genius evil

Chapter 382 Introduction to Comprehension

Chapter 382 Introduction to Comprehension
The next day, around nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty were having breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

"Sleeping Beauty, eat more, we still have things to do later." Jiang Chen said vaguely while he was eating.

"Still... want more?" Hearing the sound, Sleeping Beauty's delicate cheeks suddenly burned hot as if they were on fire.

Last night, this man wanted her for a whole night, as if it would never end, he asked so greedily, several times, it almost made her dizzy that she couldn't bear.

I have asked so many times, is it not enough?

"Sleeping Beauty, I didn't say I want more, I said I still have more. You can't deliberately misinterpret my words." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Is there any difference between the two?" Sleeping Beauty asked dumbfounded.

"Not only is there a difference, the difference is huge, but also, it means that we continue to do what we did last night, and what's more, we don't continue to do what we did last night, but do other things. I In this way, can you understand?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I'll eat more," Sleeping Beauty said.

Whether it is more or more, listening to Jiang Chen's meaning, Sleeping Beauty feels that it is necessary for her to eat more.Because she was a little skeptical, she probably had no time to eat other than this breakfast all day long today.

After breakfast, return to the room.

"Sleeping Beauty, what about you now, go to bed and lie down... well, take off your clothes, take off all of them." Jiang Chen ordered carelessly.

Looking at Jiang Chen with a little coquettishness, Sleeping Beauty couldn't help muttering in her heart, is there more or more?

However, he still obeyed Jiang Chen's words, took off his clothes, and lay down on the bed.

Jiang Chen followed and walked over, his eyes swept over Sleeping Beauty, and then he stroked Sleeping Beauty's body with his big hands.


Jiang Chen lowered his big hand, and Sleeping Beauty couldn't help but let out a moan.

"Is it so comfortable?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Itchy." Sleeping Beauty blushed.

"Stop making trouble." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"It's really itchy." Sleeping Beauty's big eyes looked at Jiang Chen, unknowingly, there was passion~ desire flowing in her eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing looking at me like this, I haven't even taken off my clothes." Jiang Chen yelled loudly.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Sleeping Beauty asked suspiciously.

She naturally saw that Jiang Chen didn't take off his clothes, this was what surprised her the most.

After all, according to normal logic, Jiang Chen should either take off his clothes immediately after entering the room.

Jiang Chen chuckled, but didn't answer Sleeping Beauty's question. His palm, seemingly slow but extremely fast, caressed Sleeping Beauty's delicate body.

Under that gentle touch, Sleeping Beauty's body couldn't help trembling.

Accompanied by that trembling, Sleeping Beauty even noticed that there seemed to be a strange aura flowing in the place Jiang Chen touched with his palm... flowing in her body.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Chen asked at this moment.

"Very comfortable." Sleeping Beauty said truthfully.

"It's right to be comfortable, remember this feeling." Jiang Chen nodded.

"How do you remember?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

"Of course use your body to remember." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

"Then you do it again." Sleeping Beauty begged.

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth, please, he is really doing serious things, why is this woman Mao always seducing him habitually?
However, since Sleeping Beauty had such a request, Jiang Chen, as a considerate man, would naturally not disappoint Sleeping Beauty, so Jiang Chen came again.

"Do you remember?" Jiang Chen asked, stopping his hand.

"Remember." Sleeping Beauty said seriously.

"Okay, next, you must remember every word I say in a very short time." Jiang Chen continued.

Seeing Jiang Chen's seriousness, Sleeping Beauty finally understood that there were still things to do, not more... After all, Jiang Chen hadn't taken off his clothes until now.

Seeing Sleeping Beauty like this, Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he should have dealt with this matter first last night, and then dealt with Sleeping Beauty.

Otherwise, it seems that no matter what he does now, it will easily attract Sleeping Beauty's imagination.

The most damning thing is that this woman is clearly seducing him, and she has an innocent face, which is the most deadly.

Taking a light breath, forcibly suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Jiang Chen slowly recited a formula.

As Jiang Chen read it word by word, Sleeping Beauty recited it word by word.

After Jiang Chen finished reading, he took a silver needle and stuck it on the top of Sleeping Beauty's head, and said in a low voice, "Close your eyes and meditate."

Jiang Chen's words seemed to have a strange magical power, almost as soon as his words fell, Sleeping Beauty's eyes closed involuntarily, falling into an ethereal state.

This kind of meditation lasted for about ten minutes or so. Sleeping Beauty opened her slightly closed eyes and looked at Jiang Chen in amazement. There was even a deep shock in those eyes.

"How did this happen? What's going on here?" Sleeping Beauty said in disbelief.

After falling into the ethereal state, Sleeping Beauty suddenly realized that every cell in her body seemed to be jumping, and every cell was full of infinite vitality.

Her body became extremely light, as if a tree that was about to die was nourished by the rain and dew, and it glowed with new life.

