genius evil

Chapter 372 The road sees injustice and draws a knife to help

Chapter 372 The road sees injustice and draws a knife to help
"No distinction, no money." Jiang Chen said.

"You obviously made a lot of money." Ding Lingling looked like I was blind.

"I really don't have any money, because I want to use the money to buy something." Jiang Chen said.

"No, why do you spend the money that should have been given to me to buy things." Ding Lingling was also unhappy.

It's not impossible for Jiang Chen to buy things, first give her the money that should be distributed to her, and then let Jiang Chen buy the rest of the money, otherwise she will definitely not want it.

"Just because the thing I want to buy is for you." Jiang Chen said without denying it.

"Ah, what do you want to buy for me?" Ding Lingling was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, and dragged Ding Lingling into a shoe store not far away.

"What size shoes do you wear?" Jiang Chen asked.

"36." Ding Lingling said shyly.

She didn't expect that what Jiang Chen wanted to give her was a pair of shoes.

When she was chasing the thief, one of the heels of the high heels she wore stumbled, which affected her walking a bit, but she didn't notice this detail, but Jiang Chen did.

"Jiang Chen, is the reason you want to sell flowers just to buy me a pair of shoes?" Ding Lingling asked in a low voice.

"The reason for selling flowers is that I don't have enough money in my pocket to buy a pair of shoes." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Jiang Chen--" Ding Ling wished he could bite Jiang Chen. Couldn't this guy be a little more romantic?Fulfilling her teenage fantasies a bit?
Even if you really don't have enough money, you can lie to her, anyway, she won't expose it.

"I'm just kidding you, you shouldn't be serious." Jiang Chen laughed.

"I just took it seriously." Ding Ling said angrily, put on a pair of high heels brought by the clerk, walked in front of the mirror, looked left and right.

Walking out of the shoe store wearing new shoes, Ding Lingling seemed to remember something, and said, "Jiang Chen, how much did you pay for these shoes?"

"599." Jiang Chen said.

"Then how much did you earn from selling flowers just now?" Ding Lingling asked again.

"588." Jiang Chen said again.

"It means that you bought me this pair of shoes for only one yuan?" Ding Lingling's face turned dark all of a sudden, and the touch in her heart disappeared in an instant.

"It's not about money." Jiang Chen argued.

"It's about money." Ding Ling was so angry that he wanted to die.

This was buying flowers, selling flowers, and then buying shoes. For a long time, Jiang Chen was just empty-handed. He didn't spend any money, and he just coaxed her around.

No, it's not that I didn't spend a penny, but I spent a dollar.

But can spending a dollar count as spending money?
"I don't want to spend your money, I'll give you one dollar back." Angrily, Ding Lingling took out a one-dollar coin from the small bag she was carrying, and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"I have to explain, I'm not a stingy man." Jiang Chen took the coin, stuffed it into his pocket, and said seriously.

"You're not stingy, so you spent a dollar for me?" Ding Lingling rolled her eyes.

"What, it only cost one yuan? You want to pick up girls for one yuan?" But at this moment, a mocking voice came over.

While talking, a woman approached, looked Ding Lingling up and down, and said, "Sister, let me tell you that you absolutely cannot want a stingy man."

"It has nothing to do with you." Ding Lingling said angrily.

"It's nothing to do with me. I'm called the road sees injustice, and I draw my sword to help." The woman said.

"It's as if it's true. You told me not to want it. When I really don't want it, you must snatch Jiang Chen away as soon as possible." Ding Lingling rolled her eyes.

"Sister, why are you talking?" The woman was unhappy.

"Stop pretending, you think I don't know that you came here on purpose to strike up a conversation... stingy? Why are you stingy? Do you understand romance?" Ding Lingling said.

"Romantic?" The woman swallowed.

"You really don't know what romance is." Ding Lingling said proudly.

"But you also said that he is very mean." The woman felt innocent.

"Duplicity, don't you understand? My name is coquettish. You don't even understand romance. You don't have a boyfriend at first glance, and you don't know what coquettish is." Ding Lingling said in a persuasive manner as someone who has been there.

"I don't understand." The woman didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Little girl, I'm really touched, you still know me best." Jiang Chen sighed and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I lied, do you really believe me?" Ding Lingling glared at Jiang Chen.

what is this called?
This means that Xiangnei must settle the outside world first, and resolve the external conflicts first, and the internal conflicts between her and Jiang Chen will be settled later.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, but the woman just started giggling coquettishly, leaning forward and backward laughing straight, even tears were about to come out of her eyes.

"Wonderful flowers match strange flowers, Jiang Chen, you and this elder sister are really a match made in heaven, a match made in heaven, if the two of you are not together, it will be intolerable." The woman said with a smile.

"Am I that good?" Ding Lingling touched her face, a little embarrassed.

