genius evil

Chapter 350 Don't Die, Don't Think About Living

Chapter 350 Don't Die, Don't Think About Living

"That's right, you forced me into what I am now." Chen Mu said loudly.

"Chen Mu, why do you have the face to say such things?" Xu Anqi said angrily before Jiang Chen could reply.

In the case of the Chen family and his son, the Xu family has always been in the role of the victim.

The victim hasn't felt wronged yet, and the perpetrator just screams for himself.And it was so eloquent, as if he had really suffered a great grievance.

This made Xu Anqi feel angry, unbelievable, but even more ridiculous.

The contradictory relationship between the guest and the host was reversed. Chen Mu opened his mouth and abruptly called the black as white, and the white as black.

He thinks that what he is doing is right, so he will always be right. Even if it hurts others, they will ignore it. What they think about is only their own interests. What an incredible gangster logic, this is What a nonsense logic!

"Did I say something wrong?" Chen Mu's voice became louder, his eyes were bloodshot, he stared at Jiang Chen, and said word by word, "If it wasn't for Jiang Chen, our Chen family would have taken After leaving the Xu family, you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life, how could you be reduced to such a state?"

"You—you—" Xu Anqi pointed at Chen Mu, her delicate face was flushed red.

Jiang Yanyan took Xu Anqi's little hand, and softly comforted her: "An Qi, this kind of person is already insane, just treat him as a crazy dog, and don't worry about it. After all, if a dog bites you, you can't Chasing the dog and biting back, that would be disgusting."

Jiang Yanyan is fine if she doesn't speak, but if she speaks, she can crush the dead, her teeth are sharp and her mouth is sharp.

"I'm not fussing with him, I'm just... just..." Xu Anqi whispered like a whisper, but she couldn't utter a complete sentence.

just what?

However, even if you know that the other party is unforgivable, even if you know that the other party has gone mad and has a hideous face for the benefit, there will still be a little nostalgia for the old love in your heart.

Fortunately, from now on, everything will be gone!
Therefore, if there are too many words, there is no need to say any more, even if you say one sentence, it is superfluous.

"Xu Anqi, what do you mean? It's just what?" Chen Mu stared at Xu Anqi with a gloomy face, his voice was low, "Could it be that you are used to being flattered and flattered, when someone wants to step on you in turn Then you can't take it anymore."

Xu Anqi was silent and did not speak.

That Chen Muxu felt that he was bored, turned his gaze, and returned to Jiang Chen's body, glanced at Jiang Chen, lowered his head, and looked at the time bomb strapped to his body.

"There is less than 1 minute left, why, are you going to die with me?" Chen Mu said.

"There is a saying that you have to do your own crimes, you can't live, you idiot, you have fully explained the true meaning of this sentence." Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

To die with Chen Mu?
This guy thinks too beautifully.

Chen Mu had lived enough, but he, Jiang Chen, hadn't lived enough.

As soon as he reached out, Jiang Chen took off the bomb from Chen Mu's body, swung it vigorously, and threw it directly towards the center of the Weiming Lake.

"Jiang Chen, nothing will happen now?" Xu Anqi said worriedly.

"This lake is very big, at most it just killed a few fish, maybe we can pick up a few fish and grill them later." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You foodie." Jiang Yanyan scolded with a smile.

Then Jiang Yanyan said to Xu Anqi: "Anqi, I've never seen a bomb explode. Wouldn't it be very exciting if you talked about it for a while?"

"Stimulation?" Xu Anqi's mouth twitched slightly.

"Yeah, it should be very exciting." Jiang Yanyan looked yearning.

"Would you like me to throw you there too, and blow it up along with the bomb? That might be more exciting." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You just blew it up." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.


While talking, I saw that there was a sudden booming sound in the middle of the Weiming Lake, and the water surface was tumbling, like a pot of boiling hot water.

Then, the water column rose into the sky, forming a spectacular spectacle.

"It's so beautiful." Jiang Yanyan looked at Chen Mu with big eyes as she spoke.

"What do you think he is doing?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

At this time, it is right to look at him. After all, if he hadn't thrown the bomb into the water, what Jiang Yanyan would see now would be a pile of crushed human flesh.

In that case, it is estimated that I will be disgusted for several days, unable to eat and sleep.

Besides, even if it wasn't for this point, for his handsome face, Jiang Chen still felt that he was more able to attract attention, especially the attention of women.

You know, compared to Chen Mu, his handsomeness is far more than ten blocks away from Chen Mu.

"I just want to see if there are any bombs on his body." Jiang Yanyan blinked and said.

"You are sick." Jiang Chen was speechless.

"You are the only one who is sick." Jiang Yanyan replied to Jiang Chen, and said, "Didn't you just say that you should fry some fish for barbecue? I'm worried that one bomb will not fry enough fish."

