genius evil

Chapter 366 Pretending to be a Boyfriend

Chapter 366 Pretending to be a Boyfriend

The Emperor Hotel is located in the very center of Yilan City, a prime location where every inch of land is expensive.

When Jiang Chen drove to the Emperor Hotel, it was exactly [-]:[-] noon.

When Lan Xiu saw Jiang Chen getting off the black Elantra, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was still a little worried that her words would cause Jiang Chen to be dissatisfied, and Jiang Chen would not come.

"Little Xiuxiu, come, give me a hug." Jiang Chen stepped forward and said with a playful smile.

"Be serious." Lan Xiu gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Then seriously hug one?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

Lan Xiu was so teased that she couldn't help laughing, but quickly held back and said, "Stop making trouble, come in with me, there are people waiting inside, don't let them wait too long."

"Male or female?" Jiang Chen asked intentionally.

"Female." Lan Xiu answered quickly as if she wanted to stop Jiang Chen from worrying so much.

"You are having dinner with a woman, and you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend? I don't understand this matter." Jiang Chen said in a daze.

He originally thought that it was a man who invited Lan Xiu to dinner, and it happened that the man had a little interest in Lan Xiu. After Lan Xiu repeatedly refused but failed, he pulled him to pretend to be a boyfriend, and the implication was to act as a shield. Let that man roll as far as he can.

In the end, it turned out to be a woman?

When he entered the Emperor Hotel, went to a box in the restaurant inside the hotel, and saw clearly the people sitting in the box, Jiang Chen was even more taken aback.

Lan Xiu did not lie, she is indeed a woman.

The girl is about eighteen or nineteen years old, with colorful dyed hair, small bunches of hair tied into small braids, and a face the size of a palm, which is also painted with colorful colors, so you can't tell the original color. What does it look like.

The clothes were cool, but not revealing. On the two delicate arms, there were strange tattoos embroidered. Anyway, Jiang Chen stared at it several times, but he couldn't see what it was tattooed on.

While Jiang Chen was looking at the girl, the girl was also looking at Jiang Chen.

The girl's big eyes were full of curiosity and scrutiny. The eyes were not sharp, but extremely anatomical. She looked at Jiang Chen from head to toe carefully. Then, the girl stretched out her big eyes. Thumb and index finger diverge in a small arc.

"Are you going to shake my hand? The posture is quite special." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand.

Probably the girl's whole body was a pair of small hands that were fairly clean, the nails were trimmed to a moderate length, and the knuckles were white and tender. Jiang Chen didn't mind shaking hands at all.

"Eighty points." The girl didn't shake hands with Jiang Chen, and said to Lanxiu, gesturing.

"What eighty points?" Lan Xiu asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's Sister Lanxiu, your boyfriend is eighty points. I'm scoring him based on his appearance, temperament and height. The scoring standard is quite strict." The girl said seriously.

"What's the full score?" Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen couldn't help asking.

"Out of one hundred." The girl's small mouth curled up in a subtle arc.

"Out of [-], I only scored [-]? Did you make a mistake?" Jiang Chen immediately became unhappy.

Whether it's good looks, temperament or height, he thinks that he is a [-]% man, okay? This girl only gave him [-]%. Isn't that insulting?

"You think eighty is low?" the girl said with a half-smile.

"It's not low, it's a mistake." Jiang Chen said.

"I, Wu Qingya, have seen countless men. There are only a handful of men who can give me a score of [-]. Eighty points is already a very high score." Wu Qingya said.

While talking, she tilted her neck and added: "Originally, you couldn't reach [-] points at all, at most you could reach the passing line of [-] points, and the other [-] points, I was looking at Sister Lanxiu's face." I got it together, after all, you are Sister Lanxiu's boyfriend, so it's considered friendship."

"Little girl, tell me honestly, do you have myopia?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"No." Shaking her head, Wu Qingya said in astonishment.

"Then you are blind." Jiang Chen said loudly.

"The conversation is vulgar and uneducated. Now I'm only sixty." Wu Qingya said slowly.

"I'm not well-bred?" Jiang Chen was almost furious, and said to Lan Xiu, "Xiao Xiuxiu, can I beat her up?"

"Thirty points for wanting to do something to a woman." Wu Qingya said with a sneer.

Jiang Chen didn't need to wait for Lan Xiu to answer, he stepped forward and lifted Wu Qingya from the chair, raised his big hand, and pumped hard on her butt a few times.

"Beating a woman has a low personality, zero points." Wu Qingya said expressionlessly.

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, and he asked cautiously: "In your scoring standard, there should be no negative points, right?"

"No." Wu Qingya said.

"It's fine if you don't have one." Jiang Chen nodded, and his big hand vigorously pumped Wu Qingya's butt a few times.

"Minus forty points." Wu Qingya said suddenly.

"Didn't you say that there are no negative points?" Jiang Chen was upset.

"I didn't have it before, but now I have it. Your existence finally made me realize that there is such a superb man as you in the world." Wu Qingya said contemptuously.

