genius evil

Chapter 373 Thank you, you're welcome

Chapter 373 Thank you, you're welcome

Looking at the four guys lying on the ground, Wu Qingya's eyes widened, and her mouth opened into an O shape.

How can this guy be so good at fighting?

No, this doesn't seem to be the point. The point is, aren't the four people she brought with her always very aggressive?Why can't I fight so hard?
You know, she was counting on these four guys to beat Jiang Chen into a pig's head.

It would be best if a certain guy stomped Jiang Chen to the ground, sneakily kicked Jiang Chen's vitals, and fulfilled her wish to make Jiang Chen unable to be a man.

"Jiang Chen, how can you beat someone when you talk about loyalty?" After staying for a while, Wu Qingya yelled.

"If you don't beat someone, is it possible that you will be beaten when you stand still?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"Of course I didn't mean that, but they didn't do anything to you... That's right, you did it first. Do you understand that this kind of behavior is against the law?" Wu Qingya said with her brain running fast. When he got here, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said to Ding Lingling, "Sister, aren't you a policeman? Jiang Chen beat someone, you should arrest him quickly."

"Did Jiang Chen hit someone?" Ding Lingling asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, hit it, otherwise why would someone be lying here?" Wu Qingya said affirmatively.

"But why didn't I see anything?" Ding Lingling said pretendingly.

"Didn't see anything?" Wu Qingya was dumbfounded, and then said angrily, "You are calling me selfish, I want to sue you."

"Do whatever you want, anyway, I really didn't see anything, I was just shopping with Jiang Chen." Ding Lingling said indifferently.

"Ah—" Wu Qingya was furious.

"I saw it." Tong Zhi didn't know when he stood up, rubbing his bruised face and saying loudly.

"You saw Jiang Chen beating someone, right?" Wu Qingya immediately cheered up.

"No, I saw you get someone to beat me. Officer, I want to call the police. It's her. Hurry up and arrest her, don't let anyone run away." Tong Zhi pointed at Wu Qingya and testified.

"Bravely committing murder in public is extremely heinous and should indeed be arrested." Ding Lingling nodded, took out her cell phone and made a call.

Two minutes later, a patrol car appeared, and under Ding Lingling's negotiation, Wu Qingya and the four people she brought were taken away in handcuffs.

"What about you, why don't you leave? Do you want me to ask someone to handcuff you?" After Wu Qingya and the others left, Ding Lingling said dissatisfied when she saw Tong Zhi standing still like a dog's skin plaster.

"It's too troublesome to handcuff him, I'll give him a ride." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to send him to the hospital?" Ding Lingling was a little unhappy.

Although Tong Zhi stood up to support Jiang Chen just now, it was very loyal, but the problem is, this guy is such a fool, it is completely superfluous to stand up.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head, raised his foot and kicked Tong Zhi's ass, kicking Tong Zhi like a shit, then Jiang Chen took Ding Lingling's little hand and said, "It's fine."

But he had only taken two steps when he heard a loud laugh: "Good kick, wonderful kick, croaking kick."

Following the laughter, two figures came over, one of them was Guan He, and the other was Guan Shan.

He laughed and said that it was Guan Shan who kicked well, and the little guy clapped his hands while laughing, full of fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"You think kicking is good, why don't I kick you too?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Master, I'm your good apprentice, how could you kick me." Guan Shan came over and said with a playful smile.


Ever since, Jiang Chen, who was just talking casually, really kicked Guan Shan's ass, and sent Guan Shan flying.

"Master, you are too cruel." Guan Shan stood up with an aggrieved expression on his face.

"If you dare to call me master again, I promise you won't be able to get out of bed within a month." Jiang Chen said lightly.


Guan Shan originally had a dispassionate temperament, and when he heard the sound, he opened his mouth wide to call Master, and he only came out with two words, Master. Suddenly, he saw Jiang Chen's expression was unkind, and he knew that Jiang Chen's words were definitely not a joke. He quickly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and swallowed the next word.

"Ha ha--"

Now, it was Tong Zhi's turn to laugh.

"Little boy, I also said how Young Master Jiang became your master. It turned out that he was chasing relationships." Tong Zhi said.

"I want you to take care of it." Guan Shan glared at Tong Zhi.

"I don't care, I'm just happy, it's really a good kick, a wonderful kick, and a croaking kick." Tong Zhi treats his body with his own way.

"Hmph, don't be complacent here. Young Master Jiang confiscated me as an apprentice now, and he will definitely accept me as an apprentice in the future, otherwise it will be his loss." Guan Shan said.

"Little boy, can you show some face?" Tong Zhi's face darkened slightly.

"Why is this young master so shameless? Don't you see that this young master has a strange skeleton and is born to be a martial arts prodigy?" Guan Shan said smugly.

"Sorry, I really didn't see it." Tong Zhi said.

"That's because you are blind." Guan Shan said loudly.

"It's not over yet, shut up." Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

"Did you hear that, I told you to shut up." Tong Zhi said.

"I told you to shut up." Guan Shanding bumped.

"Bang... bang..."

Jiang Chen talked nonsense, walked over, and kicked the two of them to the ground again.

"Jiang Shao." At this time, Guan He was the one who spoke, and greeted Jiang Chen.

