genius evil

Chapter 355 This is life

Chapter 355 This is life
Inside Yilan Middle School, beside Weiming Lake.

Under the willow tree, on the grass, Jiang Chen was sitting there, holding a stalk of dogtail in his hand. One end of the dogtail was submerged in the water, waiting quietly.

"What are you doing?"


"Can a piece of dogtail grass catch fish?"

"As for me, this is called Taigong Jiang fishing, and those who wish to take the bait."


"Jiang Taigong is fishing, and those who wish to take the bait?"

The person who asked the question whispered to himself, then smiled bitterly, and repeated: "What a Jiang Taigong is fishing, and those who wish to take the bait, it seems that you guessed it early, and I will come to you. In this way, wouldn't it be just right for me to come to you?" Became the hooked fish!"

"If I didn't guess it, it can only explain one thing." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"What's the matter?" The man asked immediately, knowing that Jiang Chen deliberately only said half of what he said, waiting for him to answer, but there was no way not to ask.

"It means you didn't bring enough money." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"How much do you want?" Qian Fugui hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Half." Jiang Chen said.

"Half of my money? Or, half of my company's money?" Qian Fugui frowned and asked slowly.

"Half of the Qian family." Jiang Chen added.

"What?" Qian Fugui's expression suddenly changed.

Even if Jiang Chen only wanted half of his money, it was already a very reluctant thing for money and wealth.

Who is he?

A few million in a minute may be a joke to some people, but this is happening to Qian Fugui all the time.

Although there was not much cash, if Jiang Chen took half of the money in the cards on his body, it would be enough for Jiang Chen to spend his whole life as he wished.

As for half of his company, Jiang Chen squandered three lifetimes would be enough.

Half of the Qian family, the next eight generations of Jiang Chen's grandparents, as long as they don't get too crazy to buy an aircraft carrier, basically, they can spend whatever they want.

Qian Fugui felt that if Jiang Chen had a way to cure his disease, even if it would be very painful to take out half of the company, he could only hold his nose and admit it.

But who would have thought that what Jiang Chen wanted was not half of him, not half of his company, but half of the Qian family!

This is completely asking for money!
"Impossible." Qian Fugui said angrily.

"You really didn't bring enough money." Jiang Chen said in a tone that he had seen through long ago.

Then, Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "Go away, remember one thing, don't disturb Teacher Rantang again, otherwise next time, it won't be so easy."

"Your real goal is Tangyue, right?" Qian Fugui heard the smell.

Before Jiang Chen could reply, Qian Fugui said again: "As long as you can cure my illness, I promise not to harass Tangyue anymore. Even, besides that, I can give you a large sum of money to keep you alive for the rest of your life." No worries about food and clothing."

"You got two things wrong." Jiang Chen stretched out two fingers while speaking, "First, the reason why I told you not to harass Teacher Tang anymore is because I was a little worried that I might accidentally give you Second, I don’t need you to give me a penny, I already have enough food and clothing.”

"You..." Qian Fugui was furious.

"Half the Qian family, otherwise we won't talk about it. Before I get angry, get out." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"I have a question." How could Qian Fugui leave so easily, regardless of Jiang Chen's willingness to listen to him, he just said, "How do you know that I won't live to be 45?"

"I'm a miracle doctor." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Didn't you hear about this?" Qian Fugui asked tentatively.

While probing, Qian Fugui took a little luck.

The fact that the blood of the direct line of the Qian family will not live past the age of 45 has always been the biggest secret within the Qian family, even among the collateral lines, few people know about it.

This is top secret and a matter of life and death for the Qian family.

However, as long as it is a secret, there will be people who leak it.

Otherwise, how can the secret be known to outsiders?
What Qian Fugui was looking forward to now was that Jiang Chen had heard people talk about this matter, so that he would no longer have to get along with Jiang Chen with such an attitude.

In other words, he no longer needs to pinch his nose to talk to Jiang Chen, what he has to do is pinch Jiang Chen to death!

With Jiang Chen's shrewdness, how could he fail to understand Qian Fugui's words, and with a faint smile, he said, "What do you think?"

"I don't know." Qian Fugui said.

"Perhaps you can go and find out first, who is the most likely person to spread the word about this kind of thing." Jiang Chen suggested kindly.

"I will." Qian Fugui said.

If Jiang Chen didn't admit it, it was tantamount to denying it.

But Qian Fugui would naturally not be caught by Jiang Chen's words. Even without Jiang Chen's suggestion, Qian Fugui would start investigating the matter after returning to the capital.

After all, Jiang Chen could treat this matter as a joke, but neither he nor the Qian family dared to be sloppy at all.

"The words should be finished." Jiang Chen said.

