genius evil

Chapter 360 Rule Makers

Chapter 360 Rule Makers

An accident happened to the Song family, and the news spread quickly in Tiannan City.

Who moved the hand.

This is news that everyone, including the Song family, is paying close attention to.

You must know that although the Song family is slightly inferior to the three major families of Bai Guantong, it is also a giant in Tiannan City, but few people dare to stroke its beard easily.

But this time, it's not just about smoothing out their beards. What happened to the younger generation of the Song family is almost equivalent to ruining the future of the Song family.

What kind of deep hatred must be needed to do such a thing?
In the early hours of the morning, the internal meeting of the Song family was urgently held.

The main content of the meeting, in addition to strengthening the security of important members of the family, is to thoroughly investigate the murderer behind it.

"You guys, do you have anyone to suspect?" Mr. Song said in a cold voice as his gloomy gaze swept across from below.

Song Yuan has been taking care of all the big and small things of the Song family over the years, and Mr. Song is in a state of half-time idleness.

But recently, the Song family is having a hard time, with major incidents happening one after another, Mr. Song can't sit still at all, so he can only personally preside over the meeting.

"do not know."

"No idea."

"The police are investigating."


Everyone said one after another, all at a loss.

"Why, is it possible that you don't even have a single suspect?" With a cold snort, Mr. Song was dissatisfied and displeased.

"Ji Feng." Song Yuan said slowly, his voice was low, with a trace of resentment.

"Ji Feng!"

When the rest of the people heard the words, their eyes fell on Song Yuan one after another.

"You mean Ji Feng?" Mr. Song's gaze also fell on Song Yuan, and he asked with frowned eyebrows.

"It's Ji Feng." Song Yuan said very firmly.

In the end, his gaze swept to everyone, and he said: "Two days ago, my Song family received a big gift from Jiang Chen, everyone still remembers it."

Everyone nodded.

"But what you probably don't know is that when that big gift was delivered to my Song family, there was another person who returned to Tiannan City, and it was Ji Feng." Immediately afterwards, Song Yuan said.

"What, wasn't Ji Feng sent away?"

"When did Ji Feng return to Tiannan City? We don't know about this news."


Some people immediately exploded and started talking about it.

"Ji Feng was sent away, but being sent away doesn't mean he can't come back, he has already returned, and the current situation is his revenge on my Song family." Song Yuan said coldly.

"Is there any evidence?" Mr. Song asked.

"No, but besides Ji Feng, I can't think of a second choice." Song Yuan said.

"A mere Ji Feng, he still doesn't have the ability to stir up such a big storm." Old Man Song said.

"These things are naturally not something Ji Feng can do, but don't forget that Jiang Chen is behind him, and Jiang Chen has a very close relationship with the Tang family." Song Yuan said.

"Jiang Chen...Ji Feng, Ji Family...Tang Family, Tang Tianxiong..."

Mr. Song muttered softly, and his face gradually became ugly.

After the incident happened, Mr. Song's first object of suspicion was Jiang Chen, but he did not expect that the whole incident would have such twists and turns.

"So, the key is Jiang Chen." Mr. Song concluded.

"That's right, Jiang Chen finally made a move." Song Yuan said silently.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Mr. Song said, "This way, it will be difficult."

He was ready to put a magic spell on Jiang Chen, once Jiang Chen made a move, Jiang Chen would definitely fall into the urn, but the damn thing is, Jiang Chen didn't do it directly, it was Ji Feng who did it.

Even for Ji Feng, they have no proof, it's all speculation.

"Kill Ji Feng." Gritting his teeth, Song Yuan said sharply.

"Kill me, Ji Feng?" But following Song Yuan's words, a playful voice sounded lightly.

Following the sound of speaking, a figure walked in from the outside.

"Ji Feng!"

Following the sound, after seeing clearly who was coming, Song Yuan's teeth clenched even tighter.

"Ji Feng, you are so courageous. How dare you come to my Song family. I think your life is too long. Do you want me to personally send you to die!" Song Yuan said angrily.

"I'm very courageous, but it's wrong to say that my life is too long." Ji Feng said leisurely.

"Ji Feng, what are you doing here?" Mr. Song was much calmer than Song Yuan, looking at Ji Feng and said.

However, if you listen carefully, you can hear the furious anger hidden under his calm words.

"I came because I knew that you would definitely not let me go, so I just showed up openly." Spreading his hands, Ji Feng said.

"Do you think that my Song family will let you go?" Mr. Song said coldly.

"Of course not, but Master Jiang asked me to bring you a sentence. After you listen carefully, you will probably let me go." Ji Feng said.

"What?" Elder Song asked.

"Jiang Shao said, whoever wants him to die in your Song family, then he wants someone to die." Ji Feng said.

"Jiang Chen wants me to die?" Song Yuan said gloomyly.

"So it was you who wanted to kill Young Master Jiang." Ji Feng smiled.

