genius evil

Chapter 351 A Tight Curse

Chapter 351 A Tight Curse
It was a rectangular wooden box.

It is about two meters long and one meter wide. The wood looks new and should be custom-made temporarily.

The first impression of the wooden box is that it is thick and strong, because this wooden box was brought in from the outside by two strong men.

"Who sent the things?" Song Yuan looked at the current wooden box and asked in a deep voice.

The matter was a bit unusual, because the person who brought the wooden box called and asked him to open the wooden box by himself, and Song Yuan rushed over after receiving the news.

Song Yuan was curious. He looked at the wooden box with a lot of curiosity. He was very curious about what was inside.

However, no matter how serious the curiosity was, Song Yuan forcibly suppressed it.

He asked a question, a very crucial question.

Who sent the wooden box?
The person who sent the things is different, and the things contained in the sunspots are naturally different, and there will be a big difference.

"This wooden box was sent from Yilan City. The other party said that it was given to you by Jiang Chen." Said a Song family member who accepted the wooden box.

"Jiang Chen!"

When hearing this name, Song Yuan frowned suddenly, lowered his head, and glanced at the wooden box again, Song Yuan suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Quickly, take the wooden box out." Song Yuan ordered loudly.

The onlookers didn't know why, but since Song Yuan ordered it so, they obeyed and quickly moved the wooden box to the outside yard.

"Open." Song Yuan did not follow, but said in a deep voice while standing at the door.

There is a lid on the wooden box, and the lid is randomly embedded on it, and it is not fastened by nails. With a little force, the lid is lifted, and what is in the box can be seen at a glance.

"What is it?" Song Yuan asked a little nervously.

"It's a person." Someone responded.

"People?" After being stunned for a while, Song Yuan asked again: "Who is it?"

"I don't know, I can't recognize it." The man continued.

Song Yuan was very confused, a person he couldn't recognize?
What did Jiang Chen send an unrecognizable person to the Song family?
With this doubt, Song Yuan walked over, and then, Song Yuan saw the person in the wooden box.

But is that really a person?
There is almost no complete spot all over the body, the nose is bruised and the face is swollen, blood is oozing from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, which is shocking.

With just one glance, Song Yuan recognized that it was Chen Mu.

"Chen Mu!" Song Yuan said in a low voice.

Ten minutes later, the wooden box was carried to the backyard of the villa, where Mr. Song used to rest and exercise.

The backyard is quiet and shaded by trees.

Mr. Song stood in front of the wooden box, looked at Chen Mu lying in the wooden box, and said after a while, "Take him to the hospital."

"Dad, I guess it can't be cured." Song Yuan said.

"Don't let him die in the Song family." Mr. Song said.

Song Yuan nodded, and called for someone to come over to remove the wooden box. He helped Mr. Song sit down on a wicker chair under a tree, poured a cup of hot tea and handed it over.

"Father and son of the Chen family, there is not one left." After taking a sip of hot tea, Mr. Song said slowly.

"Jiang Chen is ruthless." Song Yuan gritted his teeth.

"Cruel-hearted?" Mr. Song didn't take it seriously, and said, "Whenever you want to do something, there are a few people in this world who are not ruthless, and they can't stand firm if they are not ruthless. For this reason, there is no need to say more, just look at it, it's the same Cruel and ruthless, who can make one thing happen."

Song Yuan didn't have the patience to listen to Mr. Song's rationale, he said, "Dad, you said that Jiang Chen sent Chen Mu back, what exactly does he want to do?"

"What do you think he wants to do?" Mr. Song did not answer Song Yuan's question, but said.

"I don't understand." Song Yuan said truthfully.

Chen Mu's going to Yilan City was arranged by him, to be exact, he was forced to go there... But Chen Mu had to go because Chen Mu wanted to take revenge, and Jiang Chen was his biggest enemy.

One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer, things are naturally very easy to arrange.

Sacrificing Chen Mu in exchange for Jiang Chen's life was a deal made by Song Yuan, and if things were done, it would undoubtedly be an extremely cost-effective deal.

In Song Yuan's eyes, Chen Mu's life is naturally worthless and can be sacrificed at any time. Whether Chen Mu is willing or not, he is destined to be a tragedy.

Jiang Chen was different.

There are too many people who want Jiang Chen to die, but there are too few people who have the ability to make Jiang Chen die.

Even the Bai family, after disappearing during the day, did not dare to touch Jiang Chen easily. This shows how troublesome Jiang Chen is.

Jiang Chen must be killed, but how to kill is a question that requires serious consideration.

Chen Mu had a bomb strapped to his body, and he died with Jiang Chen, and let a female student named Lu Yuan create chaos and kill people in the chaos, who would have expected it?

