genius evil

Chapter 376

Chapter 376
As night falls, the whole city of Yilan City is brightly lit.

On the road, a black Elantra was driving slowly.

Lan Xiu was sitting on the co-pilot seat, looking quite absent-minded. She turned her head for a while to look at the scenery outside the car window, and then turned her head to look at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you did it, right?" After hesitating for a while, Lan Xiu finally asked this question.

It's no wonder that Lan Xiu has such doubts. The main reason is that Wu Menghua's illness is so weird.

People with mental illness can't drink alcohol?

What kind of disease is this?It sounded more like swearing.

But the end result was that after Wu Menghua drank a glass of wine, his whole body was a bit out of control. Thinking about Jiang Chen's every move, even though he still didn't know what happened, Lan Xiu still had this problem. Suspect.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded, not hiding anything.

"What is the probability that this matter will be found out?" Immediately, Lan Xiu asked again.

Slightly stunned, Jiang Chen looked at Lan Xiu, took a few glances, and couldn't help laughing.

"I thought you would say that I've caused a catastrophe." Jiang Chen said teasingly.

"It's a catastrophe, what's the difference if you say it or not?" Helplessly, Lan Xiu said.

She could only pray now, the Wu family couldn't find out that Jiang Chen had tampered with it, otherwise, the consequences would definitely not be something Jiang Chen could bear.

It was precisely because of this concern that Lan Xiu asked such a question that sounded a bit unbelievable.

"Don't worry, it won't be found out." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"That's good." A little relieved, Lan Xiu's mind relaxed a lot.

"Don't ask, why did I do something to Wu Menghua?" Jiang Chen said at this time.

"Ah—" Lan Xiu froze for a moment.

"For you." Jiang Chen said affectionately.

Lan Xiu's face turned red and hot in an instant. This incident was indeed caused by her. If it wasn't for her, there would be no intersection between Jiang Chen and Wu Menghua, let alone conflict.

However, when these words came out of Jiang Chen's mouth so directly and without concealment, how could it be so awkward?
Rubbing her face with her hands, Lan Xiu said, "Wu Menghua invited me to dinner tonight, actually, it's for you, right?"

"Probably because he is not convinced." Jiang Chen said.

"Unconvinced?" Lan Xiu was puzzled.

"Well, during the daytime today, I met him. He said he invited me to dinner, but I refused, so..." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said lightly.

Lan Xiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she also knew that Jiang Chen said this on purpose to relieve her psychological pressure.

After being silent for a while, Lan Xiu whispered, "Jiang Chen, thank you for doing these things for me."

"That's it?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xiu asked in astonishment.

"Next, shouldn't you continue to say that the little girl is grateful, and there is no way to repay her, only a promise with her body?" Jiang Chen pretended to be surprised and said.

"Don't say it." Lan Xiu said angrily, the good atmosphere was destroyed by Jiang Chen just like this.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, if you have something to say, you should say it clearly. If you don't say it, how can I understand your whole heart?" Jiang Chen taught earnestly.

Lan Xiu was good at covering her face with her hands, she simply didn't understand why no matter what she said, in the end, she would end up being molested by Jiang Chen?
"Well, Xiao Xiuxiu, I understand, you didn't say it because you were embarrassed, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Are you embarrassed?" Lan Xiu thought in her heart.

With the current relationship between her and Jiang Chen, how could she be embarrassed to say such a thing, besides, she had already agreed with her body.

This man, seemingly calm and calm, solved the trouble for her, but in fact, he caused himself a whole lot of trouble. In this matter, Lan Xiu is not unappreciative, nor is he unmoved.

But she is a rational woman after all, and she knows the possible consequences of this matter, and she has already made up her mind that if the Wu family angers Jiang Chen, she will bear the consequences with all her strength.

In this case, it is really unspeakable.


Inside Yilan Middle School, beside the Weiming Lake, the breeze blows.

The weather was already quite hot, but Jiang Chen was still sleeping soundly lying on the grass. The hot weather seemed to have no effect on him at all.

When the cell phone rang, Jiang Chen yawned, took out his cell phone to check the time, and finally answered the call, and said angrily: "Student Jiang Yanyan, don't you know that disturbing people's dreams is the world's The most unforgivable sin?"

"Jiang Chen, why don't you be so lazy, it's almost ten o'clock, and you're still sleeping, get up quickly, I need to find you." Jiang Yanyan said carelessly on the other end of the phone.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

Naturally, it was impossible to tell Jiang Yanyan that he didn't sleep well last night, and the reason why he didn't sleep well was that Lan Xiu was too crazy.

