genius evil

Chapter 379 The most beautiful love chapter

Chapter 379 The most beautiful love story

The group waited for more than half an hour, and the police finally arrived and took away the three robbers. Except for Li Nengchao who volunteered to go to the police station to take notes, the rest of the group unified their opinions and decided to continue climbing the mountain.

Naturally, before continuing to climb the mountain, Jiang Chen collected the pockets of the three robbers and made a small fortune.

Encountering the robber, not only failed to affect everyone's mood, but made the atmosphere among the students more harmonious.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, several fires were lit on the top of the mountain in an open woodland. A group of students gathered around the fires and started the activity after climbing the mountain - barbecue.

The aroma soon permeates.

"Jiang Chen, this is a reward for you." Xu Anqi said softly, holding a baked chicken wing and handing it to Jiang Chen.

"Squad Leader Xu, why can't I understand what you are saying?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid, took the chicken wing, and took a big bite.

"You don't need to understand, it's for you anyway." Xu Anqi smiled slightly.

The reason why Jiang Chen was rewarded with this chicken leg was because Xu Anqi understood that what Jiang Chen did today was not just as simple as subduing the three robbers, but also soothing people's hearts in a disguised form.

Otherwise, where would there be such a joyful barbecue scene, today's mountaineering activity is doomed to end in failure, and it will even cause a bad influence in the school.

"Since Squad Leader Xu wants to reward me, may I take the liberty to make a small request?" Jiang Chen asked while eating grilled chicken wings with relish.

"What request?" Xu Anqi asked a little nervously.

"Oh, it's very simple. That's it. Can two chicken wings work? Squad leader Xu, you are so good at cooking, one chicken wing is not enough for me." Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"That's it?" Xu Anqi was dumbfounded.

"Otherwise, Squad Leader Xu, you must be delusional, right?" Jiang Chen deliberately teased.

"" Xu Anqi lowered her head, picked up another chicken wing, and started grilling it.

A master of picking up girls described a woman's shyness as the gentleness of bowing her head, the shyness of a water lotus... Jiang Chen really fell in love with Xu Anqi's shyness.

"Huh?" Just as Jiang Chen looked at Xu Anqi's blushing face with a smile, the roots of his ears suddenly moved slightly, and immediately got up biting the chicken wings, and ran towards one direction quickly.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Jiang Yanyan asked curiously.

"Pee." Responding, Jiang Chen didn't turn his head, and ran very fast, submerged in the forest.

After about 5 minutes, Jiang Chen stopped running.

In the line of sight, a figure stood there quietly, looking at him with a charming smile.

"Sleeping Beauty, do you eat chicken wings?" Jiang Chen asked with the gnawed chicken wings in his hand.

"You just invite me to eat this?" Sleeping Beauty looked at Jiang Chen strangely.

"It's delicious, take a bite if you don't believe me." Jiang Chen persuaded.

"Don't eat." Sleeping Beauty said, she saw with her own eyes that Xu Anqi had baked this chicken wing for Jiang Chen, and now Jiang Chen was going to give her this chicken wing to eat.

Just give it, but Jiang Chen has already eaten it, so she won't eat it.

"Sleeping Beauty, if you don't want to eat chicken wings, what do you want to do... Well, this place is far away from crowds, remote and quiet, Sleeping Beauty, don't be impulsive... Big deal, I will accompany you to the hotel to open a room after I go down the mountain." Jiang Chen exclaimed.

"It's been a long time since I walked around. The scenery in this place is pretty good." Sleeping Beauty pretended not to hear Jiang Chen's words, and said to herself.

"Mountains and waters are beautiful, and people are even more beautiful... I'm talking about myself." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Wu Menghua and Wu Qingya have already left Yilan City and returned to the capital." The Sleeping Beauty said suddenly, ignoring Jiang Chen's trickery.

"Well, this is correct. If you are sick, you should treat it as soon as possible. The capital is a big city, so the doctors should be much better than those in Yilan City." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, do you think it's worth it to make trouble like this for a woman?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

"Sleeping Beauty, could it be that you are jealous, so you came here specially to ask the teacher?" Blinking, Jiang Chen asked.

"A lover? Or, impulsive?" Sleeping Beauty then asked.

Smiling, Jiang Chen said, "It's just protecting my own woman."

"So simple?" Sleeping Beauty asked in astonishment.

"It's that simple." Jiang Chen said affirmatively.

The Sleeping Beauty was slightly surprised. What was surprising was that the reason Jiang Chen gave was really too simple.

It's just because Lan Xiu is his woman and needs his protection, so she doesn't care about gains and losses. This is a very naive and ridiculous reason, but from a woman's point of view, this is definitely the most beautiful love story in the world .

May I ask which woman doesn't expect the man around her to say such a thing?

Not domineering or aggressive, nor sweet talk, but simple and direct, straight to the heart!
"I suddenly understand why there are so many women around you, but you don't want to be jealous." Sleeping Beauty said with emotion.

"Sleeping Beauty, you forgot to count yourself in." Jiang Chen had to remind.

Jiang Chen doesn't care if other women are jealous, but if Sleeping Beauty is jealous, the consequences will be very serious. She is a genuine ancient martial arts practitioner, and his other women, together, are no match for Sleeping Beauty.

"I didn't say I wouldn't be jealous." Yan Ran chuckled, and Sleeping Beauty said.