"You are really sick." Jiang Chen was even more speechless.

By the way, this woman scolded him for being a foodie just now, why is she thinking about eating grilled fish now?

"Jiang Chen, if you scold me again, I will get angry." Jiang Yanyan said unhappily.

"Even if you are angry, I will scold you too, a woman who is seriously ill." Jiang Chen said with a curled lip.

"Ah—" Jiang Yanyan went crazy.

"Stop making trouble, I'm fine." Xu Anqi said dumbfounded.

"An Qi, it has nothing to do with you if the two of us quarrel between the two of us. Don't act as a peacemaker." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Everyone was not full just now, why don't we go eat grilled fish." Xu Anqi suggested.

With her intelligence, how could she not understand that the banter between Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan was intended to distract her.

A bomb exploded, even if it only caused a few insignificant splashes... But if the bomb was not discovered in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, Chen Mu's madness was caused by the grievances with the Xu family. It is impossible for Xu Anqi to be free from the burden.

Of course, Xu Anqi felt a lot of pressure in her heart, and her pressure was also dissipated a lot because of the playfulness between Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan.

In that lake water, there are already many fish with white bellies, and the sound of the explosion, it is estimated that many people will be attracted soon... Then go eat grilled fish, and get out of here quickly.

"An Qi, go to eat grilled fish at this time, you have to skip class." Jiang Yanyan said with a smile.

Before Xu Anqi could reply, Jiang Yanyan said again: "That's right, anyway, it's not the first time you've skipped class, and Jiang Chen has already brought you down, but I'm a good student, and I've never been absent from class. The teacher asked me to talk, and what should I do if I still need to talk to the parents."

"You don't need to go, squad leader Xu and I will go eat grilled fish." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I haven't finished my words yet, what are you in such a hurry for?" Jiang Yanyan said hastily, "I just want to ask, where should we go for grilled fish?"

Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi looked at each other in dismay, both expressing that they were speechless.

But he didn't stay too long, Jiang Chen carried Chen Mu in one hand, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan followed, and walked towards the school parking lot.

Throwing Chen Mu into the trunk of the car casually, Jiang Chen drove away from Yilan Middle School.

Not far from the school was a grilled fish shop with good taste. Jiang Chen stopped the car at the entrance of the grilled fish shop, and Brother Dao brought someone over and took Chen Mu out of the trunk.

Jiang Chen signaled Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan to go in first, and talk to Brother Dao outside.

"Young Master Jiang, what should we do?" Brother Dao asked, he rushed over immediately after receiving Jiang Chen's call.

"Don't kill." Jiang Chen said lightly, "Don't let him live too easily."

"No problem." Brother Dao smiled.

When it comes to the means of torture, Brother Dao guarantees that there are ten thousand ways, which can make a person's life extremely painful, but there is no way to die.

"Then, before dark, send it to Tiannan City. Remember, you send it there yourself and hand it over to Tiannan Song Family Song Yuan." Jiang Chen continued to order.

"What is this for?" Brother Dao asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, just do as I tell you." Jiang Chen lazily explained.

Brother Dao didn't ask too many questions, just smiled and said, "Jiang Shao, then you just wait for my good news. Besides, do you want to have a good interrogation with this guy who doesn't know how to live or die?"

"Whatever." Jiang Chen said lazily.

To interrogate or not to interrogate, that was the case for Jiang Chen.

It must be known that this Chen Mu almost made a big commotion in Yilan City. Jiang Chen would not naively think that Chen Mu could do it alone. Chen Mu doesn't have such an IQ, otherwise If so, it wouldn't be such a miserable loss.

Jiang Chen asked Chen Mu if he was forced to do so. In fact, he wanted to set the record straight. He asked whether the matter was related to the Song family. Whether Chen Mu admitted it or not, it was irrelevant.

Because after this incident, Jiang Chen already had the idea of ​​taking the Song family's sword. This Chen Mu was a gift he gave to the Song family before he did it. I hope the Song family will like it.

"Okay." Brother Dao nodded, and led the people away with Chen Mu, while Jiang Chen entered the grilled fish shop.

The three ate a hearty meal of grilled fish without drinking, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan skipped class, but after eating the fish, Jiang Chen sent them back to school to continue their classes.

After Jiang Chen sent the second daughter back to school, he drove away from the school again and went to the hospital to meet Ji Feng.

After about two hours, Jiang Chen left the hospital.

But in the evening of that day, Ji Feng went through the formalities of being discharged from the hospital. He was seriously injured, but he almost fully recovered, which shocked everyone in the hospital.

Naturally, none of that had anything to do with Ji Feng. After leaving the hospital, Ji Feng returned to Tiannan City immediately.

And in Tiannan City, the Song family received a carefully prepared gift just before dark!
(End of this chapter)

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