"It's over." Qian Fugui nodded, turned around and left without hesitation.

At the gate of Yilan Middle School, three cars were parked there. Qian Fugui got into the sports car, and the driver changed to another person.

"There is little money, where are we going?" the man asked.

"Go back to Tiannan City, and then back to the capital." Qian Fugui said in a muffled voice.

It can be said that he made a special trip to find Jiang Chen's troubles. Even if he broke Qian Fugui's head, Qian Fugui would never have expected that the whole thing would end in such a dramatic way.

No, it's not the end, it can even be said that the good show, at this moment, has just begun.

He wholeheartedly thought that with a random kick, he could trample Jiang Chen to death.

Even if he couldn't trample him to death by himself, if he spent some money to find someone, he would trample Jiang Chen to death.

What the hell is that, with just a few words, Jiang Chen grabbed his lifeline and made him unable to move. This kind of feeling is really terrible for a person like Qian Fugui.

He has always done things as long as they can be done with money, so it's not a big deal at all.

No way, who told him that the worst thing he could do was money.

But Qian Fugui, who is the least short of money, this time, and for the first time, was stumped by the problem of money.

The condition proposed by Jiang Chen was still a matter of money, but no matter how rich or rich he was, he couldn't solve it with money.

"Could it be that this is fate?" Qian Fugui couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. Who would have thought that he would have such a day?

If this matter gets out, I'm afraid it will cause countless people to laugh at it!

"Jiang Chen, I hope you are a little bit serious, otherwise, if I really want to find out some clues, this is not a funny joke at all, and it will kill you."

After thinking wildly for a while, Qian Fugui said silently in his heart.


Not long after Qian Fugui and the others left, Tangyue appeared by the Weiming Lake.

The young man was lying on the grass with his hands as pillows, looking drowsy.

That tired and lazy look that seems to never get enough sleep is what makes people love and hate, but most of the time, there is no way to care about it or get angry.

"Jiang Chen." Tangyue walked over, sat down beside Jiang Chen, and said softly.

"Teacher Tang came so fast, is he worried that I won't be able to handle the money and wealth?" Jiang Chen opened his eyes and said with a half-smile.

"I called the doorman and he has already left," Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, this is your fault." Jiang Chen suddenly sat up from the ground.

"What's wrong?" Tangyue was taken aback by Jiang Chen's sudden action.

"Teacher Tang, how can you casually tell others your cell phone number?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"No." Tangyue said in astonishment.

"You already called the guards, so didn't you tell them the number? No, no, we have to change a calling card." Jiang Chen said.

"No." Tangyue said angrily.

The mobile phone numbers of the teachers are not a secret in the first place, whether it is at the doorman, in the principal's office, or even in the parent group, they are all public.

Tangyue understood that Jiang Chen deliberately said this to change the topic.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen said, "Teacher Tang, don't answer calls from strangers, do you understand?"

"I'm not a child anymore." Tangyue gave Jiang Chen a white look, and said, "How did you let Qian Fugui leave?"

Qian Fugui came to Yilan City in person, although Tangyue didn't know what Qian Fugui's purpose was, but no matter what, he wouldn't leave so soon.

This came and went in a hurry, making Tangyue very confused.

"Oh, he went back to the capital to raise money." Jiang Chen explained.

"Raising money? What kind of money are you raising?" Tangyue was stunned.

Qian Fugui has plenty of money, does he still need to raise money?This made Tangyue even more confused.

"He's sick, and it's not a serious one. If there is less money, there is no cure. We can only raise a little more money." Jiang Chen said.

"How much money do you want to raise?" Tang Yue looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"It's not much, it's just half of the Qian family." Jiang Chen grinned.


Hearing the sound, Tangyue gasped suddenly.

She finally understood why such a rich man had to rush back to the capital to raise money.

Half of the Qian family, this can be regarded as a money problem, but it is not just a problem that money can solve.

"What's wrong with him? Need so much money?" Tangyue asked.

He knew that it was Jiang Chen's trick, but he didn't know how to bluff Qian Fugui.

"Well, it's not a serious illness, just a little ailment. It's just that I'm a doctor, and the consultation fee is relatively high, so..." Jiang Chen gave Tangyue a look that you understand.

Tangyue smiled lightly, it was really Jiang Chen's fault.

"In case Qian Fugui wakes up, he will trouble you." Then, Tangyue said worriedly.

"Teacher Tang, you are wrong. He just came to trouble me this time, but next time, if he comes to me again, he will come to beg me." Jiang Chen vowed.

At the end, Jiang Chen went on to say: "Teacher Tang, I think the weather is good today, you are in a good mood, and I am also in a good mood. Otherwise, I will drive you out for a walk!"

(End of this chapter)

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