genius evil

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a rich face and a pleasant smile. It was none other than Fang Tongjun who paid for him in the East China Sea Dragon Palace yesterday.

"I have a bad memory, don't lie to me, have we met?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Jiang Shao was joking." Fang Tongjun only thought that Jiang Chen was joking, and his smile was reserved and polite.

"Sorry, I really forgot." Jiang Chen pretended to be serious and said.

"Let me introduce myself, I, Fang Tongjun, come from the capital." Seeing Jiang Chen speak so seriously, Fang Tongjun doubted whether Jiang Chen's words were true or not.

After a moment of hesitation, Fang Tongjun introduced himself, and then extended his hand.

Jiang Chen had no intention of shaking hands with Fang Tongjun, so he said lightly, "Actually, you should understand that I have no interest in your name or where you come from."

"Understood, what Jiang Shao is interested in is probably my purpose." Fang Tongjun nodded.

"He's a smart man." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

If it was a coincidence that they met yesterday in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, then Jiang Chen would not consider it as simple as a coincidence to meet again here.

Obviously, Tongjun here deliberately blocked him here.

As for what Fang Tongjun's purpose was, Jiang Chen was lazy to guess.Fang Tongjun said what he wanted to say, and got out if he didn't.

"Fang came to Yilan City this time, and he came with the owner of the Qian family. What he had to do was to go through the needles. I never thought that before I had time to visit you, Jiang Shao, I met yesterday." Fang Tongjun said truthfully. .

"Patriarch Qian... Did the Qian family ask you to give me money?" Jiang Chen grinned.

"Patriarch Qian is in Yilan City right now. I think it would be more appropriate for you, Young Master Jiang, to go over and talk about money in person," Fang Tongjun said.

"Is that Patriarch Qian you're talking about ugly?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

Hearing the sound, Fang Tongjun was stunned for a moment, not quite able to understand how Jiang Chen would say such words.

"If it's not ugly, why do you have to go through the needles? He wants to see me. Doesn't he have long legs?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Young Master Jiang, Patriarch Qian's identity is extraordinary." Fang Tongjun said hastily.

"Hey, in this way, my identity, Jiang Chen, must be very ordinary." Jiang Chen left these words, and walked out swaggeringly.

"Jiang Shao." Fang Tongjun hastily called Jiang Chen to stop.

"Fang Tongjun, please tell Patriarch Qian that I can go to see him. However, if I come to see a doctor, the consultation fee will be doubled. If he can afford the starting price, I will I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Half an hour later, Fang Tongjun saw Qian Banshan and Qian Fugui in a villa in Yilan City.

"Did anyone come?" Seeing that Fang Tongjun came alone, Qian Banshan smiled amusedly.

"Jiang Chen said that he can come, but there is one condition." Fang Tongjun smiled wryly.

"What's the condition, let's hear it." Qian Banshan said with interest.

"Double the consultation fee," Fang Tongjun said.

"Huh?" Qian Banshan frowned suddenly.

Double the consultation fee?
Because Fang Tongjun didn't know how much the consultation fee was, he didn't have much emotion, but when he heard these words, Qian Banshan and Qian Fugui's father and son felt very different.

Jiang Chen had proposed earlier that half of the Qian family would be used as the consultation fee, and double the consultation fee meant that he wanted the entire Qian family!

This kind of lion's behavior of opening his mouth, even Qian Banshan, who has experienced countless ups and downs, is a little bit out of control.

"That guy, is he going to ask for money or die?" Qian Fugui said with a cold snort.

Half of the money family is already too much.

This is good, if you want the whole Qian family, dare to ask, is there anything more excessive than this in this world?
Money, wealth and honor are hard to imagine, why is Jiang Chen so thick-skinned, how dare he open his mouth?

Or is it that Jiang Chen doesn't know at all what the whole Qian family is?
If it is a middle-class family, if half of the property is calculated as 100 million, the total property is only 100 million...that is, a very simple change in numbers.

But it was absolutely not about the Qian family.

Half of the Qian family is already enough to make Jiang Chen the youngest rich man in the country in one fell swoop. The entire Qian family, is Jiang Chen going to use the money to buy an aircraft carrier or what?

"If you want money but not life, you must have this qualification." Qian Banshan said while pondering.

"Dad, what do you mean?" Qian Fugui asked.

"Since he doesn't want to come to see me, then I'll go to see him. This man has already come to Yilan City, why bother to be hypocritical?" Qian Banshan said lightly.

Qian Fugui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, thinking that if you are not hypocritical, what are you?
If he was really not hypocritical, he would have met Jiang Chen long ago at this time, but it was so unnecessary to let Fang Tongjun lead the way, which directly caused Jiang Chen to intensify.

