genius evil

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

The morning wind is slightly cool.

On the cobblestone path by the Weiming Lake, a figure in black was walking quickly against the morning wind.

There was an undisguised anxiety on her face, and even the cool wind couldn't blow away that anxiety.

"Jiang Chen." The figure in black, from a distance, called out to Jiang Chen who was lying on the grass under the willow tree.

"Girl in red, so it's you...why didn't you wear a red dress today? She's really not a cute girl." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Whether I'm cute or not, it has nothing to do with you." The person who came was Hong Yi, who heard the sound and said angrily.

"If it's okay, you still come to see me?" Jiang Chen smiled.

That kind of smile, in Hong Yi's eyes, was naturally extremely hateful.

Qiong's nose wrinkled, and the red dress said, "I'm here to ask you something about the Song family. Did you instigate it?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"Do you think you can get rid of the relationship by doing this?" Hong Yi sneered.

"It's really becoming more and more incomprehensible." Jiang Chen yawned, looking like he might fall asleep at any moment.

"No one would want you to disrupt the order in Tiannan City." Hong Yi lazily ignored Jiang Chen's attitude.

"Maybe." Jiang Chen said.

"Aren't you aware of the seriousness of the matter?" Hong Yi not only wrinkled her nose, but also wrinkled her willow eyebrows.

"It's not as serious as you imagined." Jiang Chen said very indifferently.

"The ground group will not sit idly by." Hongyi had no choice but to say.

"When the Song family wanted to kill me, where was the ground?" Jiang Chen smiled.

" are making unreasonable words." Hong Yi was extremely angry.

"You're wrong. I'm just talking about a truth that even a three-year-old child understands. The truth is so simple. It's a pity that some people want to pretend to be stupid. What do you think I can do? Then I have to pretend to be stupid together." Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed.

The red dress is silence.

After being silent for a while, Hongyi said: "On the matter of the Song family, how far do you have to go before you are willing to give up?"

"What do you mean by that, someone is warning me not to cross the line?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Hong Yi's question, but said.

"You are a smart person." Hong Yi said, as a tacit consent.

"If I don't kill people, will no one come to trouble me?" Jiang Chen then asked.

Hong Yi looked at Jiang Chen incredulously, and said, "Aren't you joking?"

not to kill?
So why make such a big fight?
Is it fun?
But it's not fun at all, okay?

Hong Yi was puzzled, what was going on in Jiang Chen's mind?

"As for me, besides being handsome, I have another advantage, which is that I never deceive people easily." Jiang Chen said.

Then I said silently in my heart, it's true not to deceive people easily, but if you deceive people, it can kill people!
"I don't believe your words." Hong Yi said silently.

"This can only show that you have too much prejudice against me. Come, lie down together, let's have a good chat and clear up the misunderstanding." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and patted the grass beside him.

Hong Yi was a little hesitant. Although she didn't think that some of her views on Jiang Chen were prejudices, it was necessary to have a good chat, but laying down together?

Hong Yi couldn't help being a little skeptical, Jiang Chen, wouldn't he take the opportunity to take advantage of her?

At this moment, Hong Yi's cell phone rang.

Hongyi took out her mobile phone to answer the call, but after hearing a sentence, her expression became a little strange.

"Song Yuan is dead." Holding the phone, Hong Yi said.

"This matter must have nothing to do with me. It must be that the Song family deliberately killed Song Yuan and framed it on me." Jiang Chen said loudly, as if he had been wronged by the sky, and he looked more wronged than Dou E. .

"Died in a car accident." Hong Yi said.

"Look, I knew it had nothing to do with me...You said this person, life is really fragile, just a car accident can kill his life, so this fully demonstrates a truth." Jiang Dust pouted and said.

"What's the point?" Hong Yi asked suspiciously.

"That is, you must not be stingy and spend more money to buy a better car." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"This is what you want to say?" Hong Yi had a ghostly expression, Jiang Chen's serious nonsense, is it really okay?
"Did I say something wrong? Have you ever thought about it, if that Song Yuan was sitting in a good car, even if there was a car accident, someone else would die, right?" Jiang Chen said seriously .

"There are man-made traces in the car accident, it's murder." Hong Yi sneered.

"So, this explains another truth... You don't need to ask this truth, I will just say it, that is, you must be a good person." Jiang Chen said.

"This matter has an inseparable relationship with you." Hong Yi said.

"As for why you want to be a good person? Isn't there a saying that a good person will live a safe life? Look at that Song Yuan, who is born to be beaten, and the enemy doesn't know how many people are there, so he will be murdered." Jiang Chen didn't seem to care. As if hearing Hong Yi's words, he said in a rambling manner.

