genius evil

Chapter 359 Revenge Begins

Chapter 359 Revenge Begins

Around nine o'clock in the evening, Tiannan City.

This is a bar called Tianlu.

It is rumored that the Song family is behind the Tianlu bar. Although this matter has not been confirmed by the Song family, it is true that the younger generation of the Song family often hang out here.

This time period is the best and busiest time of day in the bar.

Tianlu Bar, in a luxurious box on the second floor, two young men sat on the sofa with their legs crossed, smoking cigars and drinking red wine leisurely.

Two girls in hot clothes, twisting their waists and fat hips, dancing seductively.

"Brother Tong, which of these two chicks do you like? Don't be the same as last time, you both like them, so that I can't even have a sip of soup." Among the two young people, one kept The long-haired young man asked another young man with a short cut.

As he spoke, his gaze ruthlessly glanced at one of the showgirls in red. The heat in his eyes seemed to be able to melt the red dress on the girl in red.

"I don't like any of them, I'll leave them all to you." The short-cut young man called Tong Ge said with a light smile.

"Brother Tong, you said this, don't go back on it." The long-haired young man breathed hot, and said quickly, as if he was afraid that the short-cut young man would go back on his word.

"I, Song Tong, have always said the same thing. When did I go back on it?" Song Tong said jokingly.

The long-haired young man smiled and said, "Brother Tong, how can I not know your temper? Among the younger generation of the Song family, who else is better than Song Yang who has a little advantage of his background?" Is it for you? Brother Tong, you are the future head of my Song family. If you don't have any kind of woman, why would you care about these rouge and vulgar fans?"

"Song Yu, if you have something to say, you should say it. If you shouldn't, talk too much. Be careful that I will turn against you." Song Tong pretended to be displeased, but deep in his eyes, there was a hint of self-satisfaction.

Song Yang has always been trained by the Song family as a successor.

Now, after Song Yang's death, the minds of other members of the younger generation of the Song family will inevitably become alive.

Song Tong, as one of the best among such people, can be said to have a great advantage, coupled with his young age, listening to flattery, it is impossible to say that he doesn't feel it.

But at the very least, Song Tong still understands reservedness, he doesn't want to leave a bad impression on Song Yuan and Mr. Song.

"Yes, yes." Song Yu fawned, got up and walked over, and raised his hands up and down at the girl in red who had been coveting for a long time.

But at this moment, with a "bang", the door of the box was kicked open from the outside, and several people rushed in from the outside.

"Whoever let you in, get out of here." Song Yu frowned and shouted when he saw the people rushing in.

"You told us to get out? What are you?" Among the few people, a guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said angrily.

"I'm Song Yu." Song Yu said with a sullen face.

"Song Yu? Are you Song Yu?" The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked at Song Yu.

"That's right, it's me." Song Yu said triumphantly.

He is a regular customer at the Tianlu Bar. It can be said that anyone who gets a little familiar here has heard of his name.

Listening to the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, Song Yu subconsciously thought that this little bastard who came out of nowhere must have heard of him.

Now that I have heard about myself, the next step is to get out obediently.

But soon, Song Yu couldn't be complacent anymore.

"It turns out that you are really Song Yu. At first, I was a little worried that I found the wrong person." Who knows, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said quickly.

"What do you mean?" Song Yu froze for a moment.

"What do you mean? You are playing with my woman, and you dare to ask me what it means, so I will cut him off." The sharp-mouthed Hussein said loudly.

As the voice fell, several people who came in with him drew out their machetes one after another, and rushed towards Song Yu frantically.

With the knife in hand, Song Yu was cut into a bloody man in just a few strokes, and he fell limply on the ground, unable to move anymore, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

"Brothers, there is one more, let me chop it together." After chopping Song Yu, the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek stared at Song Tong and said sinisterly.

"Those who dare to touch our Song family, I think you are impatient." Song Tong said sharply.

"Woman who dares to play with me, I think it's because you're getting impatient. Cut it off." Stretching out his hand and pointing at Song Tong, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks ordered.

One minute later, just like what happened to Song Yu, Song Tong was chopped up to a bloody mess, not in human form.


The time is around 09:30 in the evening.

In Tiannan City, in a five-star hotel, a table of people warmly toasted a young man.

"President Song, here's a toast to you."

