genius evil

Chapter 364 The Pink Heart of a Girl

Chapter 364 The Pink Heart of a Girl

"Don't be in a daze, eat it, it will melt in a while, be careful to get your clothes dirty," Jiang Chen said.

"I... don't like sweets." Hong Yi said with twinkling eyes.

"Then you bring it here and give it to me." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand.

"Do you like sweets?" Hong Yi looked at Jiang Chen strangely. A big man likes sweets. What kind of hobby is this?
"Well, I don't like sweets either, but it's not because I'm worried about waste." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Don't force yourself if you don't like to eat." Hong Yi said.

"Waste is not a good habit." Jiang Chen said.

"Then... let me eat." So Hong Yi said.

She rolled her tongue lightly and licked a bit of cream. When the sweet taste mixed with vanilla burst open on the tip of her tongue, Hong Yi's eyes subconsciously closed slightly, with a joyful expression on her face.

What Jiang Chen was looking at was joy, but he naturally wouldn't talk too much to spoil the scenery at this time, otherwise Hong Yi would become angry from embarrassment, and just took a bite of the ice cream, and would definitely yell on his face.

As for why he knew that Hongyi liked to eat ice cream, and why he bought vanilla-flavored ice cream for Hongyi, that was because Jiang Chen had smelled it in Hongyi's breath during several contacts with Hongyi. Light vanilla aroma.

The smell is quiet and nice, but it doesn't smell like any perfume, it's more like the sweet smell of a little girl who has eaten too many sweets.

This seemingly cold and tsundere girl actually has an out-and-out pink girlish heart.

Especially when Hongyi sticks out her tongue and licks the ice cream in small mouthfuls, the little action of squinting her eyes intoxicated almost makes Jiang Chen's bones brittle.

Hong Yi ate very slowly, Jiang Chen watched her eat until Hong Yi finally finished eating an ice cream, Jiang Chen said: "Do you want to eat another one?"

"No more." Hong Yi stuck out her tongue.

"Blueberry-flavored ice cream is very good." Jiang Chen suggested.

"Have you eaten?" Hong Yi blinked.

"I've heard of it, try it." Jiang Chen quickly bought a blueberry-flavored ice cream and stuffed it into Hong Yi's hand without any explanation.

Hongyi likes to eat ice cream, but her favorite is vanilla, and occasionally matcha, but never blueberry.

Xu felt it was fresh, and Hong Yi took a small sip, the sweet and sour taste made his taste buds active.

"It's delicious." Hongyi took another lick. She felt that when she ate ice cream in the future, she could choose another flavor.

"The green apple taste is not bad." Jiang Chen suggested again.

"Really?" Hongyi suddenly smiled sweetly, and looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes. Her eyes were clear, but Jiang Chen felt faint for some reason.

"You know I like to eat ice cream, so why don't you buy ice cream to please me?" Hong Yi said with a half-smile.

"I don't know." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"Now I know." Hongyi naturally wouldn't believe Jiang Chen's nonsense, otherwise, how could Jiang Chen buy her a vanilla-flavored ice cream so accurately?
"Now I know." Jiang Chen nodded.

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's words fell, Hong Yi quickly lifted his foot and kicked towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen jumped back a few steps, smiled wryly and said, "I didn't realize you were so violent before."

"You know now, don't you?" Hong Yi sneered, kicking out again.

"Slow down, the ice cream is about to fall to the ground." Jiang Chen hurriedly reminded.


Hong Yi was startled, carefully picked up the ice cream, and stopped kicking Jiang Chen.

"What's the situation over there?" Jiang Chen took the opportunity to ask.

"Some people think that you are an unstable factor, and sooner or later you will commit major crimes, and you should be killed as soon as possible." Hongyi said indifferently.

"Aren't you pulling me into the ground team?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Are you willing to join the ground group?" Hong Yi looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

"Of course not." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Are you kidding me? It's not that he dislikes the comfort of his current life, and he wants to put a magic spell on his head.

Furthermore, what kind of group, he really doesn't like it.

"It's because you don't want to, so your current situation is very delicate." Hongyi reminded, there is nothing to be disappointed, after all, I knew Jiang Chen had such an attitude, and this is not the first time I heard such an answer .

"Someone wants to kill me, and someone wants to keep me. There are differences within the group." Jiang Chen continued.

"You are a smart person, there is no need to say too much. If you are really capable, you should make good use of this time. Next time, it will not be so easy to pass the test." Hongyi snorted coldly.

"Uh, can you ask, who are the people who want to kill me?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"What are you going to do?" Hong Yi became vigilant.

"They want to kill me. Based on the principle of strike first, I will kill them first." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Crazy." Hong Yi rolled his eyes.

One second, he was praising this guy for being smart, but the next second, this guy's mind was in a mess.