Lan Xiu's body is inconvenient, but a woman who puts down her figure always has other ways to please the man she loves, especially when she thinks of the sexy outfit that Lan Xiu wore last night, deep in Jiang Chen's heart, it is irresistible Yes, it became slightly hot again.

"Although Xiao Xiuxiu has worked very hard, it's still not enough. That sexy outfit is too conservative." Jiang Chen muttered in his heart, thinking that Lan Xiu could be bolder and more open.

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone, come to the classroom." Jiang Yanyan said, before Jiang Chen could refuse, she hung up the phone.

The college entrance examination is approaching day by day, and the psychological pressure of the candidates is increasing day by day. Even in ordinary times, no matter how much you don’t like to study, no matter how much you don’t take your studies seriously, feeling this atmosphere, you are also Become a lot more honest and law-abiding.

Of course, Jiang Chen was not among them.

He is an outlier, but it is absolutely impossible for the students to emulate envy and envy. After all, not everyone is like Jiang Chen, who can ignore a major event related to his own future and destiny. .

When Jiang Chen appeared in the classroom, the class bell had just rang, but this class was a self-study class, and there was no teacher.

"Jiang Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time." Upon seeing Jiang Chen, someone said something, causing a group of students to roar with laughter.

"Yeah, long time no see, I almost forgot that I'm actually a student." Jiang Chen smiled.

"You don't even look at it, your whole body looks like a student." Jiang Yanyan sneered.

Jiang Chen lowered his head, looked himself up and down, took out his phone again, looked at his face in the mirror, and said unwillingly, "Although I'm handsome, why don't I look like a student?"

"Shameless." Jiang Yanyan pouted.

"Am I handsome?" Raising his voice, Jiang Chen said loudly in front of the whole class.


"Too handsome!"


A group of students booed one after another and said cheerfully.

In the past, Jiang Chen was the most insignificant existence in the third and third classes of high school. He was unknown and inconspicuous. If he had the guts to say that he was too handsome, he would definitely get a lot of stares.

But the current situation is naturally different.

After Jiang Chen broke through the fourth layer of Body Tempering, his height and appearance had undergone tremendous changes, especially the temperament on Jiang Chen's body. Cool, which is hard to find in peers.

Very stylish, very handsome, especially for some little girls, it has a fatal attraction.

No, when a group of students were booing, there were a few girls among them who yelled very loudly, staring at Jiang Chen like that.

"You're so handsome, you're all blind." Jiang Yanyan cursed endlessly.

Moreover, what kind of eyes do those girls have when they look at Jiang Chen? Even if Jiang Chen is really handsome, what's the matter with being a nympho in broad daylight?

"Student Jiang Yanyan, this only shows that the eyes of the masses are discerning." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"I'm lazy to talk nonsense with you. I didn't ask you to come here to play tricks. I have something to tell you. An Qi said that she plans to organize her classmates to go hiking in the afternoon. Are you going?" Jiang Yanyan changed the topic and said.

"Mountain climbing?" Jiang Chen looked at Xu Anqi.

Xu Anqi said softly: "The college entrance examination is coming soon, and everyone is under a lot of psychological pressure. Climb the mountain to relax a little."

"You can have this." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Are you going?" Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Go, of course, I like mountain climbing the most." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

The matter of climbing the mountain was settled like this, and the students continued their self-study. Jiang Chen, who had the patience to stay in the classroom, continued to go back to sleep by the Weiming Lake.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, after dinner, two buses left Yilan Middle School and headed towards the eastern suburbs of Yilan City.

These are organized by Xu Anqi personally. It is one thing for a group of students to go climbing to relax. The second is that this is the last group activity in the class in high school. Therefore, every detail of Xu Anqi is well prepared. Carefully, even every student has prepared snacks and mineral water.

After about an hour and a half drive, the car stopped at the foot of a mountain in the eastern suburbs.

The weather was fine, and the students were also full of interest. After getting off the bus, a group of people began to climb the mountain.

"Jiang Chen, you carry this bag." Jiang Yanyan struggled to drag a big bag out of the bus.

"What?" Jiang Chen weighed it, it was quite heavy.

"Barbecue things, when everyone is tired from playing, we will barbecue on the mountain. I paid for it." Jiang Yanyan raised her neck and said, with a look of complimenting me, praise me, hurry up.

"You're so stingy." Jiang Chen looked disgusted.

Jiang Yanyan almost broke out, Jiang Chen didn't praise her and let it go, but he even said that she was too stingy, he was about to drive her to death.

"You said that you are a little rich woman, and you are not short of money. You only bought such a few things, and they are not enough for me to eat alone. What is it if you are not stingy?" Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Jiang Chen, I'll fight with you." Jiang Yanyan couldn't take it anymore, she threw her teeth and claws at Jiang Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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