genius evil

Chapter 357 You want to be a teacher in the future

Chapter 357 You want to be a teacher in the future
Jiang Chen had wanted to do this kind of thing to Tangyue for a long time, but unfortunately, he never found a more suitable opportunity.

But opportunities never come by waiting, but are created by people.

Jiang Chen has never been the kind of person who waits for opportunities to come to his door. He has always been a person who is good at creating opportunities, so he is very witty and created such an opportunity for himself.

Bars, red wine, masquerade balls, intimate dances, whispers, ambiguous teasing...

It seems that the scene is not complicated, but in fact every detail is taken care of.

Even if Tangyue won't fall physically and mentally, she won't be able to resist completely.

Since Tangyue won't completely resist, Jiang Chen will naturally give full play to his subjective initiative.

The so-called do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, isn't that exactly what it means.

And the moment the four petals met, Tangyue was completely bewildered.

When Jiang Chen asked her that question, she was still thinking hard about how to answer it. Jiang Chen had already played a hooligan, and there was no need for her to answer.

"Jiang Chen!"

Feeling Jiang Chen's fiery tongue, she had to nimbly pry open her lips, Tangyue called Jiang Chen's name vaguely with a murmur.

But at the moment when she opened her mouth, the tightly closed red lips opened voluntarily, and Jiang Chen's tongue took the opportunity to enter her mouth, stirring it up.

"Jiang Chen!"

Tangyue called Jiang Chen's name again, her voice became more and more vague, it didn't sound like calling, more like a whisper of calling!
"Teacher Tang, don't talk, just enjoy it with your heart." Jiang Chen whispered.

"No." Tangyue panicked.

She didn't have any mental preparations at all, she just played a hooligan for Jiang Chen.


There is no way to prepare for this kind of thing, no matter how much you do mentally.

"Teacher Tang, you are too nervous, take it easy." Jiang Chen taught carefully.

At this moment, it seemed that Tangyue was no longer the teacher, but he was the teacher.

As a teacher, tirelessly teaching his students is so meticulous.

"Don't." Tangyue still said the same thing, she pushed Jiang Chen hard, trying to push Jiang Chen away.

With a slight push, Jiang Chen moved his lips away.

Looking at Tangyue with a smile, Jiang Chen said, "Teacher Tang, I still have a question to ask you."

"Don't ask me any more." Tangyue Boaned, turned around and walked out of the dance floor.

Jiang Chen chuckled, followed, and said, "Teacher Tang, I must ask this question, and you must answer me. It's a very simple question, and I won't make things difficult for you."

"Just don't allow it." Tangyue blushed shamelessly, and it wasn't until she sat down on the seat that she felt her heartbeat slow down a little.

God knows, at the moment when the red lips were kissed by Jiang Chen, her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

"Really not allowed?" Jiang Chen had a half-smile.

"What's the question?" After hesitating for a while, Tangyue couldn't hold back her strong curiosity and asked softly.

"Teacher Tang, do you like me being a hooligan?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.


In an instant, Tangyue's face turned red as if it was on fire.

"Like it, or don't you like it?" Jiang Chen became more and more serious.


Tangyue wished she could just dig a hole and get in. She regretted letting Jiang Chen ask this question.

How should she answer this question?

It can be said that no matter how the answer is, it is not quite right.

Answer like?

It is impossible to say this at all, otherwise, Jiang Chen will gain more and more in an instant.

And the answer is not to like!

Do you really not like it?
Tangyue was a little confused. She might not really dislike it, but more because she was not used to it, and the psychological pressure brought about by the taboo of breaking through their identities.

But if possible, Tangyue still wanted to answer Jiang Chen's dislike, but it was difficult to say it, because she felt that the answer should not be so simple!
"Teacher Tang, is this question difficult to answer?" Jiang Chen looked into Tangyue's eyes.

"Can I not answer?" Tangyue said weakly.

"That's liking, right?" Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Jiang Chen, if you continue like this, I will leave." Tangyue said pretending to be angry.

Jiang Chen smiled, his face was like a flower blooming.

When he asked Tangyue this question, he didn't really want Tangyue to give him an answer, but to test Tangyue's attitude towards him.

Right now, Tangyue's attitude has been reflected, how can Jiang Chen not be happy about it!

"Teacher Tang, let's have a drink." Jiang Chen raised the wine glass in his hand.

Tangyue picked up the glass, touched Jiang Chen lightly, took a sip of the red wine, but her eyes still flickered, and she didn't dare to look directly at Jiang Chen.

At the end of the masquerade ball, it was dark outside, Jiang Chen and Tang Yue walked out of the bar.

It was only when the night wind blew on her face that Tangyue felt that the heat on her face had subsided slightly.

"Jiang Chen, it's getting late, you can take me back to school." Looking sideways at Jiang Chen, Tangyue asked.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

A look of astonishment flashed across Tangyue's eyes, as if she did not expect that Jiang Chen would agree so quickly, so, as if she was afraid that Jiang Chen would go back on his word, Tangyue walked towards the parking place of the car.