Even if the certainty of such calculations is not 90.00%, as far as Song Yuan himself is concerned, he is at least [-]% sure.

90.00% certainty is not too high.

However, no matter how high the confidence is, it still fails.

It's meaningless to investigate how it failed. Chen Mu was sent back to Tiannan City and Song's house. This is the ironclad proof of failure.

But from this, the biggest question is, what is Jiang Chen going to do?
After all, Song Yuan would not think that Jiang Chen did such a thing without any intention. In that case, Jiang Chen's IQ and means would be too underestimated.

"Take it as a warning." Mr. Song sighed.

"Warning?" Song Yuan pondered, and said, "Warning for what? Warn me, the Song family, not to act rashly again?"

"Warning, if you don't think it's serious enough, it's a declaration of war." Mr. Song didn't answer Song Yuan's words, but said again.

"Declaration of war!"

Song Yuan's complexion, at this moment, finally became ugly.

"It's my fault." Song Yuan said with a bit of lip twitching.

"Don't rush to take responsibility, tell me, what's going on with this mess." Mr. Song waved his hand and said.

He is quite old, and his worldly experience is of the refined type. It is impossible for Jiang Chen to send this Chen Mu to the Song family for no reason.

Song Yuan didn't hide anything, and briefly explained what he had done.

"The matter is very simple, very feasible, and the success rate is very high. Once it succeeds, there is no need to talk about it. Failure..." At this point, the words paused slightly, and then Mr. Song continued, "Did you do a good job?" Mentally prepare for failure."

"No." Song Yuan smiled wryly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have one. Looking forward and looking backward, how can we achieve great things? The things in this world are always unsatisfactory. It doesn't make sense to do everything carefully." Mr. Song said.

"Dad, don't you blame me?" Song Yuan asked in astonishment.

Killing Jiang Chen failed, but caused a lot of trouble.

Song Yuanqing knew that he had caused a huge trouble, even if Mr. Song was furious, it would not be an exaggeration, but unexpectedly, Mr. Song was so calm, showing no sign of anger at all.

"It's strange, but it's useless. If it were me, I would do it if I had such an opportunity. I didn't do anything wrong." Mr. Song said.

"But you said, this means a declaration of war, our side..." Song Yuan's voice sounded very bitter.

"Sooner or later, there will be such a day. You just moved the time forward a little bit." Mr. Song looked very open.

Song Yuan sighed, and said: "Just like this, we will change from the active side to the passive side. If Jiang Chen really uses this to declare war, our Song family, I'm afraid..."

Having said that, Song Yuan didn't continue to talk.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on." Mr. Song continued Song Yuan's words.

After saying this, Mr. Song just didn't speak any more, and drank his tea silently, taking one sip after another.

It wasn't until the cup of tea was finished that Mr. Song spoke again, and said, "Let someone prepare the car. Come out with me."

"It's time, where are you going?" Song Yuan asked suspiciously.

Mr. Song has lived in seclusion for many years, and even rarely intervened in the internal affairs of the Song family. It has been a long time and he has not gone out for activities.

"When I saw two people, I just don't know, if you give up this old face, those two will give the old man my face." Old Master Song said with emotion.

"Dad, the two people you mentioned are the two from the ground group?" Song Yuan said after being startled.

Looking at the entire Tiannan City, the two people who can make Mr. Song so difficult to meet face to face, for Song Yuan, it is almost unnecessary to be the second choice.

Even the old man of the Bai family would give Mr. Song a bit of a face, so as not to embarrass Mr. Song.

"That's right." Mr. Song nodded.

"Dad, as far as I know, the land organization has been actively trying to win over Jiang Chen. I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to meet those two at this time." Song Yuan reminded in a deep voice.

To some people, the fact that the ground group wooed Jiang Chen was no longer a secret, and the ground group did not deliberately cover up the matter, Song Yuan still knew about it.

"Winning is one thing, but being able to win is another." Mr. Song revealed a tricky smile, and he continued, "What do you think will happen if I go?"

"From my point of view, if you meet those two, there will only be two situations. The first one is that they will ignore it, and the second one is that they will actively win over Jiang Chen. These two possibilities happen at the same time. The probability is the highest." Song Yuan said in a deep voice.

"That's right, that's what it means." Mr. Song said.

"Dad, do you mean that you are using the pretense of asking for help, but you are actually making the local team pay more attention to Jiang Chen's existence. In that case, how can they not give up trying to win over Jiang Chen?" Song Yuan said thoughtfully. .

Then, Song Yuan said: "In that case, what kind of result will there be?"

"It's very simple, that is, there is an extra spell on Jiang Chen's head." Old Man Song said loudly.

"Yes, a binding spell, a binding spell from those two from the Earth Group." Song Yuan laughed loudly...

(End of this chapter)

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