genius evil

Chapter 365 Fertilizer water does not flow outsiders field

Chapter 365 Fertilizer water does not flow outsiders field

Song Yuan died, Mr. Song died.

Of these two, one is the actual helm of the Song family, and the other is in the Song family, who is similar to Dinghai Shenzhen.

With the death of two people, the inside of the Song family fell into chaos in an instant, and the trees fell and the monkeys scattered. They were once ambitious and wanted to turn the three big families in Tiannan City into four big families. It was only a matter of time before they fell apart. question.

Things were like a whirlwind, triggering a tsunami-like chain reaction in Tiannan City.

After disappearing for many days, Ji Feng reappeared in everyone's sight as Jiang Chen's spokesperson. The crumbling Ji family that was originally suppressed by the Song family, because of this, crazily harvested and plundered the interests of the Song family.

But when everything was happening, the three major families in Tiannan City all chose to remain silent.

But Jiang Chen, the instigator behind the scenes, seemed to have nothing to do, lying on the grass by the Weiming Lake early in the morning, watching Shuang'er hitting the water with willow branches.

Now, Shuang'er has made great progress no matter in terms of exerting force or receiving force.

Every time he swung the willow branch in his hand, his slender waist twisted, and his movements were graceful like dancing.

Of course, if Tang Tian hadn't been in his ear, chattering non-stop, such a scene would have been even more wonderful.

"Shuang'er is so powerful, and her movements are so beautiful."

"Shuang'er's figure is really great."

"Jiang Chen, have you noticed that Shuang'er is really beautiful?"


"Very beautiful, great, very beautiful." Jiang Chen replied perfunctorily.

I wondered if this woman got up too early, a certain nerve didn't have time to return to her position, right?
It's so good, why are you trying so hard to praise Shuang'er, so you're not afraid of Shuang'er's pride?
"Jiang Chen, you will die if you say too many words." Tang Tian was dissatisfied.

She had said so many things, her mouth was almost dry, but Jiang Chen responded with a half-dead, two-word response. Did he still take her seriously?
If things go on like this, even if she has something to say, she won't be able to say it at all.

"Shuang'er, come on, you are great." Jiang Chen waved his fist and said.

"Be careful." Tang Tian gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Shuang'er, you have a really good figure, but you wear too much clothes." Jiang Chen said again, waving his fist.

Blinking her eyes, Tang Tian said with a smile, "I've seen Shuang'er without clothes. There are still photos in the phone, high-definition and uncensored. Do you want to see it?"

"Want... or... don't want?" Jiang Chen grinned, this is a question.

"If you want it, I'll show it to you. If you don't want it, forget it, and pretend I didn't say it." Tang Tian curled her lips and said casually.

"Forget it, I still don't want to watch it." Fei Li interrupted the beautiful thoughts in his mind, Jiang Chen felt that he should be a beautiful person who can't be lewd.

Who is Shuang'er?

It's his apprentice, how could the master play against the apprentice.

"Don't want to see the photos? Is it possible that you want to see Shuang'er without clothes?" Tang Tian's eyes blinked more frequently.

"What kind of words are these?" Jiang Chen pretended to be angry and said.

"Jiang Chen, do you know what I like most about you? What I like most is the way you tell nonsense in a serious manner." Tang Tian said with a smile.

"Xiao Tiantian, who do you think I am?" Jiang Chen became even more angry.

"Isn't Shuang'er beautiful?" Tang Tian didn't answer Jiang Chen's words, but changed the subject.


"Is Shuang'er not in good shape?" Tang Tian said again.

"it is good."

"Shuang'er is beautiful and has a good figure. Can you guarantee that you have never thought of him?" Tang Tian's voice raised slightly.

"Then did you fight, or didn't you fight?" Jiang Chen hesitated and said, why did he feel a little confused about Tang Tian.

"Then you must have thought about it, Shuang'er and I will serve you together?" Tang Tian asked immediately.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Chen couldn't continue answering.

"I've thought about it, but I still haven't thought about it." Tang Tian said domineeringly.

"Can you think about this?" Jiang Chen had a strange expression on his face.

Originally, he really didn't have such an idea, but when Tang Tian made such a fuss, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that he could actually think about it, and of course, he could only think about it.

"Of course." Tang Tian said firmly.

"Then I still don't want to." Jiang Chen quickly shook his head.

"A guy with a lust but no guts." Tang Tian rolled her eyes contemptuously.

"Okay, I admit it." Jiang Chen shrugged.

God knows what kind of nerves Tang Tian got, God knows if Tang Tian tested him with Shuanger, dug a hole for him to jump into... If he still wants to jump down when he knows there is a hole ahead, he has to have how stupid

"False feelings, duplicity." Tang Tian was still not angry.

It was so obvious that Jiang Chen sent a girl to Jiang Chen with good intentions. At the critical moment, Jiang Chen didn't dare to accept the trick, and almost drove her to death.

Could it be that she looks like the kind of woman with ulterior motives?

She is obviously the kind of woman who always thinks about the man she loves.