It was an unprecedented experience, almost making Sleeping Beauty think she was dreaming.

"All along, have you ever suspected that you are not actually sick?" Jiang Chen asked instead of answering Sleeping Beauty's question.

"Not sick?" Sleeping Beauty was a little confused. She had never had such doubts. If it wasn't sick, what was it?
"I can tell you now that it's not a disease, it's just a need for your body function, in other words, you've never really understood yourself, and what I'm doing now is to let you gradually understand yourself. "Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Is there anything different about my body?" Sleeping Beauty was clever and quickly grasped the point.

"It's not different, it's too different." Jiang Chen laughed.

The formula he just recited was not long, only about two hundred words, but it was a formula for self-cultivation, to be precise, it was a formula for self-cultivation aimed at a wood spirit body like Sleeping Beauty.

This is also the reason why Sleeping Beauty has just come into contact with it, so she can feel the strangeness of her body.

To put it simply, if Sleeping Beauty's body is likened to a lock, then that section of cultivation formula is the key to open the lock.

Of course, the reason why Jiang Chen chose to tell Sleeping Beauty the cultivation formula at this time was not because Sleeping Beauty became a woman in his true sense, but because Sleeping Beauty had completely opened her heart in front of him.

If he wanted to get Sleeping Beauty's body, Jiang Chen had plenty of opportunities, so he didn't need to wait until now. What he wanted was that Sleeping Beauty fell in love with him completely, and what he wanted was Sleeping Beauty's heart.

Jiang Chen once treated Sleeping Beauty with silver needles, but that was only a temporary solution, not the root cause, and this practice method is a real cure for the root cause.

As long as Sleeping Beauty perseveres in her practice, it won't take long for Sleeping Beauty to experience earth-shaking changes!

"Can you tell me what's different?" Sleeping Beauty asked after hesitating.

All along, she was tortured by the serious illness, and she was in pain, no, it was worse than death, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen told her today that she was not sick.

This really made Sleeping Beauty too curious, and she couldn't help being curious.

"Have you ever heard of cultivation?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Cultivation?" The pupils shrank suddenly, and the Sleeping Beauty exclaimed, "Jiang Chen, what do you mean, what you gave me just now is a cultivation formula?"

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Is there really a cultivator on the earth?" Sleeping Beauty asked immediately, her breathing became more rapid without her noticing it.

"Oh, you know about cultivation?" Jiang Chen was also slightly surprised.

"I don't know, I've heard of it." Sleeping Beauty shook her head, and then continued, "Jiang Chen, don't you understand until now that the practice of ancient martial arts is actually a simplified version of cultivation, or an introduction to cultivation?"

"Introduction to comprehension?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment. It was indeed the first time he had heard such a statement, but soon, Jiang Chen's expression also changed.

The practice of ancient martial arts is an introduction to cultivation, and his current body tempering is also an introduction to cultivation... Body tempering and ancient martial arts seem to be different, but in fact, they are both the ultimate tempering of the body. In essence, they are the same goal through different routes.

"Then why, I've never heard of the existence of cultivators on Earth?" Frowning, Jiang Chen quickly asked.

"I don't know, and I've never heard of it. As for the cultivation of ancient martial arts, it's an introduction to cultivation, and it's just a rumor. Whether it's true or not, it's hard to be sure." Sleeping Beauty said in a daze, her eyes still fell on Jiang Chen He said softly, "Jiang Chen, you are not an ancient martial arts cultivator, but a true cultivator, right?"

"I didn't say that." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Sleeping Beauty's eyes flickered for a moment, without further questioning, she suddenly said solemnly: "Jiang Chen, thank you."

As for thanking Jiang Chen, Sleeping Beauty didn't say much, she knew it well, Jiang Chen knew it, and that was enough.

Because Sleeping Beauty realized that if Jiang Chen was not an ancient martial arts cultivator, but a cultivator, then Jiang Chen had revealed the biggest secret in front of her.

This finally made Sleeping Beauty understand why Jiang Chen always said something vague before, it was because Jiang Chen didn't trust her.

Now, she is Jiang Chen's woman, she has fallen in love with him, and everything about her belongs to him, so Jiang Chen no longer holds back anything in front of her!

"Sleeping Beauty, thanking me like this is too dishonest." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

Sleeping Beauty smiled sweetly, stretched her jade arms, hooked Jiang Chen's neck, squeezed her soft body into Jiang Chen's embrace, offered her own sweet kiss, and said, "How about this?"

"Full of sincerity." Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation and pressed the Sleeping Beauty on the big bed, and the clothes peeled off one by one, and the big bed soon began to shake again.

After much tossing, Jiang Chen was not able to leave the hotel until two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Young Master Jiang, what a coincidence, we meet again." Jiang Chen had just walked out of the hotel gate, when a voice of greeting rang in his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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