genius evil

Chapter 378 Looks Like a Watermelon

Chapter 378 Looks Like a Watermelon

A group of students in the ivory tower, who had never experienced such a thing before, looked at those ferocious faces, and they were all shocked.

"Students, don't listen to them. We have a lot of people. If we unite, we don't need to be afraid of them. At worst, we will fight with them." Pushing his glasses, Li Nengchao summoned up his courage and said loudly.

"Four-eyed boy, you are fucking looking for death." The watermelon-headed man stared at Li Nengchao, his eyes were extremely dark.

It's just a group of students, all of them are docile like little sheep, they are definitely the best targets for robbery, Xiguatou never thought that Li Nengchao would say such a thing.

"You are breaking the law." Li Nengchao said in a muffled voice.

"Breaking the law? Are you joking?" The man with the watermelon head laughed out loud. When he smiled, the other two who appeared with him also laughed wantonly.

"Leave quickly, or I will call the police." Li Nengchao said loudly with his face flushed.

"Okay, call the police." The watermelon-headed man said indifferently.

Just kidding, from the urban area to the Goddess Mountain, and then to climb the halfway up the Goddess Mountain, no matter how fast the police dispatch, not to mention an hour, half an hour is still needed.

He wasn't worried at all that someone would call the police. Half an hour was enough for him to complete a perfect robbery.

"Quick, call the police with your mobile phone." Li Nengchao said immediately.

The rest of the students looked at each other in blank dismay. They were afraid of the knife in the watermelon head man's hand, so they dared to call the police. Otherwise, if they were stabbed, there would be no reason for them.

"Report your mother to the police, boy, I think you are impatient?" The watermelon-haired man was displeased, and raised his hand to slap Li Nengchao on the face.

Li Nengchao staggered under the pumped feet, and almost fell to the ground, leaving several deep fingerprints on his face.

"Is there anyone else who wants to call the police?" After slapping Li Nengchao, his eyes turned to other students, and the watermelon-headed man said sinisterly.

No one dared to speak up, Li Nengchao's fate is a lesson from the past.

"No, right? If not, hurry up and hand over your phone and wallet. I don't have the patience to accompany you." Seeing that the fire was almost ready, the watermelon-headed man said coldly.

As the watermelon-headed man finished speaking, the other two took out a bag each, intending to put the phone and wallet into the bag after collecting them later.

"Squad Leader Xu, do you want to eat watermelon?" But at this moment, a rather uncoordinated voice rang out.

Jiang Chen and the others had already walked over.

The three of them saw clearly what happened on the ground in Xiaoping.

The two daughters were a little angry, they were too bold to rob in broad daylight.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Xu Anqi was stunned for a moment, and said, "What watermelon?"

"Squad leader Xu, take a closer look, does that guy look like a watermelon?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, pointing at the man with the watermelon head.

Xu Anqi just looked at the man with the watermelon head. Not only did he cut off a watermelon head, but his whole body was also round. He really looked like a watermelon.

"Jiang Chen, can you be more disgusting and stop people from eating watermelon?" Before Xu Anqi could speak, Jiang Yanyan yelled in dissatisfaction.

"Shut up." The watermelon-headed man was angry, pointed at Jiang Chen and said, "Boy, get the hell out of here."

"Walk over there?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

"Come here as soon as I tell you, stop talking nonsense." The watermelon-headed man said impatiently.

"Aside from a fruit phone, I only have 1 yuan in change in my wallet. I'm very poor." Jiang Chen said.

The watermelon-headed man's eyes lit up, and he looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot, and laughed out loud.

A fruit mobile phone costs 1 yuan, which is a blessing in disguise for the man with the watermelon head.

You know, how much money can a group of high school students have?

The watermelon-headed man didn't expect to grab much money this time, so he just had a good time, and mixed up the money for a drink by the way. Who knew, this guy who came out of nowhere turned out to be a winner.

"Hand over your phone and wallet, and I can pretend that I didn't hear what you just said." The man with the watermelon head said.

"I didn't seem to say anything, did I? I just said, you just look like a watermelon." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Looking for death." The watermelon-headed man was very annoyed. Why is this guy so clueless? He can't understand human words or something.

"But, you really look like a watermelon." Jiang Chen felt innocent, and for some reason appeared in front of the watermelon-headed man, stretched out a finger, and knocked on the watermelon-headed man's head.

"It turned out to be a raw melon." After knocking it, Jiang Chen said suddenly.

The watermelon-headed man's complexion changed, he took a few steps back in a panic, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost. He didn't even see how Jiang Chen walked in front of him. Jiang Chen just appeared in front of him, and he was good at Hit him on the head.

