genius evil

Chapter 368 Rogue, Indecent

Chapter 368 Rogue, Indecent

At around eight o'clock at night, there is a bar called Ye Se in Yilan City.

Jiang Chen stopped the car at the entrance of the bar, and walked into the bar leisurely.

Jiang Chen had just entered the bar, and from afar, he saw a figure happily waving his arms at him, beckoning him to go over.

Jiang Chen felt astonished at one glance, and was still astonished at another glance.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen asked curiously as he walked over.

"I'm Wu Qingya, what a memory you have, you don't remember who I am so soon." Wu Qingya pursed her lips, almost enough to hang a soy sauce bottle on her mouth.

"Well, the voice is quite similar." Jiang Chen said lazily.

A face that was also the size of a palm, but no longer heavy makeup, but only a little nude makeup, and the colorful hair was also washed clean, tied into a ponytail hanging down the back of the head.With a delicate and pleasant aura, she rushed towards her face, full of the image of a pure and beautiful girl next door.

What I have to say is that the Wu Qingya right now, and the Wu Qingya that Jiang Chen met at the Emperor Hotel, seem to be two completely different people.

"Hee hee, you probably didn't realize that I'm a beautiful woman." Wu Qingya said with a smile on her face, she looked proud, and she didn't forget to push out her sizable chest while talking.

"Not found." Jiang Chen said.

"I know you didn't find out, otherwise why would you ask who I am." Wu Qingya's tone was very brisk.

"I said I didn't find out because I didn't think you were a beauty at all." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Ah—" Wu Qingya gritted her teeth.

"No wonder you put on heavy makeup to make yourself look like a ghost, so that no one can see that you are an ugly girl. It is really a good way. I think, if the whole world If all the ugly girls have self-knowledge like you, then the world will be peaceful." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Ah—" Wu Qingya gritted her teeth.

"Jiang Chen, I think you are blind." Wu Qingya said through gritted teeth.

In terms of appearance and figure, why isn't she a beauty?

The proud daughter of heaven since she was a child, when she was in the capital, don't have too many men chasing her, okay? Jiang Chen actually said that she didn't think she was a beauty at all, and even described her proud makeup as an adult. Ghost or not, Wu Qingya was almost pissed to death.

"I'm just telling the truth." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Do you think that talking nonsense like this can undermine Miss Ben's self-confidence?" Wu Qingya snorted coldly.

"Are you confident?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"I'm so pretty and have such a good figure, why don't I have any confidence anymore? Could it be that I still have to feel inferior?" Wu Qingya said loudly.

"Beautiful women are called self-confidence, and ugly women make ugly people play tricks more." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You're ugly, your whole family is ugly." Wu Qingya couldn't stand Jiang Chen any longer.

"It seems that the two of us are not speculative, so there is no need to drink this wine." Jiang Chen got up while speaking.

"Jiang Chen, are you still a man? I just bought you a drink, and I didn't want to do anything to you. Is it necessary to be so narrow-minded?" Wu Qingya said speechlessly.

Wu Qingya couldn't help being very skeptical, Jiang Chen started talking nonsense when he came here, was it because he didn't want to drink, if that's the case, this man is really top notch.

Jiang Chen sat down again and greeted the waiter, "Serve the wine, serve the good wine."

"What kind of fine wine is really tasteless... the most expensive wine." Wu Qingya added, and at the end, she glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you pay for my treat."

"I didn't intend to pay at all." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Stingy, not a man." Wu Qingya scolded.

Even if she really didn't intend to ask Jiang Chen to pay, Jiang Chen didn't need to be so direct, couldn't he be a little more tactful when facing a beautiful woman like her?Sweeter?
Or, simply rush to pay for it?

Just drink a bottle or two of wine, how much can it cost, is it necessary to be so stingy?
"This is already the second time you have said this, I will keep it in mind." Jiang Chen said.

"Hey, I have a lot of self-esteem. If you think I said something wrong, you can drink a few more glasses when the wine is served, and then pay the bill. I promise to take back what I said." Wu Qingya prodded.

"It's a dream." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

This mouth grows on someone else, how can he control what he wants to say?
Don't even think about asking him to pay for it in one or two sentences.

"I don't understand. How can there be such a weird man like you in this world. What's more damnable is that such a weird man like you actually cheated on Miss Lanxiu. Is there any reason?" Looking at Jiang Chen, Wu Qingya said in bewilderment.

"It's probably too handsome." Jiang Chen touched his face with his hands, and said narcissistically.

"It's just like that. There are many people who are more handsome than you." Wu Qingya lashed out.

"I don't believe what you said." Jiang Chen was still confident.

"Then believe it or not, I'll find a man who is more handsome than you every minute?" Wu Qingya sneered.

"Okay, you can find it." Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.