However, Qian Banshan's willingness to take the initiative to meet Jiang Chen also made Qian Fugui heaved a sigh of relief. Otherwise, the entire Qian family would be given to Jiang Chen. As the youngest of the Qian family, wouldn't he be reduced to a beggar?


Around six o'clock in the afternoon.

A Lincoln slowly stopped in front of Sister Lan's Hotel, the door opened, Qian Fugui got out of the car first, and then Qian Banshan got out of the car from the back seat.

"Fugui, you mean, Jiang Chen often eats at this restaurant?" Qian Banshan asked suspiciously when he raised his head, glanced at the signboard of Sister Lan's restaurant, and then at the situation inside Sister Lan's restaurant.

Sister Lan Restaurant is just a small store with a few tables inside. Although the environment is very clean, Qian Banshan is still a bit hard to imagine what it would be like for Jiang Chen to eat here often.

"It's here." Qian Fugui nodded, stretched out his hand, and pointed to the interior of the restaurant. A young man who was eating said, "That's Jiang Chen."

"Go, go in." Qian Banshan waved his hand and walked into the restaurant first.

"You two, what do you want to eat?" Sister Lan came over with the menu and asked.

Seeing Sister Lan at a glance, Qian Banshan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly realized why Jiang Chen often ate here.

It has nothing to do with the eating environment, but, there is a beautiful boss lady here.

"Just stir-fry a few dishes." Qian Banshan said.

"Whatever?" Sister Lan was a little surprised. She had been running a restaurant for so long, but she had never seen anyone order like this.

"How about this, stir-fry some of the most expensive dishes." Qian Fugui added, his eyes also fell on Sister Lan, and it was hard to move away for a long time.

"Okay." Since the customer ordered like this, Sister Lan naturally had no choice but to be satisfied, and turned to enter the kitchen.

Qian Banshan just sat down, and as soon as he sat down, Qian Banshan saw a smiling face.

It was a smiling, harmless face, a bit tired and even more cunning.

"You really look pretty ugly." Jiang Chen said lazily after looking at Qian Banshan a few times.

"Ugly?" Qian Banshan was stunned for a while, he was not very good-looking, but he couldn't be hooked with ugliness no matter what?

What's more, he is already an old man, what does it matter if he is good-looking or ugly?What does Jiang Chen mean by this?
"You know me?" After being stunned, Qian Banshan asked.

Jiang Chen pointed at Qian Fugui and said, "My eyes are not blind."

"Then you should know why I came here." Qian Banshan said directly.

"I know, you're here to give money... It's a bit beyond my expectation to have the money ready so soon." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

At the end, Jiang Chen stretched out a hand and said, "Is it cash or a check? Or, is it real estate? If it's real estate, you should have brought the property transfer documents."

"I didn't bring any money." Qian Banshan said deeply.

Jiang Chen's complexion suddenly sank, Qian Fugui saw this and said, "Jiang Chen, if you want half of Qian's family, it's not realistic at all. Since my father came to Yilan City in person, how sincere are you? Chu, how about this, as long as it's not too much, you can make any price, and our Qian family will definitely satisfy you."

"How much should the price not be excessive?" Jiang Chen asked with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Nine digits, the number in front, from one to nine, whatever you want." Qian Fugui said.

"The lives of your Qian family seem to be really worthless." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"Jiang Chen, what use is it to you if you want so much money? It's enough to spend enough money, isn't it?" Qian Fugui persuaded, then he glanced at Qian Banshan and said, "What is my father's identity? It's clear, he can come to see you in person, it's enough to give you face."

"Having said so much, you just want to tell me that your Qian family wants money rather than life." Jiang Chen curled his lips and said.

Qian Fugui was stunned for a moment, why did this sound so awkward?

What does it mean that the Qian family wants money but not life? The problem is that the money belongs to the Qian family, right?
No, it should be Jiang Chen who wants money rather than life. How much does Jiang Chen mean by biting back like this?
"You don't even like nine figures? Young people have such a big appetite." He said in a deep voice a while ago.

"As for me, I can eat a whole pot of food, so I don't need to say much about my appetite." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Does it make sense to you to ask for so much money? You need to understand that so much money is just a number." Qian Banshan said.

"Since you think it's just a number, you can give me all of the Qian family." Jiang Chen laughed. He likes when someone pretends to be like this in front of him, because he can make the other party act like this in a matter of minutes. idiot.

"That's impossible." Taking a deep breath and suppressing the anger in his heart, Qian Banshan said.

"Then you just wait to die." Jiang Chen smiled, and said with a half-smile: "People with half of their feet buried in the soil, it's best not to run around."

His face changed, Qian Banshan said: "You are really sure to cure my illness."

"It's nothing more than a question of money." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Half the money family, even I can't make the decision, but if you insist on so much money, we can change the transaction method, for example, I will help you make money." After a short silence, Qian Banshan eased Said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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