genius evil

Chapter 353

Chapter 353
"Jiang Chen, don't be like this, how can you make people sleep like this." Tang Tian struggled.

"Sleep ass." Jiang Chen raised his hand and patted Tang Tian's butt with force.

To be honest, Jiang Chen was confused and confused by Tang Tian.

She is obviously a little lust girl who is dissatisfied with her desires. It is not good to pretend to be pure.

The weird thing is, it's quite like that. Let's just talk about the struggle, it seems to be forced by him. What kind of show is this?

"If you don't let me sleep, then I'll just get up." Tang Tian said aggrievedly.

"Give me another half an hour." Jiang Chen said.

"No." Tang Tian shook her head.

"If you dare to talk too much, it will only be an hour." Jiang Chen threatened.

"Hey, you said it yourself, one hour, can you do it?" Tang Tian said provocatively.

Jiang Chen looked at Tang Tian strangely, and said, "Did you dig a hole and wait for me to jump into it?"

Tang Tian smiled and did not deny it, and said: "You are wrong, it is not one pit, but two pits."

"What's the other hole?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Now is not the time. When the time is up, I will tell you naturally." Tang Tian kept a secret.

Tang Tian dug two pits.

The first trap was to let Jiang Chen take the initiative. Under her plausible performance, Jiang Chen was so teased by her that he couldn't do it if he didn't want to take the initiative.

The second trick is to send a girl to Jiang Chen to soak up, and that girl is Shuang'er.

But even if she wholeheartedly wanted to give Shuang'er to Jiang Chenpao, how could she say so?As soon as you say it, the taste and nature change completely.

Tang Tian refused to say it, Jiang Chen didn't care, and worked hard towards one hour.

An hour is not too long, but it is definitely not short, it depends on what is used as a reference.

In terms of the normal fighting power of a normal man, one hour is definitely a long time.

However, calculated in terms of kilometers, one hour, under the condition of high speed and speed limit, can drive a distance of 120 to [-] kilometers, which is considered very short.

While Jiang Chen was working hard, on the highway from Tiannan City to Yilan City, several luxury cars were driving towards Yilan City.

This is a convoy of four vehicles.

Among these four cars, the cheapest one is the Domineering Cruiser, which can be regarded as a luxury car for some ordinary families.

The most expensive car is an ultra-luxury sports car not seen on the market.

This sports car is driving at the second place in the convoy. There are two people in the car, one is the driver and the other is dressed in a festive manner.

Goldfish eyes, a big round face, short jaw, the whole face looks like a bun without folds, this person is none other than Qian Fugui.

Qian Fugui came from Yanjing.

Yanjing does not have a direct flight to Yilan City. Qian Fugui is going to Yilan City, so he can only get off the plane at Tiannan City, and then there is a motorcade waiting at the airport. When he gets off the plane, he will then go to Yilan City.

For him who is not short of money, even a simple itinerary is a big battle in the eyes of ordinary people.

Of course, as far as Qian Fugui is concerned, such a battle is not big enough at all.

He originally wanted to fly directly to Yilan City in his own private jet, but if he was not worried about that, it was too high-profile, he would have already arrived in Yilan City at this time.

But even if it was a flight, Qian Fugui would never wrong himself. He was flying in the first class, to be specific, he was the one who bought all the first class seats on this flight.

Then, no one should bother him except for the two beautiful stewardesses, and those two stewardesses were also his own private stewardesses on his private jet.

There is no way, the quality of the stewardess of ordinary domestic flights, money and wealth are not eye-catching.

The sports car was driving fast on the road, Qian Fugui was bored playing with his mobile phone, and asked casually, "How long will it take?"

"One hour." The driver replied.

"Four 10 minutes." Qian Fugui said.

"With little money, speeding will be dangerous." The driver reminded.

"Four and 10 minutes." Qian Fugui still said the same thing, there was no doubt about it.

"Okay." The driver had no choice but to nod, and after communicating with the other three vehicles through the car intercom, the speed of the four vehicles suddenly increased.

It took 10 minutes to exit the toll intersection of the expressway, and then it took half an hour and four vehicles to arrive at Yilan Middle School.

"Get out of the car and tell Jiang Chen to roll in front of me." Qian Fugui pointed at the driver with a finger and ordered.

What is his status as Qian Fugui?
Being able to come to Yilan City to meet Jiang Chen in person is already an act of giving Jiang Chen great face.

He had already arrived at Yilan Middle School, if he was asked to look for Jiang Chen in the school, it would be too embarrassing, it was impossible for Qian Fugui to do such a thing.

The driver responded and got out of the car to find the guard.

"Do you know Jiang Chen?" the driver asked.

"I don't know." The two guards said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know each other. I'll give you 5 minutes to contact someone who knows Jiang Chen, and then let that person call Jiang Chen out of the school. Remember, it's only 5 minutes." The driver said forcefully.