"Just now you swore that you would not kill people, but you have crossed the line now." Hongyi also seemed not to have heard Jiang Chen's words.

"Girl in red, this is your fault. Song Yuan is in Tiannan City and I am in Yilan City. Is it possible that I can kill him across a city?" Jiang Chen cried out loudly.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think this kind of trick is ridiculous?" Hong Yi became a little impatient.

Jiang Chen chuckled twice, and said, "No, it's not funny at all."

"I want to see how you clean up this mess." Hong Yi said indifferently.

"Since it's a mess, why clean it up? It might as well make it worse." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"When you understand what consequences your actions will bring, you won't say such things again." Hong Yi said displeased.

Jiang Chen didn't answer Hong Yi's question, but clenched his fist and raised his hand.

"What do you mean?" Hong Yi was confused.

"You've said so much, aren't you telling me that whoever has the biggest fist is right?" Jiang Chen looked at the red clothes and asked.

"So, you did this on purpose?" Hong Yi suddenly realized.

"It's not intentional, it should be said that it was intentional. In fact, there is one thing, including you, including you, who have never understood. According to my Jiang Chen's temper, whoever troubles me, I will get back ten times and a hundred times the trouble." Go, whoever wants to kill me, I'll kill his whole family..." Jiang Chen said gloomyly.

"You're crazy." Now it was Hong Yi's turn to shout.

"I know you care about me." Jiang Chen said softly.

"Since when have I cared about you?" Hong Yi was puzzled.

"Look, as soon as something happens, you rush to see me, you are more diligent than anyone else, what is it if you don't care about me?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"I'm just a messenger." Hongyi quickly explained, she didn't want Jiang Chen to misunderstand.

"I understand what you mean." Jiang Chen nodded.

"I really didn't care about you." Hong Yi defended.

"I really understand what you mean. In layman's terms, your attitude is duplicity." Jiang Chen said empathetically.

"Crazy, arrogant, do you really think that you are so handsome that even a woman would fall in love with you?" Hong Yi scolded.

"It's not that I think I'm handsome, it's that I'm really handsome. If you don't believe me, look at my face... Also, of course, not every woman will fall in love with me. Only beautiful women will fall in love with me." " Jiang Chen said slowly.

"The hopeless guy." Hong Yi said bitterly, turned around and was about to leave, but when the phone rang, it rang again.

Hearing the ringtone of the mobile phone, Hongyi had an inexplicable bad feeling, and she quickly connected the phone.

"What, a fire broke out in the Song family, and Mr. Song died?" Hearing the words from over there, Hongyi was inexplicably surprised, subconsciously stopped, and turned to look at Jiang Chen.

"First Song Yuan, then old man Song, Jiang Chen, if you play with fire, you will set yourself on fire." Gritting her teeth, Hong Yi said.

"Master Song must have been playing with fire at home, and accidentally burned himself to death. Playing with fire, he would set himself on fire. The truth is very profound." Jiang Chen sighed.

"What are you going to do?" Hong Yi's voice raised more than an octave.

Jiang Chen stretched out a finger, drew a line on the grass, and said lightly: "See, someone drew a line and asked me not to step on it, but if I don't step on it, I won't even have a foothold. So what to do? I can only step over the line."

"And then?" Hong Yi asked depressedly.

"Then, wait for the person who draws the line to appear." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"You really are a lunatic." Hongyi took a light breath, and suddenly understood what Jiang Chen's purpose was for making such a big fight.

When the person who drew the line appeared, only a lunatic like Jiang Chen would say such a thing.

He was obviously dealing with the Song family, but in fact, he was provoking a certain order.

"Girl in red, didn't you say that you are a messenger? I believe you won't mind, help me pass this sentence back?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I will." Hong Yi said, and left after speaking.

Just this afternoon, an unremarkable domestic off-road vehicle slowly drove into Yilan Middle School.

The car stopped in an open space by the Weiming Lake. Inside the car, a middle-aged man with a rough appearance opened the door and got out of the car.

After the middle-aged man got off the car, he went straight to the place where Jiang Chen was sleeping, and then saw Jiang Chen.

"You want to see me?" The middle-aged man said as he walked over.

"I made a mistake, it's not that I want to see you, but you want to see me." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"It makes no difference." The middle-aged man said.

"One is active and the other is passive. This is the difference." Jiang Chen said.

"The words are very sharp, and the things are also very sharp. He is a good talent, but it is a pity that he has been on the wrong road." The surrounding air seemed to have been frozen for a bit...

(End of this chapter)

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