genius evil

Chapter 356 Do You Mind If I Play Hooligans

Chapter 356 Do You Mind If I Play Hooligans

After a while, I saw a black Elantra driving out of Yilan Middle School.

Jiang Chen was driving the car, and Tang Yue was sitting in the passenger seat.

After Jiang Chen asked Tangyue's words, Tangyue didn't agree or refuse, but just asked Jiang Chen where to go, and then, Jiang Chen naturally understood his intention.

As a man who is considerate... no, he is a man who is considerate. In this regard, Jiang Chen has always done a good job, and he has been striving to do better.

Jiang Chen didn't answer where Tangyue was going to go around, but after driving the car out of Yilan Middle School, he went straight on the road and drove straight ahead. He didn't know how long it took before the car finally stopped slowly.

Jiang Chen got out of the car first, then went around to Tangyue's side, and opened the door of the passenger seat.

"Here is it?" Tangyue got off the car, looking at the sparkling water in front of her, her expression was a little dazed.

"This is Nanxing Lake." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Why did you bring me here?" Of course Tangyue knew that this was Nanxing Lake.

Speaking of which, that night when she was driving by here, she happened to meet Jiang Chen who threw himself into the lake and saved Jiang Chen with great effort. For this reason, the two had quite charming physical contact.

This point has always been fresh in Tangyue's memory.

What impressed Tangyue even more was that after she rescued Jiang Chen from the icy lake, it seemed that from that day on, Jiang Chen's changes were earth-shaking.

However, what Tangyue didn't quite understand was why Jiang Chen thought of bringing her here.

"For new life." Jiang Chen said with some emotion.

"New student?" Tang Yue looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

"That's right, it's for the new life." Jiang Chen said seriously, and then explained, "From today, Teacher Tang, you will be able to start a brand new life."

Although Tangyue didn't say much about money and wealth, Jiang Chen also understood how much pressure the so-called two-year period put on Tangyue.

The insomnia that lasted for more than a year, and the compromise for the benefit of the Tang family... Fortunately, after today, everything has cleared up.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen brought Tangyue to Nanxing Lake.

Nanxing Lake is the focus of Jiang Chen's death in this world, but for that Jiang Chen from another world, it is a new life.

The beginning of his new life was when he met Tangyue.

And Tangyue's new student met him.

This seems to be a reincarnation, predestined, some kind of connection between fate.

Jiang Chen naturally couldn't or couldn't say some words, but deep down in his heart, that was what he thought.

He was very direct, taking Tangyue to Nanxing Lake as a concrete embodiment of his ideas.

It is not necessary for Tangyue to understand his intentions, but this is more like a ritual!
"Is it really possible?" Tangyue asked in a murmur.

"I said yes, then yes." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"The trouble with Qian Fugui..." Tang Yue said after hesitating.

"No trouble." Jiang Chen interrupted Tangyue's words.

Tangyue didn't ask any more questions. She remained silent, staring at the calm lake for a while, then smiled lightly and said, "Since it's a celebration, how can it be so simple."

"Of course it won't be that simple. Next, let's go to another place." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Okay." Tangyue nodded.

The mood at this moment is joyful and joyful. The haze in her heart seems to have not completely dissipated, and it seems to have dissipated, just because there is someone with her, she no longer needs to be afraid, she only needs to look at the road ahead , move forward bravely.

That person is Jiang Chen!

The two of them didn't stay in Nanxing Lake any longer, and soon Elantra drove away from Nanxing Lake and headed towards the downtown area of ​​Yilan City.

This time, Jiang Chen drove the car to the door of a bar.

"Bar?" Tangyue gave Jiang Chen a strange look.

"Drink two cups." Jiang Chen suggested.

"It's still so early." Tangyue said strangely.

Who would go to a bar to drink in broad daylight?This kind of behavior is really weird, perhaps only Jiang Chen would have such a whimsical idea.

"It's better to be clean." Jiang Chen smiled.

So the two got out of the car and entered the bar.

Of course the bar has not officially opened yet, but this bar is under the supervision of the Bauhinia Club. If Jiang Chen wants to come, he will naturally greet him thoughtfully.

As soon as they entered the bar, a waiter greeted the two of them to sit down, and brought over drinks, dried fruits and so on.

"Teacher Tang..." Jiang Chen raised the red wine glass in his hand and gestured towards Tangyue.

Tangyue raised the cup, lightly touched the cup in Jiang Chen's hand, and took a sip of the red wine. The feeling in her heart was still strange.

But not long after, the quiet bar suddenly became lively.

All I saw was men and women swarming in and getting in from the outside. Then, the music started, and the deafening heavy metal music pierced the eardrums.

"This is, a masquerade ball?" Tangyue asked in a daze, looking at the faces of those men and women wearing all kinds of masks.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded with a smile, and with a wave, a waiter sent two masks over.