After getting in the car, Jiang Chen drove towards Yilan Middle School.

It wasn't until the car stopped at the downstairs of the dormitory in the classroom and got out of the car that Tangyue's heart finally calmed down a little.

"Jiang Chen, I'm going up." Tangyue said.

"Goodbye, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen waved his hand.

"Goodbye." Subconsciously, Tangyue also waved her hand, and walked into the building with a complicated mood.

Go up the stairs, take the key to open the door, enter the room, turn around, close the door, lock it, let out a breath of relief, Tangyue rubbed her face with her hands, and then smiled foolishly again.

From getting in the car to the time the car drove to school, Tangyue's heart was always in suspense, lest Jiang Chen would not really send her to school, but take her somewhere else.

In that case, she didn't know how to refuse, or Jiang Chen would never give her the chance to refuse.

All the way back to the dormitory without incident, Tangyue couldn't help but feel a little funny when she thought of her own mental journey.

After laughing, it seemed that even her mood relaxed a lot. She bent down, changed her high heels, and walked towards the bathroom.

While at the bar, she unknowingly drank a little too much wine, Tangyue was a little sleepy, thinking of washing up, she could go to sleep.

Half an hour later, Tangyue walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel. She was wiping her hair with the towel in her hand. She was looking for the hair dryer when the phone rang.

Hearing the ringtone of the mobile phone, Tangyue went over to open the bag, took out the mobile phone, and saw that the call was from Jiang Chen, she couldn't help being startled.

Not in a hurry to answer the phone, Tangyue took her mobile phone and walked to the window. The curtains were opened a slit, and she could clearly see that the black Elantra that Jiang Chen was driving was parked downstairs and hadn't left yet.

"Is there something wrong?" Tangyue thought to herself, this is the answer to the call.

"Jiang Chen, what do you want from me?" Tangyue asked suspiciously.

Not long after they separated from Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen just called her, leaving Tangyue in a daze, and Jiang Chen didn't drive away, making Tangyue subconsciously think that there must be something wrong with Jiang Chen.

"Oh, it's nothing, just one thing, I want to hear your suggestion, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said hesitantly.

"Listen to my suggestion?" Tang Yue asked strangely.

"Yeah, just listen to your suggestion, Mr. Tang, isn't the college entrance examination coming up soon, about filling out the volunteers for the college entrance examination." Jiang Chen said.

"Have you thought about going to any school to go to college?" Tangyue cheered up when she heard about it.

"It doesn't matter what the school is. It's mainly a professional issue. I have an idea in my heart, but I don't know if it's right or wrong." Jiang Chen said distressedly.

"Tell me first, what major do you want to apply for?" Tangyue asked.

It was rare for Jiang Chen to take the initiative to talk to her about learning, and Tangyue was naturally very concerned about this.

"Well, I want to apply for a teacher education major, Teacher Tang, do you think it's okay?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Do you want to be a teacher in the future?" Tangyue was taken aback for a moment.

Then, Tangyue quickly associated Jiang Chen's image with the teacher's image, but couldn't help but want to laugh a little. It's really hard to imagine that if Jiang Chen really became a teacher in the future, standing on the podium in class would be a What's the situation.

I guess it would be funny, right?
"Yes, I want to be a teacher, can I?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.

"Since you have such a wish, of course you can." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, so you agree?" Jiang Chen smiled happily.

"I don't think it's a problem. However, filling out college entrance examination volunteers is a lifelong event. It may affect what kind of life you will live in the future. You can give yourself a few more choices, and you don't have to be a teacher." Tangyue said.

"No, I just like being a teacher." Jiang Chen said cheerfully, and hung up the phone.

"Being a teacher is also very hard. I really don't understand that Jiang Chen would want to be a teacher, and he would be so happy." Holding the phone, Tangyue murmured to herself in a daze.

After finishing speaking, Tangyue suddenly felt that something was wrong, and almost shook her hand, facing the mobile phone she was holding.

Jiang Chen is a student, she is a teacher, Jiang Chen said he likes to do...

"My God—"

After completely waking up, Tangyue hurriedly covered her face with her hands, feeling that she really couldn't face Jiang Chen anymore.

What did she say just now? It seems that every sentence is normal, but after understanding Jiang Chen's real intention, every sentence has changed.

No wonder Jiang Chen was so happy, and said that she agreed... If she really agreed to this kind of thing, how could Jiang Chen be unhappy?

"Have I agreed?" Tangyue quickly recalled what she said just now, trying to find out if there was any grammatical error, feeling ashamed and anxious, almost crying.

Downstairs, in the car, Jiang Chen played with his mobile phone, and said with a smile: "Teacher Tang, I will definitely work hard, and I will not disappoint your expectations of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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