genius evil

Chapter 354 I'm Really Sick

Chapter 354 I'm Really Sick

The black Elantra stopped at the school gate. Jiang Chen pushed open the car door, pulled out the car key, put it in his pocket, and Shi Shiran got out of the car. look.

"Is it Jiang Chen?" Qian Fugui asked in a low voice as his eyes fell on Jiang Chen through the car window.

"Yes." The driver replied.

"Go." Qian Fugui waved his hand and said.

The driver just pushed the car door and walked towards Jiang Chen.

"It's you looking for me?" Jiang Chen said while eating pancakes and looking at the big man in front of him.

"Qian Shao is the one who is looking for you," the driver said.

"Oh, that guy came to see me for a doctor, but I don't know if he has enough money." Jiang Chen suddenly realized and nodded.

"Looking for death." The driver was furious, and violently raised his hand, raised one foot, and swung towards Jiang Chen.

"Looking for death?" Jiang Chen shook his head, and said slowly: "If Qian Fugui's visit is a quack doctor, with his faults, he is indeed looking for death, but I am a genius doctor, even if he dies, it's just casual You can be saved, but you can’t die anyway.”

Jiang Chen spoke very slowly, but his moves were extremely fast.

While talking, the driver had just lifted one foot when Jiang Chen suddenly kicked, as fast as lightning, on the driver's knee.

Only a "click" was heard, and the driver's right knee suffered a comminuted fracture and fell to the ground.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at the driver, he walked towards the sports car with pancake fruit in his hand.

Sitting in the car, Qian Fugui saw the driver fighting Jiang Chen with his own eyes. To be exact, the driver was scrapped before they had time to fight.

The driver was his full-time driver and also his personal bodyguard. Usually, there were three or five people who couldn't get close to him at all, but when they met, they were all destroyed by Jiang Chen. This didn't surprise Qian Fugui.

Seeing Jiang Chen walking towards the sports car, Qian Fugui didn't stay in the car and wait for Jiang Chen, he pushed the car door and strode out of the car.

"You are Qian Fugui, right?" Jiang Chen looked at Qian Fugui and said leisurely.

Let alone this guy, at first glance he looks like the type of rich man, just like the landlord in the TV series of the Republic of China... Why is it called a TV series? That’s because Jiang Chen has never seen the virtue of a real landlord.

But the temperament of Qian Fugui is completely a restoration of the image of the landlord in the TV series. When people see him, they can easily think of Qian.

The so-called one fate, two luck and three Fengshui...

Jiang Chen didn't do much research on the art of matching people, he only knew a little bit about it, but it can be seen that the face of Qian Fugui can be said to belong to the natural appearance of wealth and honor, named Fugui, which seems vulgar and indecent, but In fact, there is a lot to pay attention to... Although this guy really doesn't look good at all.

"It's me." Qian Fugui also looked at Jiang Chen, and said lightly.

"How much money did you bring?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What do you mean?" Qian Fugui was taken aback.

"Didn't you come to see me for medical treatment? I have to say the ugly words first. If you don't have enough money, I will definitely not treat you." Jiang Chen said with a stingy look. Then, he took a big bite of the pancake fruit.

The pancake fruit tasted very good, mainly because Jiang Chen added five eggs.

Normally, Jiang Chen wouldn't add so many eggs when he ate pancakes, that would be too rich, but now, someone came to give money, Jiang Chen felt that he would be rich soon, it was a luxury last time .

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Qian Fugui finally understood what Jiang Chen meant.

The two discussed this issue on the phone.

Qian Fugui only thought it was Jiang Chen's evil words, and didn't take it to heart, but he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would talk about money when he met him.

It seemed that he came to Yilan City this time not to trouble Jiang Chen, but to seek Jiang Chen's medical treatment.

"Jiang Chen, if you're not stupid, you should understand that provoking me won't do you any good." Qian Fugui said displeased.

"Do you think I'm as boring as you?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied. He pointed at Qian Fugui and said, "You are really sick."

"You want to call me an idiot?" Qian Fugui said coldly.

"Of course you are an idiot, otherwise how would you not know that you are sick?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"Shut up." Qian Fugui was angry, and his voice was raised a lot.

Following Qian Fugui's words, he suddenly saw that the doors of the other three cars were pushed open, and a total of six people got out of the car.

Of the six people, three of them had guns in their hands.

In broad daylight and in public, they didn't mind at all being seen with the guns in their hands. All three guns were aimed at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, have you seen clearly? If I give an order, you will be shot into a beehive by bullets." Qian Fugui said gloomyly.

"See clearly." Jiang Chen nodded and said as an honest child.

Look at what Qian Fugui said, he is not blind, it is so obvious, can you see clearly?
"It's good to see it clearly, and apologize." Qian Fugui said.