"I can assure you, sister, you are really nice, gentle and beautiful, with big breasts and a big butt, and your waist is so thin, I'm a woman, I almost fell in love with you." The woman complimented.

"You bloody liar." Ding Lingling cursed.

Ding Lingling thinks that she is beautiful and has a thin waist, but she is gentle, and has big breasts and big buttocks. Are you really talking about her?
"Little girl, you are right, this woman is a liar full of lies." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, I'm helping you pick up girls." The woman said angrily.

"Miss Wu Qingya, thank you for helping me pick up girls." Jiang Chen said solemnly, the woman who appeared suddenly was Wu Qingya.

"I already helped you pick up girls, how can you say I'm a liar?" Wu Qingya was dissatisfied.

"It wasn't Jiang Chen who said you were a liar, it was me who said you were a liar." Ding Lingling corrected.

"I'm not." Wu Qingya said.

"Don't argue, you are." Ding Lingling pointed at Wu Qingya with a finger, and said without doubt.

"Sister, I'm really not a liar, but it's true that a certain person is a liar. I didn't mention anyone else, but Jiang Chen." Wu Qingya said leisurely.

"Why is he a liar?" Ding Lingling asked suspiciously.

"He lied to your feelings, played with your feelings, what is he if he is not a liar? Sister, you must not know, I saw Jiang Chen with another woman at noon yesterday." Wu Qingya looked kind. .

"Jiang Chen, is what she said true?" Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen.

Touching his nose and giving a wry smile, Jiang Chen was about to speak, but before he could speak, he heard Ding Lingling say: "Wu Qingya, right? Even if what you said is true, so what, do you think such a clumsy person like you Will I fall for the trick of sowing discord?"

"I'm worried that you will be cheated." Wu Qingya said speechlessly.

"If you don't have anything to show courtesy, you can either rape or steal." Ding Lingling snorted coldly.

Wu Qingya almost went crazy, what's the matter.

It's fine that Jiang Chen doesn't like to play cards according to common sense, but this Ding Lingling is also like this. Normally, in this situation, shouldn't Ding Lingling transform into an angry lioness in a second?
"Jiang Chen stepped on two boats, don't you mind?" Wu Qingya asked with black lines all over her head.

"Excuse me, but what does it matter to you?" Ding Lingling asked curiously.

"I...I...I just can't understand this kind of thing." Wu Qingya said loudly.

"Sure enough, he is a liar full of lies." Ding Lingling pointed at the four strong men following Wu Qingya, with an expression that you can be blind, but don't think I am blind.

"I, Wu Qingya, have always disliked this kind of beast that plays with women's feelings. I told you what are you four doing in a daze, so hurry up and teach this beast a lesson." Wu Choking on Qingya's words, she ordered.

Wu Qingya was originally out for shopping, so she didn't expect to meet Jiang Chen, but since she met, she naturally had to find Jiang Chen's troubles.

Originally, it would be the best situation if Ding Lingling, who could be provoked, made a fuss, but the problem is, Ding Lingling doesn't take the bait at all.

In this way, she can only do it herself.

"Stop, everyone, who dares to touch my brother." But at this time, a loud shout rang out, followed by a figure running fast, who else could be there except Tong Zhi.

I saw Tong Zhi spread his hands apart, stood in front of Jiang Chen, and said righteously: "Who dares to touch my brother, ask me if Tong Zhi is there, unless I am dead, otherwise you don't want to touch my brother!" Hair."

"Where is the insanity coming from, get out of here." Wu Qingya said angrily.

"How did you speak? You'd better be more polite." Tong Zhi glared at Jiang Chen, then turned his neck and said to Jiang Chen, "Brother, let me handle the matter here, you go first."

"Are you an idiot?" Jiang Chen laughed amusedly.

"Brother, this is your fault. I call loyalty first. Maybe you don't know that I have no other advantages. The only thing I have is loyalty." Tong Zhi said righteously.

"Beat this guy like a pig's head." Wu Qingya couldn't bear it anymore and ordered.

Those four people immediately rushed forward, punching and kicking Tong Zhi, and 2 minutes later, Tong Zhi lay on the ground crying and howling, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he really turned into a pig's head.

"Brother, why don't you leave." Tong Zhi said sobbingly.

"I'm waiting for you to die, they are stepping on your corpse to deal with me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Brother, you are too disrespectful." Tong Zhi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"That's right, Jiang Chen, you're too disrespectful, how can you be like this." Wu Qingya said with a strange expression.

"Don't force me." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"What's wrong with me forcing you?" Wu Qingya had a complacent expression on her face.

"If you force me, then I will show loyalty." Jiang Chen looked reluctant.

As he was speaking, Jiang Chen suddenly made a move, punching and kicking, and soon, the four people brought by Wu Qingya turned into pig heads one by one, lying on the ground, howling like ghosts and wolves...

(End of this chapter)

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