Jiang Chen handed one of the purple butterfly masks to Tangyue, put on the mask himself, got up, and invited, "Teacher Tang, do you have the honor to invite you to dance with me?"

"Ah—" Tangyue was stunned.

"Teacher Tang, I'll take it as your agreement." Jiang Chen took Tangyue's little hand.

"Wait, I'll put on the mask." Tangyue said hastily, put on the mask, and was dragged by Jiang Chen into the dance floor.

On the dance floor, the lights were bright and dark, and the men and women wearing masks, perhaps because the masks covered their faces, all let go of their hearts.

Dancing close to the body made the atmosphere on the dance floor extremely hot.

"Jiang Chen, did you arrange this?" Tangyue's body was slightly stiff, and Tangyue was not very able to adapt to this atmosphere.

"Just to dance with you, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen smiled.

"You did it on purpose." Tangyue cursed.

If Jiang Chen wanted to invite her to dance, she would not refuse. The masquerade ball was pretty good, but creating this kind of atmosphere was a huge challenge for her.

"Yeah, I did it on purpose." The corners of Jiang Chen's lips parted, and Jiang Chen grinned, pulling Tangyue into his embrace.

Then, without waiting for Tangyue to struggle to escape, Jiang Chen hugged Tangyue tightly, moved his feet, and moved Tangyue with him.

"Jiang Chen." Tangyue hurriedly pushed Jiang Chen away.

"Teacher Tang, here, no one will know you, and, you see, everyone is wearing a mask, and no one will pay attention to who is who. Everyone is free. Here, you can abandon your identity and concerns. "Clinging to Tangyue's ear, Jiang Chen said softly.

"Jiang Chen, you really did it on purpose." Biting her white teeth, Tang Yue almost couldn't hold back her bite on Jiang Chen.

"Yeah, I admit it, I did it on purpose." Jiang Chen smiled like a flower blooming on his face, and the hand holding Tangyue slowly swam on Tangyue's back. get moving.

"Don't move around." Tangyue's body was unbearably stiff.

"Teacher Tang, you can move around too." Jiang Chen said seductively.

"I won't." Tangyue rolled her eyes.

She was fine, Jiang Chen just had a tendency to mess around.

If she made any small moves inadvertently, Jiang Chen might be stimulated so badly. In that case, she would not be the one who suffered.

"Teacher Tang, if you don't know how, I'll teach you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Let's go to a bar." Tangyue changed the subject.

"Teacher Tang, I don't drink very well, what should I do if I get drunk?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I..." Tangyue was at a loss for words.

Although she clearly knew that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, how could she argue with these words?

Admit that Jiang Chen is not good at drinking, then there is no way to drink without dancing, otherwise, what should Jiang Chen do if he takes the opportunity to pretend to be drunk?

Rebutting that Jiang Chen is actually a good drinker, Jiang Chen refuses to admit it to death, and wants to win or lose in drinking. In that case, the probability of her being drunk is absolutely [-]%.

"Let's dance." Tangyue didn't dare to be drunk by Jiang Chen, God knows what would happen if that happened.

"I knew it, Mr. Tang, you still like to dance with me." Jiang Chen had the virtue of being obedient when he got cheap.

Tangyue was so angry that she stepped on Jiang Chen's instep with her toes, and suddenly exerted force... After exerting force, Tangyue wanted to see Jiang Chen's distressed appearance, but suddenly her body was suspended in the air, and Jiang Chen took her With a spin, he fell into Jiang Chen's embrace involuntarily.


The moment her body was suspended in the air, Tangyue couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

Taking advantage of the situation, Jiang Chen hugged Tangyue's soft and slender waist, letting Tangyue's body lean against her body tightly, and said with a slight smile, "Teacher Tang, you are dishonest."

"I'm not angry with you." Tangyue was angry and ashamed.

"But, I like your initiative." Jiang Chen said again.

"I didn't take the initiative." Tangyue explained.

"Then, Teacher Tang, you like my initiative, right?" Jiang Chen took the opportunity to say.

Tangyue wanted to bite Jiang Chen again. Why did Jiang Chen's every word and every thing he did had a trap in it?However, she jumped down again and again.

"No." Tangyue said with a bitter face.

"Teacher Tang, duplicity is not a thing. I've seen it for a long time. You like my initiative." Jiang Chen was talking lazily, his eyes fell on Tangyue's face, and he remained motionless as if frozen. .

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Tangyue asked with flickering eyes after being looked a little flustered.

"Teacher Tang, I have a question to ask you, it's a very serious question, you must answer me well, you know?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly, "Teacher Tang, if I play hooligans, do you mind?"

"Ah—" Tangyue's face immediately turned hot red.

"I don't mind, right?" Jiang Chen understood, looking for Tangyue's red lips, and kissed them viciously!

(End of this chapter)

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