The two guards looked at the convoy of four cars, and they didn't dare to refute. Nuonuo agreed, and then started making calls. Two minutes later, a call was made to Tangyue's cell phone.

"Looking for Jiang Chen?" Tangyue asked suspiciously when she heard the other party's words.

"Yes, look for Jiang Chen." Said over there.

"Is there something wrong?" Tangyue asked.

"I don't know." Said over there.

After hanging up the phone, Tangyue hesitated for a moment, then called Jiang Chen.

After an hour of hard work, Tang Tian had fallen asleep in Jiang Chen's arms drowsily. Jiang Chen picked up the phone, saw that it was Tangyue, and connected the call.

"Someone looking for me?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"I don't know what's going on, but they are at the gate of the school, I'll go and have a look first," Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, they are looking for me, not you, so you don't have to look." Jiang Chen stopped.

No need to think about it, Jiang Chen also knew that only money and wealth came to him at this time.

Qian Fugui went to him as soon as he came, but didn't go to Tangyue, how could Jiang Chen let Tangyue go to see Qian Fugui?
"I'm a little worried." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, just don't worry, I can do it." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Then be careful, call me anytime you need something." Tangyue could only say, she had a faint feeling that Jiang Chen deliberately prevented her from seeing the person who was looking for Jiang Chen.

Therefore, the person who is looking for Jiang Chen should be someone sent by Qian Fugui, and it is even possible that Qian Fugui himself came.

In such a situation, Tangyue naturally didn't want to meet if she could not meet.

Jiang Chen moved his body away carefully to avoid waking Tang Tian, ​​got up in his clothes, went downstairs, and after a while, drove the black Elantra and left Guilan Garden.


At the gate of Yilan Middle School, Qian Fugui waited in the sports car for 10 minutes, but he was a little impatient when he didn't see Jiang Chen appearing for a long time.

He took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and lit it in his mouth, Qian Fugui frowned and asked, "When is Jiang Chen coming?"

The driver said: "Qian Shao, Jiang Chen has already been contacted, and it will be soon."

"How fast is it?" Qian Fugui let out a mouthful of disgust, and his brows frowned even tighter.

What kind of status is he rich and noble?
Others have always been waiting for him, why have you ever waited for someone else?

This Jiang Chen actually asked him to wait here, it was simply unreasonable.

"Not sure." The driver said cautiously.

"I'll give Jiang Chen another 10 minutes. If the time limit of 10 minutes is exceeded, as soon as Jiang Chen appears, you can do it directly." Qian Fugui said.

Qian Fugui came to Yilan City, to some extent, was forced by Jiang Chen.

Naturally, he didn't come to reason with Jiang Chen, but according to Qian Fugui's original intention, a mere senior high school student actually let his people fail twice. He was still a little curious about what kind of person Jiang Chen was.

Since you're curious, it's natural to find out.

But now, because the waiting time is too long, Qian Fugui just doesn't want to understand Jiang Chen. Once the 10-minute time limit is exceeded, he will do it directly and destroy Jiang Chen. No time to spend with Jiang Chen.

"Okay, to what extent?" the driver said.

"Kill it." Qian Fugui said after taking a deep puff of the cigarette, letting the smoke into his lungs, and enjoying the stimulation brought by the nicotine.

After saying this, Qian Fugui turned his head, glanced at the gate of Yilan Middle School, and murmured, "Tangyue, Tangyue, because of you, I came to Yilan City ahead of schedule, so unfortunately, The two-year agreement between us will also end ahead of schedule, and when Jiang Chen dies, you can obediently follow me back to the capital."

For two years, just to get a woman.

This kind of behavior may seem a bit stupid to some people, but the other party is Tangyue, so it is naturally very worthwhile.

Getting a woman is easy, all you have to do is get her body.

Conquering a woman is not easy at all... It is more challenging to do things that are not easy. Qian Fugui likes this kind of challenge.

A woman who is too easy to get often means that it is too easy to lose freshness.

A woman who is hard to get can keep freshness for a long time, right?
10 minutes passed quickly.

10, [-] minutes, also passed quickly.

Three 10 minutes...

One hour……


As time passed bit by bit, Qian Fugui's patience became worse and worse, and his complexion became very ugly, and it became more and more ugly.

"I changed my mind." Qian Fugui said.

"Young Master Qian is not going to kill Jiang Chen?" The driver asked in astonishment.

"If you don't kill him, break his legs first." Qian Fugui said in a deep voice.

Feet are used for walking, Yilan City is only so big, and it has been such a long time, even if Jiang Chen used his feet to walk, he should have reached Yilan Middle School.

However, Jiang Chen hadn't appeared yet.Then, what's the use of keeping Jiang Chen's two legs.

"Yes." The driver naturally would not refute.

Not long after I said this, a black Elantra wobbled slowly at the gate of Yilan Middle School at a speed of about twenty yards, and appeared in Qian Fugui's sight...

(End of this chapter)

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