"Are you talking to me?" Song Yuan's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Does it matter? Since you have voluntarily admitted it, I will ask you on behalf of Young Master Jiang, are you ready to die?" Ji Feng asked.

"Jiang Chen really said those words?" Old Master Song's expression was ugly.

Although he didn't think that Ji Feng was pretending to be a tiger, he must have been instructed by Jiang Chen, but such blatant and unscrupulous behavior still made him gasp.

"I'm not that brave enough to use the name of Young Master Jiang." As he spoke, Ji Feng pointed at Song Yuan and said, "Only when this person dies, Young Master Jiang will consider giving the Song family a chance to survive. As for this opportunity, whether your Song family can seize it depends on your own good luck."

Leaving these words behind, Ji Feng walked out without waiting for a response from the members of the Song family.

"Kill him." Song Yuan coldly ordered.

"Don't do anything." At about the same time, Mr. Song issued an order.

"Dad, is it possible that you want me to die?" Song Yuan looked at Mr. Song in disbelief.

Old Man Song didn't answer Song Yuan's question, until Ji Feng left, he said: "It doesn't make any sense whether to kill Ji Feng or not, he is just a chess piece under Jiang Chen's hands."

"But, if I don't kill him, I will be very angry." Song Yuan said with a dark face.

"Song Yuan, now is not the time to be impulsive, and we need to think about it in the long run." Mr. Song reminded.

"Yes." Song Yuan said in a low voice with his head lowered and his eyes flickering.

The family meeting of the Song family ended in half an hour, and when they returned to their residence, Song Yuan immediately took out his mobile phone, made a call, and directly issued an order - kill Ji Feng!
At this time, Ji Feng is in the Tang family.

"Jiang Chen's move is really interesting." Drinking tea, Tang Tianxiong said with a light smile.

"That's right, it's very interesting." Ji Feng sighed.

The more in-depth contact with Jiang Chen, the more terrifying Jiang Chen will be discovered.

This can't help but make Ji Feng feel very emotional, how naive and ridiculous he was in the past, it is the real good fortune that he can live until now and not die.

"It's interesting, yes, but you are a bit unexpected. I never thought that if you really dare to go to Song's house alone, you won't be afraid of getting in and out?" Tang Tianxiong said with a half-smile.

"Afraid." Ji Feng admitted honestly, and then said, "However, I have already died once, and if I die one more time, it will be so."

"The more people who have experienced life and death, the more they are afraid of death. I don't believe that you are not afraid of death." Tang Tianxiong said.

"It is precisely because I am afraid of death that I dare to go to Song's house alone." Ji Feng said.

Tang Tianxiong understood what Ji Feng meant, he nodded, and said, "Jiang Chen still has to tell you what to do?"

"The next step is to wait for the Song family's actions." Ji Feng said.

"No, it's waiting for Song Yuan's action." Tang Tianxiong said teasingly.

Ji Feng just burst out laughing.

No matter how chaotic the Song family is externally, it is limited. Only when it is internally chaotic can it be truly chaotic.

Ji Feng single-handedly broke into the Song family this time, in order to divide and intensify the conflicts within the Song family, and he was forcing Song Yuan to do something.

Song Yuan was accused of dying, how could Song Yuan swallow this bad breath, he would definitely do it, and what he had to wait for now was to wait for Song Yuan to do it.

After drinking a cup of tea, Ji Feng's cell phone rang.

After answering the phone, after listening to a few words, Ji Feng smiled lightly and said, "Song Yuan sent someone to where I live. It seems that he has been monitoring me since I returned to Tiannan City."

"What do you plan to do with the person he sent to kill you?" Tang Tianxiong smiled.

"Of course, kill him." Ji Feng said noncommittally.

"That's not enough." Tang Tianxiong shook his head.

"Next, kill Song Yuan." Ji Feng said.

"It's still not enough." Tang Tianxiong shook his head again.

"Next, kill Mr. Song." Ji Feng said again.

"That's about the same, but what can Jiang Chen get?" Tang Tianxiong asked meaningfully.

"Jiang Shao wants an explanation. In addition, Jiang Shao said that he doesn't want to be a spoiler, nor does he want to be a disruptor. If he wants to do it, he must be a rule maker." Ji Feng explained.

"Rule maker?" Tang Tianxiong's eyes lit up, and he said immediately, "This is not an easy task."

"It's not easy, so Young Master Jiang is also waiting, waiting for the Song family to show their last cards." Ji Feng said.

"If the Song family really has the trump card, it will not be so easy to deal with... Hey, no, Jiang Chen is trying to win the right to speak for himself. No wonder he was not in a hurry to attack the Song family before, and he didn't do it until the Song family had no cards to play. " Tang Tianxiong said thoughtfully.

Ji Feng chuckled and said, "I can guess what Young Master Jiang thinks, but if Young Master Jiang succeeds, then the situation in Tiannan City will change from now on."

"What a crazy guy, then I'll just wait and see what happens next." Tang Tianxiong said with great anticipation

(End of this chapter)

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