genius evil

Chapter 358 The third possibility

Chapter 358 The third possibility

Around eight o'clock in the evening, Beijing!

This is a villa manor located in Xishan, Beijing. The interior of the villa manor is a world of its own, and the level of luxury is breathtaking.

But if someone knew who the owner of this villa estate was, they would take everything for granted.

Just because the owner here is surnamed Qian.

Although the surname Qian in the capital is not a common surname, the number of people is definitely not small. However, when the surname Qian is often mentioned, many people will habitually think of a family.

Qian family!

The most famous and influential families in the capital are the four major families. Under the four major families, there are four other families, which are called the four small families by good people. Over time, the title of the four small families has been passed down like this.

The four small families are the four families of Zhao, Qian, Sun and Li. The Qian family is ranked second. This piece of villa manor is precisely the second-ranked Qian family. Its foundation in the capital is also the best of the Qian family's wealth embodiment.

Among the villas in the manor, Villa No. [-], Qian Fugui hurried into the villa.

There were no outsiders in the villa, only a middle-aged man with half-white hair sitting there drinking tea. That middle-aged man was Qian Fugui's father, Qian Banshan.

Qian Banshan was born to Qian Fugui when he was 17 years old, and now he is only 44 years old. He is usually considered pampered and well maintained, but judging by his appearance, no one would have the slightest doubt that he is 66 years old.

"You said on the phone that you have something urgent to do with me, what is it? Could it be that you hid an illegitimate child outside?" Qian Banshan glanced at Qian Fugui, picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and asked slowly .

"Dad, are you kidding? I don't have any illegitimate children. Besides, if I have an illegitimate child, I can escape your eyes and ears." Qian Fugui yelled.

Although he knew that Qian Banshan had long wanted him to marry a wife and have children, but this kind of thing doesn't have to be talked about all the time, right?
Fortunately, this kind of thing would never get out, otherwise how could he be embarrassed?

"Then what else can happen?" Qian Banshan said unhurriedly.

A person's life is very short, and decades pass by in a blink of an eye.

There are many uncertain factors in life, and it is precisely because of these uncertainties that it is full of countless possibilities.

However, Qian Banshan, or all the direct bloodlines of the Qian family, from the day they were born, only one thing was determined.

That is, the length of their lifespan.

45 years.

Everyone will not live to be 45 years old, or in other words, will not be able to pass the hurdle of the 45th birthday.

Qian Banshan is already 44 years old, less than a year away from his 45th birthday, his life has already entered a countdown stage at this moment.

For him, there is nothing more important than enjoying the next year or so. The original impetuous temperament changed slowly, and everything he said and did was like this.

"A very important matter." In order to attract Qian Banshan's attention, Qian Fugui emphasized his tone.

While talking, Qian Fugui sat down opposite Qian Banshan, took out a cigarette, stuffed it in his mouth, lit it, took a sip, and then said: "Dad, I want to know the secret about the blood of our Qian family. Is there any possibility of it being leaked?"

"Why do you ask this question?" Frowning, Qian Banshan asked.

"I went to Yilan City, where I saw a person who knew at a glance that I would not live to be 45 years old." Qian Fugui said in a deep voice.

"How old is that person?" Qian Banshan asked after frowning.

"Looks like seventeen or eighteen years old, a senior high school student." Qian Fugui replied truthfully.

"A student?" Qian Banshan was stunned, and then fell silent.

After being silent for a while, Qian Banshan said: "Fugui, you have to understand that there has never been a secret in this world, and it can always be a secret."

"However, for so many years, I have never heard a single word about this matter, except for people from our Qian family." Qian Fugui said.

"I haven't heard of it, but it doesn't mean that no one knows about it." Qian Banshan said.

"Could it be that this is not a secret at all?" Now, it was Qian Fugui's turn to be astonished.

"It can be counted, or it can be counted...One reason for counting is that even if someone knows it, they are destined not to spread it, and the reason why it is counted is that, except for our Qian family, who know this secret, There are already many people here, for example, other families in the four small families, more for example, the four big families." Qian Banshan said slowly.

"How come?" Qian Fugui lost his voice.

Qian Banshan smiled indifferently, and asked back: "Why not? No one is a fool. Do you really think that our Qian family can keep concealing such an obvious matter?"

"It seems that I am the fool." Qian Fugui said dejectedly.

"Let's talk about that third-year student." Waving his hand, Qian Banshan didn't want to talk about other things, and said instead.

"Dad, I just said that I went to Yilan City. You know that Tangyue, she is in Yilan City. There is some trouble between me and her. I just need to deal with it. Tangyue will pick you up and find you a daughter-in-law, I never thought that such a thing would happen." Qian Fugui said depressedly.

"Since he said you won't live to be 45, he must have said something else, right?" Qian Banshan asked.

