genius evil

Chapter 375 People with mental illness cannot drink

Chapter 375 People with mental illness cannot drink
The voice of speaking like that is lazy and full of sarcasm.

Following the sound, at a glance, Wu Menghua's eyes narrowed slightly.Come on, who else can there be except Jiang Chen.

Attracted by the sound, Lan Xiu and Wu Qingya's eyes also fell on Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, can you still have some qualities, why are you scolding my brother for no reason? You have to apologize to my brother and ask for my forgiveness!" Wu Qingya said in displeasure with the corners of her lips curled.

"I didn't scold him, I just told a fact. Hiding disease and avoiding medical treatment is the worst thing." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You are sick." Wu Qingya said bitterly.

"That's right, you are indeed sick, but it's just a minor illness. As for what kind of illness it is, I won't talk about it. After all, it's really embarrassing for a girl to have this kind of illness." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Why am I sick?" Hearing Jiang Chen's serious words, Wu Qingya was taken aback, and said immediately.

"Don't you know if you are sick?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"I'm fine. I can eat, drink, sleep and play. Why am I sick? Jiang Chen, I warn you, if you don't speak clearly tonight, I'll never end with you." Wu Qingya said angrily.

"You have athlete's foot." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"Ah—" Wu Qingya looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

"Athlete's foot is indeed a minor illness. It doesn't prevent you from eating, drinking, playing and sleeping, as long as you don't take off your shoes and socks anywhere...I should have made it very clear when I said this, right?" Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Stop talking." Wu Qingya yelled.

Beriberi is not a disease, it stinks to death.

Wu Qingya did have athlete's foot, and it wasn't serious. She had been taking acupuncture and taking medicine for treatment, and she was almost on the mend.

Logically speaking, this is just a trivial matter.

However, a beautiful woman who is as beautiful as a flower is openly said to have beriberi, how can Wu Qingya suffer, she is so embarrassed that she can't just dig a hole in the ground and forget it.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, anyway, it has nothing to do with me... But now, you should believe that this gentleman is out of his mind." Jiang Chen pointed at Wu Menghua and said calmly .

"My brother is fine, don't curse him." Wu Qingya said, but there was an inexplicable guilty conscience in that voice.

When Jiang Chen said that she was also sick, Wu Qingya dismissed it, thinking that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, and then, Jiang Chen insisted that she had athlete's foot, and Wu Qingya realized that Jiang Chen was not talking nonsense .

In this way, when Jiang Chen insisted that Wu Menghua was mentally ill, Wu Qingya was not so sure whether Wu Menghua was really mentally ill.

"Jiang Chen, don't play tricks in front of me. Do you think I will believe your lies?" Displeased, Wu Menghua said in a deep voice.

"It's hard to be a good person. It's fine if you don't believe it, and I have no obligation to ask you to believe it." Jiang Chen held up Lan Xiu's little hand and said, "Xiao Xiuxiu, in this box , two people are sick, you must not be infected, please leave quickly. "

Lan Xiu was somewhat dumbfounded.

Lan Xiu knew about Jiang Chen's medical skills. Her migraine was cured by Jiang Chen.

However, even if Jiang Chen saw that Wu Qingya had beriberi, Lan Xiu still didn't believe that Wu Menghua was really mentally ill.

One must know, what is Wu Menghua's identity, a minor illness and a minor calamity will alarm many people, if he is really ill, how could he still run around the world?
"Jiang Chen, since you're here, why leave in such a hurry?" Jiang Chen wanted to leave, but it was not so easy for Wu Menghua to let Jiang Chen go.

Furthermore, for this meal, his original intention was to invite Jiang Chen, and after he failed to invite Jiang Chen, he changed to invite Lan Xiu.

But the purpose of inviting Lan Xiu was actually for Jiang Chen.

Wu Menghua can be sure that once Lan Xiu goes to the appointment, Jiang Chen will definitely show up. In the end, as expected, Jiang Chen will show up.

This is also the reason why Wu Menghua didn't have any surprises when he saw Jiang Chen appear.

"Don't let me go, could it be that you plan to buy me a drink?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Then, without waiting for Wu Menghua to speak, Jiang Chen said again: "It's just that even if you invite me to drink, I don't plan to stay. This drinking is the atmosphere. I drink alone, so boring."

"Jiang Chen, you are going too far, isn't my brother a human?" Wu Qingya said angrily.

"Well, have you forgotten what I said? People with mental illnesses should not drink alcohol, otherwise, they will be at their own peril." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Brother, show him a glass of wine." Wu Qingya really couldn't stand Jiang Chen anymore.

"Don't." Jiang Chen hastily waved his hand.

"Brother, hurry up and drink." Wu Qingya urged.

Wu Menghua was a little moved. To prove that Jiang Chen was running the train with his mouth full, the easiest way was for him to drink.