The driver failed to abolish Jiang Chen, so Qian Fugui was not in a hurry to kill Jiang Chen now... Didn't Jiang Chen humiliate him?Then he will humiliate Jiang Chen properly first.

"That's right, you should be nice, sincere, sincere, and apologize to me." Jiang Chen said seriously.


Qian Fugui looked at Jiang Chen dumbfounded, wondering if Jiang Chen had insufficient IQ balance.

"If you don't apologize to me, even if you give me more money, I won't cure your disease." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I think you are seriously ill." Qian Fugui said angrily, never thought that it would be so hard to talk to someone.

Is this caused by the identities of the two parties, the difference in level, or the difference in IQ?

After thinking about it for a while, Qian Fugui felt that this should be the difference in identity, leading to the gap in IQ, and this kind of gap, Jiang Chen, could not make up for it in his whole life.

This is reality, stark reality.

Some people are born with a golden key in their mouth, and they have no worries about food and clothing all their lives.

And some people, no matter how hard they work all their lives, are always struggling to survive.

Qian Fugui believed that the gap between himself and Jiang Chen was the ultimate portrayal of these two types of people.

"It seems that you really don't want to treat your illness." Jiang Chen shrugged regretfully, took another big bite of pancake fruit, turned around and left.

"Jiang Chen, where are you going?" Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to leave, Qian Fugui asked blankly.

I wonder if this guy is really sick?

Being pointed at by three guns, he might be beaten into a beehive at any time, Jiang Chen actually seemed to have not seen it, and left whenever he wanted.

Qian Fugui would not think that this kind of behavior was because Jiang Chen was not afraid of death.

Because Qian Fugui never thought that there are really people in this world who are not afraid of death.

Some people wholeheartedly believe that they are not afraid of death, but it is just that they have never been pushed to the brink of death, and their backs do not hurt when they stand and talk.

"Since you don't want to be treated, what am I going to do here, of course I'm going back to school." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Did I let you go?" Qian Fugui said angrily.

"Oh, what do you mean by that, you don't want me to go?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

"That's right, you can't go." Qian Fugui said coldly.

"So, you changed your mind and asked me to treat you, and then you planned to apologize to me, right? It's a pity, it's already too late, and I won't accept your apology." Jiang Chen said slowly. Said.

Qian Fugui has black lines all over his head, and he has the urge to scold his mother.

A good person, Jiang Chen repeatedly said that he was sick, Qian Fugui felt that even if he was not sick, he would be sick at that time.

"Apologize to me, or die!" Gritting his teeth, Qian Fugui said angrily, he still didn't believe it, Jiang Chen dared not apologize to him.

"Apologizing is absolutely not allowed, otherwise, you can kill me." Jiang Chen said righteously.

"You—" Qian Fugui pointed at Jiang Chen with one finger, and almost couldn't hold back the idea of ​​asking someone to shoot him.

"Kill me, and you will die soon. After all, there is no cure for your disease in this world, except for me." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said again.

"You can rest assured that I will live a good life." Qian Fugui sneered.

"You won't live to be 45 years old." Jiang Chen said something seemingly inexplicable.

Then, Jiang Chen said even more inexplicably: "Your whole family will not live to be 45 years old."

After finishing the two inexplicable sentences, Jiang Chen stuffed the last remaining pancake fruit into his mouth and clapped his hands. This time, he really left.He drove the car and drove into Yilan Middle School.

Qian Fugui watched Jiang Chen get into the car, watched Jiang Chen drive into the school, but did not stop him.

After Jiang Chen said those words, Qian Fugui was stunned like a demon, his face was extremely pale, and even his body was trembling uncontrollably. On his forehead, cold sweat came one after another. Pieces go down.

Qian Fugui is 27 years old this year, and it is the happiest age in a man's life. He has 90.00% of [-] people, something that is difficult to achieve in his life, everything is so perfect.

Except one point.

That point is, he won't live past the age of 45.

To be more specific, the members of the Qian family, but those who are directly related by blood, will not live past the age of 45.

This does not seem to be a disease, because no cause can be found at all, more like a curse.

Yes, inside the Qian family, they also think this is a curse, a curse on the countless money-making geniuses of the Qian family.

But whether it is a curse or a disease, the age of 45 is a hurdle. So far, no one has successfully crossed that hurdle.

Qian Fugui doesn't think there is anything special about him, nor is he naively delusional that he can cross that hurdle,

He couldn't get over it, and died at the age of 45, which meant that he still had 18 years of good life to live.

18 years seems to be a very long time, but for a person's life, it is actually extremely short, so short that it passes almost inadvertently.

"Perhaps, I'm really sick." Qian Fugui muttered to himself as he watched the Elantra drive into Yilan Middle School, lost his mind!
(End of this chapter)

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