"That's right, he kept saying that I was sick, indicating that he could cure my illness, but the price he asked for was probably that even you didn't dare to think about it." Qian Fugui smiled wryly.

"It's just about money." Qian Banshan said indifferently.

"Half of the Qian family." It seemed that Qian Banshan would have such a reaction as if he had guessed it early in the morning. It was almost like Qian Fugui said just after Qian Banshan's voice fell.

"Half... the Qian family... what a big tone." Qian Banshan shouted angrily.

"It's just a big tone." Qian Fugui said, thinking of Jiang Chen's face so far, he still feels angry, he said, "Dad, if I had known earlier, the secret about the blood of our Qian family would have long been nothing If it's a secret, I'll definitely kill him."

"To kill or not to kill, there is no need to worry. First, we need to figure out how he knows the secret of our Qian family." Qian Banshan said.

"Dad, didn't you tell me everything?" Qian Fugui said in confusion.

"I said it, but that Jiang Chen, how would he know? Why would he know?" Qian Banshan said in a deep voice.

Hearing what Qian Banshan said, Qian Fugui suddenly realized that he still thought the whole thing too simply.

Yes, this question is very important.

How did Jiang Chen know the secret of the Qian family?

Even if the secrets of the Qian family were not top secret, how could Jiang Chen know?
He is only a senior high school student, and he lives thousands of miles away in Yilan City. What right does he have to know the secrets of the Qian family?

"Dad, how do you think this matter should be resolved?" Qian Fugui asked in bewilderment.

"Tell me in detail what he told you." Qian Banshan said immediately.

"Okay." Taking a light breath, Qian Fugui spoke in a straightforward manner.

It was a matter of great importance to the Qian family, and Qian Fugui didn't dare to be careless about it.

"Strange." After hearing Qian Fugui's words, Qian Banshan fell into deep thought.

"What's so strange?" Qian Fugui asked suspiciously.

"Accordingly, there are only two possibilities to know the secrets of our Qian family. The first is that we have had close contact with my Qian family. The second is that we have close relationships with other big families in the capital. But the above two points, Jiang Chen, none of them match." Qian Banshan said in a deep voice.

"Is there a third possibility?" Qian Fugui asked.

"Yes." Nodding his head, Qian Banshan said, "The third possibility is that the senior high school student named Jiang Chen is a very skilled doctor, but is this realistic?"

"It's unrealistic." Without even thinking about it, Qian Fugui just said.

Just kidding, considering Jiang Chen's age, even if he started studying medicine from his mother's womb, how good would his medical skills be?

Not to mention, the Qian family, because of this strange incident, can be said to have visited famous doctors at home and abroad, but none of them has ever seen the slightest symptom.

"You don't think it's realistic. Could it be that there is a fourth possibility?" Qian Banshan said.

"Even if there is a fourth possibility, I can't think of what the fourth possibility is." Qian Fugui said honestly.

"You can't think of it, and I can't think of it, but the first possibility and the second possibility can be absolutely ruled out. Then, at present, the only thing that can stand firm is the third possibility. You may understand I mean." Qian Banshan was speaking, breathing unconsciously, slightly rough.

"Dad, can you stop joking with me?" Qian Fugui said with a bitter face.

"Half the Qian family." Qian Banshan reminded.

"Just because of this?" Qian Fugui's eyes widened.

"That's right, it's because of this." Qian Banshan nodded vigorously, and couldn't help breathing more heavily, he said: "If Jiang Chen is not a genius doctor, then he is a fool, otherwise, he should understand and say If so, what does that mean?"

"It means death." Qian Fugui continued the rest of the sentence.

"That's right, it means death." Qian Banshan said with extreme certainty, he said: "Over the years, I don't know how many people have taken advantage of the Qian family, and I don't know how many people have tried to take advantage of the Qian family, but Is there anyone like Jiang Chen who asks for half of the money family?"

"Dad, have you ever thought about this question? Even if Jiang Chen is a miracle doctor, he may not be able to cure us. Even if he can cure us, half of the Qian family, would you be willing?" Qian Fugui had to remind .

"The price can be negotiated again. Find a way to get Jiang Chen to the capital. I want to meet him in person." Qian Banshan ordered.

"It's not easy." Qian Fugui said helplessly.

"What's the matter?" Qian Banshan looked at Qian Fugui in surprise. It's such a trivial matter, why is it so difficult to deal with.

Qian Fugui couldn't help it, so he could only tell what he had done. Hearing this, Qian Banshan laughed loudly: "Interesting, really interesting, but I want to see that Jiang Chen more and more, really please If I don't come to Jiang Chen, I will go to Yilan City myself."

"Dad, we have to look at this matter again." Qian Fugui said.

"Look again, I'm dead." With his eyes slightly closed, Qian Banshan sighed softly...

(End of this chapter)

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