She doesn't fight or be jealous, and even finds girls for her man. Is there such a virtuous and virtuous woman as her in this world?

Don't say you can't find it with a lantern, even if you turn on a big one-hundred-watt light bulb, you will definitely not be able to find it.

"Whatever you say is what you say." Jiang Chen grinned, letting Tang Tian lose his temper.

"Jiang Chen, aren't you very courageous? Even the Song family said they would get rid of it, so they killed it. The next step should be to get rid of the Bai family, right? You're so brave that you even admitted that you want me and Shuang'er together." Don't you even dare to serve you?" It is better to be a general than to be a general, Tang Tian took out the unique skill at the bottom of the box, the method of provocation.

"If I admit it, will it do you any good?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Don't worry about what's good for me, anyway, it's good for you. Shuang'er is such a beautiful woman as beautiful as a flower, and if she can serve you with me, it's a blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes." Tang Tian Said carelessly.

"It doesn't take eight lifetimes, just two lifetimes." Jiang Chen complained silently in his heart.

"Master, Miss, what are you two talking about?" The tired and exhausted Shuang'er walked over with heavy steps.

Jiang Chen handed over a clean towel and water, and Shuang'er took the towel and wiped off his sweat, and then took two sips of water.

"Oh, I'm discussing about the Song family." Tang Tian opened her eyes and said nonsense.

"What about the Song family?" Shuang'er froze for a moment, and told her intuitively that this should not be the case.

"Yeah, I'm just discussing the Song family's affairs. The Song family is such a big family. If you talk about it, it's over. Your master is really amazing." Tang Tian praised Jiang Chen.

"Master has always been amazing." Shuang'er said with a light smile.

"The only bad thing is that you, master, like to pick up girls all over the world, and male animals whose entire lower body dominates the upper body." Tang Tian said.

It's not easy for Shuang'er to pick on each other, the master is the master, not a boyfriend, and it's the master's private business if the master picks up girls. Tang Tian, ​​a prospective mistress, can complain at will, but she, who is an apprentice, can't control it.

"Shuang'er, your master, your private life is so chaotic, don't you think you should take care of it?" Tang Tian said.

"How?" Shuang'er asked suspiciously.

"That's right, find a way to prevent your master from picking up girls everywhere." Tang Tian said.

Shuang'er's face turned red all of a sudden, and she glanced at Tang Tian tenderly.

Tang Tian had said some things to her, more than once, but she always thought that Tang Tian was joking, and with this posture, Tang Tian was going to get serious.

But is this really good?Is it too weird?
"I didn't sleep well last night. You two talk, I'll go to sleep first." After yawning, Jiang Chen got up.

"Jiang Chen, you haven't spoken clearly yet, don't even think about leaving." Tang Tian yelled loudly.

"What's the matter, wait until I wake up." Jiang Chen yawned again.

"It's better to say it while you are delirious." Tang Tian snorted coldly.

"Hey, why is my cell phone ringing?" Jiang Chen took out the cell phone from his pocket, answered the call, and walked away.

"Jiang Chen, you are going to die." Tang Tian called out with grief and indignation.

What a poor excuse for the damn phone ringing, when she and both of them were deaf.

"Miss, don't talk about such things in the future." Shuang'er was extremely embarrassed.

"How can we not say it? You see Jiang Chen is so good and powerful, and he grabs a lot of women who want to pick him up. What do we call this kind of behavior? This is the fat water that doesn't flow to outsiders." Tang Tian said as a matter of course .

"I don't feel that way about Master." Shuang'er couldn't laugh or cry.

"It feels like this kind of thing can be cultivated, but a good man, if you don't catch him now, he will fly into the arms of other women. If that happens, it will be too late for you to regret it." Identity, said earnestly.

Shuang'er looked at Tang Tian dumbfounded, and said, "Miss, just tell me why you did this."

"Oh, of course it's to help you find a good home." Tang Tian started talking nonsense seriously.

After Jiang Chen left the Weiming Lake, he casually put the phone in his pocket, but at this moment, the phone really rang.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to take out the phone from his pocket again. After seeing the caller ID clearly, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, do you miss me?" Jiang Chen smiled after answering the phone.

"Jiang Chen, do you have time at noon? I want to treat you to a meal." Lan Xiu said on the other end of the phone.

"There is time, there is definitely time." Jiang Chen said immediately.

Don't say that you really have time, even if you don't have time, you still have to make time. It's rare for Lan Xiu to take the initiative.

"Okay then, meet at the Emperor Hotel at 12:30 noon." Lan Xiu said, before hanging up the phone.

"Wait, is there any explanation for this meal?" Jiang Chen said.

"Just... that is, let you pretend to be my boyfriend." Lan Xiu hesitated and said hesitantly.

"Pretending to be a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"Did I say something wrong?" Lan Xiu said anxiously, she could tell that Jiang Chen was not very happy.

"Oh, no, then I'll pretend to be your boyfriend." Jiang Chen said with a smile...

(End of this chapter)

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