"What are you doing in Yilan City?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

When Tong Zhi reported his name, Jiang Chen already knew that he was from the Tong family in Tiannan City. The people from the Tong family appeared in Yilan City and happened to meet him. Jiang Chen could regard it as a coincidence, but Guan He brought Guan Shan here, Jiang Chen wouldn't think it was just a coincidence.

"Does Young Master Jiang have time recently? The old man at home wants to invite Young Master Jiang to sit down." Guan He directly stated the purpose of this trip without too much hypocrisy.

"Jiang Shao, that old man in my family also meant the same thing." Tong Zhi rubbed his buttocks, leaning forward.

"No time." Jiang Chen said lazily.


Guan He and Tong Zhi looked at each other in dismay, both seeing helplessness in each other's eyes.

Of the three major families of Baiguantong in Tiannan City, the Bai family is the head, followed by the Guan family and the Tong family. The three major families are absolutely colossal in Tiannan City.

Not to mention Yilan City, but looking at the entire Jiangnan Province, who wouldn't be proud to have a relationship with these three families?
But Jiang Chen is good, the invitations from the two families are too irritating to simply say that there is no time to dismiss them, and even lazy to find extra excuses.

"Jiang Shao, this time, time is like a sponge, there is always a squeeze." Tong Zhi said unwillingly.

"The question is, why should I squeeze?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"This—" Jiang Chen said that, no matter how poor Tong Zhi was, he was speechless.

"By the way, don't follow me anymore, and don't bother me, or I don't mind sending the three of you to the hospital at all." Jiang Chen said, pulling Ding Lingling and leaving.

"Tong Zhi, why are you joining in the fun? If it weren't for you, Young Master Jiang would have agreed to my invitation from the Guan family." As soon as Jiang Chen left, Guan Shan grinned and said.

"I came first, okay?" Tong Zhi felt that he was wronged, and in order to establish friendship with Jiang Chen, he even got beaten up.

"What's the use of you coming first? I still worship Young Master Jiang as my teacher first, and Young Master Jiang didn't accept me as an apprentice." Guan Shan said.

"That only shows that you are too bad." Tong Zhi said seriously.

"Okay, stop arguing." Guan He interrupted the argument between the two.

"Guan He, what's your attitude, don't think that I'm afraid of you because you have a lot of people." Tong Zhi was a little unhappy.

Guan He ignored Tong Zhi lazily, waved to Guan Shan, and said, "Let's go back to Tiannan City."

"I'm going back now? Young Master Jiang didn't agree, so why go back to do business?" Guan Shan asked.

Guan He frowned, and glanced at Tong Zhi again. At this moment, Tong Zhi happened to be looking at Guan He too. Their eyes met in mid-air, and Guan He's brows relaxed accordingly. His brow furrowed slightly.

"Tong Zhi, what do you think?" Guan He asked.

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything." Tong Zhi said shaking his head.

Grinning and chuckling, Guan He said, "No wonder the Tong family sent you to Yilan City."

"What kind of charades are you two playing? Why can't I understand a word?" Guan Shan asked in wonder.

"It's nothing, let's go." Guan He shook his head.

"Don't worry, how about finding a place to have a drink or two?" Tong Zhi suggested.

After hesitating for a while, Guan He finally nodded.


Shopping is the same as picking up girls, there are undoubtedly ways to go.

If a man, when invited by a woman to go shopping, naively regards shopping as walking on the road or going shopping, then he is definitely not really naive, but stupid.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't make such a mistake. After shopping for a while, he took Ding Lingling to drink milk tea, then went to the mall to buy two clothes, and then took Ding Lingling to a high-end western restaurant to eat. a meal.

Originally, there was still an option to watch a movie, but Ding Lingling was on leave and had to go to work in the afternoon, so she had to cancel it.

But despite the cancellation, Jiang Chen still drove Ding Lingling to the police station in a gentlemanly manner.

"Little girl, thank you for today." Ding Lingling got off the car, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Ding Lingling waved her little hand.

"Do you know what I thank you for?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't know, why should I know?" Ding Lingling rolled her eyes, closed the car door and left.

Seeing Ding Lingling walk away, Jiang Chen couldn't help but chuckle.

Not to mention, Jiang Chen's behavior with Ding Lingling today was indeed quite mischievous, but if it was any other woman by his side, Jiang Chen would not have such behavior.

Just because she is Ding Lingling.

A simple and somewhat idiotic little woman, of course, this is definitely not derogatory, but commendatory.

Ever since Jiang Chen fought Na Ajian, there has been a suffocation in his chest. Last night, Lan Xiu noticed that suffocation. She deliberately asked him to stay overnight, and even made such a bold move, but it was only relieved. Not fully released.

And with Ding Lingling, the suffocation was completely released.

This is why Jiang Chen would say thank you.

Perhaps Ding Lingling really didn't know why he said thank you, but one word of being polite was enough to express everything.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and called Brother Dao, "Xiaodao, buy me a bouquet of roses, the kind with 99 roses, and send it to the police station as soon as possible."

Just after finishing the phone call, Jiang Chen heard the sound of knocking on the window glass in his ears...

(End of this chapter)

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