"Raw melons mean idiots. How about this, you three, leave all the valuables on your body, and then each slap yourself ten times in the face. Today, this matter is considered a write-off." Lightly, Jiang Chen said.

"Who are you scolding?"

"Don't die, right?"


As soon as Jiang Chen said this, the two people who appeared with the watermelon-headed man quit immediately, and the two of them geared up and threatened.

"Boy, what do you mean by what you said, are you going to rob the three of us?" the watermelon-headed man said with a sullen face.

"You can rob, so of course I can." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"Do it!" The watermelon-headed man waved his hand and said angrily.

The three of them came to rob. If the robbery failed but was robbed, it would be a big joke. Although it is not very clear how Jiang Chen appeared in front of him just now, the watermelon-headed man has already decided not to let Jiang Chen Dust is better.

The two of them couldn't wait a long time ago. After hearing the sound, they flew towards Jiang Chen from left to right.

"Jiang Chen, be careful." A voice sounded, and it was Li Nengchao who spoke.

If there was any deep meaning, Jiang Chen glanced at Li Nengchao, and Jiang Chen smiled, without even looking, he kicked the two of them flying away.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen kicked the watermelon-headed man's chubby belly for the third time, and kicked the watermelon-headed man to the ground with one kick.

"I already said you're an idiot, why don't you listen to me." After kicking the watermelon-headed man over, Jiang Chen kicked the watermelon-headed man and rolled on the ground while talking. After a lap, it just rolled in front of Li Nengchao.

With a tacit understanding, Li Nengchao lifted his foot and kicked the watermelon-headed man's belly.

Li Nengchao was slapped in the face by the watermelon-headed man. The kick was not too forceful, and the watermelon-headed man who kicked him screamed loudly.

"Students, let's all do it." After kicking, Li Nengchao became excited and called other students to do it.


"Quick, hit."


Seeing that their own side had an absolute advantage, the other students jumped into action one by one, punching and kicking the three watermelon-headed men, and even those few female students who were less courageous joined in. The beating team.

After almost two minutes of beating and kicking, everyone stopped, and the three watermelon-headed men had already had bruised noses and swollen faces, and they were all howling.

After seeing him, Li Nengchao took out his mobile phone and called the police.

"How does it feel to beat someone?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"It's so cool."

"Too relieved."


The students responded one after another.

"Jiang Chen, thank you." Li Nengchao said to Jiang Chen.

Li Nengchao knew very well that Jiang Chen said that these three guys slapped themselves ten times in order to vent his anger on him. Afterwards, Jiang Chen kicked the watermelon-headed man in front of him, which was also for his convenience.

Li Nengchao was not unsurprised by Jiang Chen's actions. After all, there had been some conflicts between the two.

But compared to the accident, Li Nengchao was more grateful to Jiang Chen.

Because Jiang Chen didn't need to do this originally.

At least, Li Nengchao felt that he did not have the kindness of Jiang Chen.

"Thank you or something, let's be friends. Even though I still don't like you until now, you finally look like a man, which makes me a little bit impressed." Jiang Chen said lazily.

So many people, seven or eight classmates, when the robbers appeared, only Li Nengchao stood up, not to mention his ability, at least his courage.

"You also said that I can't just watch them being robbed of their mobile phones and wallets when they are classmates. Unfortunately, my ability is limited, and it's a bit self-defeating." Grinning, Li Nengchao said ashamedly.

"Li Nengchao, you have done a good job, we are not brave enough, I'm sorry." A boy stood up and said embarrassingly.

"Li Nengchao, thank you." The rest of the people also said one after another.

Li Nengchao may not have been able to help, but he finally stood up. Compared to them, they should feel ashamed.

They all owe Li Nengchao a thank you.

"You're're welcome..." Li Nengchao said with a happy smile, shaking his arms.

"Uh, shouldn't you thank me more?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

He is not that noble, he wants to do good deeds without leaving his name.

"Jiang Chen, thank you too." Hearing Jiang Chen say this, several students felt embarrassed, but they still expressed their gratitude to Jiang Chen.

After all, if it wasn't for Jiang Chen, their mobile phone wallets would have been taken away. Money loss is a trivial matter, but if personal safety is threatened, it is a major event.

Hearing those thank you, Jiang Chen smiled like a dog's tail.

"Jiang Chen, can't you be a little more reserved?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm already very reserved, okay...hahahaha." Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and said solemnly, "See, that's not reserved enough."

Jiang Yanyan's head was full of black lines, Xu Anqi couldn't help laughing, and the other students laughed heartily one by one...

(End of this chapter)

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