genius evil

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Until the barbecue is finished, I go down the mountain and sit in the car back to school.The way Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen was still very strange.

"Student Yanyan, I warn you, even though I am handsome, you don't have to keep staring at me like this." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Why do I stare at you, don't you know?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"I know, it's because I'm so handsome." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Ouch!" Jiang Yanyan pretended to vomit.

"You said I was so handsome, and you stared at me like this, what if you accidentally fell in love with me, what should I do? We were classmates at any rate, and had a good revolutionary friendship. At that time, what should I do? Refuse, so it won't make you sad?" Jiang Chen sighed, looking very embarrassed.

"Jiang Chen, I beg you, can you show some face?" Jiang Yanyan said with a sad face.

"I'm just too embarrassing, so it's very embarrassing." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Then don't worry, even if I, Jiang Yanyan, are not wanted, I will never fall in love with you." Gritting her teeth, Jiang Yanyan said bitterly.

"Well, I can rest assured that way." Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

As for Jiang Yanyan, she was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of blood, who the hell is this.

The car arrived at Yilan Middle School, and the students got off the car one after another.

"Jiang Chen, I'm going to climb the mountain today. An Qi found the car and I bought the barbecue. You didn't sell anything. You treat dinner." Jiang Yanyan got out of the car with Xu Anqi's arm, and said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was really too irritating, Jiang Yanyan just wanted to kill Jiang Chen severely.

"But I did my best." Jiang Chen felt innocent.

Such a large bag of things, at least twenty or thirty catties, was all brought up to the mountain by himself, so why did nothing come out?
"Jiang Chen, neither Yanyan nor I are full." Xu Anqi smiled slightly.

Barbecue is a lively meal, and there are many people. Although Jiang Yanyan bought as many things as possible, there is still far from enough food for so many people.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Chen immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"A guy who forgets righteousness when he sees sex." Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly, and said to Jiang Chen with a bluffing face, "Jiang Chen, you have to treat An Qi better, and don't let her down, you know?"

"Look at what you said, when did I treat Squad Leader Xu badly?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"Anyway, you just remember what I said." Jiang Yanyan said carelessly.

Jiang Chen stretched out a hand and touched Jiang Yanyan's forehead.

Jiang Yanyan was startled, she slapped Jiang Chen's hand away, and said in a panic, "Jiang Chen, what are you doing?"

"Well, the temperature is quite normal, there is no fever, why are you talking nonsense?" Jiang Chen said to himself, and then said, "Extend your hand here, and I will diagnose your pulse."

"You're nagging, I don't know what you're talking about." Jiang Yanyan stretched out her hand in front of Xu Anqi, what if Jiang Chen scratched it?
"I can't even understand the words, this symptom is very serious." Jiang Chen was very worried.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go find something to eat." Jiang Yanyan couldn't stand Jiang Chen anymore, and yelled loudly.

Five minutes later, a black Elantra drove away from Yilan Middle School with a clear goal and headed straight for Donghai Dragon Palace Seafood Restaurant.

"Seafood?" When the car stopped in the parking lot outside the East China Sea Dragon Palace and saw the signboard of the restaurant, Jiang Yanyan's eyes lit up.

She asked Jiang Chen to treat guests to dinner, and she wanted to slaughter Jiang Chen severely. When the car was on the road, she was a little worried that Jiang Chen would take her to a cheap restaurant, but she did not expect that Jiang Chen would take her and Xu Anqi. Come to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Jiang Yanyan was overjoyed all of a sudden, she felt that Jiang Chen was too understanding, for Jiang Chen's understanding, if she didn't kill Jiang Chen harshly, she would be ashamed.

"Waiter, here are three seafood fried rice." After entering the restaurant and taking a seat, Jiang Chen greeted the waiter and said loudly.

"Australian giant lobster, double-headed abalone, arctic salmon sashimi, garlic scallops, and a baked lobster with cheese." Jiang Yanyan acted as if she hadn't heard Jiang Chen's words, and took the recipe, and read it to herself. .

Just kidding, I've come here, and I still eat seafood fried rice, that's too tasteless.

After ordering the most expensive dishes in one go, Jiang Yanyan handed the menu to Xu Anqi, and said with a smile: "Anqi, we eat green vegetables and tofu at school every day, and we are almost malnourished. You can order some dishes, too."

"Add a crab roe tofu soup, and a pan-fried mackerel." Smiling, Xu Anqi said.

"An Qi, I have eaten fried rice cakes with octopus mushrooms and mushrooms before. It tastes very good. Do you want to try it?" Jiang Yanyan suggested.

"I haven't tried it, you can try it, and I will have a kimchi and seafood pot." Xu Anqi said.

"How can you eat seafood without drinking alcohol? An Qi, do you drink red wine or rice wine?" Jiang Yanyan muttered.