"Okay, I'll have a drink first, but I want to see if I can drink." Wu Menghua said coldly.

While talking, Wu Menghua picked up the red wine bottle and poured some wine into the glass in front of him. After the wine was poured, Wu Menghua picked up the glass, glanced at Jiang Chen, tilted his neck, and drank the wine.

Following Wu Menghua's drinking action, both Lan Xiu and Wu Qingya's attention were attracted.

Neither of the two daughters believed that Wu Menghua was sick and mentally unable to drink, but now that Wu Menghua had already drunk, whether he could drink or not would soon be proven.

But no one saw it. The moment Wu Menghua raised his neck, Jiang Chen flicked his finger, and a silver needle sank into Wu Menghua's body.

"Jiang Chen, my brother is already drinking. Didn't you say that he can't drink? Open your eyes and see clearly, is my brother okay?" Seeing Wu Menghua put down the glass, Wu Qingya said triumphantly.


But as soon as Wu Qingya's words fell, Wu Menghua's face suddenly flushed red with white in the red, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of filth.

Then, his body shook for a while, Wu Menghua's feet went limp, and he fell headfirst to the ground, twitching non-stop, as if suffering from epilepsy.

"Wu Qingya, are you sure you have seen clearly, is this called being able to drink?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"Brother...Brother, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Wu Menghua fall to the ground helplessly, Wu Qingya still had the desire to argue with Jiang Chen, so she rushed over.

"Jiang Chen, who is he?" Lan Xiu was also stunned.

"It's just that the brain is sick." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense there, save people quickly." Wu Qingya said anxiously, thinking that since Jiang Chen saw that Wu Menghua had a mental illness, there should be a way to cure it.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing left to cure." Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

"Impossible. My brother has been fine before. How can he say that he is sick and there is no cure." Wu Qingya couldn't accept this fact.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished my sentence yet. Although there is no cure, I won't die. It's just lying in a hospital bed for decades. Anyway, your Wu family sounds very rich. It's not a big deal." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Wu Qingya's eyes were red and she almost cried.

What does Jiang Chen mean by this? Is he telling her that Wu Menghua has become a vegetable.

Lying on a hospital bed for decades, what is the difference between that and a dead person?
"Jiang Chen, you lied to me, right? You must have a way, right?" Wu Qingya, who had difficulty accepting the reality, said sobbing.

"I can't see that there is such a deep relationship between you brothers and sisters. I'm really touched." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

"Jiang Chen, you mean, you have a solution, right?" Wu Qingya said quickly.

"No, even though I'm very moved, I really can't help it... Let's just let it go." Shaking his head and pretending to sigh, Jiang Chen pulled Lan Xiu and was about to leave the box.

Just as the two turned around, they saw a figure appearing suddenly.

Along with that person's appearance, the dangerous aura instantly made Jiang Chen's back slightly tense.

It was a middle-aged man with a long sword on his back. He was dressed similarly to Ah Jian who Jiang Chen had dealt with before, but undoubtedly, this man had an extremely sharp aura, just like the long sword behind him. !

This was the first feeling this person gave Jiang Chen.

Seeing Wu Menghua lying on the ground twitching non-stop, the middle-aged man frowned suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Miss, what happened?"

"My brother drank a glass of wine, and then he became like this." Wu Qingya explained in a panic.

"Wine?" The middle-aged man glanced at the table, walked over, grabbed the bottle of red wine, sniffed it up to his nose, and took another sip of wine into his mouth.

"Alcohol is fine." The middle-aged man said.

"Uncle Hua, don't worry about other things, take my brother to the hospital first." Wu Qingya said anxiously.

The middle-aged man nodded, walked over and picked Wu Menghua up, and took Wu Qingya away. At this time, the middle-aged man seemed to have just discovered the existence of Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu, and his eyes fell on Jiang Chen. With a deep look of inquiry.

Those gazes were like swords, like one glance, could easily see through Jiang Chen, carrying an extremely strong color of oppression.

People who are slightly weaker in concentration may feel trembling immediately after being looked at by this person, but Jiang Chen is naturally not among them.

Unconcerned, Jiang Chen allowed the middle-aged man to look at him, and looked at the middle-aged man indifferently.

"Miss, is this person Jiang Chen?" The middle-aged man asked, looking at Jiang Chen.

"Yes, he is Jiang Chen." Wu Qingya said in a daze, not understanding why the middle-aged man would ask such a question.

"Jiang Chen, you'd better bless you, today's matter has nothing to do with you." The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and hurried away with Wu Menghua in his arms, but he didn't notice it, and just passed by Jiang Chen At the time, Jiang Chen took a silver needle from Wu Menghua's body.

"What a strong aura, the four major families in the capital really deserve their reputation." Looking at the back of the middle-aged man leaving, Jiang Chen murmured in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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