiang Yanyan shuddered and dared not think deeply.

"An Qi, you were very smart when you were young, and you have always been so smart." When Xu An Qi pointed out the purpose, Chen Mu did not defend, but sighed endlessly.

"You are also very smart, but it's a pity that your smartness is not used in the right place." Xu Anqi looked at Chen Mu and said.

"It's not that I don't want to use it in the right place, it's that I haven't had the opportunity to use it in the right place long ago. You are a thousand-dollar lady who was born with a golden key in her mouth. How can you understand someone like me?" Chen Mu said loudly.

"Our Xu family has never treated you badly." Xu Anqi said tremblingly.

"That only shows that the members of your Xu family are very good at life. It does not mean that our Chen family father and son should serve you all your life. Do you know what people outside say about us? They say that we are the four dogs raised by the Xu family. " Chen Mu said sadly.

"Neither I nor Grandpa have ever thought so." Xu Anqi said expressionlessly.

"Hypocrisy!" Chen Mu spat.

Xu Anqi wanted to explain. Jiang Chen waved his hand and interrupted Xu Anqi. He said, "Anqi, you are wrong about one thing. How can you say that he is very smart? He is obviously a big fool."

"Why is he such an idiot?" Jiang Yanyan asked suspiciously.

"A guy who is obviously greedy for life and afraid of death, but is strapped with a bomb to kill me, what is it if he is not an idiot?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Hearing the sound, Chen Mu's face changed quietly.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You were forced, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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