"It's a good habit not to be jealous, and a good habit should be developed early." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"This counts as giving me a vaccination in advance?" Sleeping Beauty said with a half-smile.

"Um, I just think it would be nice for everyone to live in peace, go shopping, buy clothes and drink coffee. Being jealous or something is really annoying." Jiang Chen said with a guilty conscience.

"Actually, after you and Wu Menghua fell out, I've been thinking about how you would deal with it." Sleeping Beauty didn't seem to want to talk too much about this topic, so she cleverly changed the subject.

Helplessly looking at Sleeping Beauty, Jiang Chen said lightly, "You understand, it's definitely not my intention to deal with it like this."

Jiang Chen could sense that Wu Menghua had murderous intent towards him, and for an existence with murderous intent towards him, under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Jiang Chen to allow the other party to live in this world.

This time, it was an accident.

"But this is the best result. Of course, the premise is that the Wu family will not suspect that you did it." Sleeping Beauty said.

Then, without waiting for Jiang Chen to reply, Sleeping Beauty said again: "The master of the Long Sword Sect came to Yilan City in person, have you ever dealt with him?"

"Sect Master of the Long Sword Sect?" Jiang Chen asked with a slight frown, "Is that the middle-aged man with the long sword on his back?"

"His name is Hua Yunfei." Sleeping Beauty said.

"No wonder." Jiang Chen nodded.

Jiang Chen wasn't considered to have dealt with Hua Yunfei before, it was just a face-to-face meeting, but even so, Hua Yunfei still put him under a lot of pressure.

"Presumably, from this, you should have some understanding of the Wu family's background." Sleeping Beauty reminded.

"The Wu family's back~ mountain is the Long Sword Gate? But Wu Mengxiong, if I remember correctly, he doesn't use a sword. What is there to say here?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

"Then Wu Mengxiong is not a disciple of Changjianmen. Speaking of this matter, there is a rather interesting anecdote. Let me tell you, and you will know what is going on." Slightly mocking, Sleeping Beauty Said.

"It is said that when Wu Mengxiong was three years old, an old Taoist came to the Wu family. When he saw Wu Mengxiong, he felt that Wu Mengxiong was talented and intelligent, and he had a destiny with him, so he took Wu Mengxiong away. Later, when Wu Mengxiong was 15 years old, he was successful in cultivation and was able to return. Wu family, isn't this interesting?" Sleeping Beauty chuckled.

"I can't understand where the joke is." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"A practitioner of ancient martial arts cannot participate in or discuss politics, let alone be the leader of a large family." Sleeping Beauty said.

"What's the reason?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment, it's all breaking the rules.

"In the final analysis, it is just ordinary people, and the starting point of interests is different from that of ancient martial arts practitioners. Moreover, ancient martial arts practitioners are too unrestrained. Under normal circumstances, it is easy to cause large-scale damage for their own self-interest... Moreover, Practitioners of ancient martial arts must be supervised by the Tianzu, and have inherent shortcomings." Sleeping Beauty said in detail.

"In this way, doesn't it mean that Wu Menghua and Wu Mengxiong are natural enemies?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"That's right, so Wu Mengxiong's death may be a bad thing for the rest of the Wu family, but it is definitely a good thing for Wu Menghua, who is determined to take charge of the Wu family in the future. After all, Wu Mengxiong is an ancient martial artist. As a cultivator, the threat to Wu Menghua is too great... So, as long as your actions this time will not attract too much attention from the Wu family, the matter of Wu Mengxiong will not arouse suspicion." Sleeping Beauty said slowly.

"Once suspicion arises, what will happen?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If that happens, Changjianmen and Guiyuanzong where Wu Mengxiong belongs will spare no effort to obliterate you." Sleeping Beauty said solemnly.

Jiang Chen's heart trembled slightly!
When Sleeping Beauty talked about Wu Mengxiong, it was a bit like a joke, but behind this not-so-funny joke, it showed that behind the Wu family, there were actually two powerful forces standing.

One is Changjianmen, and the other is Guiyuanzong!

This is the true background of the so-called four major families in the capital.

And he, after inadvertently offending this super family once, offended him a second time. No wonder, Sleeping Beauty would come here to talk to him about this matter.

"Sleeping Beauty, you care so much about me, how do you think I should repay you? I thought about it carefully, and there is really nothing I can do to repay you. How would you like to promise you with my body?" Jiang Chen said emotionally.

Rolling his eyes, Sleeping Beauty's figure moved away lightly.

After a while, Jiang Chen's mobile phone text message rang. Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone to see that it was a text message from Sleeping Beauty, and the content of the text message was the name and room number of the hotel where Sleeping Beauty lived.

"Sleeping Beauty, I like your reserve." Jiang Chen chuckled, with a lecherous expression on his face.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with your constipated expression? You've been in the toilet for so long, you must be urinating frequently, right?" Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan looked for him at some point, looking at him with strange eyes. Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan said in a strange tone.

Jiang Chen was shocked, his face twitched, and Jiang Yanyan looked at Xu Anqi even more strangely.

"Frequent urination indicates kidney deficiency. Could this be the reason why Jiang Chen never touched Xu Anqi?"

After all, apart from this reason, Jiang Yanyan couldn't find any other reason to convince herself.

(End of this chapter)

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