genius evil

Chapter 369 The Most Handsome Man in the Universe

Chapter 369 The Most Handsome Man in the Universe
"Rogue? Indecent? Who?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's you, you are playing hooligans on me and molesting me." Wu Qingya pushed Jiang Chen away, yelled loudly, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the bar.

"Did I play a hooligan on you?" Jiang Chen was very innocent.

"You got me drunk on purpose and took me to a hotel to get a room. If you're not playing hooligans, what is it? She's still a virgin." Wu Qingya said aggrieved.

"Have I molested you?" Jiang Chen asked innocently again.

"When you bring me to the hotel room, you will definitely molested me while I was drunk and took away my virginity." Wu Qingya said with tears in her eyes.

"But, isn't this a very normal thing?" Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said.

"Normal?" Wu Qingya was dumbfounded.

"Little girl, I guess you seldom come to the bar to play, and you don't know much about the ways here. Let me tell you this, this big man, if he doesn't come to the bar to pick up girls, isn't it for nothing?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course. .

"So, it makes sense for you to be a hooligan?" Wu Qingya said angrily.

She rarely goes to bars, and it can even be said that this is the first time she has come to bars, but what kind of bullshit gangster logic is this?

"It's not that I'm a hooligan for a reason, it's because as a man, if I should be a hooligan, I should be a hooligan, otherwise what's the difference with a motherfucker?" Jiang Chen said affirmatively, then raised his voice, and said, "Big brothers and sisters, do you think I'm right? Still not right?"

"Yes." Everyone in the bar roared with laughter.

"Brother, Yan Fu is not shallow, this girl is not only beautiful, but also has a very strong figure."

"Brother, all the girls say that you are a hooligan and indecent assault, you have to give us old men a sigh of relief."


Another person said with a hippie smile.

"Ah—" Wu Qingya screamed, almost insane.

What's the matter?
According to the normal script, shouldn't countless righteous people stand up and beat Jiang Chen to the point where he can't take care of himself when she calls out to be a hooligan and indecent assault?

Sure enough, the heart is cold, a good script, abruptly turned into a beautiful girl who actively throws herself into the embrace of the big bad wolf, what is the reason and justice?

"Stop yelling. You'll be back at the hotel later. Some of them were called by you." Jiang Chen wrapped Wu Qingya into his arms again, and led Wu Qingya to the outside of the bar.

"Jiang Chen, if you dare to touch me, I will fight you hard?" Wu Qingya said.

Perhaps it was because Qingzhi was in a place like a bar, no matter how loudly she yelled, it was useless, Wu Qingya's voice returned to normal decibels, she suppressed her throat, and threatened in a low voice.


Almost as soon as Wu Qingya finished speaking, Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped Wu Qingya's butt.

"Jiang Chen, are you spanking my ass again?" Wu Qingya couldn't take it anymore.

When she was in the Emperor Hotel, she was spanked by Jiang Chen several times, but she kept it in her heart. Who knew that Jiang Chen would still spank her. Addicted?
"Oh, you didn't tell me to touch a hair of yours, you must fight with me, I'm curious, how you are going to fight with me, so I couldn't help but move my hand." Jiang Chen calmly Said.

" you know who I am? How dare you treat me like this?" Wu Qingya was furious.

"I know, the four major families in the capital." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Now that you know, you need to understand that you are not far from death." Wu Qingya threatened.

"There's an old saying, let me think about it first... Well, I remembered, peony flowers die, ghosts are also romantic, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"You will die a miserable death." Wu Qingya's small face twitched.

What death under the peony flower, she could almost imagine what Jiang Chen would do to her.

Although many of her words tonight were deceitful, there was one thing that she was not deceiving, that is, she was really a little virgin with yellow flowers.

"Maybe, but tonight, I promise to make you want to die." Jiang Chen had an ambiguous look on his face.

"Jiang Chen, if you have something to say, please don't mess around." Wu Qingya panicked and stammered, "What I just said was a lie to you, my brother is a man with a small belly, you beat him If you beat him up, he will take revenge on you by any means."

"You reminded me, we won't go to the Emperor Hotel, just find a hotel, anyway, let's talk after tonight." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"I obviously didn't mean that." Wu Qingya was ashamed and indignant.

"Then what exactly do you mean?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"What I mean is, as long as you let me go tonight, I can speak good words for you in the future so that my brother will not retaliate against you." Wu Qingya said hastily.

"Actually, I don't mind Wu Menghua's revenge. As for his kind of trash, I can beat a hundred of them with my eyes closed." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You don't understand how powerful the Wu family is." Wu Qingya said dumbfounded.

Even if Jiang Chen wasn't bragging, he could hit a hundred Wu Menghua by himself, but so what?

Wu Menghua has already suffered a loss once, is it possible that he will be singled out with real Jiang Chen?