"This only shows that you have too little knowledge." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Perhaps." Wu Qingya was noncommittal, and turned to Lan Xiu, "Sister Lan Xiu, this boyfriend of yours is so weird, but still touches me? Are you sure you want to keep it and kick him away as soon as possible?" Well, the sooner the better."

"Little girl, have you ever heard a saying that it is better to demolish ten temples than one marriage?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"I've heard of it, but so what. The biggest problem is that you are not worthy of Sister Lanxiu at all." Wu Qingya said dismissively.

"I, Jiang Chen, are worthy of any woman in this world." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"Shameless." Wu Qingya rolled her eyes.

"Thank you for the compliment." Jiang Chen humbly smiled.

"Am I praising you? I'm scolding you." Wu Qingya's head was full of black lines.

"Oh, so you're scolding me... You're shameless, your whole family is shameless." Jiang Chen was bewildered and furious.

"Comparing pennies and pennies with a woman, it's hard to make a big deal with a small stomach and chicken intestines, and it's eighty percent negative." Wu Qingya said unhurriedly.

"Just click it, you give me a negative one hundred points, at least let me be a one hundred point man." Jiang Chen broke the pot.

"As you wish, minus [-] points." Wu Qingya said with the beauty of an adult.

Then Wu Qingya said to Lan Xiu again: "Sister Lan Xiu, such a self-willed and depraved man is really thanks to how you found it. I really admire you so much."

Lan Xiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Qing Ya, don't care about Jiang Chen, he is just such a person."

"It's not that I'm fussing with him, but I'm doing my best for Sister Lanxiu. You must know that I came here this time to see your boyfriend. In the end, I was very disappointed." Wu Qingya said.

"Stop pretending, what you say seems to be true." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Pretend what?" Wu Qingya pretended to be puzzled.

"I've figured it out a long time ago. It's true that you made a special trip to see me, but you made a special trip to persuade Lan Xiu to break up with me." Jiang Chen said sharply.

The little girl thinks how smart she is, but she doesn't know that the taste revealed in her words has already betrayed her mind.

"That's right." Wu Qingya admitted directly.


So, Jiang Chen flicked his wrist, and slapped Wu Qingya's butt again.

As if Wu Qingya didn't feel the pain at all, she said, "You said I was faking, why didn't you also pretend? Tell me, how much sister Lanxiu gave you."

"How much is what?" Jiang Chen asked confusedly.

"It looks like she didn't give you a penny, right?" Wu Qingya said, "That's right, Sister Lanxiu is so beautiful, and there are probably more people chasing her than a strengthened company. There are a lot of things like yours that are automatically pasted on the door, that's how much you want."

"Speak clearly." Jiang Chen lazily played riddles with Wu Qingya.

"To put it simply, you are a counterfeit. You are not Lan Xiu's boyfriend at all. You are just a temporary worker invited by Lan Xiu. You are also a temporary worker who is always on call and doesn't need to pay a penny." Wu Qingya said with a Sherlock Holmes look.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and Lan Xiu was also dumbfounded.

"Qing Ya, you are mistaken, he is really my boyfriend." Lan Xiu said.

"Sister Lanxiu, please stop explaining. There is a good saying, explaining is covering up, and covering up is the truth. I have a pair of eyes that can see everything clearly, so you can't lie to me." Wu Qingya concluded incomparably.

"Then what do you need to believe that he is my boyfriend?" Lan Xiu said weakly.

"No matter what." Wu Qingya said.

"Is that okay?" Jiang Chen let go of Wu Qingya, and pulled Lan Xiu into his arms.

"Hey, take advantage of Lan Xiu's sister." Wu Qingya sneered.

"Then what about this?" Jiang Chen lowered his head, and just touched Lan Xiu's pink lips.

Lan Xiu murmured, subconsciously opened her mouth, and kissed Jiang Chen passionately.

"Sister Lanxiu, don't you want to do this, can you? Just a fake, your sacrifice is too great." Wu Qingya yelled.

"Do you have to have sex with Xiao Xiuxiu and show you a live performance before you believe that I'm really her boyfriend?" Jiang Chen let go of Lan Xiu, wondering.

This girl is kissed and hugged, but this girl can't turn a single muscle in her head, it seems that she is not blind, but has a problem with her brain.

"Fuck off, sister Lan Xiu is something you can blaspheme, why don't you let go of your dirty hands quickly." Wu Qingya cursed.

"Qing Ya, stop making trouble." Lan Xiu took Jiang Chen's arm.

"Sister Lan Xiu, are you guys really boyfriend and girlfriend?" Seeing that Lan Xiu's movements of holding Jiang Chen's arm were so proficient, without any jerky or artificial, Wu Qingya couldn't help doubting her own judgment.

Lan Xiu didn't reply, just nodded slightly.

"Ah—" Wu Qingya screamed, "Brother, something is wrong, come out quickly..."

Almost as Wu Qingya's cry fell, a small door in the box was pushed open, and a figure slowly walked out from inside!
(End of this chapter)

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