When Wu Qingya heard the sound, she really searched for it. With her already big eyes, as wide as two light bulbs, she searched the bar.

After 1 minute, looking away, Wu Qingya sighed, and said, "There are too few handsome men in Yilan City, no wonder you dare to call yourself handsome."

"It's not that there are too few handsome men in Yilan City, it's that I'm so handsome, unmatched by anyone." Jiang Chen was bursting with confidence.

"It's up to you, just blow it hard." Wu Qingya said in frustration.

On the one hand, I wonder if there are really so few handsome guys in Yilan City, and on the other hand, I wonder if the bar I chose is too low-end.

Otherwise, with so many men in the bar, how come none of them are more handsome than Jiang Chen?

"How can you brag about it? This is an undeniable fact." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"When you get to the capital, you will understand that with you like this, every minute is not enough to watch." Wu Qingya scorned, seeing the waiter bring the wine over, picked up the bottle, just poured a glass of red wine for Jiang Chen, and then gave it to Jiang Chen. Pour it yourself.

"Stop bragging, have a drink." Wu Qingya changed the subject.

She has seen a lot of narcissistic people, both men and women, but those who are narcissistic to Jiang Chen's level are really the only ones who have no semicolon.

However, there was no way to hit Jiang Chen. In order to avoid being abused, Wu Qingya had no choice but to drink with Jiang Chen.

"I don't drink very well." Picking up the cup, Jiang Chen said shyly.

"I didn't intend to get you drunk, why did you tell me this?" Wu Qingya asked in wonder.

"Then why did you invite me to drink?" Jiang Chen said in a favorable manner.

"Two reasons." Wu Qingya stretched out two fingers, made a gesture, and said, "First, I came to Yilan City for the first time, and I am not familiar with the place, except for Lanxiu, I know you, no Is it possible to find sister Lan Xiu? Second, I want to drink."

"Easy to understand." Jiang Chen nodded.

"It's very simple. If you ask me this question, maybe you think it's complicated? Do you think I have any plans for you? I'm a woman, but I have plans for you, a man. Is there something wrong?" Wu Qingya sneered.

"I beat up your brother violently." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"Good beating." Wu Qingya said loudly.

"Is he your own brother?" Jiang Chen expressed doubts.

"Dear, definitely dear, but you don't know that he is a very self-righteous person. He always looks like I am the best in the world. If it weren't for the fact that others gave my Wu family face when I was in the capital, someone would have given me He beat him so badly that he couldn't tell the difference between east and west, north and south," Wu Qingya said.

"It looks like I beat you a little lightly." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"It's not serious, it's just right. After all, it's my brother, so just let him suffer a little bit. If you break his hands and feet, it won't do you any good if things get serious." Wu Qingya comforted.

"I didn't intend to break his limbs, but I just planned to let him lie in the hospital for a few months." Jiang Chen said.

"You are cruel enough." Wu Qingya gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up and said, "If this matter is reported back to the capital, countless people will definitely admire it to death."

"But why don't I have any sense of accomplishment at all?" Jiang Chen said.

"That's because you don't know the four major families in the capital. If you knew, you would definitely feel a sense of accomplishment." Wu Qingya said.

"The four big families sound like they are very powerful. I beat Wu Menghua up, is it okay?" Jiang Chen said a little worriedly.

"No problem, it's just a fight. My brother is not such a small-bellied man, he won't take it to heart... Besides, even if he takes it to heart, I will speak good words for you." Wu Qingya said confidently .

"Can you speak nice words for me?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Wu Qingya nodded, glanced at Jiang Chen, and said, "Why, don't you believe me? Let me tell you, I, Wu Qingya, never lied, and you didn't know that when you beat my brother, How manly you are, I almost fell in love with you... The main reason is that you are Sister Lanxiu's boyfriend, otherwise I would definitely have fallen in love with you."

"Small mouth is quite sweet, come, drink." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Drink." Wu Qingya was extremely forthright, and poured the red wine in the glass into her stomach in one breath.


After drinking a glass of wine, Wu Qingya lowered her head and lay down on the table.

"Jiang Chen, I'm drunk, take me back to the hotel to rest." Wu Qingya said in a daze.

Jiang Chen glanced at the two bottles of red wine on the table. He almost scolded his mother. Did he make a mistake? He called him for a drink, but he had enough for a glass of wine. Besides, the wine in his glass hadn't even been drunk yet. .

"Where do you live?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

"Emperor Hotel." Wu Qingya whispered.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to put down his wine glass, stood up and grabbed Wu Qingya's arm, pulled Wu Qingya into his arms, and walked out of the bar with his arm.

After walking a few steps, Wu Qingya suddenly heard a scream: "You rascal, you're indecent!"

(End of this chapter)

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