"Mr. Song is really a young hero. At such an age, he controls a real estate company, and his future is limitless."

"Mr. Song, we will be counting on you to make a great success in the future, but you must support us old guys a lot."

"That's right, Mr. Song, you have to reward us with a bite of food, don't take away all the jobs of us old guys."


The young man held his wine glass and smiled warmly like a spring breeze.

He is Song Rui.

Song Rui has always believed that he is a business genius, as long as he is given an insignificant opportunity, his gold can shine.

Unfortunately, he never had such an opportunity before.

It's not that he's not talented enough, or that he doesn't work hard.It's because, in the Song family, there is another person who is better than him, so of course, it takes up most of the resources, and that person is Song Yang.

Song Yang died, and Song Rui's long-awaited opportunity finally came to him.

Perhaps Song Yang's death was a tragedy to some members of the Song family, but to Song Rui, it was definitely a great comedy.

After all, if Song Yang hadn't died, he probably wouldn't have waited for such an opportunity in his entire life.

After Song Yang's death, Song Rui took over a real estate company owned by the Song family.

Specifically, it is a subsidiary of a real estate company under the Song family.

The company's scale is not very good, and its performance is not very good, but, after all, it is under the banner of the Song family, so it is still unavoidable.

No, since Song Rui took over the real estate company, his daily receptions and dinners have never stopped.

"To kill, this is to kill, I, Song Rui, are young, how can I be so kind to everyone, come, here, I, Rong Rui, toast everyone, for nothing else Let's make a fortune together." Song Rui stood up and said with a smile on his face.

Flower sedan chairs carry people.

Song Rui would not be so stupid as to accept all of them, because face is mutual, if everyone gave him face, he should of course give everyone face, in this way, business can be done.

Only when business is done, money can be earned.

For Song Rui, who had been waiting for such an opportunity for several years before it fell on his head like a pie from the sky, he knew too well that he wanted to prove his ability, win the eyes of the old man of the Song family, and compete for future success. The position of the Patriarch of the Song family cannot be done without the support of everyone here.

Don't look at everyone being very polite, but it's for the Song family's face, not for him. If he can't even distinguish this point, he is still called a business wizard.

"Okay, drink." Everyone laughed and toasted each other.

"Hey, it's lively enough." While everyone was drinking, suddenly, a strange voice sounded.

"Who are you?" Someone asked suspiciously when they saw the person speaking.

"Don't worry about who I am, I'm here to find a man named Song Rui, I've found the right place." The man said foolishly.

"I am Song Rui." Song Rui said.

"You are Song Rui?" The man glanced at Song Rui and said, "Your real estate company carried out demolition two days ago and killed an old man. That old man is my second uncle. Do you know that? "

"I don't know." Song Rui said lightly.

Violent demolition, dead people, in his view, is a normal thing that can no longer be normal.

If you die, you will die, but it's just a small amount of money to pass away. Why does he need to know this?
"Pay me 1000 million, or I won't make it easier for you." The man threatened.

"Get out, or I'll have your legs broken." Song Rui said coldly.

"Break my two legs?" The man's face turned gloomy, he rushed up, picked up a chair and threw it at Song Rui without thinking.

"You killed my second uncle and broke my two legs? Do you have any fucking conscience? I just want 1000 million from you. With such a big company, 1000 million is right for you It’s just a drop in the bucket, how much can pluck a hair from a cow? If you don’t pay 1000 million, you’re still a human... Since you don’t give me money, then I will kill you!”

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

The chairs kept smashing on Song Rui's body, until the chair was smashed to pieces, until Song Rui was smashed with only air coming out but not in, the man stopped, and said carelessly, "You all saw it. , I did it because he wanted to break my legs, I call it self-defense, the police are here, you must testify to me."

After saying this, the man ran away in a panic, leaving the other people looking at each other in blank dismay.


This night was a disaster for the younger generation of the Song family.

You don't know when the disaster will come, but once it comes, it will definitely cause bloodshed.

As for the Song family, after receiving the news, Song Yuan became furious. This was a provocation, not the younger generation of the Song family, but the entire Song family.

Song Yuan thought it was a provocation, but Ji Feng definitely didn't think so.

This is not provocation, this is revenge.

Moreover, right now, the revenge has just begun... What he wants is not just to hurt the Song family's muscles and make a small fight, what he wants is to bring down the entire Song family!
(End of this chapter)

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