With the energy of the Wu family, there are plenty of ways to destroy or kill Jiang Chen.

"You don't even understand how badly I fight." Jiang Chen said disapprovingly.

"Well, I can't speak against you, but I'm innocent." Wu Qingya said pitifully.

"Innocent?" Jiang Chen had a half-smile.

"I asked you just now why you invited me to drink. You gave me two wrong reasons. The real reason is that you want to deal with me, right? It's a pity that you are too tender and chose the wrong place." Jiang Chen said.

"Who told you to bully me first? If you hadn't bullied me first, how would I have dealt with you?" Wu Qingya complained for herself.

"It's definitely not me who bullied you first, it was you who bullied me first, I, Jiang Chen, are so handsome, yet you only gave me [-] points, and said I'm not good enough for Xiao Xiuxiu, it's simply too much bullying." Jiang Chen was angry. Said.

"I said that on purpose, okay? Who told my brother to be interested in Sister Lanxiu? Of course I want to help. This is called helping relatives and not helping." Wu Qingya explained.

"In addition, the most important point is that you said twice that I'm not a man, so putting this on anyone is unbearable." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Can I apologize to you?" Wu Qingya finally understood what it means to ask for trouble.

No wonder Jiang Chen said he would keep it in mind. She didn't take it seriously at the time, but now she understands that the foreshadowing is waiting for her here.

"There is no way to apologize for this kind of thing. It must be proved by real swords and guns. Pure men, no insults are allowed." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

"Of course I know that you are a pure man, otherwise how could Sister Lanxiu like you." Wu Qingya hurriedly flattered her, fearing that Jiang Chen would prove the man's problem on her.

"You're wrong, Xiao Xiuxiu likes me because I'm so handsome." Jiang Chen corrected.

"Okay, okay, you're so handsome, you're the most handsome man I've ever seen... No, you're the most handsome man in the world." Wu Qingya said in an incomparably doggy manner, saying such things against her conscience and her original intention Wu Qingya almost didn't spit out the words.

"What else?" Jiang Chen asked expectantly.

"More? Not anymore, you are the most handsome in the world." Wu Qingya said blankly.

"Actually, you can say that I am the most handsome man in the universe." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Okay, the most handsome in the universe." Wu Qingya really wanted to throw up.

"Who is the most handsome man in the universe?" Jiang Chen said.

"It's you, Jiang Chen." Wu Qingya answered while suppressing the discomfort.

"I, Jiang Chen, are the most handsome in the universe. Seducing an ignorant girl like you should be a matter of minutes, right?" Jiang Chen asked immediately.

"Why am I ignorant?" Wu Qingya was very unconvinced.

She just chose the wrong place. If she had chosen the right place, Jiang Chen would have been beaten to death long ago, okay?
"Just answer me, yes or no." Jiang Chen was displeased.

"Yes, Gogou's fingers can seduce a lot of people in just a few minutes." Wu Qingya said with a mournful face.

"In this way, if I go to the hotel with you, will you be at a disadvantage, or will I be at a disadvantage?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Isn't this nonsense? Do you think I, Wu Qingya, is that kind of casual woman? Of course I'm at a disadvantage." Wu Qingya said without thinking.

"The answer is wrong. I am the one who suffers. After all, I am handsome enough to break through the entire universe. There is only one man like me in the entire universe. How many women are vying for it?" Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I feel like vomiting, can I?" Wu Qingya almost cried.


Raising his hand, Jiang Chen slapped Wu Qingya's butt again.

"Jiang Chen, if you spank my ass again, I'll fight you hard." Wu Qingya screamed. After being spanked so many times by Jiang Chen today, her ass is swollen, okay?


Unceremoniously, Jiang Chen slapped Wu Qingya's butt twice.

Wu Qingya grinned her teeth, twisted her neck, and opened her mouth to bite Jiang Chen's neck. Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand and pinched Wu Qingya's chin, making her unable to speak. He said with a faint smile, "You are a dog."

"Don't stop me, I will kill you." Wu Qingya said bitterly.

"Don't be so ambiguous, okay, bite this word, you can't talk nonsense." Jiang Chen deliberately dragged out the tone.

Hearing Jiang Chen's eccentricity, Wu Qingya suddenly had some associations for a moment, and immediately, her pink face flushed red, and her eyes were about to drip water.

"Just bully me, bully me to death." Wu Qingya stomped her feet and said.

"I don't even have a sense of accomplishment for bullying Wu Menghua, and I don't even have a sense of accomplishment for bullying you... Well, someone is coming to bully me, see if you recognize him or not." While speaking, Jiang Chen saw a figure, He walked over quickly and motioned for Wu Qingya to identify it.

Following the sound, Wu Qingya immediately became excited after seeing it, and shouted: "A Jian, my brother told you to come, right? Come quickly, and kill this guy with one sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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