"Have a bottle of red wine." Xu Anqi handed the menu to the waiting waiter and said, "That's all for now."

The waiter smiled like a flower and asked, "Miss, what kind of wine do you want?"

"Of course it's the most it too vulgar? But I drink red wine and only drink the most expensive, what should I do?" Jiang Yanyan said pretending to be embarrassed, and then blinked at the waiter.

The waiter understood, and when he looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes could not help but feel pity.

However, this is not the first time the waiter has seen this kind of thing. Every now and then, there will always be a few winners who bring beautiful women here for consumption.

Jiang Chen didn't bring a beautiful woman, but brought two times. It was obvious that he was here to be stabbed. He has always liked the beauty of an adult in this kind of thing. By the way, he can earn a large commission for the waiter. Pity is pity, then When you start, you won't be soft in the slightest.

"Seafood Fried Rice." Jiang Chen was about to cry.

"Then let's have another seafood fried rice." Xu Anqi said.

"Okay." The waiter nodded briskly and left.

"Squad leader Xu, if you don't bring someone who slaughters people like this, how can you turn your elbows out?" Jiang Chen said distressedly.

"Jiang Chen, don't you want to be so stingy? I really can't do it. I'll pay for it." Jiang Yanyan insisted.

"Success." Jiang Chen nodded quickly.

"O." Jiang Yanyan's mouth instantly opened into an O shape, and she realized that she was still too naive and not thick-skinned enough.

"Oh, I went hiking today, and I forgot to bring my wallet." Jiang Yanyan said delicately.

"Where's your wallet? I'll drive back to get it for you now." Jiang Chen said, expressing his willingness to work hard.

"I forgot again. I just spent all my pocket money. What should I do?" Jiang Yanyan was annoyed.

"Why don't you call your dad and ask him to pay the bill? If your cell phone is down, I'll lend you the cell phone?" Jiang Chen suggested kindly.

"My dad's phone is turned off." Jiang Yanyan said with a dark face, "Why don't you mortgage me here after dinner to pay off the debt?"

"That's a good idea, but the problem is, people might not like you." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Waiter... waiter... add more food here." Jiang Yanyan suddenly raised her voice and called out loudly.

An hour later, after finishing a sumptuous seafood meal, Jiang Chen's heart was bleeding when he saw the bill of consumption brought by the waiter.

Too loser.

This is not eating, it is simply burning money.

"Sir, the total consumption this time is 580 yuan." The waiter's voice was sweet.

"Can you erase the odds?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Okay." The waiter nodded.

"That's two thousand three hundred and fifty-eight yuan, right?" Jiang Chen said happily.


The waiter had black lines all over his head, while Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan felt deeply ashamed, erasing a change is not erasing a zero.

"Sir, someone has already paid for your meal." The waiter said awkwardly.

"Someone paid for it?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

"Yes." The waiter nodded, pointed to a rather well-to-do middle-aged man a little far away, and said, "That gentleman paid the bill. He said it was your friend, sir."

"Jiang Chen, that person looks so familiar, do you recognize him?" Jiang Yanyan asked curiously after walking out of the restaurant.

Originally, he wanted to kill Jiang Chen, but this knife fell on someone else. However, the seafood feast tasted very good, and Jiang Yanyan ate to her heart's content, so she didn't care about Jiang Chen.

"It looks familiar. If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be Fang Tongjun." Xu Anqi thought for a while and said.

"Fang Tongjun? The super rich man who ranks ninth on China's rich list? I also said, why does he look familiar." Jiang Yanyan yelled.

"Jiang Chen, is Fang Tongjun your friend?" Xu Anqi asked a little strangely, but she had never heard that Jiang Chen had such a friend.

"Of course not." Jiang Chen shook his head, who is Fang Tongjun, let alone a person, he has never even heard of his name.

"If you're not a friend, why would someone pay you? Could it be that he has identified the wrong person?" Jiang Yanyan said thoughtfully.

"My face is the sign. Even if he is blind, he can't recognize the wrong person... Is there a possibility that he wants to marry his daughter to me?" Jiang Chen hesitated.

"I've seen pictures of Fang Tongjun's daughter. She's not a tenth as good-looking as An Qi, and she's not a tenth as good-looking as me. Are you sure you want it?" Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

"It's not one-tenth as good-looking as Squad Leader Xu, I believe, but it's not even one-tenth as good-looking as you. How ugly is that?" Jiang Chen shuddered.

"For the sake of money, I think you can make do with it." Jiang Yanyan laughed.

"I have always been famous for being rich and not fornicating. This Fang Tongjun, who is courteous for nothing, can be raped or stolen at first glance. Even if his daughter looks like a fairy, and he gave it to me for nothing, I won't." I'll take it." Jiang Chen said in a mighty and upright manner, which was called impassioned, which attracted Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan to laugh out loud!

(End of this chapter)

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