Is it possible that the incident is not big enough?
"Yes, I am insane, so please don't provoke insanity." Jiang Chen said gloomyly.

"You are really crazy." Hong Yi cursed, took the ice cream, and left angrily.

Jiang Chen returned to Yilan Middle School after eating and drinking medicine at Sister Lan's restaurant.

Not long after Jiang Chen entered the school, someone came looking for him again, it was Qian Fugui.

"Why are you here again?" Jiang Chen was very impatient, the distance between Yilan City and the capital is not too short, why is this guy haunted.

"My dad wants to see you." Qian Fugui said straight to the point.

"No." Jiang Chen waved his hand.

"I heard that you caused some trouble. If you want, our Qian family can come forward and settle it for you." Qian Fugui put forward a condition.

In the past few times, he hadn't investigated Jiang Chen's information carefully, so he failed again and again.

But this time, he came prepared.

"That's not necessary." Jiang Chen refused, and said, "Qian Fugui, I've made it very clear, half of the Qian family, and everything else is out of the question. If your brain is not good, then I will treat you for free first. Cure the brain?"

"Jiang Chen, can you be more polite?" Qian Fugui felt very hurt.

What kind of identity is he?
Even if you look at the capital, how many people dare not give him face?
This Jiang Chen was good, but it wasn't enough to kick his nose and face, and there was a posture of stepping on his face a few times, it was simply too hateful.

If it wasn't for a major event related to the lifeblood of the Qian family, he would have long been unable to tolerate Jiang Chen's presumptuousness.

"Sorry, I can't." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Let's make a condition, how can I go to the capital with me." Qian Fugui simply made it clear about the army and horses, and stopped talking nonsense with Jiang Chen.

"I won't go under any conditions. Don't think that being rich is great. Even if you give me 100 million, don't even think about it. 1000 million... Uh, if you give me [-] million, it's not impossible." Jiang Chen said slowly.

The corner of Qian Fugui's mouth twitched.

One billion?

You haven't done anything yet, Jiang Chen asked for [-] million?Dare to take him as a winner.

It's true that the Qian family is rich, but that money is not just blown by the wind, it's earned through hard work, okay?How could Jiang Chen have the nerve to open such a big mouth?

In an instant, Qian Fugui had the urge to give Jiang Chen a frenzy.

"100 million." Qian Fugui bargained.

"Send the beggar." Jiang Chen was immediately unhappy, and his eyes widened.

"1000 million." Gritting his teeth, Qian Fugui said.

"Do you think I look like the kind of person who is open to money?" Jiang Chen pointed to his face.

"One hundred million...that's impossible." Qian Fugui gritted his teeth even tighter.

"Then why don't you hurry up and get out, wait for me to beat you." Jiang Chen grinned and said.

Qian Fugui was very helpless, and said: "1000 million is my bottom line, if you don't agree, you won't get a penny, because..."

"Why? Want to kidnap me and go to the capital?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Because my dad will come to Yilan City in person." Qian Fugui added.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and really wanted to kick Qian Fugui.

When this idea popped up in his mind, Jiang Chen really kicked Qian Fugui to the ground, and shouted: "Bastard, why didn't you say it earlier."

"You didn't ask." Qian Fugui felt wronged.

Who is Qian Banshan?

In normal times, his every move in the capital attracted countless people's attention. If he came to Yilan City, he might alarm many people.

If Jiang Chen hadn't been invited, how could Qian Banshan have come to Yilan City?

"Yes, I didn't ask, but you didn't tell me if I didn't ask? Do you understand, you caused me to lose 1000 million yuan." Jiang Chen said with a heartbroken heart.

1000 million, he only needs to go to the capital once, and he doesn't have to do anything, and he can earn 1000 million. The speed at which he can make money is unmatched.

Now that's all right, Qian Banshan wants to come to Yilan City to meet him in person, 1000 million is in vain, how could Jiang Chen not be angry.

Qian Fugui was in a mess, and said embarrassingly: "Actually, you can change your mind, and I can give you 1000 million."

"No, I'm very angry now, if it's less than [-] million, there's no need to talk about it." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Qian Fugui became more and more messy. This guy is completely unreasonable.

"I'm arrogant, okay?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Remember to tell your dad that when he comes to Yilan City, he will bring the agreement on the division of half of the Qian family's property."

"It's impossible." Qian Fugui said.

"Impossible?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said lazily: "You may not know, I am very busy, running around the world, maybe when your father comes to Yilan City, I will just be in Tiannan City City, maybe it’s not necessarily in the capital.”


Qian Fugui yelled, unable to bear it any minute, rushed forward to beat Jiang Chen up.


Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he just kicked Qian Fugui on the ground again...

(End of this chapter)

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